Four Percent Group Review – Is Vick Strizheus a Scam?

Welcome to my Four Percent Group review. Is Vick Strizheus a scam artist that you should avoid or can he really help you make money online?

There seems to be a lot of controversy around that question. Some claim that this guy is legit, while others say the exact opposite. Here’s what you need to know.

The 4 Percent Group has an affiliate structure in place, that rewards people for recruiting members into the platform.

That’s why it’s entirely possible to come across reviews, saying how great of a program this is, without actually providing you with any REAL VALUE that you can use in the buy or not decision.

With that in mind, you should know that I’m in no way connected with Vick Strizheus, the Four Percent, or any of his other programs and services.

Don’t expect to get a thousand low-quality eBooks as a bribe for joining through my affiliate link because there isn’t one.

This is the most BRUTALLY honest and up to date review that you will come across online.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Four Percent Review Summary

Product Name: Four Percent

Product Owner: Vick Strizheus

Product Type: Make Money Online Training Program

Product Price: $97 – $500+

Overall Score: 30/100

Summary: Four Percent is a platform made for internet marketers and those that want to start making money online.

There is a heavy aspect on the affiliate structure of this program, and members are actively encouraged to promote Vick Strizheus’s platform and earn commission payments from that.

There are many different courses and training programs inside, about everything related to digital marketing, from search engine optimization, social media traffic generation to affiliate marketing and eCommerce.

There is a bit of everything for all types of business models out there. It seems like they want to offer an environment for every type of online entrepreneur out there.

The problem that I have with Four Percent is the fact that every training course that’s available inside is way too expensive than it needs to be, and they have all these external platforms that they want you to pay for, like ClickFunnels which comes with a minimum investment of $97/Month.

In other words, they will squeeze you dry like a lemon and will take as much money from you as they possibly can either from their own programs that you will have to buy or from all of the attached external resources that they are affiliated with.

It seems to me that Vick Strizheus and his team are more interested in making as much money from their members as they can, instead of helping them to become financially successful online.

I think that there are better, cost-effective opportunities to start an online business without having to spend so much money upfront for something that may not even work out in the first place.

What is Four Percent About?

Four Percent is all about exploring the different ways to make money online, with the abundance of different training programs and courses inside.

Some are from Vick Strizheus himself, while others are from his team of experts. At the moment, there are 23 different training programs ranging from $97 to $497 per course.

You don’t have to be good at math to come to the conclusion that if you want to get everything that’s being offered inside you will have to spend a ton of money. 

Well, there is a way around it, and that’s by becoming a trusted partner of Four Percent. There are 5 MAIN types of memberships available, and they are as follows:

– Basic

– Silver

– Gold

– Platinum

– Diamond

Depending on the type of membership that you choose, you will be able to unlock some or all of the PAID programs and training courses inside.

You can also get the VIP Partner Pack, which is going to cost you a one-time payment of $997/Year or 3 monthly payments of $497.

The Partner Pack is focused on giving you more opportunities to earn as an affiliate marketer, promoting Four Percent, with increased commissions and a bunch of incentives.

Who is Vick Strizheus?

four percent group review Vick Strizheus

If you don’t believe in second chances or that people can change for the better, then you will most likely run away from Four Percent and everything related to Vick Strizheus.

His troubled past has led him to prison for doing insurance scams and taking over $30,000 from unsuspecting victims.

Apparently, that wasn’t enough to learn his lessons, because shortly after that he was accused and found guilty of changing people’s affiliate links with his own so that he can make more money with his program called Big Idea Mastermind. 

Some people praise Vick like he is the best in the industry, while others don’t want anything to do with him or straight up label him a scammer. It’s up to you to decide WHAT he is.

Is Four Percent a Scam?

is four percent group a scam legit or not

Four Percent is NOT a scam, and by the looks of it, there are people that have seen success with this program, but in most cases, these are affiliates who have managed to successfully recruit even more people into the system.

In other words, it’s way better for Vick to reward his affiliates than to try and cheat them. Especially when he is trying to build a long-lasting and sustainable business.

You should also know that there are many external resources and programs that you will be encouraged to join, and all of them have their unique affiliate links attached to them, which means that Vick and his team will earn commissions from each one that you join.

While that by itself is surely not a bad thing, it begs the question, are you being recommended these platforms because they are the best solution for you, or because they have a high paying commission structure?

On the upside, it seems that Four Percent is constantly being updated, and major changes get applied regularly, in order to keep on track with all the newest, latest things that happen in the online world.

