Ecom Warrior Academy Review – Is Matthew Lepre a Scam?

Welcome to my Ecom Warrior Academy review. Can you really achieve the laptop lifestyle with Matthew Lepre’s course?

Many courses and training programs CLAIM to show you how to achieve financial freedom.

Is this the real thing, or is Matthew Lepre a scam?

Here’s what you need to know. This is an expensive program that has been around for a few years now. It has amassed a lot of attention and conflicting reviews.

Some people praise the Ecom Warrior Academy program. Others say it’s a scam product with low-quality information.

Let me point out that I’m not affiliated with Matthew Lepre or his course in any way.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Ecom Warrior Academy Review Summary

Product Name: Ecom Warrior Academy

Product Owner: Matthew Lepre

Product Type: eCommerce Training Course

Product Price: $4,000+

Overall Score: 45/100

Summary: Ecom Warrior Academy is an expensive program created by Matthew Lepre.

You can’t find the price anywhere on their official website, because you have to go through a scheduled phone call with one of the team members behind Ecom Warrior Academy.

According to some students of the program, the training is way too limited for the price they are asking.

The sales agent, AKA closer that you will be talking to on the phone will pitch you this program by praising it and saying how great it is.

That’s where you have to ask questions such as “What exactly is the program going to teach me?” and “How much will it cost me to run this business on a monthly basis?”

Do not expect to spend less than four grand on this. That excludes the costs of keeping your business operational.

In my opinion, there is a better, cost-effective way to start a profitable online business.

What is Ecom Warrior Academy?

ecom warrior academy review matthew lepre

The official website of Ecom Warrior Academy doesn’t give you much in terms of what to expect inside.

You are promised a way to escape the 9 – 5 rat race by starting your own eCommerce store with the help of Matthew Lepre as your mentor. 

Inside the course, you will learn how to create an eCommerce store from scratch, how to set up payment processors, where to find winning products to sell, and how to attract buying customers to your website.

There are many alternatives that can teach you how to start a profitable online eCommerce business without charging you that much money upfront. Fred Lam’s iPro Academy is one of the many examples.

You can also take a look at the reviews I made on eCommerce Empire Builders, Digital Dropshipping Mastery, or Ecom Revolution.

Before you even think about buying into this, you have to know who is the REAL person that you will be learning from.

Who Created Ecom Warrior Academy?

Matthew Lepre is the one who created the Ecom Warrior Academy. He is an Australian entrepreneur with two six-figure businesses, and one of them is about teaching others how to succeed with eCommerce.

According to him, Matthew is a self-made success, but It wasn’t always like that. His humble beginnings originate from his laptop in western Sydney.

In a matter of years, he was able to build multiple eCommerce stores that changed his life forever.

Nowadays, he has more free time to do the things he loves, such as spending time with family, going on vacations, etc. 

In his own words, Matthew Lepre has managed to build a successful business blueprint that anyone can replicate to achieve financial success.

While it’s true that EVERYONE can replicate what he did to become profitable, it’s important to remember that this does not GUARANTEE success for any of his students.

There are many variables that come into play here. What worked years ago, when Matthew was breaking through, may not necessarily work in today’s market. 

Even if he does update his training course (which he should be doing), it means that this is no longer an exact replica of what he did to succeed.

Nevertheless, this does not change the fact, that Matthew Lepre has spent thousands of dollars testing, tweaking, and adjusting to the ever-changing digital world of making money, which means that people can actually learn a thing or two from him.

He has a semi-big YouTube channel of over 64K followers, but it seems that he is losing more followers than he is gaining.

This may be due to the fact that his content is focused more on promoting his training course, and lifestyle, rather than actually educating people.

Is Ecom Warrior Academy a Scam?

is ecom warrior academy a scam legit or not

No, Ecom Warrior Academy is not a scam. It’s a training course that can teach you how to create your very own Shopify store and implement the dropshipping business model.

Does that mean that it’s worth paying over $4K to become part of the training and mentorship program? 

I don’t think so, and here’s why. Today, there is an abundance of FREE information that you can find on Google and YouTube, which means that at least some (if not all) of the things being taught inside can be found on any of these platforms without having to pay anything.

The benefit of Ecom Warrior Academy is that you will most likely get some personalized mentorship and support, which is something that you can rarely get for free.

Keep in mind that this will not guarantee your success by any means. You can end up wasting thousands of dollars with little to no results.

Or you can end up with a profitable online business. Are you willing to risk that much upfront?

