InMotion Hosting [Here’s What They Never Tell You]

InMotion Hosting was founded back in 2001 and since then it has become a hosting service used by over 300,000 websites worldwide.

There are tons of hosting providers out there and that’s why it’s important to find out which one is going to work best for you.

By the time you go through this post, you will know everything about Inmotion and it’s hosting service and will be able to make an informed decision if it’s the right solution for your website or not.

Let’s start by pointing out that InMotion hosting is a USA based provider with two datacentres in Los Angeles and Virginia Beach.

If you are in the other part of the world, then you may have to think about that too. If that’s the case then you need to know that you run a higher risk of experiencing slow server response time simply because of your geographic location in the world.

This can result in loss of traffic as most people are impatient and they won’t wait around for your site to load for more than a few seconds. Not only that but, a slow website can cause a drop in organic traffic so if SEO is something that you might want to implement within your website, it’s really important for your site to have a fast load time.

The good thing is that most hosting plans with InMotion have a 90-day money-back guarantee.

This gives you plenty of time to find out if you have issues with the servers or not. In other words, the worst thing that can happen is that you will get your money back and move your site to a different hosting provider.

inmotion hosting

InMotion pride themselves with being the number one choice in terms of quality, support and efficiency within the industry.

One thing’s for sure, they have invested a lot in their marketing campaigns. A lot of really popular hosting services lack in their user’s support efforts and often times they take their time and make people wait around for days or even weeks.

Is InMotion REALLY any different? Time to find out.

InMotion Web Host (Complete Review)

InMotion hosting review
InMotion might not be as popular as other hosting services such as BlueHost or HostGator, but that does not mean they are better than InMotion.

While some hosting providers focus most of their recourses on marketing and tend to neglect the actual product, it’s safe to say that with InMotion that is not the case. Let’s find out about their hosting plans.

Shared Hosting.

Shared hosting is the cheapest plan of them all and as the name suggests it, yes you do share a server with other websites. What this means is that a shared hosting plan is the cheapest option for new and small websites that do not yet receive a lot of traffic hits.

With InMotion, you will get a Linux based shared web hosting and have a range of plans that you can choose from. See a full list of shared web hosting plans.

In general, Linux hosting tends to be a better overall performer than a windows hosting solution.

inmotion hosting

It does not matter if you have a windows operating system or Linux on your PC, you can still take advantage of this service.

Linux hosting is much more efficient because it is lighter than windows hosting which makes it easier and faster for data to travel between servers.

On top of that Linux supports PHP which is a scripting language that windows do not use.

One more thing that’s worth mentioning is that with every shared hosting plan you will get free access to Softaculous.

An application installer with over 400 easy to install apps that can help you with building up your website.

More about Softaculous is discussed in the What Is Softaculous Section.

Shared Hosting pricing plan inside InMotion.

The cheapest and most basic hosting plan is the Launch plan. It starts at $7.46/month which is slightly higher than the industry average.

With the Launch plan, you can use up to two websites and six domains.

The Power Plan can let you use up to six websites and 26 domains. Pricing starts from $9.99/month.

Pro Plan. This is the most expensive heavily equipped shared hosting provider inside InMotion. Pricing starts from $15.99/month and you can have unlimited websites and domains.

It’s worth mentioning that all hosting plans within inmotion hostingInMotion offer unlimited email storage and monthly data transfers.

VPS Hosting. Now, this is a much better alternative for heavier websites that get a decent amount of traffic.

Chose a VPS hosting provider if your website receives regular hits of traffic. You will still be sharing a server but with not as many websites as with the shared hosting option.

On top of that, you will get additional recourses that can help you grow your website.

InMotion has 2 different types of plans when it comes to VPS hosting and they are:

1.Managed VPS Hosting. Pricing starts from $59.99/month and it’s the best solution for website owners and businesses that are looking to scale and grow.

With this plan, you will get access to FREE server management and regular updates.

 cPanel and WHM (Web Host Manager). Both of these features give you easy and instant access to the back office and let you easily track your stats and manage all your websites from there.

