Publisher Supremacy Review – Legit or Scam?

Welcome to my Publisher Supremacy review. Can you really start making up to $5K per month with Publisher Supremacy, or is it another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. According to their sales page, you can achieve these results even if you are a complete beginner with zero experience. The business model that you will learn is self publishing.

This is a very real and legit way to earn significant money online. However, it’s not going to be easy and many moving parts need to be considered first.

Publisher Supremacy is created by a guy that claims to know exactly how to help beginners go from zero to thousands per month.

By the time you’re done with this review, you will know exactly what you’re getting into, without any hype or exaggerated claims of income.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Publisher Supremacy Review Summary

Product Name: Publisher Supremacy

Product Owner: Dane McBeth

Product Type: Self Publishing Course

Product Price: $1,997 or 3 Payments of $797

Overall Score: 60/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone!

Summary: Publisher Supremacy is an eBook publishing training program. You will learn how to publish and sell books on Amazon in the form of written text, audiobooks, and paperback.

You will also learn how to market your work and get more people to buy your stuff. Both free and paid traffic generation and marketing methods are covered inside Publishing Supremacy.

Expect to learn how to drive traffic to your eBooks with email and social media via paid ads.

The program has real potential to help you start and run a profitable online business, but I don’t think it’s great for beginners.

The ongoing costs and front end fees just to get started make the entire venture way too risky than it should be.

That’s why, I think that there are better, cost effective ways to start making money online as a beginner.

What is Publisher Supremacy?

Publisher Supremacy is a 7 week course created by Dane Mcbeth. You will learn how to write eBooks or hire freelancers to do it for you.

Most people that get into this business prefer the latter approach, but this is going to cost you more money. Some books can be as long as 50K pages, which means that you will have to pay a good amount of money.

More importantly, you won’t be able to create just one eBook and expect to make thousands of dollars.

You will have to keep publishing on Amazon until eventually you either run out of cash to sustain your business, or you start making money. 

Is Publisher Supremacy a Scam?

Publisher Supremacy review legit or not

Publisher Supremacy is not a scam. If you want to take full advantage of this course and everything it has to offer, you would need a decent budget to get started and maintain your new online business until it starts making you money.

It’s unclear exactly how long it will take. There are many variables, but one thing remains. As a beginner, you would have to invest and risk losing a lot of money with this venture. That’s the only way to get a chance for success.

I can’t recommend this program to beginners because I know that there are much less risky and more profitable ways to start a wildly successful online business.

Beginner’s Alternative: Compare This With Self Publishing

Who is Dane McBeth?

Dane Mcbeth Youtube channel

Dane McBeth is the founder of Publisher Supremacy. In his own words, he’s already made a ton of money from book publishing on Amazon. That’s why he is confident that many people can learn from him and his methods. 

Dane has a Youtube channel with nearly 20K subscribers. Over there, you can see him posting educational videos and sharing information that many beginners can benefit from.

Even if you decide NOT to enroll in his paid program, as long as you’re interested in self publishing, you can learn a lot from his free videos.

There is no REAL way to prove that Dane McBeth practices what he preaches, so we have to take his word for it. Based on the Youtube videos on his channel, it looks like the guy knows his stuff.

What’s Inside Publisher Supremacy?

Publisher Supremacy offers over 35 hours worth of content divided into 7 modules. You can go through the videos at your own pace.

To help boost your success rate, Dane McBeth has a bunch of additional bonuses for you. One of them is unlimited access to a private Facebook group, where all other members get to network with each other.

You can also participate in live bi weekly coaching calls with the rest of the group. Let’s take a closer look at each module and all the bonuses inside this course.

Publisher Supremacy Accelerator

Here, you will learn the exact steps to creating your first eBook. This includes market research, laying out the foundation, and preparing your book to get listed on Amazon.

The platform has its own rules and guidelines that need to be followed, which is why this foundational module is very important.

Publisher Supremacy Marketing

This module covers email marketing. You will learn how to build a list of subscribers that are interested in your books, how to promote your stuff, and how to write email copy that converts into clicks. 

You will also learn how to do keyword research, Amazon ad creation, copywriting so that your ads can get more clicks, and a bunch of conversion tips.

