Amy Porterfield – Digital Course Academy Review

Welcome to my Digital Course Academy review. Can Amy Porterfield teach you how to validate, create, launch and sell your own digital product, or is this another scam to avoid? 

Here’s what you need to know. This program is not always up for grabs. If you’re seeing it available, then you have limited time to figure out if you want it, or not.

That’s why I’m going to show you exactly what you’re getting into. What to expect, how to become successful with this business model, how much it will cost, and more. 

Let me point out that I’m not affiliated with Amy Porterfield and her Digital Course Academy, so don’t expect a thousand bonuses as an ethical bribe for joining through my links. 

No hype or exaggerated claims of income.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Digital Course Academy Review Summary

Product Name: Digital Course Academy

Product Owner: Amy Porterfield

Product Price: $1,997 (Subject to Change)

Product Type: Digital Course Creation Training

Overall Score: 70/100

Recommended: Not For Everybody!

Summary: This is a training program focused on helping you create a digital course with your knowledge and sell it online.

There is a systematic approach here that needs to be followed to ensure the highest success rate.

It’s not difficult to comprehend but you need all the moving pieces working together. First, you will learn how to choose a topic or niche for your online course.

Then, you will show the idea of your product to your audience to see how they react, create excitement around your upcoming launch, and get an overall feeling of how they react.

If you don’t have an audience, then you will probably skip this step. There are a few modules inside Digital Course Academy that focus on getting traffic to your offers, mainly via social media.

Being a proud owner of a digital course can be well worth it, but it does come with its own specifics.

You will have to put in some hard work and deal with customers on a regular basis.

In most cases, you will have to hire a team of experts to handle some of your everyday tasks, like handling refunds, complaints, managing your social media groups, running paid ads online, etc.

Or you could try doing them all on your own, which can quickly turn disastrous. 

You can avoid dealing with all of that and learn how to generate passive income online by leveraging your hobbies, interests, and passions without creating your own products or services.

See my top recommended training program below.

What is Digital Course Academy?

Digital Course Academy is an in depth training that shows you how to complete every single step to successfully package your knowledge into an online course, create hype around it, and sell it. 

The awesome thing about this type of business model is that you can somewhat automate part of your selling process, which will allow you to focus more on serving your clients and customer base. 

Nowadays, getting people to feel appreciated and well taken care of is an essential part of your success as an online course creator.

Giving your attention to your people and personalizing their experience is what matters. 

Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy will help you create your evergreen webinars and record your lessons even if you’re not tech savvy at all.

You will also learn how to increase your sales with well crafted landing pages you can send after you’ve already introduced your offer to your audience.

This course was designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs launch a profitable online business by sharing their knowledge and expertise.

Is Digital Course Academy a Scam?

digital course academy review legit or not

No, it’s not a scam. Digital Course Academy is a legit training program designed to help anyone with creating and selling an online course.

A lot of positive reviews point out the incredible help and service they’ve received from Amy Porterfield inside her training.

There are a couple of blog posts out there from successful students. Does this mean that you can also achieve greatness with this course?

It depends. Are you really cut out to do what it takes to make this thing work for you?

It won’t be easy, and there will be times where you will want to quit. That’s how it goes with most business models anyway.

More importantly, can you handle all the pressure of managing a team of people, and making sure to not disappoint your clients?

What about all the negative press that you may get? If that sounds like something you prefer to avoid, you can learn one of my favorite ways for making money online.

It involves promoting other people’s products and letting them worry about client satisfaction.

Who is Amy Porterfield?

amy porterfield

According to Amy Porterfield, she went from a “yes girl”, to helping thousands of entrepreneurs build a life and business they love.

Before getting into this business, Amy was working a corporate 9 to 5 marketing job. She was launching campaigns for high valued clients and major companies.

At first, she was struggling, dealing with self doubt, the shiny object syndrome, and the feeling of not doing enough.

At some point, Amy realized that she can do what she loves doing and help people at the same time. That’s when it all “clicked” for her.

Slowly but surely, she learned how to scale, grow her email list with raving fans, create a webinar, promote it to her audience, and automate the entire process.

Amy has a Youtube channel filled with testimonials and happy customers of her Digital Course Academy.

What’s Inside Digital Course Academy?

There are 7 modules inside Digital Course Academy. The first part is all about creating and launching your new course.

