A Clickfunnels Review – Is it Worth it in 2021?

A Review Like You've Never Seen Before + FREE Limited Training


Not getting enough visitors to your website? Or Maybe you are but you just cant seem to get them to convert into paying customers? Are you using funnels at all?
sales funnel

Are you using funnels the RIGHT way and what exactly is ClickFunnels? Is it a landing page builder? Is it a sales funnel builder? IT’S SO MUCH MORE… Or They Only Want you to believe that?  Can it really make you money or it will just flush out yours?
question mark ina blue circle

Hi fellas, Alex here with a clickfunnels review. I have personally tried and tested the platform and although it sure is what it claims to be let me tell you right now, It’s not for everyone.

Keep on reading for a full in depth review to get a better understanding of what the hype is all about.

What is ClickFunnels and Why is Everyone so Crazy About it?

ClickFunnels stats
ClickFunnels was founded between 2013-2014 and is now a $360 Million Dollars Business, which means that the founder must be doing something right. Right?!

ClickFunnels is probably the first ever page builder that has been created, but it’s so much more now. It’s a tool that every internet marketer should hold in their hands.
click funnels chart going up

No matter what your business is, clickfunnels has got you covered. To understand what what clickfunnels really offers, you must first know what a sales funnel is.

If you already know what that is and WHY it’s so important for every successful online business to have one, then you can skip this bit below and go straight to the review.

What is A Sales Funnel?

Watch this quick video explaining the benefits of a sales funnel…

 Nowadays you cant just stick a product in someone’s face and expect them to buy it. No, those days are long gone.

Every business owner that wants to make some cash online has GOT TO HAVE A FUNNEL…

Without a well-structured funnel to guide your visitors, there isn’t a chance of converting them into paying customers.

It’s the core of every successful business online.

A sales funnel is a process of converting a visitor to your website into a buying customer, it’s a complex system and if done alone can take months of trial and error to get the hang of it.

That can potentially result in a lot of lost customers..

Luckily, you don’t need to go trough the struggle of figuring out what works and what doesn’t because ClickFunnels already knows that and they are willing to share it with you.

Everything is achieved so easily with them, just drag and drop and hop you go. Within a few clicks of a button you can have a highly convertible sales funnel ready to turn those visitors into sales.
clickfunnels bag with money
It really doesn’t matter if you are into the make money online niche or selling shampoo on the internet.

They literally have a funnel for EVERY KIND OF ONLINE BUSINESS.

ClickFunnels In Depth Review + FREE BONUS TRAINING AT THE END.

Name: ClickFunnels


Price:#1 – FREE Trial

Price:#2 – $97/Month

Price:#3 – $297/Month

Owner: Russell Brunson

Overall Score: 95/100

ClickFunnels: The Good vs The Bad

Pro: It’s one thing to see others using a software, it’s completely different when YOU are behind the ”wheel” and that’s what the ===> FREE trial <=== is all about.

You get complete access to ClickFunnels and all it’s features.

: A lot of pre build funnels made for capturing e-mail leads, making sales, up sells, down sells, event funnels such as webinars, membership funnels and more…

they were all tested over and over again to be sure that they are going to convert into sales. Easily outperforms the competition.

Pro: Step by step training on building your first funnel.

Pro: Customer service responds well and on time with any questions and queries.

Pro: It’s very easy to build funnels, absolutely no coding or tech skills are required. Drag and drop – simple as that.

Pro: Split A/B testing that enables you to see which variations of your pages convert best.

Pro: A cool feature that enables you to share your funnels with other people and you can even sell them on the clickfunnels marketplace to make extra $$.

I’ve seen people selling their funnels for hundreds of dollars over there.

Con: Remember how I said that clickfunnels is not for everyone?

 Despite all the hype that’s around the platform, If you are just getting started with internet marketing and have no basic understanding of the fundamentals, then maybe its too early for you to join ClickFunnels.