2. Cloud VPS. Ths VPS hosting service is cheaper than the managed VPS hosting and prices start frominmotion cloud hosting $34.99/month but you do not have the freedom to adjust and change whatever you want, you have some restrictions.

Cloud servers are servers that are operating inside the internet on the so-called “cloud” or in other words, the servers do not exist physically somewhere, everything is online.

Dedicated Hosting. This is for big websites and businesses that receive a lot of traffic on a regular basis.

As the name suggests, dedicated hosting means that you have a server that is entirely focused on running, maintaining and ensuring your website’s performance is top-notch.

This the most expensive hosting plan everywhere and is the one that has the most features.

What is Softaculous?

Softaculous makes it easier to install web applications by automating the process using predefined scripts saving you a lot of time and frustration along the way. Installations are controlled within the cPanel or AdminArea.

Over there you will get access to +400 apps that can all be installed, changed or removed with a single click.

This makes the whole process of installing and app on your website extremely fast and easy.

The great thing about this is that it comes for FREE with every single shared hosting plan inside InMotion. If you are using dedicated hosting or a VPS then the price is $5/Month. Let’s go further into the possibilities that are unlocked with this feature.

Every single app comes with a script that is focused on creating the most efficient websites the way you want it to be.

You can choose a script that will turn your site into a fully ready and optimized publishing platform best suited for blogposts and content writing.

There is a wide variety of scripts to choose from such as eCommerce, ad management, forum websites, etc. See full list here.

The great thing about Softaculous is that it’s embedded within the InMotion hosting platform. This ensures that none of these apps interfere with the overall performance of your website.

In other words, you don’t need to worry about the quality of the apps or anything bad that they can do to hurt your website. It’s all covered by InMotion.

inmotion hosting review

Webmail InMotion Hosting

Webmail lets you operate your email from your web browser. It’s really easy to access Webmail on your browser and it’s all explained inside InMotion’s help center here.

It’s full of tutorials and guides that show you how to successfully use Webmail and all its features.

InMotion Hosting SSL – Do You Get One for Free?

For those of you who do not know, SSL Certificate is a security feature that allows a secure connection between browsers and servers keeping all your website visitors data secure.

free ssl at inmotion hosting

InMoton provides with a FREE AutoSSL feature for any domain. This feature automatically creates a secure connection and implements an SSL Certificate Here is what you need to know about the free AutoSSL tool inside InMotion.

It’s different than an advanced or premium SSL with a dedicated IP. Most browsers will recognize the AutoSSL tool and will deem it good enough.

However, if we are talking about an eCommerce store then it’s a different thing. Since and online store collects a lot of personal and sometimes sensitive date from its users, it would be better to use a premium SSL certificate instead.

InMotion Hosting Support

InMotion Hosting SupportCompared to other similar hosting providers, InMotion truly exceed people’s expectations.

In other words you can always count on them to help you with any website or server issues that you might experience. Based on real user experience and thorough research online, here is what people are saying about InMotion hosting and their support.

For anyone that’s ever jumped between hosting providers, it’s well known that some hosting services tend to lack in quality when it comes to customer service and support for your websites.

InMotion put a strong emphasis on that by declaring that they are the industry leader in web hosting support.

It turns out that that they really do back up those claims. When you submitting a ticket, the response time is usually within a few minutes, as it seems the overall score for InMotion’s customer support quality on trustpilot  is rated excellent by 66% of it’s users.

Most hosting providers tend to have a bad customer support rep on review websites so a score of %66 for excellent support service is quite a lot compared to the industries average.

Security Features

With InMotion, you can expect your website to be completely secure and safe from SPAM and other malware.

security features at inmotion hosting

With DDOS protection fully automated data backups across different servers and greater protection from cyber attacks.

If that’s not enough for you then you can always take things further by enabling some additional security features within the cPanel dashboard.

Over there you can see a wide variety of security tools from password protection to restricting specific IP addresses from having access to your website. See a full list of features here.

That’s not all. In 2017, InMotion partnered with Corero Network Security and now they provide a unique Smartwall Thread Defense System or TDS.

