5K Formula System Review

Welcome to my 5k Formula System Review. Can you really make up to $5,000 for free on 100% autopilot, and can you trust the wild claims inside this program? 

The truth is that the sales page was designed with a specific target audience in mind. People who are inexperienced in making money online.

How do I know this?

Because, I’ve reviewed hundreds of digital products that have similar claims of fast wealth and riches, and all of them have one single thing in common.

They are 100% beginner-friendly because almost all of their client base consists of people who are new to the make money online industry.

Any seasoned digital marketer that has stumbled on these types of products before, knows what it really takes to make it, so programs like 5k Formula System won’t really work on them.

There is no shortcut to creating a sustainable online income stream. It all comes down to time, money, and consistent effort. 

The effort to find out what works best for you and what doesn’t.

Programs like this one can help along the way by taking care of some things but it usually is at the expense of delivering high-quality content.

Which is why, by the time you go through this review you will know exactly what you’re getting yourself into, and will be able to make an educated decision based on that.

Let me show you what the owner of 5K Formula System does not want people to know…

5K Formula System Review Summary

Product Name: 5K Formula System

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training With Done For You Components

Product Owner: Mathew Neer

Product Price: $19.99 + Upsells

Recommended: No!

Overall Score: 45/100

Summary: The 5K Formula System consists of Done For You (DFY) squeeze pages to gather people’s emails, thank you pages, and a few pre-made emails to sent out to your new list.

In other words, you can get access to your very own sales funnel that’s designed to convert people into customers of this very same program that you will be using. 

This means that you will pay to have the chance of promoting 5K Formula System to others and earn commissions from that.

On top of that, you will get some traffic training that will show you how to drive more online visitors to all of these DFY pages that you will get access to.

The truth is that this will not make you rich overnight.

There’s a lot of trial and error that you will have to go through, especially if you’re new to making money online, and no amount of automation or high-quality training can help you skip that step.

It can serve as guidance, sure, but in the end, it’s entirely up to you if you’re going to be successful or not.

The most important thing that you need to know about this program is that you should expect to spend money on paid traffic (visitors) sources.

This can add up over time, and this business model is not sustainable or something that you can have control of because as soon as they shut down, all of your effort that you will potentially put into your online business will disappear.

Digital products and services like this one, fail a lot of the time. The only truly sustainable platforms that you can rely on for long term profits are those that have been around for some time now.

5K Formula System is not one of those, so for that and many other reasons that I will go through today, I can’t recommend this product as a reliable, and high-quality way of earning income online.

What is 5K Formula System?

5K Formula System is a combination of done for you landing pages and traffic generation training.

The main focus of this program is email marketing, which is why you will get a lot of pre-made email letters, that you can send out for maximum conversion rates.

These DFY affiliate systems are not new. A few examples of similar programs include Covert Commissions, CB Profit Sites, and Passive Profit Pages.

Email marketing has been around since the beginning of the internet and is still a really good way to do affiliate marketing. There are people out there who are making all of their income through email marketing alone. 

First off, you will need to make an account over at GetResponse, which is where you will be conducting all of your email marketing. Then you have to join ClickBank and connect your account with 5K Formula System’s DFY pages so that you can earn affiliate commissions.

Then, you have to send traffic to these pages, and you’re all set.

When someone lands on your page, they will have two options. Leave, or give out their emails in exchange for something.

It should be something enticing, that will basically bribe people into giving you those leads.

You don’t have to worry about all of that because these pages are already done for you.

Keep in mind that everything inside this program is made in a way that promotes itself, so you will need to look for traffic that is interested in the making money online industry.

Is 5K Formula System a Scam?

5k formula system review legit or not

5K Formula System is not a scam, and you will get something for your money.

Having said that I do think that their sales page is misleading and can trick people into thinking that this is something it’s not.

Luckily, it’s not expensive to purchase this system but that does not justify all the misleading hype.

If you’re looking for a way to quickly get started with making money online and bypass all the time that it takes to create a high quality and well-converting landing page, then you can take advantage of all the pre-build ones inside the 5K Formula System.

Just like anything else in life that’s worth having, it won’t be as easy to generate sales as you might think, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing.

You’re also at risk of losing a lot of money upfront because the only way to drive traffic with this particular system is by running paid ads and paying for your traffic.

Are You Interested In Building a Long-Lasting Sustainable Passive Online Income Stream?