 Unless of course you are willing to spend even more $$ to get all of the up sells that teach you how to start making money online. 

a clickfunnels review
If you are just getting started with online marketing, have a limited budged and/or don’t want to spend any money for ads then I suggest you try something a bit cheaper and newbie friendly like Wealthy Affiliate, see article here.

Con: With the startup plan ($97/Month) you are a bit limited to what you can do and the full suite plan ($297/Month) can be a bit to steep for some people.

Who Can Benefit From ClickFunnels

The great thing about clickfunnels is that literally, any business can take advantage of the platform.

 It’s build to create an online presence in any niche. With pre-build sales funnels, all you really need to do is choose the ones that are best suited for your type of business.
a clickfunnels review

 Everything is already there and waiting for you to grab and take a hold of it.

As I’ve already mentioned, ClickFunnels is a $360 million dollar company and a lot of different businesses are taking advantage of it’s features.

ClickFunnels Best Tools & Training

1.The ClickFunnels Game. It’s a challenge that walks you through all that is needed to create your first funnel.

 When playing the game you are being offered a FREE t-shirt with the company’s logo.

 Keep in mind that although I was offered a free T-shirt, I actually got a sticker instead.

 This has happened to other people as well. JOIN CF HERE.

2.FunnelHacker Cookbook. This FREE book will teach you how to build funnels and all the steps that you need to take in order to start making money online.

It’s like a book filled with recipes but instead of cooking you are given the blueprint of how to properly build successful funnels. More info can be found below.

3.One of the best training’s at ClickFunnels is the One Funnel Away Challenge.

 It’s a 30 day challenge where you get mentorship from Russell Brunsoon (founder of ClickFunnels)  Julie Stoian (Executive Partner) and Stephen Larsen (Expert & Sales Funnel Strategist).

 It’s not always available, doors for registration open every few months or so but you can sign up for the waiting list and be notified as soon as it’s available again.

Find out more about the One Funnel Away Challenge HERE.

affiliate bootcamp

4. Affiliate Bootcamp AKA 100 Days to Retirement Plan -This is for all of you Affiliate Marketers out there.

 It’s an intensive training that’s worth 997$, BUT if you follow the link below you can get it for FREE, because Russell KNOWS how important affiliate’s are to his business.

He even offers to buy every successful affiliate a car of their choice…

 This is quite impressive and I’ve never seen anything like it…

 EVEN if you decide not to promote ClickFunnels, the training there is packed with a TON of value so it’s well worth checking out…

 It’s completely FREE and has an incredible amount of priceless knowledge that can be gained there. Check It out HERE

ClickFunnels Support

They offer extensive support and customer service 24/7. I’ve personally been in contact with ClickFunnel’s support team with a bunch of queries and issues and they have always been very helpful and polite.

 They usually get back to you within a few minutes.
They also have a private FB group that’s full of Affiliates and like minded people and they all like to help each other out.

 You can check out the Clickfunnel Avengers (Affiliate) group HERE.


As promised, here is the FREE bonus training that made small business owners millions of dollars.
  This is a New Super Funnel Strategy that only a few people know about and you can be one of them. You can learn how to implement this strategy into your funnels.

 As I said it’s completely FREE to register and attend the training, the only catch is that this is a limited time offer, so if you decide to just save it somewhere and come back another time it might not be available anymore.

35 thoughts on “A Clickfunnels Review – Is it Worth it in 2021?”

  1. Hello Alex,

    I’m not getting enough traffic to my site and this worries me. Even the little traffic I get, I’ve been unable to turn them to into paying customers. 

    I’ve read about click funnel in time past, but I was skeptical to register for the program. After reading your blog post, I must say I’m more confident in the ability of click funnel to convert my traffic to paying customers. Seeing that a can run a trial for free, I’ll definitely sign up immediately. 

    Thanks for sharing this information, very helpful

  2. There is definitely more to building a monetised website than meets the eye!

    Gaining traffic to your site is one thing, converting the traffic into buying customers is quite another. It takes time and hard work but click funnels is one way of making life easier.

