Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab – Revealed!

Welcome to my Jenna Kutcher Instagram Lab review. Is it worth getting involved with this course, or is it just another scam to avoid? 

Here’s what you need to know.

This training program costs almost $300, but you can get it in 12 monthly installments of $27.

With so much free stuff available online, do you really have to pay to learn Instagram traffic generation?

You’re about to find out exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated income claims.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab Review Summary

Product Name: The Instagram Lab

Product Type: Traffic Generation With Instagram

Product Owner: Jenna Kutcher

Product Price: $297, or 4 x $89, or 12 x $27

Overall Score: 30/100

Summary: Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab is a course on traffic (web visitors) generation. It can show you how to use one of the most popular social media platforms out there to drive leads and sales into your own online business.

According to the sales page, you can get the exact blueprint that will show you how to grow your following and attract the right kind of people at the same time.

The Instagram Lab will teach you how to connect with your audience on a deeper level, which can expedite the process that it takes to build trust with your dream customers.

Jenna Kutcher’s course will teach you a thing or two about the Instagram platform, and how to approach it without stressing too much about the end results.

If you are new to this, then you will probably find this training useful. However, I’m sure that you can find a lot of free info bout Instagram and all the different ways to drive traffic to your offers.

Instagram marketing can be a great way to create a following, build a brand, and monetize your time online.

However, I think that other, more suitable, and cost-effective alternatives can help you make money online, and generate a ton of traffic at the same time.

What is Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab About?

Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab is a 4 step blueprint that shows you everything that Jenna knows about creating a large following on Instagram.

She will give you a step-by-step process of everything that you need to do to grow your audience. You will also get access to a community of over 10K like-minded individuals who have bought her course.

It’s important to understand that Jenna Kutcher has turned her entire life into a marketing campaign.

If you’ve seen her website, you will notice that there are pictures of her and her family all over the place.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing. However, it only proves that she is always thinking of ways to market herself as a brand. That’s probably the biggest reason why she has managed to become such a success.

The good news is that you don’t have to become a real-life walking brand to replicate her success, but it can help.

Her course, The Instagram Lab will show you how to do things the right way when it comes to building a large following on the platform.

On top of the four core modules for success, you will also get Jenna’s Platform-Specific Deep Dives, The Editing and Scheduling Bonus Suite, The Roadmap to 1 Month of Posts,

Jenna knows how to do it. She’s also taught a lot of people. Some of them are more satisfied and happy than others.

Is Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab a Scam?

jenna kutcher instagram lab legit or not

No, it’s not, and the reason for that is simple. Jenna Kutcher will deliver on her promise to provide you with a training course about growing an audience on this social media channel.

Instagram Lab will help you get familiar with all the details that are needed to create a large following.

If you stick to the training, you may end up seeing success.

You will learn all the technical stuff required to create high-quality videos, as well as some good marketing tactics to grab people’s attention and get them to interact with your content.

Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab isn’t as popular as some of her other programs, such as The Pinterest Lab, The List To Launch Lab, The Podcast Lab, and The Photo Lab.

Keep in mind that, this course is NOT for beginners that are just getting started. If you’re looking for a full-on business plan and a strategy to create a profitable online venture, see this alternative below.

What’s Inside Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab

Inside Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab, you will be able to access 4 modules that cover everything that you need to do in complete detail to grow your audience.

Let’s break down what each module is all about, and go through all the additional bonuses that you will get alongside everything else.

Module 1 – What To Post

The first module will cover the basics of posting on Instagram. Jenna will teach you how to brand yourself in the most effective way that she knows.

You will learn the type of images to pick for your posts and how to place yourself as an expert in your respective niche, or industry.

Each post should serve the purpose of delivering the right message and providing value for anyone who sees it.

That’s where Jenna’s ABCDQ formula comes into play.

There’s a steep competition on Instagram. That’s why it’s important to know how to stand out from the rest.

Jenna will show you how to do that by helping you express yourself. In other words, she will teach you how to market yourself as a brand, just like she does.

Module 2 – What To Say

Adding the right image is just as important as writing a great caption. You must understand how they work on a deeper level.

Meaning that you should be able to tell a story with your captions that compliment the image that you’ve posted. When you combine both of these things successfully, you can ensure that you will attract people’s attention.

The next step is to give them something of value so that they can convert into loyal followers. Jenna Kutcher will give you her tips and tricks for making sure that you implement all of this the right way.

This module is focused on changing your mindset from thinking about what’s the perfect post, to making sure that you provide value with everything that you do on Instagram.

