Sophie Howard – Kindle Publishing Income Review

Welcome to my Kindle Publishing Income review. Sophie Howard’s promise is that you can be up and running in 30 days with her program.

One of the advertisements says that you can get up to 70% profit margins. When you click on the link it takes you to a landing page where that number increases to 80%. Is it possible that Sophie pulled these percentages from thin air, just to get more clicks and potentially sales? Probably.

up to 80 percent profit

Here’s what you need to know about this high-ticket course. In her ad, Sophie says that the business model has very low competition right now with great passive income potential.

She says she’s been doing this for over two years. “The system has brought me a healthy income of up to $20,000 per month. And it’s all from simple eBooks that you don’t even have to write yourself.

Now, my results aren’t typical, but I a hundred percent believe this is one of the fastest and best ways for online newbies to get started making money online.

So if you want to learn the step-by-step formula, then join me in the free upcoming online workshop. You will be able to discover new ways to potentially create digital income streams on Kindle. Easier, faster, and cheaper than ever before.

Seating is free but limited, so hurry up. While there are still places, you should grab one now, and I look forward to seeing you at the free training.”

There’s plenty of space for everyone but to get more clicks and attention, Sophie has to induce a sense of urgency in the viewer. Typical marketing.

Here’s what you’re REALLY getting into.

Kindle Publishing Income Review Summary

Product Name: Kindle Publishing Income

Product Owner: Sophie Howard

Product Type: Amazon Book Publishing Course

Product Price: 5 Monthly Payments of $497

Overall Score: 60/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone!

Summary: Kindle Publishing Income will teach you how to create eBooks and sell them on Amazon without creating the content yourself and without spending a ton of time setting everything up.

Apparently, all it takes is just a couple of hours daily and you can be making money with this method in about 30 days.

Sophie Howard’s course costs $2,485 in total. Then you will need to spend over a thousand dollars a month on getting your eBooks done by ghostwriters and running ads on Amazon to boost your listings on the first page.

If you can afford to invest that much for a consistent period of time, then you have a real chance of succeeding with this business model.

The sales page says that the competition is very low right now, but that’s not really true anymore. It used to be like that years ago.

Now, in 2024, the competition is very steep. Maybe Soohie hasn’t updated the program in a while.
Naturally, results vary for each individual, which is why I think that there are other cost effective alternatives more suited for people that aren’t willing to risk losing that much money. 

What is Kindle Publishing Income?

Up to 70 percent profit from Kindle Publishing

Kindle Publishing Income is a course created by Sophie Howard. It’s all about teaching you how to break into the industry of book publishing on Amazon.

Sophie Howard calls this a pipeline business, which means you do the work once, and you start generating passive income, even if you stop doing it. You’re not selling your time for money. 

You do the work once, and you keep profiting for a long time. 

One of the biggest advantages of selling on Amazon is that people who go there are already with the mindset of wanting to buy stuff.

The platform has millions of active customers. You will be leveraging its authority, which means that you don’t have to convince anyone to trust you. 

This automatically eliminates a big problem that independent eCommerce store owners have to deal with. 

On the downside, the ongoing costs are usually high.

How Does Kindle Publishing Income Work?

how to do kindle direct publishing

In her free webinar session, Sophie Howard breaks down the entire business model in 3 simple steps. She calls it the three secrets you need to know to achieve success with Kindle Publishing.

Step #1
– Kindle is a low hanging fruit in terms of potential income. It’s low in competition and high in demand. The goal here is to pick a niche market that is big enough in demand but not as competitive.

Step #2
– You don’t have to write a single word to make money with Kindle Publishing. You will learn how to outsource your content writing and hire ghostwriters to produce content on topics of your choice.

Step  #3
– There’s a simple and effective way to get your ebooks seen and bought that most people don’t utilize. It’s called, running Amazon ads.

They are simple to run and you’re competing only with people that are selling an eBook in the same niche market as you, with the same topic, and are running ads.

According to Sophie, not a lot of people are doing it. Recently, however, the competition has increased a lot, so that statement may not be fully true anymore.

Is Kindle Publishing Income a Scam?

Kindle Publishing Income review legit or not

Kindle Publishing Income is NOT a scam. It’s a legit course that can teach you how to create eBooks, audiobooks, and paperback copies. This program is similar to another one called Audiobook Income Academy 2.0.

It’s safe to say that there are people out there who leverage this business model to sell knowledge.

Sophie has experience with running Amazon businesses, but her main focus is on selling online programs. It’s been like that for a while.

It will cost you a few thousand dollars and a lot of effort to do everything right. 