Staying up to date with your training courses and programs is probably the single most important (and difficult) part of running a digital platform that is about helping people achieve financial success.

What’s Inside Four Percent Group?

Four Percent has a heavy focus on its community of entrepreneurs and people interested in making money online.

They have a Facebook group with over 24K members. It’s safe to say that the community is big.

Let’s do a breakdown of every course that’s available inside Four Percent so that you can see what is available and how much it costs.

Mass Traffic Blueprint ($97)

four percent group review mass traffic blueprint

This is a 3 level blueprint that goes over how you can leverage social media, and influencer marketing to attract more leads and sales to your online business.

You will also learn a couple of other methods that you can safely implement, such as display ads, and PPC ads.

It’s important to understand that what’s being covered here involves paying for exposure, so you will have to spend money to (maybe) make some.

Internet Traffic Academy ($1,997)

four percent group review internet traffic academy

This course will cover a few traffic generation methods that you can implement right away. You will also learn how to build an email list, and turn cold traffic into warm leads.

Followed right after that is a copywriting course that shows you how to produce compelling copy that can grab the interest of your newly acquired subscribers.

Then you will learn how to convert your leads into paying customers plus how to build a tribe around your business model.

Affiliate Marketing Academy ($997)

four percent group review affiliate marketing academy

This is a full out course on Affiliate Marketing, that shows you how to launch your profitable online business.

You will learn all the ups and downs of the business model, and the exact strategies that you can use to earn from multiple sources, which can increase your profit potential by a lot.

Vick Strizheus goes through the importance of being able to offer different things to your potential clients as an affiliate, and how it can increase your earnings.

The eStage Software ($597) Limited Time Only 

This is a website building software that can help you create your own platform or virtual real estate that looks great, and bypasses all the initial struggles that you will be dealing with when it comes to building out your website.

Apparently, this is a limited time offer, so it may have expired by the time you see this, or it may just be another marketing tactic to implement your inner fear of missing out.

The eStage Academy ($297)

four percent group review estage academy

This goes hand in hand with the eStage software, and if you end up getting the software, chances are that you will need the academy training course.

If you don’t want to buy the software in the first place, then you probably won’t have any major use of this bonus product here.

This course is NOT created by Vick Strizheus. It’s made by one of his associates, Nigel Yates.

SEO Mastery ($497)

four percent group review seo mastery

This is a course created by Josh Earp, and it’s all about search engine optimization, and how to get organic free traffic (web visitors).

You will learn how to rank websites on the first page of Google, Youtube, and even Amazon.

The idea behind SEO is to create content around specific search terms that people look up online, and when they see your website, video, or product, you will gain FREE exposure. If you do it right, this can be a really good stream of free traffic.

Insta Traffic Mastery ($497)

four percent group review insta traffic mastery

This is a training course about Instagram traffic generation using various different methods.

This program is similar to Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab training in many ways, with the only difference that Insta Traffic Mastery is twice as expensive.

The creator of this course is Tim Karsliyev.

Facebook PPC Secrets ($297)

four percent group review facebook ppc secrets

This course was created by Adrian Morrison, and it covers how to run Facebook video ads.

When it comes to running any kind of ads online, your success (or failure) is never guaranteed, but it’s definitely safe to say that you would be expected to spend about a few hundred on a monthly basis for your ads. That is to get the chance of becoming profitable ONLY.

Facebook Fan Page Domination ($297)

This course is made by Anthony Morrisson, who has his own affiliate marketing training program called Partner With Anthony.

Inside the Facebook Fan Page Domination, you will learn how to build a large audience by creating your very own Facebook page.

List Building Strategies ($297)

four percent group review list building

This course is all about building out your email list, and how to create a responsive audience.

What’s the point in having a huge email list if it’s made of only temp mails, and your audience barely responds to your emails?

ECOM Entrepreneur ($1,997)

four percent group review ecom entrepreneur

This training course will teach you everything about creating and maintaining your own eCommerce store.

You will get familiar with the ins and outs of this business model and what it takes to be successful.

Wealth Building Blueprint ($297)

four percent group wealth building blueprint

This is a money managing course, that will teach you how to keep better track of your money flow, and to know where they go.

It’s important to be money-conscious and to keep track of all your spendings, and outgoings.

Irresistible Influence ($297)

This course is all about becoming good at sales by leveraging different persuasion techniques.

You will learn how to present yourself as an authority in any given field, even if you have limited knowledge. Dave Vanhoose will teach you how to do exactly that.

