PDOCS Method Review

Welcome to my PDOCS Method review. Can you really learn organic marketing with Adam Lucerne, or is this another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This program is targeted mostly towards agency owners looking to scale with organic outreach methods. Instead of spending money on online ads, you can learn how to crush prospecting with free lead generation for your online business.

It looks like a good offer, but I’ve been exposed to many different programs that overpromise and underdeliver. That’s why I decided to find out if PDOCS Method is worth considering or not.

Let me point out that I’m not affiliated with this organic marketing course or any of Adam Lucerne’s programs, courses, and services, so don’t expect a thousand low quality bonuses for joining through my links because you won’t find any.

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated claims.

Ready? Let’s get started…

PDOCS Method Review Summary

Product Name: PDOCS Method

Product Owner: Adam Lucerne

Product Type: Organic Marketing Coaching Program

Product Price: $47

Overall Score: 60/100

Recommended: Not For Beginners!

Summary: This training program can help you identify what groups to post in, how to use the PDOCS Method to spot the biggest problems within groups, how to target specific pain points with your posts, and a lot of other methods for generating free organic leads from Facebook.

According to Adam Lucerne, the PDOCS Method is worth $7K, but he is selling the course for $47.

You will learn that choosing your niche is not that important as long you know your market, and you can identify gaps within that market.

In a nutshell, you will get access to a whole bunch of different scripts, messaging techniques, and ways to generate free organic leads to your online business.

The PDOCS Method is created for people looking to increase the sales and revenue of their existing businesses.

If you’re a beginner with no experience in making money online, and you prefer to learn organic passive income generation methods, you should see this cost effective, beginner friendly alternative below.

What is The PDOCS Method?

According to the sales page, the PDOCS Method is all about teaching agency owners the exact methodology for generating organic leads through Facebook groups and posting. It stands for Problems, Desires, Obstacles, Common Beliefs, and Steroids (PDOCS).

In his website, Adam Lucerne addresses 8 common obstacles entrepreneurs get stuck on, and they are as follows:

1. The Perfect Group Myth. A lot of programs and course owners focus on showing you a ton of different groups you can join, which can lead to something called choice paralysis.

That’s when you become so overwhelmed by the different options presented to you that it gets really hard to pick one and stick to it.

Instead of trying to find the right prospects, you should be spending your time creating an offer that will turn any prospect into the right one. Adam Lucerne calls this the Customer Creation Offer.

2. The Semantic Stretch in Offer Creation.
This where you create labels and titles for your offers that don’t work anymore. At some point, when a ton of people start using the same phrases and the same wording, they lose their efficiency. 

3. Proven Swipe Files & Posting Templates.
This is kind of similar to the previous obstacle. When you start using the same “proven swipes and posting templates” all over Facebook, it won’t work. Why? Because thousands of others before you have used the same exact scripts as you. 

4. Profitable Niches. This is yet another problem many entrepreneurs fall into. There is no such thing as the magic niche that can start bringing you cash on demand with little to no work on your end. Every niche can be profitable if you approach it properly.

5. Scaling a Skillset.
 Adam Lucerne says that most similar coaching programs teach you a skillset but don’t offer you the tools, resources, or knowledge to scale your online business. With the PDOCS Method, you will learn how to scale by leveraging “commission based app setters” that will generate leads without doing anything extra.

6. The Cure of Paid Traffic. If you don’t have an irresistible offer and you try to scale too fast, chances are that you will fail and lose a lot of money. That’s why it’s way better to see if your offer is good or not by using organic free lead generation methods. When a big portion of your leads starts converting into clients, that’s when you should think about growing with Facebook ads.

7. Copywriting.
 Copywriting is about finding the biggest problems and desires of your prospect then creating targeted messaging to make something stick and take action. It’s not about being able to write like a best selling author or without any grammatical errors. It’s about identifying problems and offering solutions.

8. Do You Ever Learn Why Something Doesn’t Work?
Most people don’t. With the PDOCS Method, you will learn how to fail first, learn by your mistakes, and then succeed.

Instead of getting access to proven templates, methods, and techniques, you will learn how to optimize and create winning scripts by yourself.

That way, you won’t have to rely on other people’s work and wait for it to become irrelevant before going after the next big money making script.

Is The PDOCS Method a Scam?

pdocs method review legit or not

The PDOCS Method is NOT a scam. It’s a legit way to learn organic lead generation on social media. The program is created for social media marketing agencies looking to improve and up their game.

If you’re an agency owner, regardless of your niche, and you’re not seeing the success you know you deserve, the PDOCS Method can help you by showing you a way to turn your hard work into leads, customers, and sales. 

This program can work for you, even if you’re not an agency owner, but you won’t be able to take full advantage of everything offered inside. 

Adam Lucerne’s coaching course is not for you if you’re a beginner online entrepreneur looking for a way to start an online business from scratch. If that’s you, then you should see this cost effective alternative below.

Who Created the PDOCS Method?

Adam Lucerne is the founder of the PDOCS Method. He is the founder of an agency called Always Be Testing. According to their website, his agency is responsible for growing fortune 500 companies, working with celebrities, and more.

The ABT Agency is focused on improving 20% of the growth campaigns for companies and industries that bring in 80% of the results. It’s safe to say that Adam Lucerne knows how to run campaigns and generate leads on social media.