Module 3 – How To Plan Your Posts

Planning your posts ahead of time can save you a lot of time and frustration in figuring out what to post. By making sure that you create a schedule of the few posts that you plan on adding, you will ensure that you spend your time more efficiently.

Jenna Kutcher will give you her process so that you never wonder what to post and to always be prepared ahead of time. Remember that every module is focused on turning your Instagram into your own personal brand.

Things like the timing of your posts, the hashtags you use, and the content you add all play a role in your success or failure on Instagram.

Module 4 – Convert Followers To Clients

Every module so far has led to this moment. Once you grab people’s attention, it’s time to do your best to convert them into clients. That’s what the last module of Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab is all about. She will cover the 6 ways to get your followers off of Instagram and into your product/service offers.

Bonus Training #1 – Write The Perfect Instagram Bio

Learn how to create a bio that is on point and lets your potential followers know exactly what kind of content they should expect from you.

Bonus Training #2 – One or Two Accounts?

Should you have a personal and professional account or stick to one for various purposes? Since Jenna Kutcher is focused on becoming a brand herself, you can probably imagine that she is using ONE account for both personal and professional ventures. That’s what she recommends that you do as well.

Bonus Training #3 – Instagram Stories Method

In this bonus training, Jenna Kutcher will show you her 4-step process for boosting your confidence and feeling comfortable around creating stories regularly.

Bonus Training #4 – Using Reels

This bonus training will show you how to leverage Instagram reels as a new way to reach your target audience inside the social media platform.

Bonus Training #5 – 3 Golden Questions For Hashtags

This training will explain why you are using hashtags. By knowing the science behind these hashtags, you can learn how to add them more efficiently to your posts and reach your audience faster.

Bonus Training #6 – Instagram Ads 101

This training is all about teaching you how to use Instagram ads to promote your posts and boost engagement rates. Needless to say, this method will cost you extra money, and the results may not always be as great as you would expect. Especially if you are new to running paid ads.

Bonus Training #7 – Getting Started With Influencer Marketing Training

Here, you will learn about Jenna Kutcher’s methods of delivering value, while promoting content at the same time and how you can do that too. Of course, you will not be able to replicate her results right away, because she has been doing this for years now.

Bonus Training #8 – Ideal Client Identification System

By knowing who your ideal client is, you can make sure that you are speaking directly to them with your content. This is a good way to weed out all of the people who don’t have a chance of ever becoming your client.

Editing & Scheduling Bonus Suite

You will get introduced to Jenna’s favorite planning tool. You will get to see her exact process as she edits and adjusts her photos.

1 Month Of Feed Content

You will get 30 days’ worth of different ideas that can help you plan out your content posting times.

Private Facebook Group Invite

As a member of Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab, you will also get access to her private Facebook group, where all the other members get to hang out.

Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab Price, Extra Costs & Refunds

Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab comes with a price tag of $297 (one time). You can also pay with 4 monthly installments of $89, which equals $356, or you could pay 12 monthly installments of $27.

If you decide to pay monthly, there is no going back on your decision once the refund guarantee period expires, and you will be required by law to pay everything that you are, even if you stop using The Instagram Lab for any reason.

If you miss a payment, then you will get interest applied, which means that you will end up paying more for your purchase. Everything can be found on Jenna’s terms and conditions page.

As for a refund, you can get one within 30 days of purchasing the program. You are entitled to a refund regardless of the payment option you choose.

There are some additional costs that you should consider, such as the fact that if you end up paying for ads, you will spend more cash. Also, some of the tools inside are going to cost you as well.

What I Like About Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab

jenna kutcher instagram lab pros vs cons

1. Jenna Kutcher Has a Lot Of Instagram Followers. This means that she knows what she is talking about when it comes to building a big following.

2. She is Going to Teach You How To Become a Brand.
That’s also a good thing because you can build connections with your potential clients by becoming a brand. You don’t have to take it as far as Jenna has though.

What I Don’t Like About Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab?

1. It’s Expensive. Paying that much for a training course that’s going to show you how to use one of the MANY social media channels for your own traffic generation methods is just too much in my opinion.

2. Not Updated in Years.
It looks like the training program has not received an update for at least a couple of years now.

Do I Recommend Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab?

Not really and here’s why. Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab is a legit training course, that can teach a lot of people how to successfully attract traffic from Instagram, and convert them into paying clients for your business.

Her training is by no means unique though there are many other similar courses and programs that don’t charge as much.

Based on that, and the abundance of free info that anyone with a stable internet connection can get their hands on, I don’t think that this is the best solution for anyone.

If you are looking for a way to create your own passive income-generating business online, then you should see how these people are banking profits with a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint. So many people neglect this. Don’t be one of them.

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