Online Marketing Classroom Review (2022)

This is THE Online Marketing Classroom review that you’ve been looking for. Before we get started, I would like to point out that unlike some of the reviews out there, this one is completely unbiased and transparent.

You should know that Online Marketing Classroom costs a lot of money, so everyone that is promoting it get’s BIG commissions from anyone that signs under them.

That’s why you should be careful of FAKE reviews that don’t bring any value and just want to get paid by praising this training and saying how great it is. With that out of the way, let’s move on and find out what Online Marketing Classroom is all about.

Online Marketing Classroom Review Summary

Product Name: Online Marketing Classroom

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing & Make Money Online Training

Created By: Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton

Price: $1497 For 2 Year Membership, $97/Monthly or $37/monthly with restricted access.

Recommended: Yes

Overall Score: 70/100

Summary: The training will introduce you to a bunch of different business models for earning a full-time income online and has a lot of useful tools and recourses along with it, so yes it does bring a lot of value.

If you decide to invest in it, put in the work and hustle, odds are that you will be successful with this program. On the other hand, there are other alternatives that can help you with that at a much lesser price.

What is Online Marketing Classroom About?

To find out what is Online Marketing Classroom all about, the first thing that you should know about this training is that it covers multiple ways of making money online and they all revolve around starting your own business. Inside you can learn all about:

– Affiliate Marketing

– Amazon FBA

– Creating and marketing your own info products

– Kindle Publishing

Created back in 2008 by Aidan Booth and Steven Clayton, Online Marketing Classroom has over 50,000 members.

The training can help those who are just getting started in the make money online industry and are looking for the best way to go about it.

Not only that, but it can also be useful to online business owners who want to grow and scale. There’s an abundance of strategies, training materials, and software tools that can all help with that. The training is divided into 3 main sections. 

1. Labs. That’s where you will learn how to make money with digital products, eCommerce stores, Affiliate Marketing, and more.

2. Tutorials. They’re all about the setup of sales funnels, increasing conversions, email marketing, landing page designs, and everything else that you will need to make money online. 

3. Workshops. This is a monthly live webinar session for every member of the Online Marketing Classroom.

Is Online Marketing Classroom a Scam?

The short answer to the question is Online Marketing Classroom a scam is no, it’s definitely NOT fraudulent. Asking yourself something similar is completely normal when it comes to digital products.

Especially in the make money online industry where so many scams exist. A few things lead me to believe that this product is legit such as the fact that it’s a product being sold on ClickBank. If you don’t know, ClickBank is one of the biggest networks for vendors and affiliates to collaborate and has a solid reputation online.

They even cover refunds on some of the products that are displayed in their marketplace. Furthermore, if this was low quality or a scam product, everyone would have realized this by now.

Since Online Marketing Classroom was created way back in 2008 and is still getting people to sign up and pay for the membership, you can rest assured that if you decide to invest in this course, your money will not just vanish into thin air, without you getting anything in return.

Who Are Steve Clayton & Aidan Booth

aidan booth

Aidan Booth

His internet ventures started in 2003 when he moved to Buenos Aires to live with his wife. 

Due to the fact that he didn’t speak Spanish, he was basically forced to look for alternatives to making money.

Fast forward 3 years later, he was now making small commissions from Affiliate Marketing which was the starting point of his uprising online.

Before he started teaching people how to make money online he already had experience with Affiliate Marketing, Ecommerce, and organic traffic generation.

Slowly but surely his revenue kept growing and growing until one day he began outsourcing his work.

Aidan was paying people in the Philippines to build websites for him. At some point, he had more than 1500+ websites and not all of them were profitable, but with the ones that were, he was able to entirely change his financial life for the better. 

The first EVER training that he released was with a guy named Brian G Johnson. It was about creating specific niche sites that ranked on Google and brought organic free traffic. Things were going great and he taught well over 2000 people how to copy and paste his ranking methods to make money online.

One day Google did a major algorithm update that “drowned” most of his websites and he underwent a significant loss in profit.

That’s when Aidan realized that he had to find a way to make his websites stand the test of time and get Google to love them no matter what updates came out, and he did. A few years later in 2013, he partnered with Steve to create the Online Marketing Classroom.

