Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab – Is Her Course Worth it?

Welcome to my Jenna Kutcher Pinterest Lab review. According to the sales page, you can turn Pinterest into your number-one traffic source in under one hour a week.

Apparently, it doesn’t matter what your industry is, or what kind of niche market you’re looking to get into, and anyone can take advantage of what’s being taught inside.

Is this really true though?

Here’s what you need to know. Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab’s course cost has increased. It used to cost $197. Now, the full price is $297.

You can see a bunch of positive reviews on the sales page, but not everyone agrees that the course is worth it.

Some people say that Jenna’s lost her way and is no longer relatable to her audience.

jenna kutcher pinteres lab negatve review

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated income claims.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab Review Summary

Product Name: The Pinterest Lab

Product Type: Course on Traffic Generation With Pinterest

Product Owner: Jenna Kutcher

Product Price: $297, Or 6x$54/Month

Overall Score: 30/100

Recommended: No!

Summary: Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab course is all about generating traffic using one of the well-known social media platforms called Pinterest.

If you are interested in attracting more people to your blog, online business, website, or any other web page, then this course may be what you’re looking for.

Before you go and spend money on the course, I would suggest that you first take a look at all the FREE info that’s available online about the topic.

You will find a lot of what’s being taught inside Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest lab on platforms like YouTube, or Google.

I don’t think that it’s worth paying that much for a single traffic generation training with the abundance of free info that’s out there.

Pinterest is not that hard to master, but it requires that you put in the work to start seeing results, just like everything else in life that’s worth having.

No amount of courses or training programs that you buy will take care of that for you.

In my opinion, there are better alternatives to this one that can teach you internet marketing, and how to make money online that don’t just focus on a single thing.

What is Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab About?

Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab is all about how to get started with this social media platform. Inside you will get access to everything that she has learned about Pinterest over the years.

You will get familiar with the SEO side of things, and how to leverage this platform as the massive search engine that it is.

You will also learn all the details needed for success like how often you should post, how to repin other people’s posts the right way, and more.

Who is Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab Course Best Suited For?

Here’s the thing. This is a VISUAL platform more than anything else, so naturally, not every type of business that’s out there will see great results.

This is something that you won’t see on Jenna Kutcher’s sales page, because let’s face it, it’s bad for business to be THAT honest and transparent.

In fact, she claims that basically, any type of business can strive over there, but I beg to differ. Let me put it this way. 

You probably won’t have the same success on Pinterest if you are running a toilet cleaning business, compared to women’s fashion designs. It makes sense, doesn’t it?

There is a reason why not everyone is using Pinterest as a way to drive traffic to their business, and it’s NOT because they are ignorant of the opportunity that this platform presents.

That’s why you should think about what kind of market you are involved in, and figure out where your audience hangs out the most.

If you are in the women’s fashion business, then you will most likely have a ton of success on Pinterest because 70% or more of the users inside are female.

Is Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab a Scam?

jenna kutcher pinterest lab legit or not

No, it’s not. Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab is about leveraging the platform to your own benefit and using it to generate traffic to your offers, products, or whatever else you are doing online.

If you are interested in learning about all the techniques and methods that successful Pinterest users are implementing, then Jenna’s course will most likely help you with that. 

Jenna updates her course regularly, which means that she keeps up with all the changes in the online world and that is reflected in her program.

That doesn’t change the fact that, with the abundance of free information that’s out there, you can easily find a ton of different ways to get traffic on Pinterest from free resources online.

There are better ways to improve your online presence and make money using the internet, without paying that much for a single training course.  On top of that, the refund policy is not what it seems at first glance.

According to Jenna Kutcher’s terms and conditions, you can get your money back within 30 days of purchasing the course. If you decide to opt-in for a payment plan, you are required to complete all your payments or you risk getting chased down by collection agencies.

You may also get charged with 1.5% interest if you fail to pay within 14 days of the due date.

Teselate payment interest fees can be applied if you subscribe to the monthly payment plan and miss out on a deadline. 

Furthermore, a user on Reddit claimed that they bought the course a while back and it was horrible.

negative review of jenna's course

Not everyone shares that opinion. However, it’s important to look at both negative and positive reviews when making a decision.

In my opinion, there is a better way to create a profitable online business and start earning passive income online.

What’s Inside Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab?

Inside Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab training course, you will get access to 4 modules, and a bunch of bonuses to get you even more hooked up into buying. Let’s break down everything that you will be getting inside this program.

Module 1 – Clarifying Your Client

This module is all about understanding your clients, who they are, what are they looking for, and making sure that you can give them exactly what they want in the form of your Pinterest pins.

You will also learn about keyword research, implementation, and how to use them to your own advantage inside your profile and pins. Get familiar with boards and use Jenna’s personal strategy for creating magazine-like boards to lure in your potential clients.

