ClickBank University vs Wealthy Affiliate [Choose Wisely]

Which one is better, Wealthy Affiliate or ClickBank university 2.0?

Can you really make money with any of these programs?


I am going to be showing you how In this comparison review of ClickBank university vs wealthy affiliate.

It’s no secret that millions of people are using these platforms and are making a considerable amount of money on a regular basis.

In order to figure out which one is best suited for you, ask yourself this simple question.

Do I have something of my own that I want to sell online or do I want to make money by promoting other people’s products or services?

Let’s dig a bit deeper into these programs.

Wealthy Affiliate – Made For Those That Want to Master The Art of Affiliate Marketing

Here’s the deal here.

Do you want to make money online for free?

Do you want to build an online asset that has the potential to generate you revenue on a consistent basis?

You have no experience online and have no idea where to start.

Well, then Wealthy Affiliate is just the thing for you.

I will explain why shortly.

1. Affiliate Marketing is The Best Way to Start an Online Business, Especially if You Are a Beginner

– You don’t need a product because you sell other people’s stuff and you earn a commission from it.

– You can do it on your own, you don’t really need to spend money on recourses.

– You don’t have to deal with customer queries, return orders and all of the headache that comes with selling your own product.

– Your only job as an Affiliate Marketer is to drive traffic to product owners and get your piece of the pie.

2. With Wealthy Affiliate, You Can Learn The Basics of Affiliate Marketing for FREE

clickbank vs wealthy affiliate
Inside you can get a step by step training that can teach you everything that you need to know to get started including:

– Choosing a profitable niche.

– How to create a FREE website and start building assets that can make you money in the future.

– How to generate traffic to your website with free methods like SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

– How to get massive exposure and get your site noticed by a lot of people for free, using the power of keywords.

You can learn these things with the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course When You Join by Clicking Here (No Payment Required). 

Take a look at this success story where Paul was was able to change his life and go from not knowing anything about affiliate marketing to generating over $15K in a single month.

When he started his online journey, he didn’t know anything, luckily he stumbled upon the Wealthy Affiliate training and the incredible community inside.

Find out more and read the whole story HERE

3. Build Your First and Second Website for FREE 

Having your own website is extremely important if you want to start generating money.

Don’t’ get me wrong, there are other ways to Make Money Online Without a Website , but the truth is that if you really want to make a difference in your financial life and live that laptop lifestyle, you would need a website.

That’s your own piece of online property.

An asset that has the potential to turn your life around if you do it the right way.

That’s what the training at wealthy affiliate is all about. It’s really easy to create a website it takes less than a minute.

Here are a few examples of WHY it’s better to have one.

– You can use adsence to put adds inside your website, when someone clicks on them you get paid. There are people out there who are generating a considerable amount of money just by using this method.

– You can capture your visitors’ Emails. This is important because once you build a large email list, you can monetize it by selling it or by promoting products and services inside. That’s where the real money is.

– You can even sell your website Here’s a story of how this guy sold his movie niche website for 3k Check it out (Click Here)

With Wealthy Affiliate’s SiteRubix Platform you can build your website in less than a minute with just a few clicks of a button.

You will get things like constant monitoring of your site’s health, site speed malware detection and more.

These are all important stuff and would usually cost you money. You can get them at no charge, find out how to build your own website in less than a minute by clicking below…
build a website

4. Free Keyword Searches

Remember when I mentioned the use of keywords and how important they are for traffic generation?

No matter how great your website is, without traffic, you won’t be able to make any kind of profit.

jaaxy keyword research tool

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to get visitors to your website with organic free traffic methods, that require the use of keywords.

You have an embedded keyword researcher with 30 completely FREE searches.

Basically, Wealthy Affiliate gives you everything that you need in order to kick start your online business and start making money.

Can you learn Affiliate Marketing with Clickbank university?

Absolutely, there is an 8-week affiliate marketing training over there, but the training is focused on the paid side of things.

In other words, it teaches you how to build your email list and send paid traffic from Facebook to your list.

Once you do that you will be taught how to sell to your email subscribers.