Steve Clayton

Steve Clayton is a former CFO of a highly successful Fortune 500 business.

It was because of him and his organizational skills acquired within his business experience that Aidan and Steve managed to get to that next level by creating Online Marketing Classroom.

Steve was the one who brought everything together in a well placed and organized way and taught Aidan how to do that too.

Together, they bring an incredible amount of experience in the make money online industry and many people have already taken advantage of those skills and expertise. 

Learn More About Online Marketing Classroom Here!

What’s Inside Online Marketing Classroom?

online marketing classroom review

The Online Marketing Classroom is divided into 3 parts The first one is focused on helping you get familiar with all the different ways that you can make money online. It goes over 6 different business models and gives you a step by step training on each of them.

The second part consists of tools, software, and resources that you will need, such as a page builder, email capture form, etc.

The final part of this program is a bonus section that offers additional training on Amazon FBA, hiring VA’s (virtual assistants) to do the heavy lifting for you, and scaling your online business.

First, we will take an in depth look at the training provided inside, then we will explore all the tools that you will need to run your business, and finally, we will dive into the bonus part of this program.

Online Marketing Classroom Training

1. Consulting and Coaching. As a coach or consultant, you will be helping people achieve their professional or personal goals. To do that, you will need to have certain skills, like SEO, for example.

2. Affiliate Marketing (promoting other people’s products and earning commission payments). This is one of the easiest ways to start an online business as the start up costs are very low.

3. Amazon FBA (selling your own physical products on Amazon). Becoming an Amazon Seller is one of the most expensive business ventures as you would need $5 – $10K just to start things off.

4. Creating and promoting your own digital info products. To do that, you would first need to KNOW about certain topics well enough to sell that information.

 5. Amazon Kindle publishing (write your own e-books and promote them on the Amazon Kindle platform). You can outsource the entire eBook creation, but it will be more costly that way. There are many courses on KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) Such as this one.

 6SEO (They teach you all about Search Engine Optimization and show you how to sell your services to different businesses and agencies online). This is a way of generating free traffic from search engines like Google by creating content that answers people’s questions and queries.

The second section of the training includes 45+ educational videos that go deeper into the money-making process. It’s all about setting everything up in a way that it can be as profitable for you as it possibly can. 

1. Sales Funnels. With a sales funnel, you can filter your traffic (web users) and guide them through a series of pages that have a SINGLE goal. To convert your traffic into product or service sales. 

2. Choosing Your Niche. Whether you decide to promote other people’s products or create your own, you would still need to choose a market to serve. In my opinion, your niche should be something you’re passionate about. That way, it will be much easier and probably more enjoyable to work on your business and NOT give up.

3. Product Launches. Launching a product and ensuring it gets the attention it deserves is no easy task. That’s why there’s an entire section of educational content dedicated to product launches.

4. Increasing Conversions. One of the ways to increase your conversions is by creating laser targeted sales funnels and capturing your visitors’ emails.

5. Case Studies. Case studies help with proof of concept and to motivate potential clients

6. Designing Conversion Focused Landing Pages. This is an important step in properly promoting your products and ensuring that you get the most out of your visitors.

7. E-mail Marketing. This is yet another way to increase your conversions. The idea is to capture your visitors’ emails and to send them promotional messages about your products or services.

8. Bonus Methods that Are Result Oriented.

9. Spreadsheets and walkthroughs that help you in setting everything up.

10. Complete access to all the upcoming monthly webinars and all the ones that were held since the launch of the Online Marketing Classroom.

The last section of the training is all about affiliate marketing and shows you how to start. It consists of 9 elements and they are as follows:

1. Done for you landing pages. Instead of building them yourself, you can access their library of pre built landing pages. Keep in mind that this means others will be using the same pages like you, which will likely lower conversion rates.

2. All the necessary software tools that you need for success. Capture emails, and sending out messages require additional software, as well as building out your sales pages and funnels.

3. Training on free and paid traffic sources. There’s a reason why people pay for traffic. It delivers results fast. However, it is riskier as you may end up losing money with your campaigns. Free traffic usually means creating high quality content and investing time.

4. Done for your sales funnels that capture your traffic details by offering them the so-called “lead magnet” in exchange for their emails. Lead magnets are a great way to build your list as it gives your traffic a reason to leave their details with you.