This takes things to a whole new level and with Corero’s TDS in place, you can be sure that your websites are protected from even the most advanced cyber threats and DDOS attacks.

For WordPress Users Only. 

For every WordPress website that’s hosted at InMotion, there’s a special Scurcci Security plugin. It scans your website for different online threats, on a regular basis and deals with security risks in an efficient manner.

What Does Sucuri do?

Sucuri Security plugin is a web applicationwordpress security with inmotion hosting firewall that ensures complete and full protection from malware, hacks and other online threats.

You get regular website scanning and DNS performance monitoring.

By installing the Sucuri plugin you insure your websites complete protection from all kinds of harmful software and attacks.

Pro’s and Con’s

inmotion hosting the good and the bad
: InMotion hosting is very fast. Even with the shared hosting plans, you can expect top performance in terms of speed on your website. Even though their data centers are only in the US, the average speed for everyone outside this geographic location is 172ms. In other words, InMotion ensures top speed performance on a global scale.

Pro: Most hosting providers offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. With InMotion, you will get a complete 90-day money-back guarantee. This gives you more than enough time to ensure that InMotion is up to your standards, so you can test it out for yourself.

If for any reason whatsoever you decide that it’s not the best hosting solution for you, you can always call for a refund on your money within 90 days. This removes any risks involved with your purchase.

Pro: Uptime guarantee. Another cool thing about InMotion is their uptime guarantee of %99.8 for all business class customers. If they fail to meet their guarantee, you will be fully compensated for any given month that the uptime is less than what’s being promised by InMotion.

Pro: If you are a WordPress user and find it difficult to navigate inside the WordPress dashboard then InMotion has the perfect solution for you. Introducing the BoldGrid website builder.

This premium builder ensures that you create beautiful and fully optimized pages, posts, and makes it as easier as it can be for you to make your website look exactly like you want it.

They even let you use pre-built templates. BoldGrid costs $60 a year but with the business hosting plan at InMotion, you can use it for FREE without having any restrictions.

Con: Price plans can go up when you renew a contract. This is not something new and most if not all other hosting providers tend to use the exact same tactics of gradually increasing their prices over time.

So many people, including myself, don’t really like that. The only hosting provider that I know of and does not increase its the price is  SiteRubix.

Con: Check Out process can be lengthy. InMotion ensures that each and every new signup is manually checked by someone on their team. This is done do make sure that you are a real person. They might want to schedule a call to confirm your subscription.

InMoton Hosting Plans

inmotion hosting plans
This section will uncover the different subscription plans between all the featured hosting servers at InMotion.

Shared Hosting Plans come with 3 different packages and they are:

Launch – Starting Price $3.99/Month after that the price goes up to $7.99/Month.

The launch plan is best suited for small single website owners. It could also serve as a testing website where you can try different practices and experiment with different features.

This is the cheapest option and it comes with a free website transfer to InMotion. You will automatically get an installed version of the lastest WordPress edition.

This can be a bonus if you’re planning to use the WordPress dashboard for your website. You can get up to two websites with a free domain plus you have unlimited bandwidth, email, and disk space.

Power – Starting Price $5.99/Month for the first one and after that, it goes up to $8.99/Month. 

The power plan is focused more on hosting multiple websites. With the embedded dashboard at InMotion, you can easily control and manage multiple websites in one place.

It’s best recommended for small websites and startups. With the power plan, you can have up to 6 websites, unlimited bandwidth email, and disk space.

Pro – Starting price is $13.99/Month then it goes up to $15.99/Month. This plan is best for people who frequently launch websites similar to each other. With the pro version, you can host an unlimited amount of websites and you get all the features from the lower costing shared plans too.

Every package comes with additional tools that can help you in growing your business and get your website noticed. You can take advantage of features such as free Add credits to kick start everything, a ready to go eCommerce website if you wish to have an online store and visitor statistics.

VPS Hosting. This is for websites that have inmotion hosting serveralready established some authority online and receive regular hits of traffic. The VPS hosting at InMotion offers a better solution in terms of security and overall performance.