If you’re not, see this cost-effective alternative below and find out why it’s my favorite training program.

Next: The Simple System I’m Using to Make Money Online

What’s Inside Ecom Warrior Academy?

Here’s a breakdown of what to expect inside of Ecom Warrior Academy and what you can learn as a paid member of this training program.

How To Build Your Shopify Store

You will learn how to create your very own Shopify store, which is going to be the foundation of your online business. Once you are done with that, you will learn how to find products people want to buy and add them to your online store.

How To Promote Your Store On Social Media

You will learn how to leverage social media platforms like Instagram to bring in traffic (web visitors) to your online store.

That’s how Matthew and his team pull traffic to his flagship course. Most methods taught inside still work in 2023.

That alone is not enough to convert visitors into customers.

That’s why you will also learn how to attract the right kind of audience that is most likely to buy from your store. 

How To Brand Your Store

There are many online stores that you will be competing against. The competition is only going to keep increasing throughout the years.

That is why it’s important to make sure that you distinguish yourself from all the rest.

The best way to do that is by establishing your own unique brand and building a loyal customer base.

How Shipping Works

There is the right and the wrong way to approach shipping out goods to your customers.

The process is pretty straightforward, but you need to have a good grasp of how it’s done. Otherwise, you risk looking unprofessional, which is not a good thing at all.

How To Take Care of Customer Service Issues

Ideally, you don’t want to have any customer complaints whatsoever. That rarely happens in this industry, so don’t take it personally if your customers complain about stuff or even if they ask for a refund on their purchase.

These things happen and are normal. You need to learn how to approach a similar situation in a professional manner, and that’s what you will learn here.

Monthly Training Videos 

Every month, you will see that a new training appears inside Ecom Warrior Academy. You can always stay up to date with all the newest and latest changes in the industry.

Community With Like Minded People

You will get access to a community filled with all other members of this training program. It’s where you can interact with them, discuss ideas, or even get help if you are stuck with anything.

Group Coaching Calls

This is where you can get all the extra help that you may need. This event happens two times a month, and it’s where you get to interact with Matthew Lepre and the team behind his coaching program.

Since this is a group virtual call, you will be competing with many other students to grab the attention of your coach, which means that you may not always get the privilege to do so.

Email Support

In the event that you really have to reach someone and get some extra support, you can contact the team via email. This is where you can get them to look at your case, and help you out with whatever it is that you need.

1 on 1 Strategy Call

This is where you can get help on a personal level. It’s where you will get to discuss things like what should your niche market be and what kind of products should you start with initially. 

Regular Feedback

You will get feedback on your overall performance on a regular basis. This is part of the mentorship aspect of Ecom Warrior Academy.

You will get to answer questions and get specific answers that are best catered to your unique business approach. It’s important to understand that you will not have direct access to Matthew Lepre.

You will be able to get mentorship from one of the main consultants Stallon Zayya. Even if your main point of support is not with him, do not expect that you will be able to directly access Matthew, because you won’t.

What is Ecom Warrior Academy’s Price?

There is no fixed amount that you will have to pay, but the average price that people get charged for joining Ecom Warrior Academy is roughly $4,000. That’s only for getting access to the course.

There will be additional costs that you need to consider. How are you going to attract customers to your eCommerce store? They won’t just start popping up simply because you have an online store.

Odds are that you will have to spend a considerable amount of money on paid ads (up to $1,000/Month). That’s one of the fastest ways to get results, but it’s also risky, as there are no guarantees that you will manage to attract the right kind of visitors to your store.

In other words, there is always the possibility that you can end up spending more than you make. You have to be able to afford to operate at a loss for up to a year before seeing some decent ROI (return on investment), which means that you need to have a big budget to keep everything afloat.

Can You Get a Refund?

ecom warrior academy review refund guarantee

Yes, you can, but it’s not as easy as asking for it. According to the refund policy, If you want to get your money back, you NEED to prove that you went through the entire training program, followed all the steps, and you did not make any sales.

If you can do that within 60 days of buying Ecom Warrior Academy, you can get your money back. 

If you make even one sale, you’re not qualified for a refund. This can be a $1 product or a $10K product. It doesn’t make a difference.

Do You Even Qualify to Join Ecom Warrior Academy?

Not everyone can join EcomWarrior Academy, and the application form is NOT some form of a marketing tactic to get you feeling special when you qualify.

