How To Do Affiliate Marketing Without a Website

How to do Affiliate Marketing Without a Website

Does building your own website sound like a daunting and unpleasant task to you?

Maybe you just don’t want to spend a lot of time doing that.

This guide will show you how to do affiliate marketing without a website and if you’re still wondering, yes it’s absolutely possible to do so.

In this article, I will show you how to find the best offers to promote and where to promote them to achieve maximum efficiency in your sales WITHOUT having to build a website.

Person typing on apple computer
Here are the ways that you can do that.

For those that aren’t quite sure what Affiliate Marketing is, I suggest reading my post called Ways to Make Money Online, Here


Before we get into things let me first explain to you how to find profitable affiliate products and how to accurately distinguish your target audience.

Read this post until the end – you will be surprised by what I’m about to reveal to you.

Clickbank – This is the place where vendor’s and affiliate marketers come together in order to help each other grow.

There are more than 20 categories for you to choose from health & fitness all the way to art & entertainment.

It’s probably the most often used platform that you can utilize to promote other people’s products.

It’s packed with tons of services and they usually are of high quality.

Clickbank prides itself with their honesty and integrity,

that’s why they don’t allow any scammy or misleading products (most of the time anyway) because it will hurt their reputation.

Of course, there are more websites similar to Clickbank out there like:

ShareASale Affiliates


Amazon Associates


Rakuten Marketing Affiliates


And many more… Keep in mind that some of them require that you have a website in order to be accepted as an affiliate.

What are The Best Products to Promote Out There?

animated Megahone

There is no right or wrong product to promote as long as it’s high quality it will convert into sales.

Here’s the catch though…

You need to target the right audience for that specific service.

What do I mean by that, you ask?

Let me give you an example.

Let’s just say that you want to promote the newest version of gaming headphone’s set to someone who hasn’t played a pc game in their entire life or they simply aren’t into that kind of stuff.

Do you think that you will get them to buy that product?

Probably not, right?

On the other hand,

if you put a guide of the best workout program in front of someone who goes to the gym on a regular basis,

your chances of converting that person into a buying customer are way higher because that’s the correct target audience for that product.

I hope this makes sense.

How to go about finding your perfect audience explained below.

Utilizing Social Media

Quite an obvious one, nevertheless there is a right way to promote affiliate products on social media and there’s the wrong way to do that.

Here’s what you REALLY need to know.

Instagram Logo

Instagram. If you have a lot of followers on Instagram then it should be fairly easy for you to promote affiliate products because you will probably know what your audience likes.

For the majority of people where that is not the case,

you will most likely need to find influencers on Instagram.

This is done by finding people with a large following and paying them to put your affiliate links in their bio & stories.

It’s also called a ”Shoutout”.

As I mentioned before, you need to put a product in front of an audience that is relevant.

This is the way of getting people to actually buy from your affiliate links.

The worst thing that you can do is pay for a shoutout to an audience that has little to no interest in what you have to offer.

You will end up wasting your money away.

Prices for a shoutout vary and depend on the number of followers an influencer has.

They can start from as little as 10$ and can go up to 1000$+

Keep in mind that you should do your research first to make sure that the followers are REAL people, look for comments, likes and engagement.

There are tools out there that can detect real vs fake followers, just google the term ”How to spot fake followers on Instagram”

Facebook sheep

– Facebook Groups. Joining Facebook groups can be a cheaper and sometimes FREE way of reaching out to people.

 Not all of them allow promotions inside the group though.

– Join different forums online.

 Websites like Quora and Reddit


are free to join and if you spend some time there,

you can easily promote your affiliate products completely FREE.

Here’s a PRO TIP for you:

Don’t just go inside the forums, spamming your links like crazy, you will either get banned or no one will click on them.

Engage in conversations with other people.

You need to come across as a Comment boxregular person just like them.

– Comment on blog posts.

Again, it’s very important NOT to spam your links.

The same rules apply here with the only difference that if you come across as a seller, you will DEFINITELY get banned from commenting sooner rather than later.

How to Get The Most out of Affiliate Marketing

First I want to thank you for reading my article and I hope that it has been helpful to you.

Comment below if you want more posts like this and share it with someone who you think might find the information here useful.

As I’ve shown you, there are ways to do affiliate marketing without a website but you should keep in mind that this will only get you so far.

If you really want to make a lot of money online, then you should build a brand.
Hands with floating cash above
By doing that people can learn about your presence online and if you get them to trust you, then you will become a TRUE force

and quite honestly that’s when your capital will start to grow and you can turn Affiliate Marketing into a full-time income.

When I first started doing Affiliate Marketing I did not want to build my own website too.

I was promoting different kinds of products through Instagram, facebook groups and forums.

At some point in my journey, I realized how many opportunities I’ve been missing out by not wanting to build my own website.

I’m only saying that because that’s one of the most efficient ways to build yourself a brand and gain trust with your audience.

I always thought that building my own website would be a difficult and tiring task until a very close friend of mine opened my eyes.

Nowadays I am still doing all of the above-mentioned ways for my Affiliate Marketing business, but I’m also taking advantage of this website and reaping all the benefits from it.

There is an easier way to go about building your website.

You may be sceptical but I strongly encourage you to at least see my article How To Build a Website for FREE In Under 30 Seconds By Clicking Below.

3 thoughts on “How To Do Affiliate Marketing Without a Website”

  1. A lot of people have not really tried this way of affiliate marketing. Most people believe the only way to do affiliate marketing is through making use of a website. While this may be true, the fact is that affiliate marketing can also be done without a website. 

    I have not experimented on this yet but I know it is something that is done by a lot of people. Some people even make use of email marketing to do this. It is all about how you approach it. You can make use of a website and combine it with other methods like those mentioned in this post.

    As long as you make sales that is what is really important.

  2. Interesting article! It’s totally possible to get affiliate sales on social media, but people tend to be spammy instead of helpful with it. Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram often allow affiliate links. Quora by the way does not. You’d need to direct people to your website from there. I’ve been on a mission to learn all their rules. Excellent article on affiliate marketing without a website! 

  3. I would like to say awesome article. It is possible to do affiliate marketing without a website, but its really difficult. Some of the affiliate  It’s possible because you got social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. But I have a feeling you are going to lose out on your potential followers and such business model will not sustain. Trust is the key and without a website, it’s really hard to gain someones trust. One the other hand, Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to start an online business because you got step-by-step training and resources to build one from the ground up. I have been a WA member for less than a month and I have so much more than I would have just by learning from youtube. Thank you for sharing. I will see you at the top!


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