What is Partnership to Success [Too Shady For Me]

So, you want to know what is Partnership To Success by John Thornhill all about. I took a look at some of the other review websites that talk about this product and my immediate impression was that they are way too biased to give you a real overview.

You see, this is a high ticket item, and anyone that promotes it can earn more than $1K per sale. That’s why some of them praise this training like it’s the best make money online course that ever came out.

Let me tell you right now, I’m in no way affiliated with this product, that’s why this review is completely unbiased and transparent. In other words, within the next few minutes, you will find out what’s REALLY behind Partnership to Success.

Partnership To Success Review Summary

Name: Partnership To Success

Founder: John Thornhill

Product Type: Make Money Online Training

Price: $4997 (Can Occasionally Drop to $1997)

Recommended: Not For Everyone!

Overall Score: 65/100

Summary: Partnership to Success is John Thornhill’s mentoring program. You can partner with an expert internet marketer for twelve consecutive months. The guy has been around in this industry for many years and knows exactly what works and what doesn’t. Inside you will learn how to create a digital product and sell it online. More specifically, you will be running paid ads to drive traffic (web users) and convert it into product sales. John Thornhill offers to be your personal coach and mentor throughout the duration of this course. He’s been in the industry for many years and updates his program regularly. In other words, you will learn a lot of valuable things that will help you reach a point where you’re earning a full time income online. However, I still think that there are better ways to get started.

Get My #1 Recommendation Here!

What Is Partnership To Success About?

In order to find out what is Partnership to Success about, I have conducted in-depth research on this training course.  John Thornhill does know what he’s talking about but at the same time, there are quite a few things that are not mentioned anywhere on the sales page.

You only find out about them AFTER you pay for the training. I will cover that bit later on in this review. Let’s start off with John Thornhill’s claim that his students have a 100% success rate. In other words, anyone who buys this course becomes successful.

Personally, I’m having some trouble believing that. The thing is that there’s no real way to actually prove that so you just have to take his word for it. Partnership to Success is a way for you to start your online journey and basically “partner” with the successful internet marketer John Thornhill for a 12 month period.

The product is listed on ClickBank, one of the biggest websites for product creators and affiliate marketers and gives them the opportunity to work together and make money. On his sales page, he’s not promoting this as an easy get rich quick scheme, rather John lets you know that in order to be successful you will have to work hard for it.

This is definitely a good thing because there are way too many similar training courses that are extremely overhyped and full of ridiculous claims such as “make $400 a day with only 7 minutes of work on complete autopilot” or something of that nature.

In a nutshell, Partnership to Success covers all the essentials that you need to start an online business, create your own product,  promote it, and what platforms to use in order to earn revenue. As I already mentioned, this is a high ticked product, so in order to find out if this training is a scam, let’s find out more about the creator himself, John Thornhill.

Who Is John Thornhill?

John Thornhill is a serial digital course creator with over 12+ years of experience in the field. Within that timeframe, he has made over $5 million selling online courses and teaching people how to make money online.

Before he got to a point of being successful at what he does, he struggled for nearly 4 years trying to “crack the code” and figure out how this online thing works. Finally, he found out that he can make a lot of money selling information to people and that’s when it all started to come together for him.

Is Partnership To Success a Scam?

what is partnership to success

John Thornhill is not an advocate of “get rich quick” schemes and he CLEARLY states that if you want to be successful with this program, you will have to invest up to 12 months of your time and money into it.

The short answer is no, Partnership To Success is not a scam. His training is legit, John knows what he’s talking about and has experience in teaching people how to make money online. If you enroll in this course, you will surely get lots of value and will learn a lot of things.

However, there are way less expensive ways to learn this stuff. Furthermore, if you do decide to create your own digital product, you need to start thinking about customer service, refunds, chargebacks, etc.

You will likely end up outsourcing some of the work because you can’t do all of it alone. This is an additional investment that you need to think about as well.

Beginner’s Alternative: Compare With This Cost Effective Alternative Here

What’s Inside Partnership To Success?

Inside Partnership to Success, you will discover the following:

1. Beginner Friendly Training Series.

Over the course of 12 months, you will get access to weekly training sessions that are focused on turning any beginner into an expert online marketer. The training is structured in a way that is not overwhelming as it starts you off with simple, easy to follow tasks and gradually progresses into more advanced stuff as time goes on. You will be presented with various forms of educational materials such as PDF files, audio recordings, and videos.

2. Personal Mentoring From John Thornhill.

For the duration of this training, you will have the opportunity to ask John questions, get help if you’re stuck on something and if something is unclear in a way, he will ensure that you understand it and keep progressing and moving towards your goal. Keep in mind that he works with a lot of people on a daily basis, so his response time may sometimes be a bit slow.

3. Live Weekly Training Sessions In The Form of Webinars.

Every week, you will have the chance to attend live online events hosted by John. There he will discuss different strategies, talk about the challenges he had to face to get to where he is now and lot’s of other topics that can help you make money online. You, along with all the other members will get the chance to ask him questions, participate in discussions and help each other to progress.

If for any reason, you are not able to attend the live webinars, you will have access to recorded versions to watch at your convenience.

4. Full Access To All His Courses and Tools to Track Your Progress.

You will get access to all his previous and not yet released training materials when you buy Partnership To Success. On top of that, you will be introduced to tools that help to track your progress which can be really good in case you lose track of where you were.

5. Access To Private Groups and Forums.

As a premium member, you will have access to a mastermind forum and a Facebook group. This will get you into direct contact with all the successful members of Partnership to Success, where everyone has the opportunity to exchange knowledge, wisdom and give out general advice.