    This is important information for anyone wishing to build an online business and take it forward, I am certainly going to look at click funnels in more detail. Thank you

  3. Thanks for writing this review on clickfunnels.I have been creating funnels for clients for sometimes now and I am loving the simplicity of creating the funnel without any technical knowledge or coding.The best thing I like about ClickFunnels is that let  say if I have a funnel that you want, I can share it with you instantly and it will be added instantly into your account. You wont have to create the entire funnel from scratch

  4. A newbie here in online marketing. I do need to learn first the basics in this digital world. Nonetheless, this is great content! You’ve got an honest straightforward review there. Others might have only written reviews on money-making sites just to promote their links. Anyhow, I know everything can be learned and I’m willing to join Clickfunnel at least for the free trial period.

  5. Thanks for the review and enlightening,  I have been considering  to build a website for the project I have at hand,  and considering this review I can now make use of this page builder and still earn from it.  The price is still affordable and it is worth it plus the free trial too. I should consider telling my developer friend also.  Thanks so much

  6. Hello admin,

    I have read your article on ‘A Clickfunnels Review – Is it Worth it in 2019’ really very thorough review and very informative. by reading your article i got that, Without a well-structured funnel to guide my visitors, there isn’t a chance of converting them into paying customers. It’s the core of every successful business online.  i appreciate your article and thank you so much.

  7. H; I will give my opinion about the topic. I have never used ClickFunnels, but from listening to Russell Branston, I believe a Clickfunnels is vital for every online business.

     As you said it is not for everybody; understanding will play an essential role in adding a ClickFunnels to your online business. Please do not get me wrong. I will be using ClickFunnels before the sun goes down.

    Question: Can ClickFunnels be used on multiple online businesses?


    • Yes, clickfunnels can be used for many and any types of businesses. It basically exists to build an online presence for your business.

  8. Hi,

    I have my site for about 6 months, do you think it is too early to try the clickfunnel out? Or do you suggest that I should keep on with the SEO? It will be nice to have a sale funnel for my website, I haven’t generated that much sales at all. Will check out the free trial. Thanks in advance.

    • It’s always good to have a sales funnel, if you are already getting traffic to your website and have build an email list then you should give clickfunnels a try. But if you are not yet getting any traffic then maybe you should wait a bit before diving into clickfunnels. That’s my opinion.

  9. I commend your effort in taking time to review click funnels. I am quite impressed with the fact that click funnels will assist to convert clicks into sales which could have taken a long time to achieve on my own. So far so good am really interested but the 97 dollars is kind of too much for me to participate for now. But probably later when I am financially okay I will subscribe. 

  10. Hi,

    This is an awesome review with all important information about ClickFunnels. I have heard about it in different website and also got lot’s of auto generated mail about this but I thought it was some time of scam. But after reading your article I understood the actual concept behind this and I believe that this is not a scam product. I learned the business through this tools and I think it will be helpful for my future business also. But I think it is not suitable for beginners who have just started learning and yet needs lot’s of things to learn yet. Thanks for sharing this great review.

  11. A great concept that I have not thought about. I could definitely use this kind of help. I believe that  ClickFunnels is the right way to go but, I only began with my website about a month ago. Getting some traffic and no sales yet. I think I should learn a bit more before I dive into this one. Thank you for your info, I will be back when I am ready to get  ClickFunnels.

  12. This a great and simple to follow guide on clickfunnel.

    You laid it all out clearly and showed series of examples that helped emphasize your various points. This guide will be very useful for me. I have heard about clickfunnel but I haven’t tasted its benefits this much. This is the most comorehensive review I have ever read and its obvious the pros outweighs its cons. 