The purpose of this qualification process is to make sure that you can afford to get into business with Matthew Lepre in the first place. That’s why you should be as honest as possible while filling out the form.

ecom warrior academy review qualify

If you say that you can spend $500 or less on yourself, then you will NOT qualify for becoming part of Ecom Warrior Academy, and you will be offered another product that’s much cheaper.

Millionaire Mastermind

This is a sub-product of Ecom Warrior Academy, which costs $49. It’s a mindset training that covers the importance of being able to back yourself and your business by investing as much as it’s needed to succeed.

In other words, the Millionaire Mastermind is designed to get you wanting to spend as much money as it’s needed for your success.

What I Like About Ecom Warrior Academy

ecom warrior academy review pros vs cons

1. The Business Model is Legit. Having your own eCommerce store based on the dropshipping business model is a legitimate way to make money online.

Online shopping is on the rise, and it’s been like that for a while now. People will be buying stuff online throughout the whole of 2021 and beyond. It doesn’t look like this trend will be slowing down anytime soon.

2. New Training is Added Every Month.
That’s a good thing because it can help you keep track of all the latest changes that are happening in the industry and how you can take advantage of that.

3. You Get Personalized Coaching. This can give you the upper hand, simply because when you end up making a mistake, there will be someone to point that out for you. This can save you a lot of time, frustration, and money along the way.

What I Don’t Like About Ecom Warrior Academy

1. It’s Way Too Expensive. The training program and coaching are way too expensive, especially for a beginner.

The price for the educational material alone is nearly $4K, and the amount that you have to spend to get everything up and running can go up to a thousand bucks a month.

Even then, there are no guarantees that you will make it work for you, so you are risking losing a lot of money here.

2. You Don’t Know What You Are Buying.
There is no actual information about the things that you will be learning inside Ecom Warrior Academy on their website.

All that you can get over there is Matthew Lepre pitching you how great his program is, and how many success stories have been made.

Maybe they are real, but maybe they aren’t. Regardless, why would anyone pay so much without even knowing what they will get inside? 

3. Do We Even Know The Success Rate of Matthew Lepre?
Not really. There is very little info about his success with running a dropshipping business.

All that we really know is that he can make a lot of money online, by selling courses, and training programs.

4. The Business Model is Very Risky. Dropshipping is a very risky business venture to get into. Not only is there a TON of competition, but you will have to spend a lot of money for exposure, paid ads, and things like that.

What’s the most common place to run ads? It’s Facebook, and since everyone is competing over there, this means that ad costs are always rising.

So, you would have to either outbid everyone else or figure out another profitable way to bring invaluable customers to your online store. 

5. Shopify Can Close Down Your Store Without a Warning. It’s not something that they do all the time to everyone, but it is possible to happen. Here’s a screenshot of a Reddit thread, where someone complains about Shopify closing down their online store.

ecom warrior academy shopify store shut down

6. Shopify Has a Nice Affiliate Commission Payout. You may be wondering, why is that a bad thing? The answer is simple. Every time that a new store is created by a member of Ecom Warrior Academy, this opens up the doors for earning even more money from each and everyone who signs up for Shopify.

What Do Ecom Warrior Academy Students Say About The Program?

There are many reviews on Trustpilot, both positive and negative. Most negative reviews focus on refund issues and the low quality of the course.

Ecom Warrior Academy negative review

Justin said that he was charged a £400 cancellation fee. He even claims that most positive reviews about Ecom Warrior Academy are fabricated.

The team left a generic reply stating that they needed more information to understand the situation better.

reply from Ecom Warrior Academy

That’s how they responded to most negative feedback from customers. On the other hand, there are a bunch of very positive comments about the product.

ecom warrior academy positive review

Lauren said that she is very satisfied and happy with the help and support from the team.

Do I Recommend Ecom Warrior Academy?

No, I don’t, and here’s why. Matthew Lepre is a successful online marketer. It’s clear that he is very good at marketing things to people, and selling his online course is probably not difficult for him.

Given the amount of money that he is charging for his program, it means that he is good to go with only a few sales a month.

The thing is that eCommerce is risky and not as profitable as it used to be years ago. There are other alternatives for creating a successful online business, without having to risk a ton of money. 

A much safer bet would be to learn how to promote other people’s products and services and make money from that. There are no customer service issues to worry about, and no expensive investments to be made. 

If you do it the way that I am right now, you don’t even have to spend money on paid ads to be successful.

If that sounds interesting then you should see how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many are neglecting right now. 

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