Mindset Mastery

As with many other similar courses, this one has its own mindset training. Having the correct mindset when starting an online business is essential. You need to understand that failure is part of achieving success.

That’s why not giving up when things don’t look too bright is important. Knowing how to face every obstacle without losing the will to continue will determine your success or failure in this and any other business model online or offline.

Audiobook Autopsy

This module is all about teaching you how to convert your eBooks into audiobooks. This is an important part of the training because not everyone that’s buying books on Amazon wants to read.

Many prefer audiobooks. If you don’t cater to that market, you risk losing money. This will require you to invest money in a narrator.

Top Tier Book Transformation

This module is all about getting your book’s notice and ensuring that the quality is good enough for people to buy and leave good reviews. 

You will be competing with huge companies that have been doing this for many years, which is why you need to ensure that everyone who buys your books is left with a good impression. This, in turn, will ensure positive reviews and more purchases.

Books To Business

This part of the training will show you how to build a solid portfolio, get better at branding your work, produce high quality content at scale, and an overall guide to making money with book publishing.

Hiring and Automation

There are software tools that you can use to automate your business. For example, you can set up an autoresponder with your email marketing. That way, people who opt-in to your list can start getting automated messages from you.

You will also learn how to hire ghostwriters effectively and outsource that part of your business that can’t be automated.

Building Your Ecosystem

This part is all about scaling your business with a social media presence and creating your own website. This will be your ecosystem where potential buyers can look at your work, find you with ease, and get your stuff.

Establishing a Brand Presence

Creating a long lasting and trustworthy brand requires a lot of work. Without a proper guide to show you the ropes, it can be nearly impossible.

That’s why this module will cover exactly how to create a brand and start selling other stuff apart from books. 


There are approximately 5 bonuses offered on the sales page and they are as follows:

Bonus 1 – The Royalty Starter Kit.
This is a free method to start getting paid royalties on your work.

Bonus 2 – Over One Hundred Worksheets and Resources.
All of these will help increase your earnings.

Bonus 3 – Shopify Shortcut.
This bonus is all about teaching you how to build a Shopify website to sell your books and go outside Amazon.

Bonus 4 – Done For You Emails & Automation.
Here, you will get pre written emails. You can use them as templates when contacting your prospects and writing out automated sequences.

Bonus 5 – Supremacy Quality Check.
Each month, you can send your work to be reviewed by Dane and his team of experts. They will conduct quality checks and let you know when something needs improvement.

How Much Does Publisher Supremacy Cost?

Publisher Supremacy costs $1,997 or 3 monthly installments of $797. If you go with the split payment option, you will end up paying a total of $2,391. That’s just to get your foot through the door.

Then you will need to pay for autoresponder software, ghostwriters, ads, and Shopify. All of these additional costs need to be considered first.

Can You Get a Refund?

Yes. There’s a 90- day money back guarantee. However, it is conditional, which means that you have to adhere to the requirements. You need to complete 50% of the course, publish at least one book on KDP, and give this an honest try.

What I Like About Publisher Supremacy

Publisher Supremacy review pros vs cons

1. Dane McBeth is a Professional. It looks like he has seen much success in the self publishing industry.

2. Good Training.
The content inside can turn any beginner into an expert at self publishing. When you’re done with the course, you will know everything about the industry and how to make money online with self publishing.

3. Refund Policy.
You can get your money back if you’re not satisfied.

What I Don’t Like About Publisher Supremacy

1. It’s Expensive. You need to pay up to $2,391 to get access to the training and even more on everything else that needs to be done to get started.

2. There’s a Chance to Get Your Refund Declined.
That’s why you need to ensure that you follow everything outlined in their terms of use.

3. Not The Best Way For Beginners to Get Started.
The business model requires many moving parts to succeed and thousands of dollars upfront.

Is There a Better Alternative?

If you’re a beginner with no previous experience, or on a tight budget, I believe that there are better alternatives.

This review of Publisher Supremacy should give you enough insights into the course and business model for you to make an educated decision. Dane Mcbeth can definitely teach us a lot of useful things.

However, I still think that there are better, cost effective ways for beginners to get started.

On the next page, you will see the four step system that I’m using to make up to $1K per SINGLE sale of a product or service I don’t even own on top of regular monthly passive income. 

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