Is InfluencersEarn a Scam?

Is InfluencersEarn a scam that will just waste your time? According to their website, you can make money fast and easy by sharing your links on social media.

Ask yourself, does getting $25 just for signing up sound a bit too good to be true? If you already did, congratulations because it is and I will prove that in this review now.

I got a message on Facebook about a platform that can help me make a lot of money online by sharing it with friends, completing simple surveys, and various other easy to do tasks.

When I opened up the website I saw something incredibly familiar, and that’s when it “clicked” for me. I’ve reviewed many similar platforms that offer free cash in exchange for your email, and every time it was the same $25 sign up bonus. 

The truth is that InfluencersEarn is not what you think, and if I were you, I would not give out my email for the sign up bonus because whatever you try to do, you won’t be able to cash that out.

Let me show you why…

InfluencersEarn Review Summary

Product Name: InfluencersEarn

Product Creator: Unknown

Product Type:
Make Money Online Program

Product Price:


Overall Score: 0/100

Summary: InfluencersEarn supposedly rewards you with $10 when you invite a friend, and they join the platform.

Not only that but you can get numerous rewards inside such as $30 for each survey that you complete. By the looks of it, you can earn a lot of money fast and easy with this website.

Unfortunately, the only thing that you will get out of InfluencersEarn apart from disappointment is probably a lot of spam to your email.

That’s why even if you decided to check out the website for yourself, by using a temporary email you can potentially save yourself a lot of frustration along the way.

This is a data harvesting scam that is out to get as many emails as they possibly can. Then, they can sell these emails to various 3rd party companies and organizations in exchange for money.

Yes, people spend a lot of money for other people’s emails, so that they can market different products and services to them. No one should waste their time with this website

What Is InfluencersEarn?

InfluencersEarn is a data harvesting scam that’s only purpose for existence is to get people’s emails. This website is part of many other similar websites, and they all promise you approximately $25 for signing up with them.

The only reason for such a sweet deal is because they will do whatever they can to get your email. The sad thing is that they won’t stop there.

Once inside, you will have a threshold that you need to cap in order to cash out your money, and you can do that by inviting others to join. There’s a $25 sign up bonus, who wouldn’t want to join, right?

By the time you realize that this is all just a scam that will not pay you anything, you can invite a lot of people, and they’ve probably done the same.

That’s what’s causing this viral effect, where many people share this with their friends and family without even realizing that it’s all a big scam. 

If you take a look at PaidLeaf, Tap 2 Earn, or InfluencerCash, you would quickly realize that all of these websites follow the same patterns with very slight differences.

That’s because they are all connected with each other, and together they form a HUGE DATA HARVESTING NETWORK SCAM that promises you a lot of money in exchange for very little work.

Did you know that the only way for you to cash out with InfluencersEarn is if you are 99 years or older? I guess you haven’t read their Terms and Conditions then, have you?  If you go to section “2.User Representations and Warranties” you will see the following.

This basically reads out that you have to be 99 years of age or older or you’re not allowed to use InfluencersEarn and it features.

No, that’s not a typo, it’s just their way of avoiding any potential lawsuits, or fraud accusations. If that’s doesn’t prove that it’s all a big scam, I don’t know what does. 

Is InfluencersEarn a Scam?

is influencersearn a scam legit or not

Yes, InfluencersEarn is a scam and a waste of time. If you end up signing with them using your email, expect a lot of spam from different places, so even if you were to block a bunch of them, that won’t really change anything because your email is now part of a huge collection of data that’s going to be sold, then sold again, and so on, to different 3rd parties. 

Not only are you not eligible to earn from this website unless you’re older than 99 but they also LIE about their testimonials. Apparently people have been making money with this website since May 2019 at lest.

influencersearn fake payment proof

Here’s something useful. If you go to Whois, you can easily find a lot of info about every website that’s on the internet including the date of its creation. domain information on Whois

So, it looks like they exist since SEPTEMBER 2019, which means that the above testimony is completely FAKE and untrue. How can you be earning from something a few months before it even launched in the first place? It doesn’t make any sense.

Who Created InfluencersEarn?

There’s not much info that you can gather about the owners of InfluencersEarn and they are nowhere to be seen.

The only way to contact them is with their social media profiles but even there, there are no NAMES that can be associated with the ownership of this website.

