Abundance Network Review

Can you really achieve financial freedom with this MLM system? Find out everything that you need to know in my Abundance Network review, today.

Within the next few minutes, you will know for sure if this system is the right solution for you or not. I will be revealing one extremely important difference between Abundance Network and similar MLM programs that may get you to reconsider joining in the first place.

Congratulations on taking the time in doing your research. Online Success can come in many different forms, that’s why it’s important to find YOUR WAY, before investing time and resources into something.

Abundance Network Review Summary

Product Name: Abundance Network

Product Owner: Jeff Long

Product Type: Multi Level Marketing

Price: $50 – $800

Recommended: No!

Overall Score: 35/100

Summary: Abundance Network is a multi level marketing (MLM) system that works when you recruit others into the network. You can invite your friends, family or use the internet to recruit more people.

The way that Abundance Network works is they use SMS and Voice Message to gather leads. When you join, you will get a phone number to share with others. That’s where all the promotions and recruiting is going to happen.

This MLM system does not offer any physical products, so the only way for you to earn money with them is by getting other people to join. You can level up your account by getting the master reseller package, which will double all the sales that you generate.

The main reason why I think that this system is not going to last that long is because they’re not selling anything. This is a big no-no in the eyes of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

They don’t look kindly on pay to pay transactions, which is exactly what Abundance Network is doing. Not only that but if you’re new to online marketing, it can be difficult to start making recruits and earning revenue.

Quick Navigation

Abundance Network Review SummaryWhat’s Inside Abundance Network?
What is Abundance Network About?Abundance Network Price
What Is MLM?What Is Everyone Saying About Abundance Network?
What Is Cash Gifting?Can You Benefit From Abundance Network?
Who Created Abundance Network?Abundance Network Pros & Cons
Is Abundance Network a Scam?My Recommendation

What is Abundance Network About?

Abundance Network is all about gathering leads via SMS structure, expanding your own personal network within the program and earning profit from that. The only way for you to start earning by referring other people to the network is by donating $100 to another affiliate inside the Abundance Network.

If they want to become affiliates and start promoting the system to others, they have to do a donation as well. Apparently, this kind of compensation plan works well for other MLM programs too.

Now, because this specific system doesn’t offer any real product (access to a digital course or any physical item, for example) the only way to earn with these guys is by getting other people to invest in the network.

The more people you refer to Abundance Network using the SMS and voice message system that they have in place, the more profit you can earn. You can upgrade your account, which will increase your earning potential and keep climbing up the ladder, which is how most pyramid schemes work.

Abundance Network is all about gathering leads via SMS structure, expanding your own personal network within the program and earning profit from that. The only way for you to start earning by referring other people to the network is by donating $100 to another affiliate inside Abundance Network.

If they want to become affiliates and start promoting the system to others, they have to do a donation as well. Apparently, this kind of compensation plan works well for other MLM programs too.

Now, because this specific system doesn’t offer any real product (access to a digital course or any physical item, for example) the only way to earn with these guys is by getting other people to invest in the network.

The more people you refer to using the SMS and voice message system that they have in place, the more profit you can earn. You can upgrade your account, which will increase your earning potential and keep climbing up the ladder, which is how most pyramid schemes work.

What is MLM?

multi level marketing pyramid scheme
Multi level marketing (MLM) is also known as pyramid selling or network marketing. The whole concept behind every MLM system is in which you can accumulate earnings from your own efforts and for a percentage of your referrals efforts.

In other words, when people you invite end up joining an MLM system and recruit others you will earn from that as well. This applies to your referrals and those that they invite as well. You go further in the downline across MULTIPLE LEVELS, which essentially means that your main goal should be to refer people and make sure that they do the same.

Some MLM systems can be classified as pyramid schemes because they bring no real value to customers and the transactions are essentially money for money. The FTC usually flags these companies and shuts them down.

If there is no actual product to be sold, and the only incentives are through referring other people to the network, then it’s usually classified as an illegal pyramid scheme. Of course, not every MLM program is illegal and some people make a lot of money with this model.

It’s not unusual to see successful Multi Level Marketers that are part of LEGIT MLM networks, that actually bring some value to people. However, I would definitely classify  Abundance Network as a cash gifting pyramid scheme.

