What is InfluencerCash.co About? [Scam or Legit?]

Can you really make $200 a day by filling out simple surveys and downloading apps? Is it just a scam or is this a legitimate opportunity? Let’s find out exactly what is InfluencerCash.co about. This review will show you everything you need to know about this product and its services. 

Online Succes can come in many different forms, that’s why it’s important to do the research and find YOUR way before investing time or money into something.

Before we continue, you should know that one of the ways that you can earn with InfluencerCash is by promoting it to other people. That’s why I want to be completely transparent with you and let you know that I’m not associated or affiliated with InfluencerCash in any way and form whatsoever.

Unlike some reviews out there, this one is not trying to pitch or sell anything to you. In other words, within the next few minutes, you will find out everything about InfluencerCash and will learn one hidden ugly truth about these types of influencer network websites that may get you to reconsider registering.

InfluencerCash Review Summary

Product Name: InfluencerCash

Website: InfluencerCash.co

Product Owner: Unknown

Product Type: Make Money Online Program

Price: Free

Recommended: No!

Overall Score: 9/100

Summary: According to InfluencerCash, you can earn money with them using social media to attract people to join by sharing your links or by completing simple tasks, surveys, and downloading apps.

Apparently, by completing all these different jobs, you can start earning up to $200 a day easily. The truth, however, is that InfluencerCash does not and will not pay you for the work you do for them.

Why would they do that, you ask? That’s an easy one, it’s because companies and websites such as this one are data harvesters and their primary goal is to gather as many emails, names, and other personal info as they can possibly get.

Then, they sell that data to 3rd parties and other organizations for profit. Most users have one common problem with InfluencerCash and that’s the fact that they just don’t pay you.

They come up with absurd excuses that are being delivered via your inbox inside the member’s dashboard saying things such as “you’ve violated our general rules and are now unable to claim your money” or something similar. Don’t just take my word for it, I’ve got proof that reveals their hidden secret.

Quick Navigation

What is InfluencerCash?InfluencerCash Pros & Cons
Who Created InfluencerCash?What Is Data Harvest?
Is InfluencerCash a Scam?What Is Everyone Saying About InfluencerCash?
How Does InfluencerCash Work?Who Can Benefit From InfluencerCash?
What’s Inside InfluencerCash?If Not InfluencerCash Then What?
InfluencerCash Payouts & RewardsMy Recommendation

What is InfluencerCash About?

If at any point between your interaction with InfluencerCash and right now, you asked yourself something similar to “does this sound too good to be true?” You should pat yourself on the back because these suspicions are true and here’s why.

Their website, influencercash.co is built in a way that it can be really difficult to not give out your details and joint just because it seems so great and all
. When you see something like $25 just for signing up, that’s when your SCAM ALERT should start beeping.

InfluencerCash is all about rewarding you with a lot of money for simple tasks such as inviting other people to become part of the network and downloading applications on your phone. You can also choose to complete different surveys and answer questions.

The payout is really big compared to EVERY OTHER survey website that’s out there. You will even get paid for CLICKS that lead people to their website
. It’s so ridiculous that it blows my mind.

Once you get inside the platform, they start applying these requirements that you need to fulfill in order to get your payment and each request is revolving around signing up to more offers and websites. It goes on and on until, you finally realize, that these guys were never actually going to pay you anything in the first place.

Who Created InfluencerCash?

Another big alert pointing towards the fact that something is seriously not right with InfluencerCash is the fact that you can’t find anything about the owners of this website. Usually, it’s pretty easy to find out the brains behind every organization especially when they have an online presence because of two main reasons:

1. It Builds Credibility. Leaving a face and a REAL person behind every brand is really important for credibility because by showing your face, people will naturally be more inclined to trust you and your work. Let’s face it, in most cases, only digital products with low quality have no actual owners with zero info about them. 

2. Stand Behind Your Work. If you’ve spent a lot of time and effort in building up to something from the ground up and represent it to be something that is of high quality and is helping people from all over the world, wouldn’t you want to stand behind it? Of course, this won’t necessarily apply to everyone, however, for me, it sounds just about right.

There’s absolutely no info that can be found online about the founder/s of InfluencerCash and who they are. After looking far and wide, I can say that they have done a very good job of ensuring that they don’t have any presence on the world wide web.

Is InfluencerCash a Scam?

is influencercash a scam
Yes, InfluencerCash is a scam. They promise you a lot of money for completing simple tasks online, but they will never pay you.

So far, there have been many negative reviews and opinions about InfluencerCash.co and they all emphasize on the fact that they don’t pay.

Some people spend a fair amount of time inside their website, playing around, complete tasks, and fulfilling requirements. When they get to a point where they felt comfortable to cash out their earnings, there is always a virtual barrier stopping them.

