What is Lazy Affiliate Method

What is Lazy Affiliate Method all about? Apparently, with this new automated affiliate marketing system, you can bank commissions on complete autopilot, and all it takes is just 30 minutes of your time each day. Now, does that sound like the greatest thing ever or what?

Unfortunately, this system is more of a big hype than anything else, and this review will expose all the ugly secrets behind lazy affiliate method. It may just get you to reconsider buying that system. 

Online success comes in many different forms. That’s why it’s important to do the research, and find YOUR way before you invest time, money, or resources into a seemingly good product or service. 

There’s something that you need to realize about the Lazy Affiliate Method. You see, they have an affiliate system in place, where affiliates can earn commissions by referring others into the system.

I would like to point out that, unlike some of the reviews out there, this one is not trying to push a product for the sake of making a sale.

Lazy Affiliate Review Summary

Product Name: Lazy Affiliate Method

Product Owner: Kevin Fahey

Price: $27 + Upsells

Recommended: No!

Overall Score: 40/100

Summary: The Lazy Affiliate System Method is basically a “done for you” system that has a bunch of pre-built sales funnels, opt-in forms, thank you pages, and email copy. Alongside that, you will get a 16 part video training series, that will show you how to set up the system.

There’s also a live training webinar that covers how to make money using that program that you can watch after becoming a paying member of this program. Don’t get mislead by the hyped-up sales page of this program.

They can reduce some of the work when it comes to affiliate marketing, but you still have to do a lot of things to make it work.

It’s not recommended for beginners, because you will be required to spend money on paid traffic to get exposure to your done for you pages. If you’re a beginner at Affiliate Marketing, then you should look for an alternative.

Quick Navigation

Lazy Affiliate Method Review SummaryWhat Are People Saying About Lazy Affiliate Method?
What Is Lazy Affiliate Method?What’s Inside Lazy Affiliate Method?
Who Created Lazy Affiliate Method?Lazy Affiliate Method Price, Upsells & Refunds
Is Lazy Affiliate Method a Scam?Lazy Affiliate Method Pros & Cons
Can You Benefit From Lazy Affiliate Method?My Recommendation

What is Lazy Affiliate Method?

Lazy Affiliate Method is presented as an easily automated affiliate marketing system that will generate sales and revenue for you with only half an hour’s work a day. The concept behind this system is to accelerate the process of achieving success with affiliate marketing by giving you access to some pre-build landing pages, that essentially form the so-called sales funnel.

By getting traffic (visitors) to these pages, you will have the option to capture leads and will be handed out some decent email copy, which you can send out throughout your email list. Basically, all the work that is required to convert someone from a visitor to a customer, is already don for you.

Alongside all of this good stuff, you will get video training that shows you how to work with the Lazy Affiliate Method. Here’s the thing.

Nowadays, it can be REALLY easy to get a hold of good sales funnels, and everyone has one. What I’m trying to say is that having a sales funnel is not the ONLY thing that you will need to set up for a successful affiliate marketing business, and it will not be as easy as they make it look like in the sales page.

Especially if you’re a beginner with no prior experience when it comes to Affiliate Marketing.

Who Created Lazy Affiliate Method?

Kevin Fahey is behind the Lazy Affiliate Method, and we can see by his vast online presence, that he has previous experience with digital product creation. A prime example of that would be Online IM Support, which is another internet marketing training based program.

It seems that this is a very real person with very real accomplishments, and he obviously doesn’t want to hide his name or face online. With a following of more than 2,5K on Facebook, he has a private group for all his paid members of each different program that he makes.

Inspired by his online success, at some point Kevin Fahey decided, to create his first digital training that was designed to help people make money online, and achieve financial freedom.  

Is Lazy Affiliate Method a Scam?

what is lazy affiliate method scam
Lazy Affiliate Method is NOT a scam however, the sales page can mislead a lot of people especially newbies that have no experience. Many product/service creators use exaggerated claims to promote their products because they can seem pretty lucrative for the unsuspecting victim.

A lot of people end up spending money, only to realize that they have been pitched a dream, and the reality is a bit different. In other words, if you’re expecting that you can just purchase the Lazy Affiliate Method, and start making money straight away, you should think twice.

The truth is that even with all that automation, you will still have to put in some decent amount of work, and learn how the whole Affiliate Marketing thing works before you start expecting any money coming your way. So, just because it’s misleading does that mean that we should label this product as a scam?

I don’t think so, and here’s why. Apart from the false claims of instant wealth and riches overnight, you will get everything else that you are promised in exchange for your money. All the sales funnels are there, the squeeze, and thank you pages plus all the email swipes.

