China Cash Clone Review

Welcome to my China Cash Clone Review. If you’ve seen their sales page, you probably saw all the testimonials inside the sales video too.

Let me start by letting you know upfront that by the time you go through this review, you will most likely reconsider getting involved with China Cash Clone in the first place.

They will introduce a method for making money online using dropshipping, however, the quality of the training inside is surprisingly low, and there’s no REAL proof that this method actually works.

On top of that, I will be presenting very solid proof that you can’t trust anything that’s on their sales page.

Congratulations on taking the time in doing your research. Online success can come in many different forms, that’s why it’s important to find YOUR way before investing time, money, or resource on seemingly good products and services.

Let me explain why you won’t be making $912,135 in just six short months.

China Cash Clone Review Summary

Product Name: China Cash Clone

Product Type: Dropshipping Platform

Product Owner: Daniel Barber

Product Type: Dropshipping Platform

Price: $9 + Upsells

Recommended: No

Overall Score: 1/100

Summary: China Cash Clone is a dropshipping training that supposedly shows you how to implement the exact same tactics and strategies as billionaires in China. You will learn about an “internet glitch” that has made it possible for Daniel to accumulate as much as $912,135, and how with just a few simple steps, you can too.

Now, does that sound too good to be true? Because it is, and there no one with any REAL evidence that this thing works.

All the testimonials that you saw in the sales video are fake, and I have proof. The same goes for the fake payments, even the owner is not real. This whole thing is just a big hype, with no real value to anyone.

You can find everything that’s covered inside and more by browsing platforms like Google and Youtube.

In fact, you will probably learn more up to date information that can actually help you.

This product has NOT been updated for over two years, and most of the things you will learn inside simply do NOT work anymore.

Stop wasting time on shiny objects that overpromise and underdeliver and learn how to ACTUALLY create a wildly profitable passive income generating business from the internet by clicking below.

What is China Cash Clone?

China Cash Clone was created by someone named Daniel Barber, and you can make up to $5K a day by taking advantage of this “internet glitch” within the dropshipping industry that Daniel had discovered. You can see how people in China are becoming mega-successful, and copy their exact money-making process using the China Cash Clone Software.

By exploiting that glitch, he was able to generate a huge amount of wealth, fast and easy, and promises that you can do that too. That’s basically their sales page summarized in a couple of sentences. Sounds more like a dream to me which is exactly what the owner behind China Cash Clone is trying to sell you.

The sales page is extremely hyped up, just like many other similar products that try to pitch a dream. Take the Lazy Affiliate Method for example. It’s yet another affiliate marketing platform that tries to sell you the dream as well. You will see a lot of similarities between these two.

China Cash Clone is a product that has a very specific target audience. Newbies in the make money online world.

Most don’t know the shady marketing tactics that some people like to use to sell their stuff. In professional terms, this program is called a shiny object.

To avoid buying the next new groundbreaking system that promises the world, plays with your emotions to get you to buy, and delivers NOTHING, you should adopt a certain mindset.

When something sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. When you do that, you won’t become another shiny object seeker that constantly throws money away and get’s ZERO results.

That’s the type of people that these programs and systems try to attract by exaggerating a lot, and making the whole process seem like something that it’s not. Before we dive deeper into the product itself, let’s summarize what Dropshipping is. 

How Does Dropshipping Work?

Dropshipping is when you have an eCommerce website that sells physical products. They can be in whatever niche market you want them to be. The general idea is that you have some kind of listing online that’s filled with a bunch of different products for people to buy.

When they make a purchase, the product is manufactured somewhere else by other companies, and they do all the shipping and handling for you. In other words, the products that you’re selling won’t come across your hands, ever. Unless you want them to, of course.

You will earn commissions from each sale that you manage to generate through the dropshipping model, and you will never have to hold any physical inventory.

There are a lot of different platforms that you can use for Dropshipping but the most popular and widely used one is Shopify.

Is China Cash Clone a Scam?

To answer the question is China Cash Clone a scam, you should think about what the definition of that word means to you. They will not run away and take your money.

They will give you access to the product, and you can ask for a refund if you end up wanting one. Your purchase is protected by ClickBetter, an affiliate network that has a lot of digital products. It’s similar to ClickBank, and WarriorPlus.

In that sense, China Cash Clone is not a scam. However, their product quality is incredibly low, and their whole sales page is full of fake payment proofs, and testimonials. You can say that they are quite deceptive when it comes to what kind of result you should be expecting.

According to one of the testimonials inside the sales video of China Cash Clone, there is this guy who managed to make $16,000 in just two weeks. 

China Cash Code Fake Testimonial

And below, we can see the exact same guy, marketing his services on Fiverr

Fake payment prooff

Clearly, this is a paid actor from that website, and they run for a pretty low price. An average of 50 words of video testimonial costs less than £5.

Another thing that’s definitely a red flag is the fact that there is no digital footprint of the owner behind this platform.

Who Created China Cash Clone?

China Cash Clone was created by Daniel Barber. It’s funny because, in the sales video, Daniel mentions that he has been very successful with dropshipping, but there is no REAL evidence to that.

It’s just the word of the guy inside the video. He doesn’t show his face, and you can’t really find anything about him online.

Now, that could be considered normal, if we took out of the equation the fact that this guy is trying to run an online business. He’s clearly selling something online, so his online presence should serve as a reputation.

When someone you admire or know that is legit stands behind a product or service, this makes it much more likely for people to buy it. 

