Is Tap 2 Earn Legit?

Can you really make $500 today? Is Tap 2 Earn legit or is this just another scam that people should stay away from. Let me save you some frustration by letting you know right now that tap 2 earn is NOT a program that anyone should work with. The “number one influencer network” is nothing but a big hoax, and I will prove that in this review today. 

Congratulations on taking the time in doing your research. Online success can come in many different forms, that’s why it’s important to find YOUR way before investing time and money into something. 

Before we continue, it’s important to note that, one of the ways in which you can earn with this program, is by referring other people and getting them to sign up. That’s why I will be completely transparent and ensure you that I’m not affiliated with tap 2 earn in any way or form whatsoever.

In other words, this review will show you the ugly truth behind this program. Within the next few minutes, you will know everything about Tap 2 Earn and how this particular influencer network is part of a massive data harvesting scheme.

Tap 2 Earn Review Summary

Product Name: Tap 2 Earn

Product Type: Make Money Online Website

Price: Free

Product Owners: Henry Chaplin and Davis O’Brien

Recommended: No!

Overall Score: 4/100

Summary: One the outside, Tap 2 Earn seems like an extremely great opportunity to make some decent money on the side, without much effort on your end, right? The reality is that this website will not pay you anything of what they promise.

If you join, and start working with Tap 2 Earn, as soon as you try to withdrawal your earnings, you will get banned from their servers with your account getting deleted. This is something that has happened to everyone that has worked with this company before.

Tap 2 Earn will make you believe that you’re earning profits by completing different tasks from them and inviting other people. Other influencer network scams work in similar ways. Save yourself time and energy by not getting involved with this program.

Quick Navigation

Tap 2 Earn Review SummaryTap 2 Earn Price & Extra Costs
What Is Tap 2 Earn About?What Are People Saying About Tap 2 Earn?
How Does Tap 2 Earn Work?Can You Benefit From Tap 2 Earn?
Who Created Tap 2 Earn?Tap 2 Earn Pros
Is Tap 2 Earn a Scam?Tap 2 Earn Cons
What’s Inside Tap 2 Earn?My Recommendation

What is Tap 2 Earn About?

Tap to earn is all about luring you in with its promises for making you easy money fast. When you join, the next thing that you will be pushed to do is start inviting more people. By doing that, you will earn between $10- $15 for every person that joins this network through your link.

That’s not the only thing that you can do. By filling out different surveys, questionnaires, and downloading apps, you can earn up to $500 in a day. If it sounds too good to be true, that’s because it is.

Tap 2 earn is a part of a huge data harvesting scheme that’s has been present on the internet for some time now. There’s a fair number of websites that operate in the same way as this one, and everything that they manage to collect in terms of data from users, it’s being harvested, then sold on the market.

This is just how they operate. The main goal of these data harvesting scams is to gather as much personal data and info as they possibly can. Then, they will sell that data to 3rd parties and interested people. Who knows what can happen after that, surely not anything good.

How Does Tap 2 Earn Work?

The way that Tap 2 Earn works is by fooling you with their website and promising you an incredible opportunity to earn fast cash. The main reason why these types of fraudulent websites are so popular and work well is because the most rewarding tasks that you can complete are the ones that involve you getting more people to sign up.

In other words, this is what most people are going to do when they join Tap 2 Earn. Until they realize that, it’s all just a big scam, some people can end up inviting hundreds of people.

You can imagine how much personal data of everyday internet users do these websites have. Their main goal is to get your email, add it to one of their HUGE database of email lists and then sell it on the market for a profit.

That’s why you should be extremely careful what kind of sensitive information you give out. If you end up giving them your phone number, they can enroll you into a scheme where you receive paid automated messages on a regular basis.

In other words, you can end up paying a lot of money for a subscription for something that you don’t want. By using trickery and deceitfulness, they can get you scammed pretty quickly.

Who Created Tap 2 Earn?

Most of the time, what you would see when it comes to similar fake influencer networks such as this one, is that there is no information about the owners or founders of that particular website. In the case of Tap 2 Earn however, someone has made an effort to create Henry Chaplin and Davis O’Brien.

They are the so-called founders of this program. However, after doing some more in-depth search, I wasn’t able to find anything about them.

There was absolutely no digital footprint with these two. This doesn’t necessarily mean that these are fake people, but I strongly believe that they are, and here is why.

If you take a closer look at the payment proof stories part of Tap 2 Earn, you will see a bunch of testimonials that say how great their experience with this program is and how much they love it, right? The thing is that I’ve seen these same people talk about all the other fake influencer networks and how great they are.

This wouldn’t have been that bad except for the fact that these people are hired actors from 

is tap 2 earn legit video testimony fake
is tap 2 earn legit fake testimony

Is Tap 2 Earn a Scam?

is tap 2 earn legit or a scam
In case you didn’t realize it already, Tap 2 Earn is a HUGE scam that will NOT get you earning anything from them. If you take a closer look at their payment proof page, you can see the dates on some of them. 

Did you know that you can see the date of creation on every website on the internet? By going to whois, I was able to see when was tap 2 earn legit who is

Here, It appears that people have been making money from this website since JANUARY 2019.
is tap 2 earn legit fake payment proof
However, they exist since SEPTEMBER 2019 . Any reasonable expectations about this program should have disappeared into thin air by now. Just in case, here is a screenshot of their “About” page, where Tap 2 Earn clearly states that they exist since 2015. 

is tap 2 earn legit date of creation

So, these guys put out fake testimonials from hired actors, produce fake payment proof messages and lie about their date of creation. It’s funny, but every single review that I have put out from these data harvesting fake influencer networks, have the same things in common. They even use the same people for their fake payment stuff.