In other words, you can rest assured that your website’s speed and quality of performance will not decrease in any way, even when your website is being used by a lot of people at the same.

This is why it’s always recommended that every shared hosting website is moved to a VPS hosting server or a dedicated hosting once it reaches a certain point of consistency in the flow of traffic coming their way.

Another feature that is exclusive only to VPS Hosting, is the High Availability VPS. It helps in eliminating any potential downtime issues or slow performance.

By hosting multiple versions of your website and all its data on a “cloud” or based platform. So, in the unlikely event that your website receives any issues or even downtime, it’s immediately replaced by another version of this website hosted on a different cloud server.

This ensures a 24/7 running website and will help improve your visitor’s satisfaction leaving them with a great experience. With the HA VPS you can always monitor your loading speed and website performance directly from the control panel quick and easy.

Here are the 3 different VPS Hosting offers at InMotion.

VPS – 1K

Starting Price is $29.99/Month then it goes up to $44.99/Month. This is the first step towards upgrading your hosting due to more traffic on your website.

It’s the best way to ensure that everything runs smoothly for your audience and ensure that you increase your conversion rates. It’s safe to say that these plans offer more than 10 times more than the RAM available for all the shared hosting providers combined.

VPS – 2K

Starting Price is $49.99/Month then it goes up to $84.99/Month. This is for high performing websites and people who want more freedom to adjust and configure their VPS 2K account.

By doing that you are ensuring that the hosting options best suit your website’s needs and provide for optimal performance.

This price plan has the capacity to maintain server uptime and quality even through moments of high surges in traffic. Keeping your website up and running at all times.

VPS – 3K

The starting price is $74.99/Month and the renewal price goes up to $154.99/Month. This is the best option for high performing websites with heavy database and scripts.

As well as being the highest pricing plan for VPS Hosting it also provides you with the most amount of recourses and tools that ensure your website’s performance is at its peak at all times.

Websites that get large amounts of traffic and process a lot of data should definitely consider the VPS – 3K.

inmotion hosting review

Managed WordPress Hosting Plans

For every WordPress user, there is dedicated hosting with InMotion. They are fully optimized and updated to the latest standards to fully integrate with WordPress and achieving maximum performance levels.

inmotion wordpress hosting plansDepending on your goals, your website’s traffic there is a tier from low traffic websites to high performing ones that gain massive exposure online and are loaded with traffic.

The cheapest plans start from $4.99/Month while the most expensive one is at $142.99/Month. The cool thing about the managed WordPress Hosting plans at InMotion is that they are very fast and fully optimized for WordPress.

Pre-configured caching, so you won’t have to install any caching plugins that might slow down your website making these an even faster hosting solution.

Reseller Hosting Plans at InMotion

Reseller hosting is when a single user shares it’s servers hard space and bandwidth to a third party websites, usually in exchange for money.

This can be a good opportunity both for the reseller hosting account owner and third party websites because these types of hosting tend to be the cheapest ones. It’s safe to say that it’s mostly recommended for start-up small websites.

R-1000S. This one is similar to shared hosting in terms of performance and configuration except for two additional features. You can host an unlimited amount of domains and can take advantage of the accelerated SSD hardware. This account is ideal for SMM and people who work with many websites and clients.

R-3000S. With this reseller account, you will gain access to two free hours of dedicated technical support. It’s best recommended for multiple website management and those who want better performance quality with the lowest prices in the industry and a dedicated team of support members that can help you with any issues or queries that you might have.

Dedicated Hosting Plans at InMotion

Dedicated Hosting plans are when a single server is focusing all its resources on one single website. This makes it an ideal solution for heavy websites with extreme amounts of traffics.

dedicated server inmotion hosting Each dedicated server includes a free SSD and a full-on team of dedicated support at your disposal. You can even schedule one on ones with InMotion’s web hosting administrators.

Dedicated Hosting Plans Consist of The Following Three Options.