What is Cash Gifting?

cash gifting mlm abundance network review
Cash gifting in MLM is basically an investment where each person that’s paying, recruits more people and you earn from their efforts. The money that you pay to get into the network is distributed to those above you and goes on like that.

This is what a cash gifting pyramid looks like in a nutshell. There’s no product or service that you give to others in exchange for a monetary incentive.

Instead, people are offering money to other people who join and are encouraged to do the same with others. This continues as the network grows and what usually happens is that these “bubbles” tend to get poped very quickly by organizations such as the FTC.

If you’re looking for a long term opportunity, then such a thing is probably not the right solution. These cash gifting pyramid schemes can become popular fast, especially when the payouts are accurate, on time, and reliable, which is exactly why many people have an interest in similar things.

The usual problem that can occur with this model is that once new people stop joining on a regular basis, the pyramid falls and in such a case, many people end up losing their money.

Who Created Abundance Network?

The parent company of Abundance Network is Autom8tion and its owner is Jeffrey Alan. He is the founder of a few companies such as AutoXten that failed in 2011.

Another unsuccessful attempt was with SMS Dailies but that didn’t stop Jeffrey Alan from trying. A few other companies created by this person are 1 Online Business, NewUfinancial, Get Paid Social, and Abundance Network. All of his previous attempts turned out to be valuable experiences rather than anything else.

The only operating company by Jeffrey Alan today is Abundance Network. At least we know who is behind Abundance Network, which brings in a lot of credibility, and even though this whole system may be considered unethical or even illegal by some, the fact that Jeffrey Alan can be associated with Abundance Network will serve as a peace of mind and increase the legitimacy of how they operate within the program.

Does that mean that this system can actually help you make money? Even if a number of people manage to make some money, the reality is that the majority of people involved in pyramid schemes end up losing more money than gaining. In other words, the odds are stacked against you. It’s not that it’s difficult, it’s just that it can take time to learn how to do things correctly and get that first flow of recruiters going.

Is Abundance Network a Scam?

abundance network review - exposed
Abundance Network undertook some drastic changes and alterations in its approach. Before that, the company was headed in a bad direction, as of right now, it seems that these adaptations and changes have resolved some problems within Abundance Network. In terms of their legitimacy as a company that pays you for the work and does not try to cut corners, no it’s not a scam.

There are people who are actually benefiting from this program and are profiting, however, the majority are not. That’s just how MLM works most of the time.

There is an outstanding concern about Abundance Network and it’s an issue with cash gifting, as explained above. In other words, there is a possibility that this company will not last for much longer, or at the very least, there will be a day where the pyramid will break down, and a lot of people will lose money.

Once that happens, the company shuts down and that’s that. We’ve seen this happen with a fair number of companies and MLM schemes that just stop moving at some point and crumble. This is exactly why so many of them have a bad reputation and are labeled as scams.

What’s Inside Abundance Network?

Inside Abundance Network, on your dashboard, you will be given a mobile number that you need to share with other people. When they call this number, they will be asked to press a number.

When they do that, an automated voice message with do a quick introduction to Abundance Network and what they are all about. If they want to hear more, they can do that by pressing another button for more info.

When they do that, that’s when they will receive more in-depth info about Abundance Network. Every person that goes through that process will count as a qualifying lead.

For each qualified lead that you bring into the network, you will earn additional payment rewards. It’s pretty self-explanatory and straightforward.

You won’t be getting any training on how to get more people to sign up or anything like that, so you’re basically on your own with that. You can, however, do the research and find out everything for yourself.

It’s become so easy to get information about virtually anything that you can think of. It’s safe to say that in today’s world, ignorance is a choice, more than anything else. The more people you invite, the bigger your inner circle gets. This will lead to bigger profits and larger returns on your investments.

Abundance Network Membership Prices

These are all the different memberships plans that are inside Abundance Network and its prices are as follows:

1. Lead Generator Membership. This membership comes with a one time joining fee of $50, then $15/Month. Every lead that you accumulate with this membership is going to make you $0.10. 

