Is Referral Pay a Scam?

Is Referral Pay a scam that you should avoid? This review will expose everything that’s wrong with this program, 

If making $500 a day for completing simple tasks, surveys and inviting more people into the system sounds a bit too far fetched, then congratulations because you’re right, it’s NOT legit.

Here’s the thing, I’ve got good and bad news. The good news is that the likelihood of you getting scammed out of your money with Referral Pay is very low.

The bad news is that they are after your personal data, like email, name, phone number, etc.

If you’ve already registered with your main email, then expect to receive some spammy messages from different addresses. 

Let me show everything about Referral Pay, including some tips on how to spot similar scams before you give out anything up front.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Referral Pay Review Summary

Product Name: Referral Pay

Product Type: Make Money Online Platform

Product Creator: Unknown

Product Price: Free

Recommended: No!

Overall Score: 0/100

Summary: Referral Pay is one of many data harvesting scams that exist out there with the sole purpose of gathering as much personal data as they can so that they can sell it to interested organizations.

There are too many of these online scams, and all of them have a lot of similarities, such as the irresistible bonus of $25 just for signing up.

Once inside, you will have to invest some time in completing different tasks, and inviting more people into this system until you reach a certain threshold.

Once you complete all the requirements to make a withdrawal, when you try to cash out, you will be greeted with a message saying that your payout is terminated for breach of their privacy policy or something of that nature.

That’s not something that happens to one or two people.

It happens to EVERYONE that gets involved with Referral Pay and all the other similar data harvesting scams.

Don’t waste your time, by getting involved with this scam system.

What Is Referral Pay?

Referral Pay presents itself as this website where you can make fast money, by completing easy tasks such as doing surveys, downloading apps, inviting more people, etc.

According to their sales page, they are the #1 Influencer Network out there.

The setup looks incredibly familiar, and that’s because I’ve seen some of the other data harvesting scams out there such as InfluencersEarn, Tap 2 Earn, PaidLeaf, and InfluencersCash.

All of these have a bunch of things in common such as offering you the same $25 sing up bonus, and in some instances, they even use the same fake testimonials across multiple websites.

Anyone can easily pay for a spokesperson on Fiverr, that will say whatever you tell them to for up to a minute. 

Just like all the other data harvesting scams that I mentioned above, Referral Pay will “reward” you with a lot of money just for getting others into the system.

You will get your unique referral link and then be encouraged to share it over social media so that others can get scammed as well.

These websites become viral because everyone that joins will invite a bunch of other people, and so on down the line.

It can take you weeks until you realize that this is all fake, and by the time that happens who knows how many other people you will invite. 

Is Referral Pay a Scam?

referral pay legit or not

Yes, Referral Pay is a scam that’s out to get your personal data and sell it to advertisers. These types of scams focus on people’s inner greed in order to build massive email lists and then sell them on the market. 

Here’s a PRO tip to remember when it comes to similar websites. If it sounds too good to be true, then it is. There are the occasional exceptions, of course, but this applies to MOST overpromising platforms out there.

Let me put it this way. How much does the average website for completing surveys and inviting others pay? The answer is, no more than a couple of bucks AT BEST.

In most cases, it’s even lower than that. These are companies like SwagBucks, InboxDollars, etc. This is what the average payout for a LEGIT survey based website is, and anything more than that should have you instantly question the credibility of this website.

I’m only saying this because there are FAR MORE SCAMS out there than legit products and services that can actually help you make money online.

In other words, my advice would be to always do your research prior to investing time, money, or both into anything related to this industry, especially if it sounds exaggerated and too good to be true. 

Who Created Referral Pay?

Apparently, Referral Pay was created by its parent company called Zindex. I’ve already stumbled on the name Zindex before in yet another data harvesting scam called Viral Points, which is basically a rehashed version of this one.

The thing is that there is absolutely no digital footprint of a company that goes by that name, which is kind of weird considering the fact that it is about making money online after all. 

Because of this, and everything else that’s wrong with Referral Pay, I strongly doubt that a company called Zindex even exists, but hey, maybe it’s just me.