    Thanks for sharing

  13. Hi, interesting review on Click Funnels, I have a business online and I ma trying to get traffic and really capture leads and I know I need something like clickfunnel. My problem was that I am a begginner and when I first had a look at it I felt little overwhelmed and funny enough you mentioned Wealthy Affiliate becasue I eneded up signing up for a training course with them and this has and actually still is a great help for my develeopment on marketing business

  14. Ok, I’m sold!  This sounds like something I need to have!  I have a travel niche, so breaking into the market with the big boys has been extremely tough!  If not downright impossible.  This might be exactly what I need!  How long have you been with Click Funnels and are you still a free customer?  I suppose that if it is paying for itself then, having more than a free account would be worth it!

    • I found out about clickfunnels a few months ago and I’m no longer a free customer of clickfunnels. Once you start the ball rolling you will see the difference and why so many people are using this platform. Russell Brunson (Founder of ClickFunnels) has a very interesting saying:  if I can’t make you money then I don’t deserve yours

  15. Wow sounds like a great product for someone who is a little more knowledgeable about online marketing.  Almost had me wanting to join but I don’t think I’m quite there yet.

    My question is, do you have to provide a credit card to take advantage of the free trial?  If you do have to provide a credit card does it automatically charge you?

    For me personally, I think I’ll spend some more time training at wealthy affiliate before I fork out anymore money I don’t have.

    This is a great review, love how honest you are about the pro’s and con’s.

    • Hi Amanda,

      Yes, you do need to provide your credit card for the free trial and it does automatically charge you once the 14-day trial period is over. 

      Wealthy affiliate truly is the best platform for beginner affiliate marketers and those who do not want to spend any money on traffic. Most of what is taught at Wealthy Affiliate is how to generate organic free traffic to your website and create a long-lasting passive income stream. I have written a post that highlights Wealthy Affiliate in more detail that you can find HERE

  16. A sales funnel is very important for any online marketer. Without it, the business will fail. Although I don’t use clickfunnels because I don’t know about it so well but I am using a sales funnel. I think I will give clickfunnels a try and see how it goes with my business. I am really happy I came across this review.

  17. Thanks for sharing this review about ClickFunnels. I heard a lot about it but never actually know what it is and why many people talk about it and keep saying that it is a must have tool if you want to make money online.

    I just registered the ClickFunnels free trial from the link you put above and very excited to explore all the features it provides. I will try to use it for one of my campaign first and if it work well, I will definitely continue to use it and apply it to my other campaign as well.


  18. Thanks for your review of the Click funnel. Every online marketer would surely need this for greater conversion. it is great that click funnel is providing all the features to the free version also. As I read through your review, several questions keep coming to my mind. Let me ask, is there a timeline for the free version? what is the difference between a sales and a  click funnel? Also, is it automated or manual?  I know how important the landing page is, click funnel create a landing page for my site? 

    • Clickfunnels is an online sales funnel builder that can create all sort’s of different types of pages that can suit your website including landing pages, there are ready-made pages that can be incorporated within your funnels or you can build them yourself, it’s up to you. Within your funnel, you can add automated e-mails, messages and other actions based on the actions your visitors take on each page. Hope this makes sense to you.

  19. I’m not quite understanding how the program works. How do I make money? IClickfunnels free trial offer is a full 30-day trial? Meaning I will access to everything as if I was a paying member?>>Clickfunnels marketplace, is that a place where other members sell their personal items?>>I like honest you are about it not being for a beginner affiliate marketer.>>You mentioned upsells a couple of times. What kind of upselling should I expect from ClickFunnels?>>Do ClickFunnel require a credit card to try?

    • Clickfunnels helps your business to generate new leads and shows you how to convert them into paying customers by getting them inside the funnel of your business. it’s a way of turning cold leads into hot leads that are ready to make a purchase. I hope this makes sense to you. 

      Clickfunnels has a 14-day trial which allows you to see what its really all about and how it can benefit your business. Until your free trial ends you get access to absolutely everything that’s being offered there and yes they require your credit card to try the platform but you can always cancel your subscription if you feel like it’s not the right platform for you and as long as its within this 14 day trial period, you won’t be charged anything. What’s there to lose, right?

