John Crestani – A Super Affiliate Scam? (Find Out Now)

Welcome to this John Crestani review. Can he really help you make money online, or is he another unreliable online guru?

As a well-known public figure, especially in the Internet marketing world, John gets a lot of attention. Some of it is good.

On the other hand, there are many who claim that what he teaches is low quality or not worth the price.

John Crestani’s net worth is over $5M. He’s taught thousands of students, and his mentorship is responsible for a bunch of success stories.

However, there are many others who tried, failed, and lost a bunch of money. That’s a risk they took.

It’s also something for you to think about.

My #1 Way of Making Money Online is Here!

Crestani has a number of paid courses and mentorship programs that can cost you thousands of dollars.

He offers to teach you modern ways of making money through the internet with methods like affiliate marketing, email marketing, and more marketing.

His most well known program is The Super Affiliate System.

Is The Super Affiliate a Scam System?

is the super affiliate a scam product
Is the super affiliate a scam system that only wants to take your money?

IT’S NOT a scam, but there are a few upsells that are revealed after you join the super affiliate system.

This means that the initial product’s price will not be the only thing that you will have to pay for If you want this thing to work for you.

We discuss this in the “Cons” part of the review.

I will start by pointing out that the super affiliate system will not make you rich fast and easy.

It will require some hard work on your part in order to make money online with this training.

This product has been around since 2015 and has undergone numerous updates since then.

Why is this a good sign?

Making regular updates to digital courses is one of the most important things in the online world.

Everything is changing so fast online and if you’re not up to date with all the latest information and tools out there you can find yourself doing things that have worked 2 years ago but are ineffective now.

Another thing worth mentioning is that, when the super affiliate system first came out in 2015, it was under another name, the jetset system.

The jetset system was not well accepted by people and when you typed in a “jetset system review” there would be MOSTLY negative feedback.

So what did John Crestani do to change people’s opinion?

He remade his initial course added all the things and training materials that were missing the first time around and published it again.

The results were quite different and people could really see the difference now in terms of value.

It was definitely not PERFECT at the same time, quite expensive, so while everyone agrees that the second edition was way better than the first one, some people were still not convinced that it was worth it.

Then the super affiliate system 2.0 came out.

A new, improved, and most importantly, an UPDATED version of this course.

4 years and counting since the first time this course came out on the internet and some people are still using it and making money with it.


Because a successful internet marketer knows that having a BRAND and building trust with your audience is way more important than making short-term cash.

John Crestani has put his personal name and brand on the line by creating the super affiliate system and by doing so, he is risking a lot if people are dissatisfied with his product.

There are tons of forum discussions, product review websites, youtube videos, and more.

They all talk about these things.

If most of the reviews and discussions out there for a digital product are negative, then you would probably stir away from it, right?

Let’s find out more about John Crestani. If you want to skip this bit and go straight to The Affiliate System Review, Click Here.

Is John Crestani a Scam Artist?

is john crestani a scam
Is John Crestani a scam and take-your-money kind of person or is he legit?

I have done an in-depth research on everything related to him on the internet.

There is a lot of noise around him and his product, I found both negative and positive things about him.

So, Is John Crestani a scammer?

This is what I was able to find out about him.

According to & Forbes, He is now a over 30-years-old online entrepreneur from the USA.

When he was 21 he dropped out of college and moved to Thailand to pursue the “ideal lifestyle” which for him was being able to travel the world.

He could not do that with a regular 9 to 5 job that’s why he decided to try and make his own online business.

Inspired by a book he read “the 4 hour work week book” John Crestani decided to try and pursue that goal.

Being able to make enough money to be happy and have enough free time to enjoy it and travel the world.

Using the tips and tricks that were in his book and combining that with an incredible amount of hustle, 9 years later, he is now generating between $250,000 and $500,000 a month online.

It was quite hard to get to where he is now and that did not happen overnight.

His first attempt at making money online was by trying to sell products on eBay. Guess what happened?

He managed to generate around $2000 a month until PayPal contacted him stating that they do not approve of the products that he is selling.

So they shut down his account and that eBay business ventured vanished forever.

After that, he decided to enroll in school again.

What happened then was that he started selling his already gained knowledge about what he knew from making money online.

A lot of people started paying him for his lessons.

That was the first taste of exchanging knowledge for money for John.

Being tech-savvy, he managed to get all the answers for the major tests being conducted online and sold the answers to students who needed them.

That’s when he made his first $1000 day.

Fast forward a few years later he is now teaching Affiliate Marketing for people who want to make money online by sharing his knowledge and experience on what works and what doesn’t.

If you’ve seen any of his content out there, then you would know that he is pretty open about everything that he does and his face and personal brand are everywhere.

This will make it a lot easier for people to get their money back if they want a refund for any reason.

So, now that we know more about John Crestani and his Super Affiliate System 2.0 let’s see what’s inside and determine if it can be useful for you or not.

What is Super Affiliate System by John Crestani all About?

the super affiliate review
What is Super Affiliate System 2.0 by John Crestani about? Find out everything about this system now.