Don’t fall for the shiny object syndrome, the more we all stop joining these scam networks, that’s when we will stop seeing them everywhere on the internet. 

What’s Inside Tap 2 Earn?

Before joining, you are going to be lured in with a $25 sign up bonus. What you don’t know yet is, that in order to receive that bonus, you have to complete a set of things first and they are as follows:

1. Refer 5 New People to The Network.

2. Complete at Least 5 Tasks in Your Task Dashboard.

3. Accumulate at least 20 Clicks on Your Referral Link.

While completing each of the above requirements, you will be earning even more money along the way as you finish all of them. By the time you go through all of them, you will have gotten at least 5 more people to join.

Only then, when you can actually take out your money, will you realize that these guys were never going to pay you after all. Here is something that you should be very cautious about.

Once you join, there is a possibility to come across a task that gets you to complete a text-based subscription by giving your phone number. Once you do that, they can start sending you text and charging you money for it.

Every text can be costly and if you don’t cancel it on time, it can add up and make this a very expensive mistake. Don’t get caught up into something like that.

Tap 2 Earn Price and Extra Costs

Generally, Tap 2 Earn is completely free to join, however when you’re completing any of the tasks they give you, be careful to what you subscribe to. That way you can avoid mistakes such as the one explained above and save yourself some energy.

Not only that, but some of the tasks that you might end up getting are involved with you giving out your card details as part of completing a task. If you know what’s good for you, you will NOT give them your details.

These guys are obviously not trustworthy, so who knows what they might do with your personal card info. There is absolutely no reward for anyone that wants to join this network.

However, their fake structure is as follows: 

1. Get Paid Up to $30 For Completing Tasks. These are laid out subscription-based forms to complete. You will be sent to a bunch of different websites that Tap 2 Earn is partnered with and will have to register with them. 

2. Watch and Like Videos. Get paid up to $20 for each video that you watch, share and like.

3. Invite Friends and Family. By inviting people and getting them to sign up inside the network, you will be getting from $10 to $15 per person.

What Is Everyone Saying About Tap 2 Earn?

The general opinion of Tap 2 Earn is that they do not pay. So far, there hasn’t been anyone that has been paid by this program or any of the many other similar ones.

All the review websites out there, point out to the same common issue that apparently everyone dealing with Tap 2 Earn has which is guess what. That’s right, they don’t pay.

There are only a few reviews on trustpilot about this program, however, they are all extremely negative. This leads me to believe that every single person that has had an interaction with this website and it’s service has been left with a bad user experience.

There is no point for anyone to get involved with Tap 2 Earn as it will only waste their time and energy. The only place, where you can see anyone saying good stuff about this program is on social media and specific Facebook groups. These will be, of course, from people who haven’t realized the truth behind Tap 2 Earn yet.

It’s not difficult to get fooled by this program or any other data harvesting scam network for that matter. It’s really easy to just type in that email for a chance of winning some quick buck. That’s exactly what they want from you and as soon as you do that, your email will go into their system, where it will become part of a huge list with other emails. 

Can You Benefit From Tap 2 Earn?

The only people that will benefit from Tap 2 Earn are the ones that have created it. This program is a big scam that will NOT benefit anyone. The only thing that you can get out of from Tap 2 Earn is a good and valuable lesson to not trust everything that’s on the internet. We all know that, but we forget it sometimes.

What I Like About Tap 2 Earn?

Is tap 2 Earn Legit pros and cons

There is nothing that I like about Tap 2 Earn and I think that these huge scam networks should all disappear from the internet. They bring absolutely no value to people. 

What I Don’t Like About Tap 2 Earn

There’s a lot of things that are I dislike about Tap 2 Earn, and there is a good reason for that.

1. Everything in This Website is Fake. All the information that we see inside their website is a LIE. They have fake testimonials, payment proofs and they even lie about being mentioned in Forbes as the #1 Influencer Network. 

2. Tap 2 Earn is Part of a Huge Data Harvesting Scam. This program is part of a large number of websites that basically promise you the same things. An enticing sign up offer, with too good to miss offers and tasks to complete inside the platform.

They all seem to claim the position of being the #1 Influencer Network out there. Just take a look at this program called PaidLeaf, and you will see that it’s basically the absolutely same thing but with a different name.

The same thing goes with one of their other websites called InfluencerCash. All of these programs are part of a big data harvesting network scam. If you see anything similar online that offers a $25 sing up bonus just for joining, be careful as it’s most likely a scam.

3. You Can’t Get Your Money. This is the biggest issue that everyone has with Tap 2 Earn and all the other scam influencer networks that are out there. There is NO WAY that you will ever get any money from them. All they want to do is get your details so they can sell them. 

My Recommendation

My recommendation is to NOT waste your time with SCAM products such as Tap 2 Earn or any other network that offers you $25 just to register with them. If there is something that you can get out of this article, it should be this.

If something sounds too good to be true, it’s almost certain that it is. In other words, don’t trust everything you see online. I know, it’s obvious, but a lot of people tend to forget that. Help yourself by staying as far away from Tap 2 Earn as possible. You can end up wasting a lot of time and effort away.

If you want to learn about a LEGIT way to earn revenue online, then you should check out how these people are banking profits using a simple, yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many tend to neglect and lose out because of that.

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