It took different forms and was delivered via a different messaging system. But the general message was the same every time and it stated that “you will not get paid” which is why I think that more people should know about this.

So that they don’t end up wasting hours on something only to end up being frustrated in the end. It’s something that no one want’s to deal with.

To further back up my claim that InfluencerCash is a scam, I would like to point out the fact that their “payment proof” page is filled with fake messages. It’s really funny because I took a closer look at one of their payment proof messages from a satisfied user.

On there it says that the payment was made on the 13th of September 2018. Upon digging even further, by going at this website called Whois, I can see the websites DATE of creation and the numbers don’t seem to add up.

influencercash domain lookup on whois
How can they be paying people since 2018 but have their website up and running only since April 2019?

Fake testimonies are another concern when it comes to InfluencerCash. Their website is filled with them.

I’ve seen the people that they are using do describe how generous InfluencerCash is on so many other scam websites that are similar to this one. Save yourself a big headache and just don’t sign up with them.

How Does InfluencerCash Work Exactly?

The way that InfluencerCash works is by luring you in with their shiny promises of fast and easy money, you don’t pay with anything except your email and name.

Once they have it, they will try to get you to give out more information about yourself including your credit card info (if you end up subscribing for a monthly service for one of their sponsors, for example), and then sell that information to different advertising companies.

All they’re after is getting your and everyone else’s data just so that they can sell it later. Big email lists are expensive and can be sold for a large profit to the right people.

Can you imagine how popular can similar programs such as InfluencerCash become because of their referral and invite to earn system, everyone will start sharing it with other people, thinking that they will make easy money. In reality, all they do is keep feeding that big database of emails and other personal stuff, which is then being sold for profit on the market.

This is a shady and unethical business, but some people continue doing it because it brings them revenue. Don’t end up wasting your time with this network. Instead, learn the LEGIT way of making money online, HERE!

What’s Inside InfluencerCash?

When you login inside InfluencerCash, you will have access to your earnings bar, which is going to be at $25 because of the signup bonus, and all the tasks that you can complete. Each task will reward you with a different amount, but in general, you can complete the following jobs and earn revenue:

1. Get Click & Referrals. You will be rewarded very well with up to a few dollars for each person that clicks on your links and lands on the website. If they decide to sing up, you will get even more cash for that.

2. Complete Surveys. By filling out surveys and answer a bunch of different sets of questions, you can get rewarded for that. 

3. Download Apps. Browse apps from InfluencerCash’s sponsors and organizations that they work with, and get paid. 

Can You Cash Out The $25 Sign Up Bonus?

If you want to cash out your $25 sign up bonus from InfluencerCash, you have to meet certain requirements and they are:

– You need to accumulate 20 referral link clicks.

– Get 5 people to sign up at InfluencerCash.co through your links.

– Complete 5 tasks from the dashboard.

Once you complete all of that, you can withdraw your bonus and get $175 more on top of that. The problem is that when you get to the part of taking out your money, you get kicked out and they just don’t pay you.

Not one person has ever been paid from InfluencerCash. All the reviews and testimonies on their official website are fake, and this what people are saying about it on Trustpilot. If you don’t know, Trustpilot is an independent website that lets it’s users leave comments and review different products and services online or offline. 

negative reviews about influencercash on trustpilot
negative reviews about influencercash on trustpilot
negative reviews about influencercash on trustpilot

InfluencerCash Payouts and Rewards

Joining InfluencerCash is completely free, all they want is your email. In return, you get promised to be rewarded handsomely when you get more people to sign up for the #1 Influencer Network (as they call it on their website). According to them, you can earn the following rewards and payouts:

1. Sing Up Bonus of $25.

2. Up To $10 For Each Person That Joins Through Your Link.

3. Up To $30 For Completing a Survey. 

4. For Promoting and Sharing on Youtube, There is a $50 Payment Reward.

These are way too higher than the industry’s average for things such as completing surveys. This is what these guys don’t want you to know.

The truth is that whatever you try to do, you won’t get paid from InfluencerCash. They have been deceiving people since April 2019, which is extremely unethical, and more people should realize the truth about these types of getting rich quick schemes.

The Shiny Object Syndrome is Real.

Making big money online fast usually ends up in a lot of disappointment and frustration, and InfluencerCash is no exception. Don’t fall for the false hype and get sucked into their database by exposing your personal details to them. It’s just not worth it and there is nothing that you can gain out of it.

What I Like About InfluencerCash

influencercash pros and cons
The only positive thing that I can think of about InfluencerCash is the fact that you don’t have to pay anything upfront, so you won’t end up paying for something and wasting money away.  Apart from that, there is nothing good that I can say about this “influencer network.” 

