Is Amazon Mechanical Turk Legit?

Yes, Amazon Mechanical Turk is legit, but don’t expect to be earning too much.

This is an opportunity for people to earn some money on the side, completing simple tasks, directly from Amazon.

There’s no question about the legitimacy of this website, as most of us have already dealt with them at least once.

Does that mean that you will get a decent opportunity to earn money online with Amazon Mechanical Turk?

It depends on what you’re looking for.

There are many similar get paid to websites that offer different kinds of low paying tasks in exchange for people’s time. 

There seems to be a lot of people that take advantage of this opportunity, but does that mean that it’s for you too?

By the time you go through this review, you will have an answer to that question, and you will learn exactly how much you can realistically make with Amazon Mechanical Turk.

I’ve done the research so you don’t have to.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Amazon Mechanical Turk Review Summary

Product Name: Amazon Mechanical Turk

Product Type: Make Money Online Website

Product Owner: Amazon

Price: Free

Overall Score: 45/100

Recommended: Not Really!

Summary: Amazon Mechanical Turk is a legit website that pays you to complete boring tasks, and get paid for it.

The earning potential is very limited, so don’t expect to be making a full-time income online with them.

If you’re interested in earning something on the side and don’t mind spending a lot of time in completing these basic tasks, then you can expect to earn up to a few dollars a day. 

Even though this website is 100% legit, and pays out every time, I can’t really recommend it to people, because I know that there are better, and more rewarding ways to spend your free time.

Making a full-time passive income online is not impossible, and even complete beginners can learn how to do it. 

What is Amazon Mechanical Turk?

Amazon Mechanical Turk was founded back in in 2015, and since then, it has provided people with a part-time earnings from home opportunity.

This crowdsourcing platform has been designed for businesses and individuals to outsource their work. It’s all done virtually so no one needs to leave their home.

The tasks and jobs that you can get as an Amazon mturk worker can vary a lot.

You could be getting tasks as simple as doing research or data validation, or they can be more complex such as content moderation, survey filling, and more.

There are still many tasks that can be performed way better from humans than machines, that’s why big companies and organizations often look to outsource their work to qualified individuals.

Amazon Mechanical Turk is the connection between these big organizations and people who are looking for remote work, making it very easy for both parties involved to get what they want.

There are other similar job listing platforms out there like Rat Race Rebellion or Smart Crowd.

Is Amazon Mechanical Turk a Scam?

is amazon mechanical turk legit or not

Amazon Mechanical Turk is not a scam, and it has been around for way too long to even be considered as one.

They are completely transparent with what they offer, and how much you could expect to get paid. 

Many people can approach this opportunity with the wrong idea that they can make a lot of money, but that’s just not true at all.

The reason for that is because get paid to websites like Amazon Mechanical Turk often pay less than the minimum wage, or up to 80 cents per task that you complete.

There are the occasional exceptions, where you can earn a bit more than that, but you can rarely get access to these kinds of offers. 

That’s why if you’re interested in making a lot of money, then Amazon MTurk may not be for you because the earning potential is very limited.

If that’s you, then you should take action on the alternative below.

Who Created Amazon Mechanical Turk?

Amazon Mechanical Turk is a creation of Amazon. It was created with the idea to connect companies and organizations with people who are looking for work.

Instead of wasting hours on end, searching for qualified individuals to do some of the work for you, you can now get access to thousands of interested people who are eager to complete the work you give out to them. 

This is both good for those looking for work, and the ones outsourcing it.

That was the general idea behind Amazon Mechanical Turk, and it’s the reason why it was created.

According to their website, the name comes from the creation of a Hungarian nobleman.

That creation was able to beat the best chess players, and the robot designed by Wolfgang von Kempelen had a mechanical “Turk” that astonished people everywhere he would go.

This was back in 1769, so you can imagine that this mechanical Turk was operated by a really good chess player from inside, there was no Artificial Intelligence back then.

What’s Inside Amazon Mechanical Turk?

is amazon mechanical turk legit whats inside

Once inside Amazon Mechanical Turk, you can get access to HIT’s or Human Intelligence Tasks.

