My Commission Bootcamp Review – Is This a Scam?

Welcome to my Commission Bootcamp review. If you’ve gone through their sales video, then you already know that this system can supposedly generate $500 per day fast and easy.

The sales page starts with a hired actor bragging about how she made over $10K with this program in her first month. Before that, she used to work as a waitress.

Then, you see a few other paid actors saying how much better they are financially thanks to Chris and his system.

If you look closely enough, you can see their eyes move as they are reading their script.

Not to mention that you can hire most of these people on platforms like Fiverr. For a few bucks, they will say anything you want.

My Commission Bootcamp is an exaggerated and hyped-up system that promises you a lot of things but does not deliver on any of them.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Commission Bootcamp Review Summary

Product Name: Commission Bootcamp

Product Owner: Chris Brant (Fake Name)

Product Price: $47 + Upsells

Overall Score: 1/100

Recommended: No!

Summary: Commission Bootcamp is a shiny object, and nothing more. You are promised easy money and fast payouts in as little as 24 hours of your purchase. All you have to do is copy a few links each day and that’s it.

The sales video is filled with FAKE testimonials, and the owner Chris Brant is not real. You are being promised a lot of things, but you never learn exactly what you are buying.

They use every marketing trick in the book to get you to make an impulsive buying decision. From scarcity tactics to promising unrealistic monetary gains.

There are tons of similar programs, and systems out there that tap into people’s inner greed or desire to make easy money online.

Systems like My Commission Bootcamp are heavily focused on beginners.

We all want to make money without putting in any effort whatsoever, but those with more experience in the field already know that it doesn’t work that way.

If there were such a system that actually WORKED, I would know about it.

You can learn how to create a LEGIT online business and acquire valuable skills that can help you earn passive income online, but it will require a bit of work. Success will not happen overnight. 

Luckily, there is a proven blueprint that you can follow. If that sounds interesting then you should see my recommendation below.

What is Commission Bootcamp?

My Commission Bootcamp is a digital product that’s been around for a few years now. The content has not changed a bit. Even the sales videos and marketing materials are the same.

This product looks very outdated and it’s highly unlikely that anyone can benefit from it.

The program is sold on the ClickBetter marketplace. You can also see this program on Digistore24.

ClickBetter is well known for hosting many fraudulent products, and services that don’t work, and take people’s hard-earned money. 

That alone is not enough to determine if My Commission Bootcamp is a scam, that’s why I decided to dig deeper into this system to find out what it’s all about, and here’s what I was able to find.

When a sales video starts with the words, ”this car”, and ”this house” and then shows you a good-looking female getting into a fancy sports car, it can be considered as a HUGE red flag.

my commission bootcamp

I’ve come across hundreds of products and systems that supposedly help you make money online, and 90% of the scams that I’ve reviewed have the same exact thing in common.

They flash all these expensive cars, houses, and everything else that most people WANT to have.

What’s the next thing that all these fraudulent products and services share? Scarcity tactics, and different triggers that URGE you to buy, before it’s too late.

my commission bootcamp fake scarcity

Most importantly, they all have sob stories like the one that Chris has about his wife leaving him for a Wall Street guy.

It’s all part of attempting to gain your trust so that you can be more inclined to give your money away.

I promised to show you solid proof, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do next.

Is My Commission Bootcamp a Scam?

is commission bootcamp a scam legit or not

Yes, it is a scam, and here’s why. You are being led to believe that you can bank easy cash, as long as you pay some money upfront to get access to the system.

my commission bootcamp as seen on fake

Just about everything inside is fake and unreal. From all the testimonials to the ”as seen on” pictures that are just slapped there to create a false sense of trustworthiness.

Fake Testimonials

In order to convince you, the sales video has all these success stories of happy users of this system. Well, these ”happy customers” are actually people who have been paid to say these things.

Here’s a screenshot of the exact same guy that was used in the sales video, and the link that leads to his Fiverr account, where he promotes his services as a paid spokesperson.

my commission blueprint fake testimonial

If that’s not enough for you, here’s another spokesperson from that same website that can be seen in My Commission Bootcamp’s sales video.

my commission bootcamp testimonial two

This fake testimonial issue happens a lot, and many programs, courses, and systems are using spokespeople from Fiverr who pretend to be successful users.

A few examples of that are MiIlionaire Biz Pro, WiredBucksPassive Profit Pages, and China Cash Clone. l can’t hold it against them, they are just trying to make some money.

The real problem lies with those that pay for their services, and slap these fake testimonials on low-quality programs like Commission Bootcamp.

It’s a Get Rich Quick Scheme

Most of us don’t bother with reading disclosures, which is why I assume that you didn’t notice the subtle contradiction between the sales video and the fine print below that video, so I will point it out for you.

my commission bootcamp contradiction between sales video and fine print

A ”get rich scheme” is the exact same thing as a ”get rich quick scheme” which according to Wikipedia, is the impression that people can get a high rate of return with small investments, and little to no effort, which is exactly what My Commission Bootcamp proclaims.

my commission bootcamp week two false claim

Chris Brant or whatever his real name is, claims that he made over $6,000 dollars in twoweekse, without making a high-risk investment, yet their website says that they do not purport this as a ”get rich scheme”. 

He even warns you about fake scammers who will tell you what you want to hear in order to take your hard-earned money, which is EXACTLY what he is doing, and the lies don’t stop there.

my commission bootcamp clicksure closed down

As you can see, they give you a hint of what to expect if you buy My Commission Bootcamp, and it looks like they are pitching the affiliate marketing business model.

