Hustlers University 2.0 Review

Welcome to my Hustlers University 2.0 review. Can you really start making money online with Andrew Tate’s program, or is this another hyped up program to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. I signed up for HU 2.0 to show you exactly what’s provided inside. To be honest, I was incredibly surprised to see that these guys don’t play around.

Proof of membership for hustlers unviersity

There’s a lot of controversy around Andrew Tate and his program. People either love or hate them.

This review will focus on the content inside, the quality of the training, and what other members are saying about the program. You will also get to see a sneak peek as to what’s included inside and find out if it’s for you or not.

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated income claims.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Hustlers University 2.0 Review

Product Name: Hustlers University

Product Owner: Andrew Tate

Product Type: Make Money Online Program

Product Price: $49/Month (Price Will Increase to $99/Month Soon)

Overall Score: 95/100

Recommended: Yes!

Summary: Hustlers University is all about the different ways to make money online. You have different courses you can join.

The content inside includes copywriting, crypto trading, Amazon FBA, affiliate marketing, freelancing, eCommerce, etc.

When you join, you will be asked a series of questions that will determine the path that’s best suited for you.

For example, if you have a lot of free time, but less than $5K to invest in your business, you’re time rich, but cash poor. In this example, you will be encouraged to join the freelancing and copywriting campuses.

Every category inside is taught by ACTUAL millionaires that excel in their area of expertise. There’s no fluff, no hype, and no exaggerations. It’s all up to you and that’s the first lesson you’re taught inside Hustlers University.

The blueprint is there, but it’s up to you to do the work. HU 2.0 is NOT for lazy people that expect to start making a ton of money with little to no effort.

The program rewards hard working people and all the success stories inside can prove this.

If you’re serious about changing your financial situation, you OWE it to yourself to try and make this work.

Ready to escape the matrix? Click below and get started today.

What is Hustlers University?

Hustlers University is a discord server with different rooms inside. Each one is focused on making money online. Information overload can be a serious thing here, which is why, you should pick one campus, and stick to it until you start making money.

The content inside is updated regularly by the professors in each room and they are all highly active in the community.

Unlike traditional education, in HU 2.0, each professor is highly skilled in their area of specialty and extremely wealthy.

In other words, you will be learning from people that know EXACTLY what they’re talking about. You will be amongst people that are where you want to be.

The community inside is tight and they have a very clever way to ensure that you go through all the lessons. You will be held accountable and pushed to keep progressing and working towards your goals.

How Does Hustlers University Work?

Hustlers University works in a very simplistic and highly effective way. There are a bunch of rooms inside, you pick one, go through all the lessons, implement what you’re taught, and start making money online.

There are so many ways to achieve financial success with HU 2.0 that it can be tempting to try all of them. This is the WRONG approach and can do more harm than good.

The professors inside and Andrew Tate believe in F.O.C.U.S.- Follow One Course Until Successful.

So, when you join, go through the initial questionnaire, and take your time to give honest answers to each question. This will help the system put you on a campus where you will benefit the most from.

Right now, the affiliate marketing campus has been removed for new members until further notice. If you’re tight on cash, you will probably be recommended to the eCommerce, freelancing, or copywriting campus.

You have to pick ONE and stick with it until you start making money. When that happens, you can start diversifying and increasing your skillset for even more income.

Still reading? Click below to start learning and earning.

What’s Inside Hustlers University 2.0?

Inside Hustlers University 2.0, you will get access to a bunch of different rooms in the discord server. Each one has its own professor that teaches different modern wealth creation methods.

There are AMA (ask me anything) sessions held weekly. Here are some of the rooms you can join and the requirements you need to meet to make it worth your while:

Copywriting Campus

Copywriting Campus

Copywriting is the art of selling with words. It’s one of the most cost effective ways to get started. You don’t have to spend any money out of pocket for things like inventory, software tools, etc. All you have to do is follow the lessons closely and submit your work to get reviewed by the professor and other successful students.

The copywriting campus currently has over 115K members and many of them are actively posting their success stories to inspire other members and prove what’s possible with the right guidance.

