Russell Brunson Review – What’s His Net Worth?

Welcome to my Russell Brunson review. In 2023 his net worth is over $40M. He’s a self-made millionaire known for co-founding ClickFunnels. A 400 million online business.

Thanks to his great selling and storytelling skills, he’s managed to become one of the most well know people in the make-money-online world.

In his own words, Russell recommends that before you get into Facebook ads, Youtube ads, Google, Instagram, or any kind of marketing, you should learn door-to-door sales.

He was doing this for two years, selling one of the hardest products. Trying to sell something to somebody face-to-face is one of the best ways to learn how to communicate with people.

This can help you build a stronger brand, connect better with your audience, learn how to make more sales, and more.

The first thing you need to do is face your fear head-on. As a super introverted person, the idea of talking to someone scares him a lot. Nevertheless, he managed to overcome that fear.

The second thing you need to learn is how to take no for an answer. Your products and services are not for everyone. The goal is to know when there’s no point in continuing and moving on to the next prospect.

Who is Russell Brunson?

Russell Brunson

Russell was born on March 8, 1980. He was exposed to marketing from the early age of 12. However, his first career choice was to become a wrestler. Before going to college, he finished second in the USA high school wrestling nationals.

The first product he created and sold was in 2003. It was a tool that automatically collects leads through email called ZipBrander. Then he made a DVD about making potato guns.

He sold a bunch of copies online and realized that there is a HUGE market gap in effective sales funnel tools. Russell knew what he had to do next. That’s how ClickFunnels was born.

What is Russell Brunson’s Net Worth?

Russell Brunson’s net worth is over $40M. That’s calculated from his combined streams of income including his flagship software ClickFunnels, FunnelScripts, Youtube channel, brand advancement, book publishing, courses, teaching live events, coaching, and mentoring.

His net worth will online continue to increase as more and more people get familiar with his products and services. It’s unlikely that this trend will stop anytime soon.

Is Russell Brunson a Scam?

He is not a scam artist. On the contrary, Russell is one of the most down-to-earth and helpful internet marketers in the industry.

People can learn a ton of useful things just by browsing his Youtube channel. It has over 236K subscribers and many useful videos.

He is one of the most entertaining people online. He knows exactly how to keep people’s attention while offering some great high-quality information for aspiring business owners and people that want to scale their companies.

What Can You Learn From Russell Brunson?

Russell Brunson ClickFunnels

One of the most effective ways to sell a product or service online is by creating a sales funnel. Russell Brunson is an expert at that. The first funnel he ever created was for his potato gun guide.

After realizing that he was losing money with his ad campaigns, he had to think of a way to change that. That’s when Russell was introduced to upsells or one-time offers.

It turned out to be a game-changer. At the time, he was selling a $37 product but his ad costs were about $50/day. He was losing money.

To change that, he introduced an upsell that was priced at $197. Every third person that bought the $37 product purchased the upsell. He was making money again.

From there, his entire business model changed and that’s when things started to work well for him. Today, he is still implementing this method and teaching others how to do that too.

See The Four Step Blueprint For Making 1K/Day Online Without a Product or Service

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