Prosper Trading Academy Review

Welcome to my Prosper Trading Academy review. Scott Bauer and his team of expert trading coaches can teach you how to trade profitably.

All you have to do is spend anywhere from $499 to over $4,995. You can learn from different courses that focus on various aspects of trading.

Interested in options trading? You can take Scott Bauer’s Options Volatility course for beginners.

Scott Bauer

It includes 7 hours in the live options signal room, a one-on-one personal trading lesson, and The Ultimate Options Guide eBook.

Don’t mistake this as a sure deal. Most inexperienced traders lose money when they get started.

Even if they learn from proven experts.

Prosper Trading Academy Review Summary

Product Name: Prosper Trading Academy

Product Owner: Scott Bauer

Product Type: Trading Course

Product Price: $499 – $4,995

Overall Score: 65/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone

Summary: This platform comes with four training programs taught by trading experts Scott Bauer, Charlie Moon, and Mike Shorr.

That’s not all.

Charlie Lewis hosts the “Foundation Room”. It can supposedly accelerate your growth, help you re-learn forgotten methods, or simply sharpen your skills to become a better trader.

Each program comes with its own price tag. How much you pay depends on what you want to learn. Treat this as the investment it is, and you won’t be disappointed.

Approach this with REAL clarity, and realize that you can end up losing a lot of money in your journey to becoming a good trader.

If you prefer to avoid the monetary risks that come with this model, see this cost-effective alternative below and find out why it’s my favorite.

What is Prosper Trading Academy?

Prosper Trading Academy is a platform with trading courses and resources that focus on beginners, intermediate, and experts in various fields of trading.

This includes stock options, momentum stocks, short-term options, and penny stock trading.

The first program inside Prosper Trading Academy is Scott Bauer’s Options Volatility crash course. He covers both basic and advanced option theory.

Learn what to do when the market becomes uncertain, adapt to the thinking of successful traders, and calculate your risks when you invest in options.

The second program is called Penny Stocks, and it’s hosted by Charlie Moon. Get access to this course for 3 months and get the following:

Live Signal Trading Room to master trading in real market conditions, three months’ worth of high-potential trade signals, and access to the 14-Part Penny Stocks Mastery Program

You will also learn short-term strategies with OTC (over-the-counter) stocks.

Before joining the Academy as a coach, Charlie worked as a proprietary equities trader with Great Point Capital LLC.

That’s where he gained experience in technical analysis and active portfolio management.

Related: Harvest Wealth Academy

The third program is called Short Term Options with Mike Shorr. Learn how to take calculated risks and profit from both up and down markets.

Oftentimes, you will enter and exit trades on the same day. The fourth program is Momentum Stocks with Charlie Moon.

Learn the basics of stock trading, short selling, and dividends. Get a better understanding of trading psychology and begin to automate your trading.

The fifth and final program is called Foundation Room With Charlie Lewis. This is a library of tips and tricks you can use, such as option volatility theory, approach to basic and niche stock trading, beginner and advanced tactics.

Is Prosper Trading Academy a Scam?

Prosper Trading Academy review legit or not

Prosper Trading Academy is NOT a scam. It’s a legit training platform with multiple programs and coaches. Each one is focused on a specific area of trading.

While the training courses are produced by experienced and skilled traders, that does NOT guarantee success. Most beginners will end up losing a lot of money due to easily avoidable mistakes.

To start trading effectively, you would need to prepare at least $5K. That’s excluding the costs of the training courses.

That’s why I think that there is a better, cost-effective way for a beginner to start making money online.

Next: The Simple System I’m Using To Earn Passive Income Online

Who Are The Coaches at Prosper Trading Academy

The coaches at Prosper Trading Academy are Scott Bauer, Charlie Moon, Mike Shorr, and Charlie Lewis. They have a combined trading experience of over 75 years.

Scott Bauer is the leader of the dream team and the CEO of this program. Penny Stocks and Momentum Stocks are Charlie Moon’s expertise.

Mike Shorr deals with short-term options, and Charlie Lewis is the leading expert in the Foundation Room.

What Do Prosper Trading Academy Students Say About The Program?

Most reviews on independent platforms like TrustPilot are very positive. About 90% of all user-generated comments are positive.

Trustpilot positive review for Prosper Trading Academy

Jeff Bail shared his positive experience and praised one of the sales reps inside the program for being there when he needed them and for getting that much-needed support.

robert peters positive review of Prosper Trading Academy

Robert Peters has been a member since 2019. In his own words, you will become a better trader using this site. He also said that the team is very helpful, and the support is great.

About 4% of the comments are negative. Here’s what some people had to say.

Negative review on Trustpilot for Prosper Trading Academy

The most recent one is from Steve Sorenson. He said that Prosper Trading Academy did a “bait and switch” that promised to teach Mike Shorr’s one-hour-a-day trading plan.

Instead, the user said that he got sold a VSL (video sales letter) for the MAIN program. In other words, he got sold an advertisement.

Pete negative review

Pete left one star because he kept losing money. In his own words, he experienced loss after loss.

He signed up after reading all the positive reviews, which he now believes are fabricated. He lost over $10K and followed every recommendation given to him.

Are There Any Alternatives To Prosper Trading Academy?

Yes. There are many alternatives to Prosper Trading Academy. You can explore some articles related to this program below:

Online Trading Academy. This training program offers coaching on crypto, stocks, options, futures, or forex programs. There are multiple courses inside. Each one has its own price tag.

Funded Profits Trading Academy. This is a day trading course. It will teach you how to find brokers who will give you their money to invest. You keep 80%, and the broker gets 20% of the earnings.

G7FX. This is Neerav Vadera’s flagship program. It claims to teach you how to become a profitable trader by following the advice of an ex-Barclays employee.

Jeff Clark Trader. He sells a bunch of courses about day trading. For $19, you can get his monthly trading opportunities, exclusive member reports, customer support, and options trading masterclass.

How Much Does Prosper Trading Academy Cost?

Prosper Trading Academy comes with multiple price points. Options Volatility Crash Course by Scott Bauer costs $499.

Penny Stocks Mastery with Charlie Moon costs $4,995. Short Term options with Mike Shorr will cost you $4,995.

Momentum Stocks Live Signal Trading Room by Charlie Moon is priced at $4,995. There are split payment options, allowing you to pay in multiple monthly installments. There are also financing options.

What I Like About Prosper Trading Academy

Prosper Trading Academy review pros vs cons

1. They Have Programs For All Trading Levels. You can take advantage of this opportunity if you’re a beginner, intermediate, or even an expert trader.

2. Scott Bauer is Legit. He has 25+ years of experience and has been featured in big financial networks like FOX Business. He has a great reputation as a very reputable and respectable guy in the industry.

3. Different Experts in Different Fields. Each course has its own specialized expert coach.

What I Don’t Like About Prosper Trading Academy

1. It’s Expensive. The courses can set you back thousands of dollars. To begin trading, you would need at least $5K.

2. It’s Risky. Even with the best coaches in the world, there is still a REAL chance you might end up with a huge hole in your pocket.

3. Not The Best Alternative For Beginners. In my opinion, this is not the best way for a beginner to start making money online. On the next page, I will show you the simple system I’m using to bank up to $1K per SINGLE sale using other people’s products and services.

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