You will get to learn from the mistakes of others and be surrounded by like-minded people. This inevitably will have an impact on your personal development inside the training.

6. Test Your Knowledge and Skills.

You will get regular assignments that will put out to the test everything you’ve learned so far. This is a traditional approach to ensure that what you learn stays in your head. This is definitely something good because it can confirm your newly obtained knowledge and can show you what you need to improve and work on.

7. Creating An Information Product Case Study.

You will get to observe as John Thornhill creates his very own info product in front of your eyes. You will see what it really takes to create one as you watch him do it in an “over the shoulder” type of way. This does show that John wants his students to really comprehend what he is teaching. This can serve as a guide to you when you create your first digital product.

8. Promotion Of Your New product To John’s Loyal Followers

Maybe that’s what he meant by guaranteeing a 100% success rate for each and every one of his students. By promoting your product to his audience, your chance of landing a few sales is virtually ensured.

Of course, that does not mean that you will profit from that, as you will most likely not be able to cover the expenses for the Partnership To Success program. However, this can give you a boost of confidence by showing you that it is possible for you to make money online.

Partnership To Success Price

Partnership to success comes with the hefty price tag of $4997 which can be divided into 12 consecutive installments. Occasionally, you can see the price of this course being dropped down to $1997.

If you decide to pay monthly, you will pay over $300 more over the course of one year. There will be some additional fees and costs for extra software such as an e-mail generation tool so keep that in mind.

90 Day Money Back Guarantee

The money-back-guarantee is there, but there is a BIG CATCH that you will surely miss if you’re a beginner and have never dealt with any of this stuff before. Here’s an overview of the 90-day money-back guarantee
what is partnership to success about

As you can see, to be eligible for this money-back guarantee, you need to meet certain conditions and if you follow along with the training (this is part of the criteria) there is no way to meet these conditions.

In other words, don’t expect to get your money back if you decide to invest in this course. The training is structured in such a way that if you follow it along and do everything that’s being shown to you, you will DEFINITELY have your own website, a funnel, and a list of buyers (John will promote your product, remember? That’s where you will get your list from).

How can you prove that you DO NOT have the knowledge to generate 6 figures a year? Let that sink in for a while.

Forget About Paying $5K And Start For Free, Here!

What I Like About Partnership To Success

1.Easy To Follow Training & There’s No Hype

The training is simplified as much as it can be so that no one gets frustrated or mentally exhausted. It also goes on for a year, and everything is laid out in front of you. You already know that you need to work hard in order to achieve financial success online.

2. There is a Real Person Behind This Course

This course was created by a REAL person with real experience in the make money online industry. In other words, you will be learning from someone who knows what he’s doing. John Thornhill has many years of online experience, so if you’re new to this you will surely get value and learn a lot of new things.

What I Don’t Like About Partnership To Success

1. Way Too Expensive

That’s my biggest problem with Partnership To Success.There is no justifying charging people that much for online training, period.

I know for a fact that you can learn all of what this guy’s teaching at a portion of that price, including having access to personal mentorship and a high-quality community filled with like-minded people.

When you think about it, you will start by spending almost $5,000 just to get the chance to learn things that aren’t that unique and can be found for much cheaper. Not to mention that some of the information inside is basic stuff that can be found for free on the internet.

2. Too Much Shady Stuff Going on Here

Let’s start by exploring a bit of the 100% success rate. First of all, there is no way to prove or dismiss that. Remember that part, where he promotes your product to his audience? That’s how he ensures that success rate. You are guaranteed to make sales, but here’s the thing. You won’t be using your own traffic source.

You will be”borrowing” from his. Another thing that’s not mentioned is that creating your own product is the easy part, finding people to promote that product is difficult. All I see here is that you will basically be “given” a couple of sales just to get you hooked up and be like “this training works” when in reality, you are still at a loss because you just gave 5 grand for a training course.

3. The 90 Day Money Back Guarantee is a Joke

There is absolutely no way that you can get your money back with that kind of refund policy in place. The money-back-guarantee is in place to make you feel safe that within the course of two months, you can get your money back whenever you want and that’s just not the case.

Building your own website is going the be one of the first things that you will do and there is NO WAY of failing in that. Nowadays, it’s so easy to create a website that ANYONE can do it.

Creating your own product is not that hard either and with the right training in place such as the Partnership To Success, you will be able to create one, there are tons of software tools that automate the whole process and simplify everything by a lot.

Creating a funnel is again, just a matter of training and implementing what you will learn and trust me, everything you need to do all of the above is there. Simply not putting in the work is not an excuse to get your refund either. That’s why once you invest 5K into this training, don’t expect to have the option of getting them back.

What I Recommend

There are A LOT of training programs out there that teach you how to make money online. Be it by creating your own product or promoting someone else’s, you can get all of that at a much lower price simply because John Thornhill is NOT the only successful internet marketer and his course is not THAT special.

If you’re a beginner I would definitely NOT recommend spending so much money on any single course. Check out how these people are banking profits online using a simple 4 step blueprint. It’s the most incredibly effective yet simple method that so many people neglect and lose money because of that.

Save Your Money and Find Out How To Create an Online Business as a Beginner for FREE Now!

Disclaimer: Please note, I am not a member or an affiliate for Partnership To Success. This review has been researched with information and/or testimonials that are available online in the public domain. Any recommendations and/or conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to, or agree with all persons or situations.

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