By following the step by step instructions laid out inside, you will be able to turn your idea into a full blown product ready to dominate your niche market

The second part of Amy Porterfield’s training is all about promoting your course with various techniques for lead generation and making sure that your webinars are set to convert even a cold audience into hot prospects ready to buy.

Here’s a breakdown of every module that’s covered inside Digital Course Academy.

Module 1 – Getting Your Product Idea Ready

The first part of this training program is all about laying out your product idea. You will get familiar with different niche markets you can explore, and what type of course you can create based on your knowledge, expertise, and personal experience.

Everyone has ideas, but if you can leverage them to make something unique, never seen before, and you focus on delivering value to everyone that get’s a hold of your online course, you can make money online.

That’s what module one of the Digital Course Academy is all about. Nailing down a specific idea and putting in the action needed to create a value packed online course that revolves around helping others in one way or another.

Module 2 – Validating Your Course Idea

This is where you can use your audience to find out how they will react to your product launch idea. You will learn exactly what to do in order to present your idea, attract attention, and find out if you’re audience likes it or not.

If you’re a beginner that’s just getting started, you won’t have an audience, which will make it more difficult to attract eyeballs to your offer before you even create it.

Not everyone can benefit from this module, however, there is a lot of value inside that can show you exactly how to impress your audience.

Module 3 – Outlining Your Course

This module is all about structuring your brand new course and making sure that it offers the best user experience possible.

By outlining your course, you can show your students what they can expect to learn, how to navigate inside your course, what type of assignments they will get, etc.

Module 4 – Recording Your Course Content

Get access to a step by step guide on recording your content. You will learn what software to use, what tech you will need, how to set everything up, and more.

This module is suitable even for people that have never recorded a single video in their life.

Module 5 – Creating Your Webinar

Your webinar should be targeting a specific audience and offer a solution to some of their biggest problems in the form of a digital course.

You will learn neat tips and tricks to present an irresistible offer to your prospects and convert them into clients.

Module 6 – Webinar Fill Up Framework

Here, you will learn additional methods for increasing your webinar sign up rates. The more people end up registering for your free webinar series, the higher your chances of making a ton of sales get.

Module 7 – Increasing Your Webinar Sales

Getting people to show up is only one of the steps that you have to successfully implement if you want to make sales with your webinar and product launch.

There are a bunch of steps you can take to increase your overall sales rates. It’s all revealed inside this module.

What I Like About Digital Course Academy

digital course academy review pros vs cons

1. The Training is of High Quality. Everything you will learn inside can help you get closer to your goal, creating and selling your own digital course in a niche of your choice.

2. It’s Not Always Open.
You can’t become a member whenever you want to. There is a long waiting period for all new members. I’ve seen the same practice applied to another digital course creation program called Business By Design.

This leads me to believe that the owner of this program is more interested in improving their product and helping its clients, rather than making money. 

3. Amy Porterfield Knows The Ins and Outs of This Business Model.
She has already helped a lot of people, and it doesn’t seem like she is looking to stop soon. 

What I Don’t Like About Digital Course Academy

1. You Need A Bigger Budget. The course price won’t be the only investment that you have to do. You need to think about additional software tools for creating your sales funnels, webinars, and landing pages. If you do NOT have an audience, you will most likely end up spending even more money on paid ads.

2. It’s Not The Best Business Model for Beginners.
I think that there are better ways to start a profitable online business if you’re someone with no previous experience.

Is There a Better Alternative?

If you already have a big audience, an idea for a course, and you’re fully aware of all the money, time, and resources you will need to invest to make this thing work, then Digital Course Academy is probably the right thing for you.

However, if you’re just getting started, and have no experience as an online business owner, there are better, easier ways to get started. My favorite is affiliate marketing.

Instead of creating your own product, investing a ton of money and energy into it, hoping that it gets perceived well by your target audience, you can leverage other people’s products or services.

That way, you don’t have to think about customer service, refunds, complaints, creating, maintaining, and updating your product.

All you have to do is focus on bringing traffic (web users) to a product or service they are interested in. Whenever a sale is made thanks to your promotional efforts, you earn a commission.

Using the affiliate marketing business model and the 4 step blueprint that you will see on the next page, I was able to earn as much as $1K from a SINGLE sale of a product I don’t even own. 

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