Freelancing Campus

Freelancing Campus

Freelancing is all about convincing people to hire you to complete a task. Even if you don’t have any special skills, you can still make good money here.

This campus does not require any additional investments, which makes it perfect for people that don’t have a lot of money to spend but are willing to put in the work and effort required to succeed. You will learn how to do effective cold outreach and client closing.

When you combine the freelancing campus with the copywriting campus, you can become a truly valuable asset for companies, businesses, and entrepreneurs looking to pay good money to outsource some of their work to professionals.

Yes, you will become a professional once you go through all the training lessons. Right now, there are over 52K members inside.

Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA Campus

There are courses on Amazon FBA that cost THOUSANDS of dollars for the same, if not lower, quality education. This is a no brainer.

However, you will need a capital of AT LEAST $3K to get started. That’s just how the business model is. You need to pay for inventory in advance, ship it, store it inside one of Amazon’s warehouses, and run paid ads. 

All of that costs money. If you don’t have the capital needed to get started, you should first find a way to get it and then look into this part of HU 2.0. Here are the different ways to monetize your time online with Amazon:

-Amazon affiliates.

– Wholesale.

– Private label FBA.

– Print on demand.

– Publishing.

All of these methods are covered inside the training modules in great detail.

Stocks Campus

Stocks Campus

This campus is all about finding opportunities in the stock market. The minimum monetary investment here is $2K. You will complete a tutorial and then get access to the professor’s moves, which you simply copy for a chance to earn more than you invest. There are over 42K members inside this channel and tons of success stories are posted daily.

Crypto Campus

Crypto Campus

This campus requires a minimum of $1K if you want to follow the professor’s trades. If you want to do this part time, then you need at least $5K and if you want to be a full time trader, then you’re looking at investing $50K to get started. There are 3 investment angels covered inside. Short term, long term, and medium term.

There are about 70K members inside this channel, and most of them are highly active and engaged in the community. This allows for the unique opportunity to network with like minded individuals.

E-Com Campus

ecommerce campus

If you’re going into dropshipping, then you would need about $500 to get started. If you’re striving to create your own personal brand, then the amount increases to $3K. This is a brand new campus and the professor is highly successful, skilled, and experienced in e-commerce. There are about 63K members inside.

Affiliate Marketing Campus

Right now, the affiliate marketing campus is CLOSED for new members. This is a strategic move to allow all affiliates to get the most out of promoting Hustlers University 2.0. As soon as the doors open again, this post will be updated.

What I Like About Hustlers University

1. Very Cost Effective. There are courses and programs out there that focus on ONE of the many business models covered inside and charge thousands of dollars for access.

In many cases, the quality of information is inferior to what you can get inside Hustlers University for a FRACTION of the price.

2. You’re Learning From Actual Millionaires & Wealth Creation Experts.
Each professor is hand picked by Andrew Tate. As a member of HU 2.0, I can honestly say the quality and quantity of information inside are impeccable.

The only way to NOT learn and earn inside is if you’re lazy and don’t bother to do any hard work. The blueprint is LITERALLY handed to you by experts that have tried and tested everything you’re taught inside.

3. The Professors Are Active.
They all strive to help their students, as long as the students aren’t lazy and go through the content inside.

Trust me, the professors KNOW when someone is trying to cut corners on their education and don’t take this lightly. If you’re going to escape the matrix and achieve pure freedom, you NEED to give it your all.

Most people take the traditional approach and happily get buried in student debts just to end up enslaving themselves in the corporate rat race with no chance to get out.

In HU 2.0, the learning and earning curve is DRASTICALLY shortened. Fun fact. Over 95% of the active students inside this program have more than enough money to cover their membership fees by their second month.

I know for a fact that, at some point, the doors for Hustler’s University will close. This is NOT fake scarcity and you will end up regretting not taking the leap to financial freedom.

What I Don’t Like About Hustler’s University

1. Some People Just Don’t Take Action. You can hand them everything on a silver platter and they can still be lazy and give up as soon as they realize that hard work and effort are involved in the success formula. Don’t be like these people.

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