5. Pre-written Emails to send out to your list of subscribers. Copywriting is the art of getting people to perform certain actions by reading your text. That’s why having pre written emails can be such a valuable asset.

6. Access to strategies and techniques that the creators of Online Marketing Classroom, Steve and Aidan use to generate sales and make money.

7. Access to a private Facebook group & support via email.

8. Guide on setting everything up 

P.S. If you’re interested in creating a business revolving around Affiliate Marketing, then I suggest that you don’t spend $1,500 for that. You can take advantage of a MUCH CHEAPER alternative that’s all about following a simple 4 step blueprint to make money with affiliate marketing, Find out more here!

Online Marketing Classroom Tools and Software

These are the tools and software that are presented to you. They give you the chance to access everything that you need in one place, saving you time along the way.

– Bounce Breaker (Encourages visitors to leave their emails via pop-ups, banners and more)

– Landing Page Launchpad (This is a drag and drop page builder)

– Traffic Spy (Let’s keep track of your traffic and its behavior)

– Hawkey (Identifies high-quality opportunities)

– Domains on Fire (Let’s you find expired domains that were on the first page of Google, they can be sold or reranked for extra traffic generation)

– Ecom Product Finder (Finds profitable products that can be sold on your eCommerce store

– Free Trust Seals (These increase your website’s credibility by a lot, and usually cost a couple of hundred dollars)

Bonus Tools & Training Inside Online Marketing Classroom

As an additional bonus, you get “The Blackbird Suite” software. It has over 60+ training videos that teach you how to rank products on Amazon for your FBA business. Alongside that, you get extra features that can make everything easier for you such as:

– Tracking your products.

– Finding more profitable products.

– Finding relevant keywords and high converting phrases for your products.

Not only that but you will also get 3 more bonuses that will exponentially increase your success rate. The first one is a long and extended course that teaches you how to outsource your work like a pro.

The second one is all about taking your already built business to the next level by presenting you with new ideas and recourses to do just that, The final one is a Private Mastermind Session where you can discuss ideas and strategies that will further increase your revenue. 

Online Marketing Classroom Price and Refunds

Online Marketing Classroom comes with a 2 year membership for $1497 or $97/month. You can also get this program for $37/month but it has a lot of restrictions on it. Along with that, you get a 60 day money back guarantee.
online marketing classroom review 

What I Like About Online Marketing Classroom

1. You have a lot of diversity. With lots of options to choose from on how to start your online business, you’re not limited to only one thing and can explore a few of the most profitable ones.

2. There’s a lot to cover. You get hundreds of hours of training that’s being updated constantly. Alongside that, you have monthly live sessions where you can discuss and learn more about all the new updates and changes in the online world. This alone will easily give you the upper hand over everyone else who is competing with you on whatever business venture you decide to tackle.

3. The tools there cover all the pieces that you would need for your online business. With them, you save a lot of time, effort, and frustration along the way. In a nutshell, it simplifies the whole process.

4. A community. With the private Facebook group that you have access to, it goes without saying that you will be surrounded by like-minded people, who are all eager to help each other out to move and progress together. 

Join Online Marketing Classroom Here!

What I Don’t Like About Online Marketing Classroom

1. Exaggerated claims. With those kinds of claims, people can get the wrong impression that their success is guaranteed, when it’s not. It won’t be easy to achieve that success either. Even with all the training and tools in the world, if you don’t put in the work, you will not reap the benefits of your labor. In other words, if you’re not willing to work for it, don’t bother getting the course in the first place.

2. It’s way too expensive. The price tag on this course can definitely put off a lot of people and not everyone could afford that even if they wanted to. I cannot justify charging people that much for an online course when there is so much info available for FREE out there. You just have to look for it.

3. If you’re interested in one specific business model, I’m 100% sure that you can find similar online training at a much cheaper price.

My Recommendation

If paying that much money for a single training program is not what you’re looking for, I have the perfect alternative for you.

It’s about promoting other people’s products with a simple 4 step blueprint that so many people neglect and end up overpaying for courses such as this one. Find out what it’s all about below.

Check Out How People Are Banking Profits Using This SImple Blueprint (You Can Join For FREE Today)

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