What’s Inside The PDOCS Method?

pdocs method inside

Inside the PDOCS Method, you will get access to 8 days worth of training, guiding you through everything you need to know and implement in order to successfully acquire high paying clients.

Inside this program, you will see a message saying that PDOCS Method is a systematic process to identify the deepest Problems, Desires, Common Beliefs, and Traffic Drivers of your customers and then mass produce messaging at a scale.

To sum it all up, you will learn how to do research, implement the 80/20 rule, leverage feedback loops, refine your messages, optimize and scale. Let’s break down each training module to see exactly what you’re getting inside the PDOCS Method.

Day 1 – How to Research & Extract the Deepest Pain Points of Your Niche

By the end of this training module, you should know how to effectively research any niche to identify common problems, desires, obstacles, and beliefs. Then you will learn how to reverse engineer winning posts and messages that target the aforementioned things.

On top of that, you will get familiar with the right groups and where you should post, how to spot winners, replicate their success, and how to reverse engineer competitors’ 2 step posts without using old copy that has been churned and burned a thousand times.

Day 2 – Systematically Reverse Engineer High Converting Copy Faster Than Anyone

You will learn how to successfully rewrite any ad on Facebook and use the research strategies from day 1 to create a content calendar of posts and messages.

If you’re struggling with optimizing your profile, building out your offer, and presenting it the right way via posts, this module can help you out a lot. You will also learn how to do everything taught so far at scale to increase your reach and revenue.

Day 3 – The EAACO Scripts Framework

Get access to a framework that will teach you how to close deals on messenger without sounding like every other competitor out there.

You will get to optimize your framework and make it your own while keeping it effective and removing the repetitiveness.

The first part of this module is all about Neuro-finance, which is a way to structure your scripts and engage all parts of your prospects’ brains.

According to Adam Lucerne, his agency can easily generate 8+ appointments per day, thanks to the EAACO framework.

Day 4 – Track Test & Optimize Your Messaging

Here you will learn how to identify and track your winning/losing posts and how to reverse engineer high converting copy. This is where you will be introduced to the 7A contrarian framework.

It will allow you to write any kind of copy or post and improve posts with no engagements. By finding gaps in other posts, you can successfully find why some of them work while others don’t and focus your efforts on doing what works.

Day 5 – Scale Your Messaging With LinkedIn to Find Executives for Your Offer

This module is solely focused on helping you master LinkedIn to effectively communicate with executives and laser targeted prospects with a big budget.

You will learn how to set up automatic LinkedIn outreach campaigns, how to manage the flow of messages, and how to book appointments.

Day 6 – On Demand Appointments With Cold Email

Learn how to use cold email outreach to book 3 – 5 appointments for every 100 emails that you send out to prospects. The lesson plan can be broken down into 4 consecutive steps.

First, you will ensure high delivery rates, learn how to write emails that will get 50% engagement or more, train a virtual assistant to do all of that for you, and finally, you will do a quick tech overview.

Day 7 – Systemise and Scale the Process

Here you will get to learn exactly how you can put everything you’ve learned so far and create a system that will allow you t grow and scale your online business. The first lesson in this module is a guide on hiring VA’s (virtual assistants).

That’s the only way to increase your reach and scale as a business. You will be onboarding LinkedIn response teams and cold outreach copywriters.

Instead of paying them a flat fee, your VA’s will earn commissions. It’s all taught inside the PDOCS Method.

Day 8 – Paid Traffic Masterclass

By now, you should be getting leads and sales. Paid ads can be a great tool for scaling and you will learn how to do just that by implementing something called a self liquidating offer for paid ads. Then, you will be retargeting LinkedIn connections to book low cost appointments with executives.

What I Like About the PDOCS Method

1. It’s Focused Towards Organic Lead Generation. Paid ads can make or break a business. Knowing that you already have a high quality offer that people want can significantly increase your chances of success, and that’s exactly why it’s better to start with organic, free lead generation.

2. The Sales Page. Judging by the sales page of PDOCS Method, it looks like Adam Lucerne knows who his target audience is, how to focus on pain points within the social media marketing agency industry, and how to offer a solution to these problems. Since you will be learning how to do the same, it’s safe to say that you can benefit from this program.

3. The Price.
Other similar programs charge a lot more than $47. For example, IAG Media can teach you how to start a social media marketing agency, but it will cost you over $997 to get started.

What I Don’t Like About The PDOCS Method?

1. It’s For Agency Owners. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, per see, but it does limit the type of people who are most suitable to enroll in this coaching program.

2. It’s Not For Beginners.
If you’re looking for a way to start an online business and you’ve got no experience or no momentum yet, then PDOCS Method is not for you.

Is There a Better Alternative?

If you’re a social media marketing agency owner, and you’re looking for ways to tap into organic marketing, then Adam Lucerne’s program may be suitable for you.

However, if you’re looking to get into SMMA, to become an agency owner, or for a way to get started with making money online, then the PDOCS Method is probably not for you. 

The best way for beginners to get started is with affiliate marketing. That’s when you promote other people’s products and services and get paid every time you send a prospect to a product or service and they become clients.

The entry barrier is very low, you don’t need to deal with customer service, refunds, customer complaints, and product creation.

All you have to do is master lead generation and traffic generation. Using this method, I was able to quit my job and start a profitable passive income generating business online. 

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