The only thing that I managed to find out about InfluencersEarn is that it was created in Panama, and I didn’t find that info on their website.

That’s a big red flag, and it’s also another thing that is in common with all the other data harvesting scams similar to this one. All of them have unknown owners.

What’s Inside InfluencersEarn?

inside influencersearn

Once inside InfluencersEarn, you will have the option to do a bunch of different things, in exchange for money. This is what to expect inside the dashboard.

– Complete Surveys
. You can earn $30 for every survey that you complete, which is a lot more than what’s usually offered with survey-based websites.

– Refer a Friend
. You will earn $10 per person that joins InfluencersEarn through your links. 

– Create YouTube Videos
. You will get paid $50 per video that you create and publish on YouTube. It has to be about this platform, but that’s about it in terms of rules that you need to follow.

– Download Apps. You can earn $20 for each downloaded app that gets offered to you within the dashboard.

Looks like you can easily stack $100+ in a single day with this one, too bad that you have to be at least 99 years old to cash out your earnings.

Otherwise, you would have just wasted your time. All of these data harvesting scams that I mentioned earlier have basically the same tasks, and payouts inside their dashboards. The only difference is in the names and looks of the websites.

InfluencersEarn Price & Extra Costs

Even though to join the platform you don’t have to pay anything, some of the surveys that you will be completing may require that you give out your mobile number and/or subscribe to some paid text message services.

In other words, if you could receive numerous promotional messages and you have to pay for all of them yourself.

If you see something like that inside InfluencersEarn or any of these other data harvesting scams, don’t give out your email, phone number, or credit card info unless you want to deal with unnecessary issues.

protect your phone now picture that shows how Influencersearn asks for peoples mobile numbers

What I Like About InfluencersEarn

is influencersearn a scam pros vs cons

Nothing! There is ZERO value in taking part in something like that. Not only will you NOT be able to cash out your earnings, but there is a high chance that you can invite some people and get them to join for a “$25 Sign Up Bonus” and by the time you realize that it’s all fake, you will be extremely frustrated.

What I Don’t Like About InfluencersEarn

1. You Won’t Get Paid Anything. Even if you follow through with absolutely everything, and complete every task to the best of your abilities, you will not get paid. Not ever. Don’t even think about giving them any personal details apart from you’re email (at the very worst) or you could end up losing money in the hopes of making some.

2. Unrealistic Claims
. They try to lure you in and get you to sign up with your email by offering you a $25 sign up bonus. On top of that, they offer $30 for completing surveys which is way too much compared to the industry’s average for completing surveys. Getting paid $50 bucks for creating promotional free Youtube videos? Come on, really?

3. Fake Reviews on Their Website
. Each and every review, and testimony on the InfluencersEarn website is fake, and not real, as I’ve proven that already. The real customer reviews about this website can be found in places such as Trustpilot. As you can see, everyone shares the same problems, that they never pay.

Why Do Scams Like InfluencersEarn Exist?

Because people will always be looking for easy money online, and that’s something that many online scammers promise, and they go to very big extends to try and present themselves as reliable and trustworthy.

The truth is that many fall for the shiny object syndrome, and go on a spree, buying into one product or service after the next, and they all promise fast and easy wealth. 

That’s something that you should avoid at all costs because it will lead to nothing but the loss of time and money. I know from experience.

What Does It Really Take To Make Money Online?

The truth is that it is possible to make money online, but you need to be realistic about it as well.

What I mean by that is that you need to learn a skill that can be transferred into the online world so that you can profit from it. Take SEO as an example. There’s no shortcut that can fast track your success, and there are many ways to start. 

My Recommendation

My recommendation is that you don’t waste your time with InfluencersEarn because it’s a data harvesting scam, that want’s to take your personal details and sell them to 3rd parties and organization for profit.

You will not get paid anything from them, and you could waste well over a week of your time in completing tasks, inviting others to join, and so on, only to realize that it’s all been a waste of time.

Save yourself from that scenario by looking for opportunities somewhere else. As a beginner, I recommend that you invest some time in learning about passive income online, and organic traffic generation.

By creating articles, and posts, you can rank them on the search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, which can lead to many eyeballs, and If you know how to monetize that audience you have the potential of earning a substantial income online that can turn into passive profits.

If that sounds interesting then you should check out how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many neglect and lose out on that opportunity forever.

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