2. Reseller Membership. For a single payment of $200, you will be granted reseller rights to this product, and can now recruit other members. Once someone that you invite joins and becomes a reseller, you will get to keep $100, $50 will go to the master reseller in your upline and $50 goes to the founder of Abundance Network, Jeff Long. 

3. Master Reseller. For a $800 single joining fee, then $97/Month, you can get the master reseller rights for this program which will upgrade your membership. This membership upgrade will give priority when you receive a cut of your referrals’ referrals. In other words, you will get paid more.

When someone that you have recruited upgrades their membership into a master reseller, you will get $500 and the rest will go to Jeff Long or to your recruiters. 

What Is Everyone Saying About Abundance Network?

After doing thorough research to see what the general opinion of Abundance Network was online, here’s what I discovered. There are some mixed feelings when it comes to the fact that this program is a cash gifting MLM scheme and it’s ready to pop any minute now.

In other words, according to some users and people who have interacted with Abundance Network, and other similar MLM’s the bigger the network gets, the higher the chance of the FTC closing it becomes.

Technically, that is true, and the majority of MLM’s tend to shut down within a couple of years of opening and usually don’t last long out there. This does not apply to every multi level marketing network that I’ve seen.

Some have been around for a long time and they will most likely stay that way. There are different way’s to structure a system such as this one, some opportunities are there just for trying your luck in making a few quick bucks.

Other’s are there for the long term and can actually help you in achieving your financial goals. The general opinion is that Abundance Network is not going to be one of those long term opportunities.

Can You Benefit From Abundance Network?

You could benefit from Abundance Network if any of the following applies to you. You are OK with the fact this is an unstable pyramid scheme that may collapse at any given minute, so there is a big risk involved with investing.

If you don’t mind giving up to $800 out of your pocket and YOU KNOW how to attract traffic and market this product, then sure, you could go for it. If you just want to make a quick buck without being worried about the long term outcomes of this venture, then this can be what you’re looking for.

If any of that doesn’t apply to you, I would recommend that you stay away from Abundance Network. By getting involved with these almost illegal schemes, your risk of losing a lot of money is big, even if you don’t truly realize it at that given moment.

There are MLM recruiters that can represent everything in a really well-organized manner and make it look like this is an extremely lucrative opportunity. However, if they are not compliant with all the regulations and requirements, then why should you risk it?

What I Like About Abundance Network?

abundance network pros and cons
The only thing that I like about Abundance Network is the fact that the owner is a well known founder of multiple companies, and even though they all failed, the guy keeps trying which is admirable. Apart from that, there’s not a thing that I like the program itself.

What I Don’t Like About Abundance Network

There’s a lot of things that I don’t like about Abundance Network, here is a list of them below:

1. It’s a pyramid scheme. The only transactions that are happening within this network are monetary with no alternatives. This and the fact that there is no actual product or service being sold is a cause for concern because of companies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that usually snoop and remove similar operations.

2. There’s no REAL value there. You’re not learning anything new, you’re just paying an entry to fee to join other people who have done the same and are looking for more people to recruit and get them to pay. It’s a pointless circle that leads to nothing. 

3. The chances of making money are low. With these types of pyramid schemes, only a few people that are on the top of the pipeline, earn a decent amount of money. In other words, a lot of people will make money out of you if you decide to pay up and join the pointless circle.

4. The earning potential is short term. Abundance Network is relatively new, so there is a bit of a hype going on around it. Naturally, people may be confused as to what exactly is going on in there, which is why they will start looking for answers. Now, because of the 3 other reasons listed above, the potential for earning money for a long time with this opportunity is slim to none. These schemes just don’t last long, period.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is to NOT waste your time on pyramid schemes that offer little to no value to absolutely anyone. Not only is this ineffective, but it can lead to several negative outcomes such as losing a lot of money and/or investing a lot of time and effort into something that will soon stop exist in the first place.

Save your hard-earned money and look for a better alternative to this one. Find something that can truly show you how to make LEGIT revenue online.

Luckily, we live in a digital age, where many opportunities have arisen and are bringing people profit on a consistent basis. Consider diving into something that can be profitable for a long time.

There is a way to earn money from home and live your ideal lifestyle, you just have to take advantage of it. Find out how these people are banking profits using a 4 step blueprint that many tend to neglect and lose out on money because of that.

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