According to their website, the way that this program is able to pay that much to people is by all the ad revenue that they are generating.

The funny thing is that if you go and browse their website, you will quickly find out that there isn’t a single ad being displayed anywhere.

They claim that the website was founded back in 2015 and since then they have paid out over $68 Million to its users.

A quick search on whois showed me that the Referral Pay website was actually created in May 2019. creation date according to

What a shocker, they lied again.

What’s Inside Referral Pay?

Once you’re inside Referral Pay, you will come across a bunch of different things that you can do to earn rewards and get money into your account. The important thing to remember is that in order to cash out, you have to fulfill the following requirements.

1. Get at Least 20 Link Clicks
. Link clicks count as someone clicking on your invite links and arriving at the Referral Pay website.

2. Get At Least 5 People To Sign up
. This doesn’t sound too hard. Imagine receiving a message from a close friend saying that you can earn $25 just for signing up without having to invest anything. What’s the worst that can happen, right?

3. Complete At Least 4 Tasks On The Taskwall
. These tasks can include different things such as filling out surveys, playing online games, and downloading apps.

In some instances, people might get asked to give out their phone number to optin for regular marketing messages.

The catch here is that YOU will be paying for those messages that you receive, which can add up over time, and if you’re not quick to unsubscribe from these messaging services (which can be a headache by itself) you can lose money.

The best thing to do is to NOT give out your phone number in the first place.

Just for that extra credibility, you can see that they have a sign that says they work with famous brands.

brands that work with referral pay its fake

I’m 100% sure that it’s just not true. After everything that I’ve exposed, how can anyone believe a single thing about Referral Pay?

Referral Pay Price, Extra Costs & Payouts

Referral Pay is free to join and they even claim to give you a $25 sign up bonus. On top of that, you can earn $10 for inviting others to join into the system, $2 for each person that lands on the website by clicking on your links, and up to $30 for various other different tasks on the TaskWall. 

There are no upsells to this program but you should be careful with giving out your personal details such as your credit card or phone number because they can quickly scam you out of your money.

No matter how compelling the offer may seem, it’s important to remember that it’s just a big scam.

The payouts are just not being delivered to anyone.

There isn’t a single person that has managed to cash out their earnings, and all the fake testimonials inside, are there only to bring credibility so that more people can sign up without truly realizing what they’re getting themselves into.

What I Like About Referral Pay

is referral pay a scam pros vs cons

1. The only thing that I like about this website is that it’s no longer active.

They’ve hut down the entire operation, but I hardly doubt that it’s the last data harvesting website that we will see on the internet.

What I Don’t Like About Referral Pay

1. No One Gets Paid. No matter how many hours, days, and weeks you put into this website, and even if you fulfill all the necessary requirements to cash out, you will still not get paid by them. The fake payment structure is in there just so that it can lure more people into giving out their personal details.

2. It’s a Big Data Harvesting Scam
. Referral Pay is going to take your personal data, add it to their big list, and then sell it to different advertisers for profit.

People are willing to pay good money for big email lists so that they can promote relevant products, and even though it’s illegal to send out emails to people who haven’t subscribed to receive them, that won’t stop some shady spammers, to try and squeeze you out of your money.

3. Fake Testimonials.
All of the screenshots on their website filled with testimonials, are made up and not real.

This is a common thing with similar scams because they will do whatever it takes to make you believe that they’re reliable and trustworthy.

If you take a look at their other scam website called Viral Market, you will see that the testimonials with Referral Pay are identical to one another, which leads me to believe that they are also fake.

4. Fake Claims. They say that they are the world’s #1 Influencer Network, but if you take a look at their social channels you will see that they have a very low number of followers on platforms like Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is that you don’t waste your time on things that promise you fast, easy money because almost all of them are either low quality, hyped up products/services, or complete scams that straight-up lie about everything just like Referral Pay.

Making a consistent, full-time income online requires time, patience, and effort. With that in mind, you should know that even though there are many scam websites out there, some are actually helpful and rewarding.

If you want to learn a REAL way of generating passive income online leveraging search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo, then you should check out how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many neglect and lose out on that opportunity forever.

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