Brief summary:

A “done for you” affiliate marketing system that shows you how to use social networks such as Facebook to generate traffic and convert it into sales.

You will NOT make $1K in a single day when you get this course.

Forget about all the hype around this product, odds are that if you are just starting out in this business, you will be considered as one of the fast earners if you manage to make a couple hundred dollars within the first week or two.

That’s out of the way and now it’s time to learn everything about the system.

Name: Super Affiliate System

Created by: John Crestani

Product type: Affiliate Marketing Training

Price: $997

Overall Score: 60/100

Recommended only for people who can follow basic instructions and are serious about making money online.

You will also have to be ready to spend more than the initial price of the product for things such as ad spend and membership to another service that works well with this one (optional).

In my opinion, there is a way better alternative more suitable for beginners looking to start making money online. It reduces the risks involved, and increases the success chance by a lot.

Grab My Top Recommended Program & Start For Free Today

John Crestani – Affiliate Program (In Depth Product Review)

John Crestani’s Affiliate program is an online course that will teach you how to make money online with affiliate marketing using primarily PAID traffic methods for making affiliate sales (some free methods are covered as well).

The product is MOSTLY for beginners who want an easy way to start their own online business.

Inside you can find 3 main products that can help you and they are,

1. Internet Jetset Membership (FREE) inside you can find:

– Affiliate Marketing basic blueprint.

– How to sign up for affiliate products.

– How to choose your niche.

– How Google SEO works. Part of the free organic traffic generation methods.

– Traffic generation with Youtube – Basics.

– Facebook Traffic Hacks.

– How to Create a WordPress Website.

– How to Establish High Authority Websites.

2. The Super Affiliate System. It’s divided into a 6-week training program. Inside you can find:

– Welcome Message. An excellent guide that shows you how to navigate within the training itself.

– Week One, Setting Up The System.

– Week Two, Google ADS Guide.

– Week Three, Youtube ADS Guide.

– Week Four, Advanced Ad Techniques and Tactics.

– Week Five, Presell Page’s and Scaling.

– Week Six, Choosing The Right Product.

3. Webinars & Community Access.

– Weekly Webinars With Live Q & A Session. You can get all your questions answered and learn new valuable insights every week.

This is a good way to stay up to do date and know when something brand new in your industry has happened. You also get access to private MEMBERS ONLY Facebook group.

The training is 50+ hours long COMBINED with Live Training as well.

A ton of useful things are covered there. Throughout the 6 weeks of training, you get assigned daily tasks and undertake quizzes to assess your skills and test you on the material covers.

You will definitely get a lot of value for this product, as long as you’re ok with investing your own money into ads and have the budget for that and the super affiliate system, you can start making money online too.

A lot of people are seeing success with this program.

As the name suggests, this training is focused on promoting affiliate products that are NOT your own.

Assuming you’re already familiar with Affiliate Marketing and know how it works, I will go ahead and mention that, yes this course covers both PAID and FREE traffic methods, the emphasis is more on the paid side of things.

With that in mind here are some of the additional costs that can occur once you join the system.

What’s Inside John Crestani’s Super Affiliate system?

inside the super affiliate system 2.0
Inside John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System Login membership area, you can find this…

Keep in Ready Campaigns that include everything you might need for a profitable AD campaign.

As long as you target the RIGHT audience, you can start making money with as little as a $5 budget for ad spending and get sales.

Everything you need for a successful online marketing campaign is there including:

– Done for you landing pages.

– Done for you ad copies.

– Done for you affiliate ads.

– Done for you Facebook Audience Targeting and more.

You can choose from all sorts of niches to promote such as:

– Weight Loss.

– Diet & Nutrition.

– Muscle Building & Fitness.

Let’s Dive Deeper and Find Out What’s Inside Each Part of The 6 Week Super Affiliate Training

Keep in mind that inside the super affiliate system, they focus on making sure that each student goes through all the training covered there without rushing into things and they actually make sure that you are learning and developing the strategies and training that’s provided.

Starting with week one, how to set up the system. There you will learn the following:

– How to join an affiliate network.

– How to establish your website.

– How to set up your pages.

– How to set up ClickFunnels (part of an upsell within the training, it’s not essential that you buy into the upsell, I talk more about that later on).

– How to set up your pages without using ClickFunnels and buying into the upsell.

– How to set up your Facebook ads.

– How to avoid common mistakes that can occur when you set up everything as you go along the training.

– Hidden Bonus #1

Week Two – Google ads Guide, once you complete this part you will know this:

– How to set up Google search ads.

– How to set up Google display ads.

– How to set up your AdWords conversion pixel.

– How to avoid common mistakes with Google ads.

– Hidden Bonus #2

Week Three – YouTube Ads Guide. Inside you will find:

– How to set up a YouTube channel.

– How to set up YouTube ads.

– How to avoid common mistakes with YouTube ads.

– Hidden Bonus #3

Week Four – Advanced Ad Techniques & Strategies. Over there you will learn the following.

– Advanced Facebook techniques and tactics implementation.