What’s Inside China Cash Clone?

The first thing that you will be asked to do once you are inside the membership area of China Cash Clone is to download the software and two additional plugins. Most of the “training” inside is just a bunch of additional upsells that get you to buy other expensive courses.

All of these external websites have affiliate links attached to them. In other words, if you decide to buy into the upsells, the owner of China Cash Clone will get a percentage of the product’s price in the form of commissions.

The only REAL training that you will get inside is in the form of 5 short 1-4 minute videos.

1. Setup. This part will show you how to download, and install the plugins. You will also learn how to use the software.

2. Customization. This video will show you how to copy website designs, and use them as your own by removing essential things such as phone numbers and email addresses. You will also learn how to redesign website logos to make them unique, and use them as your own.

3. Woocommerce. A very short, and basic introduction to woo commerce, and what it’s all about.

4. AliExpress. This video will show you how to add products to your website, adjust the prices, and import product reviews from external resources.

5. Manage Orders. A short video that covers how to manage orders but doesn’t really go in-depth, so you can be left with a lot of questions after watching it.

Altogether there are about 10 minutes of video training inside, and they don’t hold any real value. Given the fact that you can get all of that information and much more for free by going to Youtube or doing a Google search, it doesn’t make any sense to pay $9 for something like that.

Can You Benefit From China Cash Clone?

No one will benefit from China Cash Clone except the ones that made this service. All they want you to do is pay to get access to their SALES FUNNEL which is ridiculous when you think about it.

Apart from the 5 videos above, there are a couple of promotions for other people’s courses, a bunch of additional upsells, and external tools that will keep charging your credit card and filling up the owner of China Cash Clone’s credit card.

When you buy any of the additional stuff inside, you will be doing so by clicking on their affiliate links  which basically means that whoever made this product doesn’t care if you find any use of this program or not.

All they want is to drain as much cash from you as humanly possible. Someone that is using Affiliate Marketing  to promote a Dropshipping platform, doesn’t really prove that they’re credible, does it?

China Cash Clone Price, Upsells & Refunds

china cash clone review price
The front end price is $9 but once you are inside, you will see that a lot of effort has been put in getting people to buy into all the upsells inside. Let’s see how they look like below:

Upsell #1 – VIP Membership Workshop. Not only is this a very expensive upsell but its also what the first part of the training is all about. This is just a promotion for a course called The Super Affiliate System by John Crestany. Over there you will learn how to run paid ads online, and make money from it. The upsell costs $997 and guess who pockets half of that if you decide to get it. 

Upsell #2 – Cash Clone X. This is an upsell that costs $197 and it consists of 8 training videos that show you how to use ClickFunnels. The thing with ClickFunnels is that it’s a very expensive service with the cheapest option being $97/month and the full version is $297/month.

This is yet another upsell with affiliate links, and if you decide to start using ClickFunnels, the people behind China Cash Code will be taking half of those monthly payments via commissions. You just keep going through the sales funnels.

FYI, there is a way less expensive alternative called Systeme. It does the same thing at the fraction of the price.

Upsell #3 – 3 Ready Made Profit Sources. Apparently, this upsell will increase your overall profits by up to 785% which is believable when you consider the fact that your overall profits before this upsell will most likely be 0. This is just another attempt to give you a low-quality product for the expensive price tag of $147.

Upsell #4 – Targeted Traffic Booster. This upsell will introduce you to different sources of traffic that you can use to drive towards your online store.

China Cash Clone is a product sold on the ClickBetter marketplace, which means that it has a 60-day money-back guarantee.

The platform is known for hosting shady products with no remorse. Even though there is a money back guarantee in place, there’s a real chance to NEVER get your refund. Be prepared for that possibility.

What I Like About China Cash Clone

china cash clone review pros and cons
The only thing that I like about this program is that you can get a refund. This can give people the opportunity to get their money back when they realize how useless this product is.

What I Don’t Like About China Cash Clone

There’s a lot of things that are wrong with this program and I will be exposing all of them below:

1. Low Quality. The training inside is extremely limited and does not provide any in-depth information that can be useful to people. You can find all of that for free online, and you will be better off because you can actually learn something useful that way.

2. Too Hyped Up. The claims inside are way too exaggerated, and no one will be able to make that much money with this program. It’s clearly targeted to more inexperienced people, which is my next issue with China Cash Clone.

3. Targeted For Beginners. This program is specifically designed to attract people who aren’t used to exaggerated claims, and those that don’t know better. A lot of people can lose their money by getting caught up in the dream that this sales page is trying to get you to buy.

4. A Lot of Upsells. The whole platform is designed in a way that pushes you into purchasing more, and more additional things that are basically essential if you want to use this program. All of the upsells are expensive, which means that people won’t know what they’re getting themselves into before they join.

5. It’s a Funnel. This whole platform looks more like a sales funnel because you go from one page to another, and they all try to get you to buy rather than teach you anything useful. It’s not recommended for anyone to pay to get into a sales funnel.

My Recommendation

Dropshipping is a legit and real way to earn revenue online, and many people are successful with it. However, I don’t think that China Cash Clone is going to help anyone with that.

My approach is a bit different when it comes to making money online, and I believe that it is way easier and cost-effective that way. Affiliate Marketing is the easiest way for a beginner to start earning income online.

If that sounds interesting, then you should check out how these people are banking profits using an easy yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many tend to neglect and lose out because of that.

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