You need to ask yourself questions such as “Is this the right thing for me?” Let’s find out if you can REALLY benefit from Lazy Affiliate Method or not. 

Can You Benefit From The Lazy Affiliate Method?

In order to find out if you can benefit from the Lazy Affiliate Method, you should ask yourself, are you willing to invest some money upfront to find out. I don’t mean just buying the system. I’m talking about getting traffic to your done for you sales funnel.

If you’re willing to spend a few hundred dollars or more into getting paid traffic to your funnels, then the results you get will definitely determine whether you can benefit from this program or not.

However, you don’t have to burn out that much money in order to learn how to be successful with affiliate marketing. There is an alternative to that, which is by leveraging FREE organic traffic (visitors) that you can get straight from the search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

What Are People Saying About The Lazy Affiliate Method?

what is lazy affiliate method what are people saying

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of biased, and one-sided reviews out there that focus only on the good side of this product, which makes it difficult for people to make an educated decision on whether the Lazy Affiliate Method is actually for them or not.

There’s no information about any people that had success using this program, however, in the sales video, Kevin Fahey said that he decided to launch this product after it helped a bunch of other people in order to test out if it works or not.

Due to the fact that this product is still considerably new to the market, there’s not a lot that you can gather about whether or not it really helps people. The fact to the matter is that Kevin Fahey’s product can provide a solution for people but it’s definitely NOT for everyone, as only certain people will be able to fully benefit from the lazy affiliate method.

What’s Inside The Lazy Affiliate Method?

Inside the Lazy Affiliate Method, you will get access to everything that is included within a sales funnel according to Kevin Fahey, and that includes the following things:

1. High Converting Pages. You will get pre-built landing pages, opt-in pages, thank you pages, and follow up pages. All of these are already done for you, meaning that you don’t need to adjust, add, or take anything. 

2. High-Quality Lead Magnets. Without something to offer, in exchange for people’s leads, they will probably shy away from giving out their emails. That’s why alongside everything else, you will get high-grade lead magnets that are going to compel people into leaving out their emails. 

3. High Converting Affiliate Products. You won’t have to wait around to get approved for a lot of high-quality affiliate offers. In other words, you will have a variety of affiliate products to choose from. You can market one, two or all of them, the choice is there.

4. Follow Up Sequence. Remember those emails, we talked about earlier? This part of the program offers a bunch of done for your sales letters, and promotional emails that you can send out to your list of email subscribers throughout a certain period of time. All of the copy is tested, and it works. 

How To Use Lazy Affiliate Method The Right Way?

In order to effectively take advantage of the Lazy Affiliate Method, and all that it has to offer, you need to have the following things set up:

1. Watch The Training Videos
. These videos will show you how to implement the done for you pages inside your website (yes, you need a website). The great thing is that nowadays, it’s extremely easy to build a website, and you can do it for free. I will leave a link at the end of this article, that can show you how to do all of that, and start today.

2. Send Traffic To Your Pages
. Once everything is set up and ready to go, it’s time to send in some traffic (visitors). As I mentioned already, you can pay for traffic or you can get organic, free traffic by leveraging the search engines. When that traffic starts flowing your way, it’s important to try, and capture as many leads as possible so that you can market to your email list later.

3. Autoresponder
. You will need some decent autoresponder that is going to be connected to your email lists, and campaigns. There’s a lot of autoresponders that you can choose from out there.

Everyone involved with email marketing is using an autoresponder of some kind, and there’s a good reason for that. If you don’t have some sort of automation to the whole process, how can you send out 1000’s of emails a day to thousands of different people?

Sounds impossible, right? Not with an autoresponder, which is exactly why so many people use them. Most of them are costly, however, some of them have trial services that you can take advantage of.

4. Download Their Ready Made Email Series. Once you do that, you can implement your affiliate links and send them out to a lot of people at the same time using an autoresponder. You will get approximately 50 pre-written emails, that you can use.


Just to get you more intrigued, Kevin Fahey has a bunch of bonuses that come along with your initial product purchase, and they are:

1. Live Webinar With The Man Himself. Inside that live webinar, you get to ask Kevin Fahey questions, get support with anything and you can learn valuable insights about Affiliate Marketing.

2. Unlimited Access to Pre Written Emails By Kevin Fahey. You will get his personal emails that he has made and is using for his own campaigns and marketing efforts online.

3. Access To Genesis. This is one of Kevin’s best selling products, and you will have complete access over it when you get the Lazy Affiliate Method.