The Five Laws ($297)

four percent group review the five laws

This training is all about the five ways of becoming a master of your life. According to the creator of this training, Tony Horton, your business is a reflection of you.

That’s why you should take control of all aspects of your life, from your physical appearance to the relationships that you maintain with your loved ones and friends. Every aspect of your life is important for building a successful online business.

Taxes & Business Structure ($297)

four percent group review taxes and business structures

This a video training by jack Cohen. He will teach you all about taxes and how to maintain a business structure that does not require you to give out a big portion of your earnings for taxes – in a legal way.

Irresistible Offer Blueprint ($297)

Dustin Matthews will teach you how to craft irresistible offers to your audience so that you can make the most out of your online efforts.

By the time you are done with this training course, you will know how to present your offers like a pro.

You Are Enough ($297)

This is a self-improvement course by Forbes Riley. You will learn how to commit yourself to a better future, and how to unleash your true power by deciding to become disciplined and to keep on chasing your goals.

Unstoppable Momentum ($297)

Dave Seymore will talk about the power of maintaining focus, and how that can be the difference between your success or failure. 

Beyond Results ($297)

four percent group review beyond results

In this course, you will learn how to grow and scale your online business by outsourcing all the work that you can, so that you can focus on expansion.

You will learn from a best selling author, founder of Virtual Entrepreneur Association, and Lead Conversion Squared, Daven Michaels.

Path To Domination ($297)

four percent group review path to domination

This is the story of Chris Records, and how he went from struggling to pay his bills to a millionaire.

He will share his story and give you valuable insights that can help you grow and scale your business.

Instagram Secrets ($297)

four percent group review instagram secrets

This course is similar to Insta Traffic Mastery, and it’s created by the same guy, Tim Karsliyev.

The only difference is that you will learn how to build and grow your Instagram for maximum engagements, rather than trying to attract as much traffic as you can.

ECOM Secrets ($297)

four percent group review ecom secrets

This is a training by Shubham Singh about running a successful eCommerce store. It will give you a different angle that you can work on.

Inside this course, you will learn how to build a long-lasting online business using the eCommerce model, without implementing drop shipping.

Shubham will even go in-depth as to why drop shipping should be avoided in the first place.

Creating Legacy ($297)

This is the story of Les Brown, and how to get inspired to do great things. He will go through building a legacy, and the VALUE that you and anyone else that’s listening to his message can bring to the world, as long as they follow their passion.

Can You Get a Refund?

You can get a 30-day refund on all Four Percent training courses as long as they are not subscription-based as per the terms and conditions that are laid out on their official website. Everything else is non-refundable, including all the events, shows, etc.

What I Like About Four Percent

four percent group review pros vs cons

1. The Training is Legit. The things that are being taught inside can surely help people make money online, or even scale their current business. You are being taught things that are working right now, which leads me to my next point.

2. The Platform Get’s Updated Regularly.
This is definitely a good thing because it shows that Vick and his team are doing the best they can to stay on top of all the latest changes that are happening online.

What I Don’t Like About Four Percent

1. Everything is Too Expensive. If you are interested only in buying one or more of the courses that are offered, without paying for a membership, then it’s NOT worth investing that much money.

Especially when half of the things that are being taught can be found for free online, and the other half can be found for much much cheaper.

2. Too Many Business Models & “Special Strategies” Are Covered
. This can get you to spread out too wide, especially if you are a beginner that doesn’t really know what business model to pursue.

You can end up trying one thing, then jump to the next and the opportunity to that is right there.

When it gets hard (and it will) your natural reaction would be to start thinking that it doesn’t work out, or that you may be better off trying something else.

If you do that, you will be starting from zero, over and over again, and that’s not a good thing at all.

Furthermore, I keep seeing all these fancy words being thrown that are there to bring more fake value to what’s currently being offered. Let’s take the Affiliate Marketing Academy course as an example.

People would be much more inclined to pay for training that can show them how to “build a wildly successful affiliate empire” than to spend money on plain “training that can show you how to start an online business” because it sounds better.

In the end, it’s the same thing, and no amount of empowering words should cost you $997.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is that you do not spend so much money on a training course or a platform that’s only purpose is to get you to promote it to make money.

Or to buy into all the additional resources that are supposedly there to help you, but actually fill in the pockets of those that are encouraging you to use them.

If you are looking for ways to start your own online business without having to spend a ton of cash upfront and take advantage of the single best online model for beginners to start with, then you should see my recommendation.

Over there you will see how people are banking profits using a simple blueprint that most people neglect and lose out on that opportunity forever. Don’t be most people…

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