If so, then 5K Formula System is not for you. You can’t really get any free traffic from search engines, with this system because it’s not designed in such a way. Instead, it’s a pay to win structure where you will have to constantly throw money for traffic and hope for the best. 

If you’re a beginner, then this might sound a bit intimidating to you. Luckily, we live in a digital age with many different opportunities, you just have to find the right one.

With that in mind, you should know that even though you won’t be paying for your own domain, because you won’t have one if you want to be earning long term, and explore some free traffic opportunities then you might reconsider having your own website. 

This can give you that advantage over others, and increase your overall earnings potential significantly.

If that sounds interesting, then you have to see my recommendation…

Who Created 5K Formula System?

5K Formula System was created by Mathew Neer. He is a serial digital product creator, and all of his creations share the same thing in common. The wild claims of fast and easy money.

Apparently, he is known for his popular marketing tactics, and he really likes to implement scarcity and other emotional triggers that can get people into taking action. 

On the good side of things, Mathew Neer is a well know person on the internet, and most importantly, he is a REAL person. It’s not some fake persona made just for the sake of delivering credibility. 

What’s Inside 5K Formula System

5k formula system review inside

Once inside 5K Formula System you will be presented with a bunch of different things that you can explore. Let’s do a breakdown of everything that’s inside this system now.

Quick Start Guide

This quick start guide will help you navigate inside the platform, and by going through all of the steps inside the guide, you will be able to set up everything needed to launch your successful campaigns and earn profits from that. You will get 6 short videos that outline the following things:

– Add New Accounts
. This is a 7-minute long video that shows you how to successfully set up a GetResponse and ClickBank account. You will see how to integrate them with 5K Formula System.

– Landing Page Integration
. This is a 13-minute long video showing you how to connect your autoresponder with your landing page so that you can collect people’s emails and build yourself a list of subscribers.

– Create Your Affiliate Links
. You will have to use your ClickBank ID to create an affiliate link and insert it into your sales pages. That’s the only way to earn commissions with this system.

– ClickTracking. You will be shown how to track your links to see where people are clicking more. This is done so that you can increase your ROI (Return On Investment). You will have to invest in a click tracking software called ClickMagick which starts at $17 per month.

– Traffic Training. This is a 5-minute video that introduces you to solo ads and shows you how to use them to drive traffic to your landing pages.

– Summarize
. This is a 30-minute long video that summarizes everything learned so far and shows you how to successfully implement it for yourself.

Traffic Generation Training

Once you setup everything, the next step is to drive traffic to your landing pages. You can familiarize yourself with the traffic generation training inside the 5K Formula System. The training is divided into 5 sections with up to a couple of videos in each one. 

– 30k Foot Overview
. This is a 15-minute video that shows you the steps that you should have taken by now to set up and prepare your pages plus everything that you’re about to learn.

– Free Traffic
. This is a 6-minute video that goes on about the basics of using safelist websites for free traffic generation.

You will be given 12 different websites to explore, then you will get invited to an hour-long webinar that goes deep into explaining everything about safelist websites.

– Solo Ads. A 12-minute video that outlines all the basics of solo ads and you will get access to all of the top solo ad providers out there.

– Traffic Trades. This is a 6-minute video that explains how to exchange clicks from email traffic by collaborating with other internet marketers on places like Safe Swaps. 

– Classified Ads.
Within this 7 minute video, you will get to know the ins and outs of classified ads and how to run them successfully. 

Consider this. Most if not all of the training videos inside cover the basics of each topic, which means that the information being covered inside can be found easily for free on platforms like Youtube.

DFY Email Campaigns

Here, you will get access to 60 pre-written emails that promote 5K Formula System, and a 6-minute video showing you how to set up an email campaign with GetResponse using these email swipes.

It’s a set it and forget it sort of thing, and once you set up all of the emails, everything else becomes automated, and every new email that you will get can now automatically receive these emails over a certain period of time.


Here are some of the bonus videos that you will get alongside everything else.

– Entrepreneur Success Secrets (30 Minutes Long)

– Framing The Perfect Customer (22 Minutes Long)

– How To Create The Perfect Ad (30 Minutes Long)

– Squeeze Page Secrets (37 Minutes Long)
On top of that, you will get some book suggestions to read about life and business. These are the books that have helped Mathew Neer succeed in life, and change his financial position for the better.

5K Formula System Price, Upsells & Refunds

5K Formula System comes with a price tag of $19.99 however, you will not unlock everything that’s available with only that payment.

There numerous upsells inside this system that you can get access to only by paying more money. Let’s do a breakdown of each one, to see what they’re all about.