If you prefer to avoid that, you should see a method that involves promoting other people’s products and services, while following your passion, hobbies, or interests.

Who is Sophie Howard?

If you’ve seen Sophie Howard online, then you probably know about her Blue Skye Amazon course. It looks like nowadays her main focus is on helping others learn the ins and outs of running an Amazon store online.

However, it seems like she made 7 figures with eCommerce in 2016. Sophie’s brand new training course Kindle Publishing Income was created in mid 2021 and expires in mid 2024.

kindle publishing details

Even though her most well-known program is geared towards helping you succeed with Amazon FBA, there are some disadvantages to this business model compared to what’s taught in her newer course.

What’s Inside Kindle Publishing Income?

Inside this training course, you will get access to 6 modules that will show you how to create and sell books using the Amazon marketplace.

The program is designed for people who have no experience with starting an online business and making money online.

That’s why Sophie covers everything you need to do to launch, grow, and scale your book publishing business with Amazon. Let’s take a closer look at each part of Kindle Publishing Income.

Module 1 – Laying The Foundation

The first module is all about helping you build a solid foundation and getting familiar with Kindle Direct Publishing.

You will learn how to set up your account and how to lay the groundwork to set you up for success.

Module 2 – The Secret to Building a Successful Business

This part is all about your mindset and how to approach this business venture with the right way of thinking.

You should be prepared to invest your time and money if you want to have a chance at breaking into this industry.

Even with the low competition, high demand rate, there are essential things that YOU need to do in order to succeed.

That’s why you should be prepared for some hard work rather than just hoping to invest a bunch of money and start earning more.

Module 3 – Book Ideas

This is where implementation comes into play. You will learn how to come up with ideas that sell and assess the demand and competition.

That way, you will have a competitive advantage over others who have neglected to do their initial research.

You will see how Sophie comes up with her own book ideas and takes inspiration from her own way of doing things.

Module 4 – Best Seller

This module is all about emphasizing the importance of producing high-quality content for your books. It should be something that people interested in that topic will want to read.

If you sacrifice quality for cost, you will leave your readers disappointed, which in turn, will lead to less income coming your way.

Module 5 – Make it Sell

Here, Sophie Howard will share a few methods and techniques that she discovered during her own research and implementation. See how people make more sales with Kindle Direct Publishing and how you can replicate these tactics.

Module 6 – Sales Boom

The final module is all bout showing you how to advertise your books on Amazon and boost your rankings. According to Sophie, right now, the ROI (return on investment) on these types of ads is incredible. 

How Much Does Kindle Publishing Income Cost?

It costs 5 monthly payments of $497. Kindle Publishing Income can be considered a high-ticket course. The total amount you will end up spending is about $2,485.

As for a refund, the terms of service on the official website say that you may be granted one if Knowledge Source (Sophie’s company) decides so.

In other words, you are highly unlikely to get your money back if you decide to cancel your membership.

What I Like About Kindle Publishing Income

Kindle Publishing Income review pros vs cons

1. The Business Model. Kindle Direct Publishing, if done right, can be a great source of income. It’s a legit business model that many people have already utilized.

2. Sophie Howard is a Successful Online Business Owner.
She is focused on earning income from Amazon and helping others do the same. It’s safe to say that she knows what it takes to succeed in this industry.

3. You Don’t Have to Write The Books.
If you’re not a talented writer, you can always outsource this service to someone that will create a high-quality book.

What I Don’t Like About Kindle Publishing Income

1. It’s Expensive. Some, especially beginners, might consider the cost of getting started and buying this course to be high. 

2. No Refund Guarantee.
There’s no guarantee that once you invest in this program, you can get your money back.

3. Not The Best Business Model For Beginners.
The way that Sophie teaches Kindle Direct Publishing involves many moving pieces, such as being able to work with teams of people and ensuring that high product quality is maintained. This can be somewhat difficult for people who have never done anything similar in the past.

Is There a Better Alternative?

This business model will cost you up to a few thousand a month to maintain it. If you can afford that investment and you like the idea of creating eBooks, audiobooks, and paperback copies in a niche market of your choice, you have a real potential for success.

However, I still think that there are better alternatives for beginners on a budget with no prior experience in starting an online business.

If you don’t want to hire virtual assistants or work with ghostwriters and professional designers for your books, there are other ways to get started. 

Amazon truly is a leading force in the online retail world, and there are many ways to take advantage of that.

One of them is partnering with sellers and promoting their products in exchange for a percentage of each sale.

Using this business model and the 4 step system that you will see on the next page, I was able to generate as much as $1K from a SINGLE sale multiple times over. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to start a business online.

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