This is a great strategy and can be a rewarding one.

However, if you are just getting started and/or have no capital to invest, you should be mindful of the risks involved with this method.

– You need to invest money with the risk of not getting them back until you figure out how everything works.

Facebook has a strict policy on ads so you need to follow it if you want your ads to be approved.

– You need to have a well-established brand and a high-quality website if you want to convert and monetize your traffic with paid ads.

Conclusion: Wealthy Affiliate Will Help You Build a Brand and a High Quality Website That’s Ready to Convert and Monetise Your Audience.

clickbank vs wealthy affiliate
If you want to make that online thing work for you, you need to establish trust with your audience.

You can do that by building a well-established brand and by becoming an authority in your respected niche.

That’s what Wealthy Affiliate will teach you.

You are also going to learn how to get massive exposure for your website by generating free organic targeted traffic that you can monetize easily.

Find out more by taking a look at my full in-depth review below.


ClickBank University 2.0 – Start Here If You Want to Build Your Own Digital Product or Service

clickbank university vs wealthy affiliate
By creating and selling your own products online, you get the keep 100% of the profits which means that you have the potential to make a lot of money.

If that’s what you want to do, then become part of ClickBank University. Over there you will learn things like:

– How to create products that people will actually WANT to buy.

– How to come up with the perfect product.

– How to find your ideal customer (target audience) and learn how to sell to them the RIGHT way.

– How to analyze the market and find hidden opportunities that you can utilize within your business.

You can learn all of this plus more within the 12 Week Vendor Training Module inside ClickBank University 2.0


See Full CBU 2.0 Review Here

1: Master The Art of Upselling – That’s When You Make The Big Money

clickbank vs wealthy affiliate

Lure your audience with your initial product, then Upsell them something that’s of significant importance in relation to your first product.

UseThe PitchPlusUpsellFlows that’s embedded within ClickBank University 2.0

You Will Learn:


– What’s an upsell, downsell and crossell.

– How to create additional upsell flows that give your customers an opportunity to buy up to 3 extra products after they get the first one.

Every product compliments the next one, thus maximizing your earning potential.

2: Mastering Sales Copy

Sales copy is the ONE way to to get your email list to convert into customers.

That’s when you persuade your audience to take a specific action like making a purchase.

By using a strong sales copy you will maximize your chances for maximum conversion.

Improve your copywriting skills by implementing the official ClickBank guide called “77 Surefire Tips To Accelerate Your Clickbank Copywriting Success

Learn all the “insider secrets” that can help you generate hundreds of sales per email.

See The Complete CBU 2.0 Review Now!

Conclusion: With ClickBank University You Can Maximise Your Profits by Creating A Digital Product or Service the Right Way

clickbank vs wealthy affiliate

With ClickBank, you will learn how to make your own online product or service and maximize your conversions by implementing advanced sales copy tactics and mastering the art of upselling.

Keep in mind that with this method you have the potential to acquire revenue faster, but you would also need more capital or upfront money to work with.

You will be spending cash to generate paid traffic from Facebook and growing your email list.

To Sum It Up: ClickBank University vs Wealthy Affiliate – Which One is Better?

Wealthy Affiliate is best for those who are just getting started with the make money online industry and need to learn things like establishing a brand, building authority and free organic traffic generation.

Works well for people on a limited budget.

You will be learning the basics of affiliate marketing over there for free.

While ClickBank is for those who have some experience in the online world already and are looking to scale and maximize their profits by creating their own digital product.

The truth is that both platforms are excellent and they hardly compete with each other.

I would prefer to say that you can combine them both.

Once you learn everything about getting organic traffic and creating a website from wealthy affiliate,

you can then use the knowledge that you will gain with ClickBank university to create your own product and market it on your own domain.

This way you would already have the two main things that are needed to generate money online.

A product to promote and traffic to sell that product to.

You will get the best of both worlds and your conversions will skyrocket.

Start Here To Build a Website Create an Online Presence and Drive Organic Free Traffic To Your Website



Start Here To Create Your Own Digital Product and Market It With Paid Facebook Traffic

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