      The marketplace is where you can sell your already build funnels to other people who are members of clickfunnels and you can also buy other people’s funnels. I mentioned in my post that I’ve seen people selling their funnels for hundreds of dollars.

      Clickfunnels has a lot of upsells, you don’t necessarily have to buy them in order to start using the clickfunnels platform, but some of them may help with your business’s growth.

  20. I have been trying and trying to create a funnel and I was having some difficulties but I have seen click funnels and they have what I am looking for and because of clickfunnels now I know what will work for me as I build my website I really appreciate this great article it has really helped a man in need.

  21. I’m still very new to internet marketing both my own products and affiliate-related products. However, I’ve read several reviews regarding Clickfunnels to the point I’ll be sold to invest in them when I feel ready. It’s definitely worth investing in training and learning how to capture sales leads so they can return to your site and buy again and again. For those of us who wish to someday earn a full-time income online, Clickfunnels appears to be worth the investment. 

  22. Although Clickfunnels seems legitimate, It’s definitely not something for me. I need a program that has a great community to keep me motivated and I’m not sure if this company provides that. Plus, as you mentioned, the price is a bit steep. Wealthy Affiliate seems like a better option for the price and support it provides. Thank you for this informative review. If I have more money, maybe I will give it a shot.

    • Wealthy Affiliate has a lot of advantages and one of them sure is it’s great community of like-minded and goal driven individuals who are all eager to help each other.

      On the other hand, clickfunnels has a community as well although not as powerful and supportive.

      Clickfunnels is for the more advanced and those who want to scale their business and take it to the next level.

      Overall in my opinion if you are just getting started with online marketing then Wealthy Affiliate would surely be the better option here because it’s FREE to join, has no trial and there is no credit card needed. You can join wealthy affiliate HERE

  23. Wow ! click funnels is very impressive, it certainly seems very professional and obviously good otherwise they would not be that successful. When do you know your site is ready for click funnels? I am definitely going to look into this further because I have heard about it. This site also looks very professional!

    • That’s a good question John. If you are already receiving traffic to your website and have an e-mail list, that’s when you should utilize clickfunnels and take advantage of all its benefits. Clickfunnels does integrate with all of the email marketing service providers and on top of that if you decide to be a CF affiliate they have FREE ready for you email scripts to send to your email lists.

  24. Hi, Alex.  Well… I think this is something I will have to look into more once I start getting more traffic to my site and making a few more dollars so I can afford even the $97 monthly fee.  The $297/mo is definitely steep for me as well.

    Truly, it’s not for everyone… yet.  I can definitely see the benefits of having something like this working for me.

    I really only have one question.  I have two websites. One is an affiliate marketing website and the other promotes your’s and My #1 choice for Affiliate marketing training.  We know it as WA.  Would ClickFunnels work with these as well?

    I look forward to our answer,


    • Yes clickfunnels can work together alongside wealthy affiliate and your websites. You can learn everything about SEO and how to get started within Wealthy Affiliate then you can further advance your business by integrating with clickfunnels.

  25. Great Info.

    So ClickFunnels is a landing page builder that can help to reach more customers and have more leads and sell more products. Russel Brunson has created one of the best training programs in how to build an online business.

     A great number of tools are integrated with ClickFunnels.

    They have a user friendly website builder without knowing any coding. So far as I see I can’t go wrong with Click Funnels if I want to expand my local online business.


    Have a nice day,


  26. Hi Alex, Outstanding website! I enjoyed the presentation, it was very engaging, informative and an extremely useful tool. The process is ingenious, the customer’s going through various funnels to the end product goal of buying and the business owner’s goal of selling products. The video really captures the entire process and gives a thorough understanding of how funnels function. It actually is a must have to enable greater success. Thank you for the information, this is something I’ll need in the near future! 


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