Lazy Affiliate Method Prices Upsells & Refunds

Lazy Affiliate Method comes with a price tag of $27, and there are 3 more upsells that come along the way. 

Upsell #1 – This is a package that includes 15 different ways to monetize your efforts, and learn how to maximize your earnings. This upsells comes with a price tag of $27.

Upsell #2 – This is an addon that includes 6 free traffic generation strategies, and 3 paid ones. 

Upsell #3 – IM VIP Training. This is a full-on training on how to make money online, and it starts at $1 for the first month then $29.95/Month. 

There is a 14 day money back guarantee, but it’s important to note that this refund policy applies ONLY to the main product offer which is Lazy Affiliate Method. If you end up buying any of the upsells and wanting a refund, it may not be possible to get one. 

With all that in mind, if you want to take full advantage of everything this program has to offer, you will end up spending about 78$ to get started. I’m not even considering the ad spend budget that you can end up spending which can add up if you’re not experienced with paid traffic generation methods.

What I Like About the Lazy Affiliate Method

what is lazy affiliate method pros and cons
1. All The DFY Pages
. The Done For You pages inside Lazy Affiliate Method are the core idea behind this product. There is a lot of work done to create a high converting sales funnel, which can be really good for you if you don’t know how a sales funnel looks like and how it works.

You can even use the model that’s laid out, and create your own if you think that you’re up for it. The fact that you have so many pre-built pages could save you some of the work, and make you profitable if you use them right.

2. Pre Written Email Copy. You have a bunch of high converting, proven and tested email campaigns that you can send out to your email list. There is no guarantee that they will result in conversions, however, they do seem to increase the likelihood of it happening.

3. Money Back Guarantee. The 14 day refund policy that’s in place can be useful in the events that you end up not liking the system. You can ask for a refund, and you will get it as long as it’s within the 14 day trial period.

4. Access To Genesis. This is a nice bonus that’s added when you purchase Lazy Affiliate Method. Genesis is essentially another system that shows you how to make money online.

What I Don’t Like About Lazy Affiliate Method

1. Way Too Exaggerated. The Lazy Affiliate Method is presented as being the most lucrative investment decision in your life. I mean, who doesn’t want to work just 30 minutes a day, and generate insane commission at the same time, right?

The truth is that while some people may catch on the hype, others can get poorly misled by the sales page, and their whole funnel. 

2. Duplicate Content Issues. Consider the following. A bunch of people get the EXACT same landing pages, even the sales copy is identical to each other. If you end up using the same resources as everyone else that has the Lazy Affiliate Method inside the same platform, many people can start getting the same messages, and stumble upon the same landing pages multiple times.

This can lead to spam issues occurring, which is something that no one wants for sure.

3. It’s Pretty Much Useless Without all The Upsells. Some of the upsells, are presented in such a way, that if you don’t get them you will miss out on a lot of opportunities. This basically compels you to get them because you’ve already bought the initial product.

4. It’s Very Bad For SEO. Due to all the duplicate issues that can occur when a lot of people use the same done for you pages, with the same content inside, this can result in the search engines marking that kind of content as duplicate, spam, or even plagiarized in some instances.

What this means is that free traffic is out of the question. If you want to generate organic free traffic, you need unique and original content that’s also of high quality. Clearly, all of that is missing with the Lazy Affiliate Method.

5. It Can Be Expensive. Even if you end up investing in the product, and it’s upselling, you still have to think about a couple of additional expenses. One of them is an autoresponder that will help automate your email campaigns, and the other one is paying for traffic to your pre-built landing pages.

Keep in mind that if you’re inexperienced you run the risk of losing a lot of money that way, which is the main reason why I DON’T recommend this program to newbies starting out with affiliate marketing.

My Recommendation

If you’re a beginner with Affiliate Marketing, then you should not buy the Lazy Affiliate Method, especially if you’re approaching this opportunity with the mindset that all you have to do is push some buttons for 30 minutes every day, and watch your bank account grow.

You will end up being disappointed, and run the potential risk of wasting a lot of money on paid ads. Running paid ads is the only way to generate some revenue with this program.

Free traffic is out of the question due to content duplicate issues that can occur when a lot of people are using the same pages with the same content inside.

If you don’t mind burning through some cash to find out if the system will work for you or not, then sure go ahead and buy it, you may find it useful. If you don’t have the budget for that, or simply don’t want to spend that much money on something that may or may not work, then you should check out this free alternative below. 

Over there you will find out how people are banking profits using an incredibly effective, yet simple blueprint, that so many tend to neglect and lose out because of that.

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