This a legit way to make money online, but the problem here is that the platform shown, called Clicksure closed down back in 2018, and is now owned by another entity.

Let’s give this guy Chris the benefit of the doubt and assume that this is how he and his students used to make money online before and that he hasn’t updated his sales video, which in all fairness happens all the time with LEGIT programs and systems. 

The problem with that theory is that the website was created in 2020 which means that there is NO WAY that it has ever been involved with Clicksure.

my commission bootcamp whois date of creation

This is yet another lie uncovered.

Wildly Exaggerated Income Claims

Apparently, you can make $500 a day with this system as a beginner, and by working only 20-30 minutes a day you can scale it to up to $3,000 or more. This is UNREALISTIC and anyone who has ever made any money online will agree with me on that. 

This Chris persona keeps on chanting about how easy it is for anyone to make fast and easy money with this system, and at some point, he even implies that he is doing YOU a favor for charging you so little for it.

It Sounds Too Good to Be True

He makes the entire process of making a lot of money online look so easy that basically, anyone can do it, with no technical skills or any sort of experience whatsoever.

If I say that the sales page is misleading it will be putting it lightly, because all I heard when watching that video was one lie after the next.

Even if there is the smallest chance that you can make money with this system, anyone who invests in it will end up being extremely disappointed because they will quickly realize that it’s not as advertised.

What’s Inside Commission Bootcamp?

This is where it gets interesting. There are many people that are actively promoting this system, called affiliates. When they manage to get someone to join and spend money on this offer, they get paid a commission which according to ClickBetter is capped at $47.

They are willing to pay their affiliates 100% of the front-end price because there is a ton of upselling inside this program that costs hundreds of dollars.

Inside My Commission Bootcamp, you will learn CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) and how to promote the system. In other words, the so-called ”super-secret method” that is being taught inside is nothing more than simple training, showing you how to become their affiliate. 

You will learn how to send out promotional emails that will be treated as spam in most cases. In essence, you are paying $47 to learn how to become an email spammer. 

Does that sound like a legitimate opportunity?

Don’t get me wrong, affiliate marketing is a solid way to earn a full-time income online, and CPA is too, but not in the way that you are being shown inside Commission Bootcamp.

The only way that anyone can make any kind of cash with this system is if they already have a large email list of subscribers and know what they are doing.

In other words, this system is not nearly as beginner-friendly as you are being led to believe. Top that with all the lies that are being piled on, one after the other on the sales video, and you can see why I call this a scam.

Commission Bootcamp: Can You Get a Refund?

my commission bootcamp refund guarantee

Y,es but Clickbetter has been known to withhold refunds in some cases, which means that there are no guarantees even with the refund policy in place.

In theory, there is a 60-day money-back guarantee, and according to the commission Bootcamp refund policy, they won’t even charge you until that period ends.

Considering all the deceitful tactics, fake testimonials, and everything else discussed in this review, I am a bit skeptical about that refund guarantee, and you should be too.

Especially, when you consider the fact that ClickBetter is not the most reliable, and trustworthy network.

What I Like About Commission Bootcamp

commission bootcamp review pros vs cons

Nothing. I’m trying so hard to find at least one single thing that I can say is good about this program, from a consumer point of view, but I can’t.

Maybe it is good for some affiliates that don’t mind promotinlow-qualityty, and scammy products just for the sake of making money, but that’s about it.

What I Don’t Like About Commission Bootcamp

1. Hyped Up Claims. There is so much fuzz, and hype around this system, and all the unrealistic claims will leave anyone that buys Commission Bootcamp very disappointed with end results.

Unfortunately, there is no way that a beginnewho’s’s just getting started in the world of making money online can make $500+ a day just by copying and pasting.

2. The Entire Website is a Big Hoax. Everything about the Commission Bootcamp is false. From the exaggerated claims to the owner Chris Brant.

It can be difficult to fix a ruined online reputation, which is probably why the real person behind this system has decided to stay anonymous.

3. You Don’t Know What You Are Getting. There is no mention of a skill that you will learn to make money online or something else except empty promises and scarcity tactics to ensure that people who land on that page make an impulsive buying decision before their reasoning stops them.

4. It’s Outdated. The program teaches basic simple stuff about promoting it to others using paid advertising. The lessons are the same from a few years ago. With the ever-changing internet world, it’s safe to say that this program is very outdated now.

My Recommendation

This is a direct message for all the shiny object seekers out there. I know what it’s like to jump from one over-promising program to another without getting any results ever.

There are far more scams out there than legit programs, and the truth is that the fake ones will always sound better, and more promising.

The problem is that these are just empty promises. There are specific trigger words and phrases that sound very appealing like ”secret loophole” and ”special invitation” or even keywords that are meant to scare people into buying due to fear of missing out and things like that.

When used in a specific order that makes sense, they can play with your emotions, get you excited, etc.

There is a reason for that and it’s usually because they try to get you to buy before you get the chance to think it through. Because 9 out of 10 times, when you get that chance, you will realize that something is not right.

Furthermore, they will work only on beginners, and the inexperienced, because everyone else knows better. Save yourself the headache, by not falling for these things. 

If you really want to make money online, then you should see how these people are banking profits using a REAL business model that so many are neglecting right now, because they are too busy looking for the next shiny object.

Take advantage of that, and leverage this opportunity now. Don’t spend any money upfront and see the blueprint that has changed so many people’s lives for the better.

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