That’s what Amazon MTurk calls the jobs they’ve listed there for others to complete.

They don’t come directly from Amazon themselves.

Rather, these jobs come from big companies or single individuals that are looking to outsource their work or give it to someone else. 

There’s a lot of different HIT’s that you can do and each one has it’s own unique price tag.

Unlike some other job listing platforms, with Amazon Mechanical Turk there is an abundance of different tasks that you can complete.

You can also join MTurk as a requester, which means that you’re someone who is looking to outsource their workload. 

The signup process is simple and free. Once you’ve registered, it will take up to a few days to get approved as a worker for Amazon Mechanical Turk.

As soon as you get approved, you can start completing tasks but there is a probationary limit that will last for the first 10 days.

During that time, you won’t be able to complete more than 100 HIT’s per day.

You’re also required to complete at least 1 HIT per day, in order to get out of the probation period and cash out your earnings.

Here’s a bunch of the more common tasks that you can expect to be completing inside Amazon Mechanical Turk.

– Data Entry

– Audio/Video Transcripts

– Online Research

– Filling Out Spreadsheets

– Filling Out Surveys

There’s a lot more HIT’s available, but the ones mentioned above can give you a more clear view as to what to expect inside.

Amazon Mechanical Turk Payouts & Rewards

The payout can be extremely low especially in the early days of your registration because you need to pass the probation period to qualify for the higher paying HIT’s.

By higher-paying I mean that you can go from earning $0.20 per HIT, to landing the occasional $2.00 or higher HIT.

That’s not a lot when you consider the amount of time that you can invest in completing these simple tasks, which is why you should not expect to be earning too much with Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Nevertheless, it can still be a decent way of earning some extra income on the side.

The thing is that the earnings may not be consistent, and the amount that you can realistically earn if you invest a lot of time with Amazon MTurk varies a lot. 

There can be times, when you will see a lot of tasks, with higher payouts, and you can experience the exact opposite of that as well.

It all depends on what kind of tasks do the requesters list over there.

What I Like About Amazon Mechanical Turk

is amazon mechanical terk legit pros vs cons

1. It’s Legit. This is one of the many legitimate pay to earn platforms out there, that pay people to complete tasks online, outsourced by different people or organizations.

2. You Can Earn in Your Spare Time. The good thing about Amazon MTurk is that you choose when to complete tasks, and how often to do it.

No one will ever force you to do something that you do not want, and no one will nag you if you slack off and don’t complete that many tasks either.

This is great to earn some extra income in your spare time, whenever you want to.

3. It’s Free To Join
. There is no cost in becoming part of Amazon Mechanical Turk, and basically anyone can become a worker.

The tasks are not difficult at all, and almost anyone can complete them. In other words, as long as you’re willing to invest your time, you should be able to make the most out of this opportunity.

What I Don’t Like About Amazon Mechanical Turk

1. Limited Earning Potential. In all honesty, most people will be able to generate about $100+ a month, if they decided to work with Amazon Mechanical Turk every day.

That’s not a lot, and there are other ways to spend your time online that can be more rewarding.

2. Tasks Can Be Boring.
Some of the things that you will need to do may require doing repetitive tasks for a consistent period of time, which can be off-putting for some.

If that’s not a problem for you, then you will most likely enjoy your time with this website.

3. It’s Not For Everyone. A lot of people can find that the HIT’s being offered inside Amazon MTurk pay really low, and require that you invest your time into completing them.

At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself, how much is your time worth?

Do I Recommend Amazon Mechanical Turk?

Not really, and here’s why. Amazon Mechanical Turk is reliable, trustworthy, and 100% legitimate, but it does not pay well.

In fact, most times, the pay is so low, that it’s not even worth investing that much time, compared to the amount of money that you will be earning. 

We live in a digital age, where making money online is a question of “how” more than anything else.

The great thing is that there are many opportunities to make a full-time income online, using Google as a source of passive earnings, for a long period of time, for example. 

If that sounds interesting then you should check out how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many neglect and lose out on that opportunity forever.

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