– Common Facebook ads mistakes and how to avoid them.

– A presentation about ads with Tim Burd.

– How to make sure that your Facebook ads stay within FB guidelines and strict policies.

– Presentation with Brian Pfeiffer.

– How to implement strategies using sales psychology.

– Hidden Bonus #4

Week Five – PreSell Pages and Scallin with the following inside:

– How to set up your presell pages properly.

– How to split test your presell pages.

– How to avoid common presell page setup mistakes.

– How to scale successful campaigns that will earn a profit.

– Hidden Bonus #5

Week Six – Choosing The Right Product.

– How to find a product that works for you.

– How to choose your niche.

– How to find the best offers on ClickBank.

– How to find high-quality offers on other Affiliate networks.

– How to avoid common mistakes when you’re choosing a great offer.

– Hidden Bonus #6

You have a resources page, where you can find a lot of useful tools and ready-for-you campaigns that you can utilize and make money with.

Another thing that you can find useful there is the abundance of emails and contact information of people in the business opportunity space.

They are being updated frequently and new ones are added on a regular basis. On top of this, you will find Ready for you ad swipes in all sorts of topics.

A range of affiliate network websites, where you can find all sorts of high-quality product offers to promote.

One of the handiest things is the Legal Resource section. Over there you will find how to overcome legal boundaries being held up on Facebook, YouTube, and Google.

If you are really eager to get things rolling, you can opt for personal coaching. It does cost more and you have to pass a qualification test.

The Super Affiliate System 2.0 Pro & Cons

super affiliate 2.0
The methods and training material covered there is being consistently updated and renewed in order to make the most efficient training in terms of value and making sure that the students who enroll in this course achieve success online.

Pro: John Crestani is a self-made online millionaire and he and his personal brand represent the super affiliate system and everything that’s inside. This creates the trust that you can actually learn something from this course from a credible source who is already where you want to be.

Pro: It’s a great way to earn fast results if you have some experience in running ads. The training is focused on improving your ROI and making sure that you are seeing the results you want with minimal ad spend from your side. You will learn techniques and tactics to run all sorts of PAID ads that work.

Pro: You get access to tactics that leverage free ad spend. You will learn how to take advantage of paid ad promotions and essentially keep your ad costs to a minimum low.

Pro: You are building your own online business with this product. You will have a website on your own domain.

You can do whatever you like with it and if at some point you decide not to use the super affiliate system anymore, you can keep your website with everything inside with no obligations whatsoever.

Take a look at this short video review about the super affiliate system below.

Con: One of the few things that come to mind when it comes to all the negative things about this course is all the upsells and additional costs.

If you want to get access to more prebuilt templates and a bunch of additional features that can help you along the way the ClickFunnels membership upsell.

Here, John Crestani shares some powerful insights about ClickFunnels and what it can do to help you.

The membership starts at $97/Month (see full ClickFunnels Review Here). That’s not all.

The recommended amount of money prepared for ad spend and putting your ads out there would be $250.

These are all things that you should consider if you want to join this program and make money.

Joining ClickFunnels is optional. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to and can still benefit from the super affiliate system.

Con: You risk to lose money. Nothing is guaranteed and even with all the help and knowledge that you will get from this course cannot absolutely 100% guarantee you anything.

Failing the first time around and losing money is a possibility here. Yes, some people are getting fast results.

It all comes down to you and how you approach these things.

Con: There is not a lot of focus on SEO ( Search Engine Optimisation). Part of this course involves this method but not NEARLY enough. This is a great way to get a lot of FREE organic traffic but it can take some time to get results. That’s the main reason that Jonh Crestani does not go in-depth with SEO.

You can use your website to generate free organic traffic from search engines like Google or YouTube.

Next: How To Start Making $300/Day By Giving Stuff Away For Free Online

Con: The only way to actually get a refund if you end up needing one is by proving that you have followed through with the training and tried to make it work for you but were not successful.

What I’m trying to say here is that ONLY get this course if you’re serious enough to work for it and you have the budget needed.

Can You Benefit From This Program?

The bottom line is this. The super affiliate system can help you make money online if you are willing to spend some time on figuring out how things work with the help of the training of course.

The minimum amount of money that you should have prepared for this investment is $997 for the course itself and then at least $250 more on ad spend.

Combine the investment costs with the expectation that you will not start earning money straight away without putting some effort upfront first.


With the super affiliate system you can successfully build an online business that can make you money.

John Crestani and his product are not a scam although he can be seen sometimes on his sales videos overhyping the product by saying things like you will make $1K a day with this product after two hours of buying, which will NOT happen.

If you are keen on learning how to make money online with affiliate marketing promoting other people’s products with paid ads and are willing to invest about $1250+ to kickstart the program and pay for your ads, then this might just be for you.

As an alternative, you can see my top recommended program here.

Overall a great but a little bit overhyped training program.

You can learn a lot there if you’re willing to follow along with the training and put in the work that is required of you.

Did you like my review? Share it with people who might benefit from learning about the affiliate system by John Crestani and comment your thoughts below.

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