Essential – Starting price $95.12/Month, after that it goes up to $189.99/Month. With this plan, you could choose between 500GB SSD or 1TB 7.2K HDD. 6TB Transfer Data and 5 free IP’s.

The cool thing about the essential plan is that it has similar prices to those of a VPS hosting server, which makes it perfect for saving money in the long term and achieving maximum website performance at the same time.

Advanced – Starting price is $149.93/Month then it goes up to $229.99/Month. With 16GB DDR4 Double Ram Pro and either 500GB SSD or 2TB 7.2K HDD. 10TB of monthly data transfer and 10 FREE IP’s are included.

inmotion hosting dedicated serverThis is the best option for hosting many high performing websites that get massive amounts of traffic on a single server.

Elite – Starting Price is $215.09/Month and then it goes up to $319.99/Month. With 32GB DDR4 Double Ram Pro 2x500GB SSD or 2x2TB 7.2K HHD. 10TB of data transfer a month and up to 15 FREE IP’s.

This plan is ideal for multiple high traffic websites, a single high performing website or advanced mobile apps that require huge amounts of data and recourses to operate.

 Commercial Class Plans.

CC – 500 Starting price is $340.99/Month and the renewal price is $389.99/Month. With 16GB ECC DDR3 RAM and 2x500GB SSD. It also has 15TB of data transfer a month and up to 15 FREE IP’s.

This makes it ideal for websites such as eCommerce that gather massive amounts of data from all over the world on a consistent basis.

CC – 1000 Starting Price is $414.49/Month then it goes up to $459.99/Month. With 2x1TB SSD and 32GB ECC DDR4 RAM. 15TB monthly data transfers and 15 FREE IP’s. This is a great solution for all sorts of financial type websites where data integrity plays a role in a high performing environment.

CC – 2000 Starting price is $519.49/Month then goes up to $559.99/Month. With 3x1TB SSD and 64GB ECC DDR4 RAM. 15TB monthly data transfers and 15 FREE IP’s.inmotion dedicated hosting server This is a world-class tier 1 server that is configurated and updated through live monthly one on ones with technicians and support staff.

It’s ideal for websites and mobile apps with a large following and a big community. Intel octa-core processing included along with multiple SSD’s and more than 150x the RAM of shared hosting servers.

All Commercial Class Plans come with 4 completely FREE hours of Managed Hosting Support and a lifetime discount if you opt for a yearly subscription.

inmotion hosting review

Did You Know…

Did you know that InMotion is a completely environmentally friendly solution for all your hosting needs? In other words, it’s a Green Company. InMotion has been trying to reduce its carbon footprint since 2010.

inmotion hosting eco friendly

By changing various things such as the hardware they use in their data centers which made it not only more energy preserving but more efficient in terms of quality.

They have lowered their overall energy use by more than 60% since they joined the eco-friendly cause.

Partnered With Threes of The Future.

The sole purpose of this non-profit organization is to plant more than five thousand trees across the nation for an eco-friendly solution. InMotion is a part of that movement and with every new subscription, they get one step closer to achieving that goal.


InMotion is a hosting provider that has a bunch of different subscription plans with lots of extra features.

From shared hosting plans to dedicated servers there is a hosting solution for websites of all levels. From small startups to high performing heavy websites.

In terms of overall speed and performance, they have managed to leave an outstanding impression even though they have only 2 data centers across the USA.

The only people that MIGHT experience any issues with their website’s overall speed are those that live on the other side of the globe. The good thing is that with the 90 days money-back guarantee InMotion want’s to ensure that anyone who is using their hosting is left satisfied.

In other words, if you happen to experience any website issues due to your geographic location you can always call for a refund and get your money back hassle-free.

90 days are more than enough to establish if this is the right hosting provider for you or not. Their security features are at the top of their game. By constantly checking up for any malware and online threats, you can rest assured that your online property will be cyber attack free.

With downtime prevention features you have multiple versions of your websites across different servers so if something happens to one of them, there is always another one to take its place and make it look like nothing ever changed for your website’s audience.

Overall, this is a great hosting solution and by now you should know that too.

inmotion hosting review

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