How to do SEO and Keyword Research 5 Things You MUST Know!


Keyword research is an essential part of the SEO process.

This is a guide that will teach you how to do SEO and keyword research in the most efficient way possible.

 Search engine optimization is an effective way of getting traffic to your website without having to pay for any ads.

If you do it right, your content can rank within Google’s 1st page and will stay there for a long time.

That’s the only way to get completely FREE traffic to your website and as you already know traffic = money

Today we will cover the 5 things that you must know in order to get your content ranked and get that much-needed traffic to your website.

Make sure to read until the end as there is a surprise waiting for you!

What does SEO and Keyword Research in General mean?

seo pyramid
Let’s start with a brief explanation of SEO and keyword research.

If you don’t want to read this bit here, then you can skip to the 5 Tings that you must know before you start your SEO journey.

 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the way of you showing google, bing, yahoo and all other search engines that your content is valuable to the people searching the web.

You do that by writing articles such as this one.

 When the search engines start to recognize the value that you bring, that’s when you are going to get indexed and ranked within the first page.
Analytics on website screen
Keywords play an essential part of the SEO process.

Here’s an example.

When you go to Google you type something and then you click on search, right?

Well, that search that you’ve just made is essentially a keyword and the results that you will see within the first pages of Google are people who have made posts, articles and some kind of content that’s related to that keyword.

It’s as simple as that.

Keyword research is done by finding profitable keywords that a lot of people are looking for and implementing them within your content.

1.Content Writing has an Indirect Connection With SEO.

Content is king in batman shaped writing
Search engine optimization is achieved by writing valuable content with lots of information about a certain topic.

There are a number of aspects that need to be looked at when writing your content in order to be SEO friendly.

When you write content that is valuable to the reader and you give them some sort of info that they don’t already know then you will most likely get them to read on through your article.

That’s important because the more time a visitor spends within your website the higher your chance to rank on the first page will be.

Read more about Content Writing HERE.

2. Pick a Niche

a pathway with a right way signs
A niche is a segmented market or an audience.

It can be anything you want.

I suggest choosing something that you really enjoy like a hobby maybe?

If you like playing basketball, this could a niche.

Or maybe you like skiing?

You can turn this niche into a profitable business.

It’s not about choosing the right niche, it’s more about having only ONE niche.

Think about it, if you want to buy a car and you go to a car dealer and he starts promoting the company’s best selling shoes, would you be interested in hearing about it?

Probably not because you are looking for a car, right?

3. Keyword Research

Seo chart going up
Keyword research is done by choosing the correct words and phrases that will boost you to the top page of the search engines.

To do that you would need a decent keywords research tool that will give you all the relevant information about your chosen keywords to see if they are going to be profitable or not.

There is a cool BONUS waiting for you in the next article that will teach you more about SEO & Keyword research + how to use one of the best keyword research tools for FREE!

 4. Make A List of your Keywords

CheckList with yes and no
It’s always a good idea to be organized and write things down so that you don’t forget them.

Think about a few topics that you can write a few hundred words about and put them on your List.

Keep in mind that these topics need to be related to the niche that you’ve chosen.

Writing content might seem frustrating and overwhelming when you think about doing it, but trust me, it’s quite easier than it looks like.

I’ve been there before, not knowing how and where to start.

Once you get the ball rolling you will see that it all comes naturally and there’s no need to overthink everything.

Remember: Practice makes perfect.

5. Quality Content Writing

copass with seo
Content writing is a big part of the SEO process.

In order to get ranked higher in the search engines, you need to have engaging, helpful and interesting content to catch the readers attention.

Google works in a simple way.

If your audience likes you, Google will know about it and will make sure that you STAY on the first page.

There are a number of ways to do that and they all revolve around you writing quality content.

As I mention in my next article value within your content may not have a direct impact with the SEO performance of your website and but definitely helps with keeping your visitors longer and that’s good for a number of SEO reasons such as:

1. It lets Google know that your audience IS enjoying your content thus greatly increasing your chance to go up on the rankings.

2. It increases your chances of getting people to browse through more than just one of your articles, again – This is GREAT for SEO.
SEO Keyboard

There are a few tricks that you can add that will definitely help boost your rankings like link building, adding media, word count, etc.

We are going to be looking at all of that including how to do content writing to suit the SEO needs of Google and all the other search engines plus a nice BONUS that will help you take advantage of a powerful keyword research tool for FREE.

Everyone that wants to do search engine optimization has got to have one of those and I will be revealing to you how you can get one of the best tools out there for FREE. (Instead of 49$ a Month)

Take a look at my next article where we will be covering Keywords SEO and Content Writing in a nutshell.

It’s well worth the read as you will gain a lot of knowledge and information plus that neat bonus that I mentioned will be waiting for you there.


4 thoughts on “How to do SEO and Keyword Research 5 Things You MUST Know!”

  1. Great post on how to do SEO and keyword research and the 5 things you must know, Alex!

    Getting this right is essential for any online blogger to be successful and you have given 5 very good points here to get it right.

    Great post!

  2. Hi Alex,

    Thanks for pulling this together!

    It is the objective of everyone working online to attract high volumes of visitors from the search engines and your point about delivering interesting and detailed content is a hugely important factor in this.

    The other factor that works well for me is to focus on your readers, not the search engines.

    Sure, you have to do your keyword research and arrive at a primary and some secondary keywords for the article, but once you have those forget about the search engines and just write engaging content that will hook people in.



  3. Tons of valuable information, keywords are the lifeline when it comes to this kind of business.

    Without keywords, we are just passing or wasting time. Choosing the right keywords and writing content that is engaging will bring traffic which will lead to having a successful online business.


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