Upsell #1 – DFY Pages ($47)

This part will give you access to 12 different pre-built landing pages, designed to capture people’s emails. Alongside all of that, you will get a 9-minute long video that shows you how to set up your pages. 

Upsell #2 – Webinars ($97)

This includes 15+ webinars that are at least one hour long each. They are all focused on showing you all these advanced tactics and strategies to successfully promote high ticket products for larger profits.

Furthermore, you will learn more about traffic generation, increasing conversion rates, persuasion methods, sales copy tactics, blogging, SEO, and more.

Upsell #3 – Licence To Resell ($495)

This upsell will let you promote and resell 5K Formula System as your own, which means that you will get to keep 100% of the profits instead of just keeping half of that as an affiliate.

Keep in mind that most likely this license to resell only applies for the front end product, which means that you won’t be profiting out of the upsells and they are the most expensive things inside this system.

In my opinion, the front end price is relatively low, so that it doesn’t scare customers away, because once you’ve invested, it is more likely that you will do it again by taking advantage of all these upsells that can up your game.

Upsell #4 – Proffit Pumping Traffic Stream ($19.95/Month)

This is an upsell that you get access to at the checkout area, and it comes with a monthly billing cycle.

checkout upsells of 5k formula system

Upsell #5 – Boost My Profit Potential ($14.95)

This will add you to their faster servers, which means that you will get priority over your speed performance and loading time of your landing pages.

This product is being sold on the ClickBank marketplace which means that it automatically comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Find out how to get a refund with ClickBank here.

What I Like About 5K Formula System

5k formula system review pros vs cons

1. You Can Learn Something. Even though you can find most of the info for free online, there are some things inside that are worth knowing and they can definitely help beginners.

2. Money-Back Guarantee.
This gives you a safer feeling that you can always get your money back if you’re dissatisfied with your product purchase.

3. Easy To Setup
. You can easily set up everything needed to launch a successful online campaign, and you will get access to some pre-built pages, making it even easier to start.

4. No Domain & Hosting Expenses
. Even though these are pretty cheap, you still don’t have to worry about them because all of your landing pages will be hosted on their servers.

What I Don’t Like About 5K Formula System

1. Low-Quality Training. The training inside consists of short introductive videos about each topic.

They don’t go in detail about anything, which means that they leave out a lot of incredibly valuable information that every beginner should know about in the first place.

The free traffic training consists of setting up Google alerts so that you know when to send emails to your safelist, which is pretty much useless information at this point.

Not only is this not helpful for generating free traffic, but it’s also one of the things that people talk about for free on Youtube.

2. You Pay To Promote The System
. The only way of being able to make money online with this program is by promoting it to others.

This basically means that you’re paying your way into a system that only then will let you promote it to others.

Sounds to me like the owner is only interested in making himself rich, rather than how useful his training program and product really are.

3. No Community Access. There is no member’s area or even a Facebook group that’s filled with other members which can be a big disadvantage.

One of the important things is being able to network with other successful people who are where you want to be.

This can give you the chance to increase the likelihood of your success.

Unfortunately, with this system, there is no community.

4. You Don’t Have Control Over Your Business. The price that you have to pay for these DFY pages is that you won’t have any control over your own online business.

In the event that this product and it’s services shut down, you will lose all access to your pages. On the upside, you will get to keep all of the emails that you’ve managed to collect if any.

5. Way Too Hyped Up
. The sales video starts you off with these wildly unrealistic goals, that can hardly be achieved by leveraging 5K Formula System. Not only that it’s way too exaggerated but it’s misleading as well.

6. Too Many Upsells. There are many restrictions within this system that require that you buy an upsell or two to get them lifted.

If you want to take full advantage of everything inside this system then you will have to invest way more than $19.99 which is not really disclosed on their sales page.

My Recommendation

If you’re up for investing up to a few hundred monthly for some period of time until you start getting a return on your investments, on your paid ads, and prefer to have a bunch of poor quality landing pages pre-built for you, then go for it.

It may or may not work.

If not, then I suggest that you don’t waste your time with 5K Formula System because the only one who can actually make that kind of money is the owner of this product and no one else.

With that in mind, I do believe that the methods taught inside are legit, and can be profitable considering that you approach everything the right way, which is not what’s happening inside this system. 

Nevertheless, it is possible to create a long-lasting, sustainable passive online income stream, with free traffic.

If that sounds interesting then you should check out how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many neglect and lose out on that opportunity forever.

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