What I Don’t Like About influencerCash

1. Let’s start with the obvious exaggerated statements and claims on their official website page. Earn up to $200 a day for sharing links, completing surveys, and liking videos. How much more UNREALISTIC can they get. The truth is that if you’re inexperienced, there’s a really big chance to fall for these types of scams.

2. Everything inside their website is a big lie. Their proof of payments are fake the testimonies are fake, the entire website is a big hoax that is just waiting to blow out. I’m pretty sure that this scam won’t be around for much longer.

3. They are a part of a big scam network, and they all want your emails, to commit different activities. They attract masses of people by setting up digital environments similar to what InfluencerCash has going on, and they gather as much personal info and details as they can. I’ve seen this on other websites such as PaidLeaf.

It’s basically the same thing but with a different name. The internet is full of them, so be cautious and always question the legitimacy of suspicious websites with unrealistic claims. If there is something that you can get out of this article, it should be this. If it sounds too good to be true, that’s because it probably is.

This is Why You Should Think Twice Before Giving Out Your Personal Info

Websites and companies that are similar to InfluencerCash operate in such a way that all they’re interested in is your email, name, address, phone number, and other details. When they gather enough data and build a huge list of emails and other personal details, they sell them to 3rd party organizations and companies.

No one really knows what they will do with your data after that. In the worst possible case, people might try to hack into your email or steal your PayPal or other card info. 

This method is also known as Data HarvestingTheir purpose is to accumulate personal details of as many people as they possibly can, just so that they can sell that data to interested parties, later.

That’s exactly why they try to present themselves as the most lucrative thing that you can get into. What’s better than making a couple hundred daily just for filling out simple questions, and surveys, right? 

What is Everyone Saying About InfluencerCash?

what is everyone saying about influencercash
Whenever I try to search for something positive about InfluencerCash online, I struggle a lot. There isn’t a single person online that has left a positive review (not counting those that were paid to leave reviews) regarding InfluencerCash.

There is a good reason for that too. Each and every blog post and article that I stumble upon leads me to believe that this is just another influencer scam that wants to collect your data. People on Trustpilot have one common issue with InfluencerCash, that they don’t pay you. proof that influencercash is not paying How do they do it, you may wonder? Let me explain. So, once you get to a point where you have about $200 in your personal profile, InfluencerCash locks your account, blocks your IP address from accessing the website.

This is not something that has happened to just one or two people either. Almost everyone has this exact same problem to deal with.

 It’s incredible how people can get away with such things. My advice is that, if you really want to check out and see what InfluencerCash is all about, create a new email just for that sole purpose and be extremely careful what kind of information you give out to them.

Who Can Benefit From InfluencerCash?

The sad truth is that absolutely no one can benefit from the services of InfluencerCash. This is a win-lose situation, where the only winners are the data harvest scammers which profit out of your sensitive information.

InfluencerCash is just of the many fake network websites out there. They are all really identical to each other, everything is the same except their names.

There are hundreds if not more similar scam websites, so you should always be careful when you’re online. Being aware and making sure to assess the situation on time could prevent you from having a bad experience from all of this.

The fact that you’ve decided to take your time and do the researcher speaks on its own. I sure hope that you’ve saved yourself some bad user experience by going through this review.

If more people realize and educate themselves on how these types of scams work, there would be fewer of them to see online. That’s why, if you think that there is anyone who might benefit from learning this, share this article with them. 

If Not InfluencerCash Then What?

The internet is filled with many deceiving and scammy products, but there are some good ones that can GENUINELY help you make money online. If you are from the UK, then you can check out a website that pays you to complete tasks and different kinds of assignments. You can make up to £300 realistically, find out more, HERE! 

If that doesn’t apply to you, there are many different ways to make money online. By visiting inboxdollars.com or Swagbucks you can earn rewards by completing surveys, watching ads, etc.

Keep in mind that these websites are LEGIT, so the payout is a lot less than what you get promised at InfluencerCash.co. At least, these websites will deliver on their promises.

Another way to get paid for doing searches on Google is by visiting Qmee.com. Over there, you can get rewarded for sharing your opinion, doing searches and clicking on specific things, and much more. It’s worldwide, so anyone can register. 

These types of websites can only go so far in terms of revenue. If you want to make more than a couple hundred a month (at best), there is a way to do that. It is not a get rich quick scheme and it does require hard work. However, it’s also incredibly easy to start and successful people are generating a full-time income online with it.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is that you don’t waste your time with completing surveys or watching ads for pocket change. If you want to learn a genuine way of generating income online, then this is just what you’re looking for.

People are making $10K/month with this method, and all their hard work is now paying off big time. There is a big opportunity right now, and the great thing is that it can work for anybody.

Find out what it really takes to get to a point of making that much money online, and claim the exact blueprint that can get you there. If that sounds interesting, you should definitely see how these people are banking profits using a simple 4 step blueprint that so many are neglecting right now and lose out on the opportunity.

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