Sophie Howard Review – Is The Amazon Selling Queen Legit?

Welcome to my Sophie Howard review. She is an expert at selling on Amazon and has multiple courses that teach you how to do that.

In an interview, Sophie shared that before getting started on Amazon, she was working really hard in a government day job.

She was also taking care of her kids and didn’t really have any free time at all. She was super busy, pretty tired, and very frazzled.

Despite all of that, Sophie Howard was not making any progress financially. She had a mortgage to pay and bills to take care of.

One day, she was at work, doing her own thing in her cubicle, and she got a picture from her nanny.

She was with her kids, on the beach, having a blast. That’s when Sophie knew that something had to change. So she began looking at various ways to make money online.

Some of them seemed a bit tacky, and some would take a lot of time, like blogging. Other business models just looked way too complicated, like options trading.

When she came across Amazon, she liked that you could start selling real products to real people. You can pick the products yourself, which is much more like having your own real online business. 

How Did Sophie Howard Start Selling on Amazon?

Sophie Howard wanted to get into an online business that had passive income potential, little to no marketing on her end, and fit it into very part time hours due to her daily responsibilities.

That business model was great for her. Sophie bumped into a friend who’s an accountant and was doing well selling on Amazon.

She began learning from him, following in his footsteps, and got clarity on the type of products that were selling and how to find them.

When she bought her first course, it was all about buying lots of cheap stuff from China and selling them for a higher price.

She decided NOT to follow the training and used a different approach. Much higher premium branded products, higher quality, and no plastic tat. 

Beginner’s Alternative: Compare This Business Model With Sophie’s Favorite Choice

What’s The First Product That Sophie Howard Sold on Amazon?

The first product that Sophie Howard created, listed, and sold on Amazon was handmade in Nepal by a charity that employed people.

It was beautifully made, packaged, and had that really nice feel good factor for her. Also, people were willing to pay premium prices for that product. She bought each one for a dollar and sold it for $30.

She started off small with an initial order of 75 units. Within a year, she had already sold over one million dollars worth of this product on Amazon

When Did Sophie Howard Launch Her First Course?

Sophie Howard

The first course that Sophie Howard launched is called Blue Sky Amazon. It was released back in 2018. There is a lot of controversy about this particular training program.

Some people claim that the content inside is very outdated for 2022. Others, say the opposite and praise Sophie’s course a lot.

My own personal intake on this is that Sophie USED to make a lot of money selling stuff on Amazon, but she doesn’t anymore.

Now, her main focus is on creating and selling courses that teach people how to make money online.

How Many Courses Does Sophie Howard Have?

Sophie Howard has a bunch of training programs. She even has a course on investing in digital assets.

One of the more recent launches is something called Kindle Publishing Income. It’s all about making money on Amazon Kindle.

She has a lot of educational videos on Youtube. In recent months, however, she’s been uploading only customer reviews for her flagship program.

You can also get a lot of free resources and information from her Aspiring Entrepreneurs platform.

Is Sophie Howard The Amazon Selling Queen Scamming You?

Sophie Howard review legit or not

No. Sophie Howard is legit, with real experience and much success. It’s safe to say that you can learn a lot about selling on Amazon.

Keep in mind that her courses are not cheap and you would have to spend up to four figures to get access to some of them. 

If you’re determined on becoming a seller, Amazon has a free alternative course that you can check out. It’s called “Seller University“.

The business model that Sophie Howard is so fond of is definitely not for everyone. To get started as a seller, you would need to invest thousands of dollars up front, put in a lot of effort and work into it, and hope for the best outcome.

I know that some people might prefer to avoid risking that much money on a business venture.

That’s why I think that there are better ways to start earning passive income online and create a profitable online business.

Beginner’s Alternative: Compare This With Selling on Amazon

What I Like About Sophie Howard

1. She is a Real Expert. Sophie will teach you how to run a profitable online business. Don’t think that it’s guaranteed, but the steps she covers are all legit.

2. You Can Learn How to Outsource Your Work.
This can lead to passive income as you’re getting someone else to do all the heavy lifting for you. Maybe it’s not 100% passive, but it’s as close as it gets.

3. She Has Many Years of Experience. Unlike some Gurus that don’t practice what they preach, Sophie has seen a lot of success as a seller. That’s why she is known as the Amazon Selling Queen.

What I Don’t Like About Sophie Howard

1. Her Programs Can Be Expensive For Some. Not everyone is willing or able to invest in her courses, even if they wanted to. On top of that, getting started as a seller is going to be very expensive on its own. You would need to have a lot of money, to begin with.

2. Low Profit Margins. Unless you manage to find a really cheap product and sell it for much more, your profit margins will be low. Amazon has its own fees for storage, shipping, packaging, etc. 

Is There a Better Alternative?

You can still make a lot of money on Amazon without becoming a seller and risking thousands of dollars up front. My favorite business model is all about promoting other people’s products as an affiliate.

It’s incredibly cost effective, you don’t have to worry about customer service, shipping, handling, product reviews, or delivery time.

On the next page, you will see a simple four step system that I’m using to make up to $1K per SINGLE sale of a product or service I don’t own, on top of monthly passive income.

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