It all starts with mapping out your content strategy. You need to know exactly what pins to post, when to do it, and how to consistently add fresh content inside your Pinterest account.

There are some specifics that go into each pin that you add, such as hashtag implementation, graphics, title, and what kind of keywords to use. All of this plays a role and is vital for your success on Pinterest.

Module 2 – Gain Subscribers

The second module will teach you how to attract subscribers and create an email list of subscribers. This will be your audience that you can connect with and sell stuff to.

Having your own email list can be incredibly beneficial for your business, regardless of the niche market or industry.

Module 3 – Converting Traffic & Getting More Leads

Here, you will learn how to effectively get people to click on your pins and go directly to your offers. Jenna will show you how to mix Pinterest with other platforms so that you can post on multiple places at the same time.

This can help you post more efficiently, and it can save you some time along the way.

This module is also the place where you will learn how to automate your Pinterest marketing so that you can be able to spend time not only on this platform but on other things that matter to your business.

Module 4 – Increase Your Content

The last module will teach you how to 10x your efforts and use one single piece of content in 10 different ways.

Increasing your content could potentially lead to an increase in your traffic, leads, and sales.

Bonus #1 – The JK Pinterest Template Kit

You can use this kit as your own to ensure that your pins look professional and eye-catching. You will also get access to a video from Social Squares, that will show you how to get any piece of content that you have and convert it into 10 pins.

Bonus #2 – Access To Jenna Kutcher’s Tailwind Tribe

Apparently, this is where you will get the chance to get your pins seen by even more people. You could be potentially looking at millions of impressions.

It’s important to remember that impressions on Pinterest are far different than those on, let’s say Google. Usually, you need to get way more impressions to get people clicking on your content.

Bonus #3 – Tailwind Automation Training

A guide on how to automate everything on Tailwind. This is a tool that can help you get all your social media posts automated, but it’s important to remember that it does cost money to get access to the full services of this tool.

Bonus #4 – The Capstone Content Generator

This bonus is all about creating 5 pieces of capstone content to help with searchability and acquiring qualified leads to your list.

Bonus #5 – Access To a Private Facebook Group

Over there, you can get to interact with 300+ members of the Pinterest Lab, and get access to Jenna Kutcher.

You will be able to ask questions, and get answers. It’s also the place where you will get access to a 5-week coaching program showing you how to set up everything in just 30 minutes a day.

Pinterest Lab Price, & Extra Costs

Pinterest Lab comes with a price tag of $297 (one time). There is a split payment option you can choose.

You can pay in 6 monthly installments of $54. The total amount that you will pay then is $324

There are a couple of additional things that will most likely come along as an added expense. Tailwind is one of them, and the prices start from $24.99/Month, or $179.88/Year.

If you do decide to implement paid ads into your strategy, it will cost you from $5 -$10/Day to as much as you want to scale.

What I Like About Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab

jenna kutcher pinterest lab pros vs cons

1. Training is Legit. Inside you will learn valuable insights about how Pinterest works, and how to use it on your own business.

There are no guarantees here, but you will be taking advantage of something that has been proven to work for a lot of people.

2. Jenna Kutcher is Legit. Jenna is a successful businesswoman and has built herself a very decent income stream online.

It’s safe to say that she does know what she is talking about when it comes to her courses and training programs.

Part of her income comes from creating courses like the Pinterest Lab, The List To Launch Lab, The Podcast Lab, The Photo Lab, and The Instagram Lab.

What I Don’t Like About Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab

1. It’s Expensive For a Training Course. $297+ for training on things that can be found online for free is probably not the best thing that a beginner should do.

My advice is that you only buy this training, if you are absolutely sure that Pinterest is what you NEED right now, and you can’t find what you’re looking for free online. 

2. Negative User Feedback. Some users say that the product quality is low, which can be a matter of personal opinion. It can also mean that the course content is not worth the price.

Do I Recommend Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab?

Not really and here’s why. Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab is not the ideal solution for EVERYONE. Every business is different, and some will work better on Pinterest than others.

Before you even think about tapping into this training course, you need to make sure that your audience is actually on Pinterest. That’s why I highly recommend that you do your research first, but hey, that’s just my opinion.

In my opinion, there is a better way for a beginner to start making money online. On the next page, I will show you the simple system I’m using to earn a full-time income.

Over there you will learn how people are banking profits, using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many neglect and lose out on that opportunity forever. Don’t be one of those people.

1 thought on “Jenna Kutcher’s Pinterest Lab – Is Her Course Worth it?”

  1. A truly fair review THANK YOU!
    You have been a tremendous help and you have kept me from going down a time consumming rabbit hole .
    I am a disaster at maths !? you have shown me that “ only” paying $39 a month results in a total spend of $273 ?? and that all the other ad ons such as Tailwind also represent an additional spend – I love Jenna and she is a GREAT business woman All is fair but naive people can get a little hoodwinked


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