What Is Millionaire Society [Not Worth It]

Automated businesses, 135 to be exact, get them while they’re hot. Become a millionaire on autopilot, it’s as easy as a click of a button. The sales page of this program can mislead a lot of people, especially those that are more inexperienced in the make money online industry.

In order to find out what is Millionaire Society all about, ask yourself this question. Does it sound too good to be true? Because it is. Nothing in life that’s worth having can be achieved with just the click of a button.

Does that mean that Millionaire Society is just another SCAM that wants to steal your money? Not necessarily. Within the next few minutes, you will find everything that you need to know about this program.

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Millionaire Society Review Summary

Product Name: Millionaire Society

Product Type: Turnkey Business Launcher

Created By: Mack Michaels

Price: $4,95 for 7 days then $97/Month

Overall Score: 35/100

Summary: According to the sales page, Millionaire Society is a launcher that generates ready to use businesses that can make you money on autopilot. Inside this platform, Mack Michaels will let you download his proven to work internet business that is generating him approximately $262,800 per year.

Millionaire Society will save you 2 years of trial and error by handing you over a proven to work model for making money online. Exaggerated claims to say the least. I can tell you right now that if you’re just getting started with your own online business, it WON’T be as easy as simply clicking a few buttons to become successful. 

What is Millionaire Society Really all About?

Millionaire Society is all about showing you how to make money online, fast and easy. What if I told you that yes, It is possible for Mack Michaels to make $262,800 a year and even if he gave you a copy of his proven to work method (which he does) that won’t guarantee that you will have the same success with just 15 minutes of work from the get-go.

I mean come on, if that was the case, wouldn’t everyone be extremely successful using this program? If those claims were true, Millionaire Society would be the most viral make money online software on the whole internet and everyone would be talking about it.

Don’t fret though, these kinds of assertions are common in the industry. They are in place so that they can get more people to take action and actually buy the product.

I’ve seen many courses and software tools that go over and beyond to convince you that theirs is the ONLY thing that you will ever need to make money online. Just because a sales page is way too hyped and misleading, does not make it a scam.

So, forget about these claims because these successful results are not typical. In fact, it says so on Millionaire Society’s home page, take a look. 

what is millionaire society all about

Who Is Mack Michaels?

Mack Michaels is the creator of Millionaire Society. He’s been making money online for over a decade now. He is a real person and not just an online alias which is always a good thing when it comes to making the buy or no buy decision. However, most of the things that I was able to find about him was all the disappointment that people have not only with Millionaire Society but with his other products as well.

Is Millionaire Society a Scam?

The short answer to the question is Millionaire Society a Scam is no, it’s not. It’s just an overhyped “done for you” business model that may or (most likely) not get you earning a certain amount of money on complete automation.

There are just so many contradictions and thing’s that are wrong with this product. In a nutshell, you will get some kind of value for your money, which is the ONLY reason why I’m not labeling this product as a scam. With that in mind let’s find out what’s inside.

What's Inside Millonaire Society?

This what you can expect to find inside Millionaire Society:


1. Getting Started Videos – A bunch of video materials that show you around the platform and teach you how to navigate inside.


2. Turnkey Businesses – Instead of 135, you would get a small portion of that. They revolve around traffic generation, making money on Clickbank and flipping domains 


3. Training Videos – educational materials on affiliate marketing and other business models.


4. 160 PDF’s – They cover a range of different business opportunities and show you how to take advantage of them.


5. Library of Videos – That’s where you will have access to all 78 educational videos


6. Resources – A full list of all the tools and resources that the creator has used over the past years to create his businesses.


Alongside all of that, you will get a few bonuses and they are:


1.Unlimited Access to 12 Classrooms that cover a wide range of topics including, market and keyword research, content writing and an all-inclusive WordPress tutorial.


2. You Can Host Unlimited Number of Domains. Your domain costs are going to be covered in full.


3. Free Keyword tool. This tool can help you in your keyword research and content writing efforts. 

Millionaire Society Price, Refund & Upsells

Millionaire Society comes with a 7 day trial for $4,95 and $97 a month after that. There’s one upsell inside which is called the VIP upgrade. This is a bonus software that comes with a monthly price tag of $47. Due to the fact that this product is hosted inside ClickBank’s marketplace, it comes with a 60 day full refund guarantee. ClickBank will always refund your purchase within that given time frame.

What I Like About Millionaire Society

what is millionaire society about
There’s not a lot that I like about Millionaire Society. The only decent things that I can say about this product are the following:

1. You get a lot of educational videos about building an online business. If you are a beginner this can be of some value.

2. The 7-day cheap trial gives you the chance to see if you will like the platform before investing a significantly larger amount.

3. You have free domains as it should be with that hefty price tag of $97/month. Alongside that, you get a keyword research tool for free, which is kind of a good thing when you consider the fact that most similar tools out there are costly.

What I Don't Like About Millionaire Society

The things that are wrong with this program far outweigh all the good stuff I just mentioned above. 

1. Way too overhyped. It’s impossible for a beginner to start generating revenue with less than 15 minutes of work a day. Anyone that is a bit more experienced with internet marketing and making money online will immediately catch on to the hoax.

The only people who MIGHT fall for this are those that don’t know better AKA “newbies” which clearly is what Millionaire Society’s target audience is.

2. You don’t learn what the program is about until after you pay. In the sales video, Mack Michaels tell you what you will NOT be doing, instead of focusing more on what the service is all about. All that you learn is that you will get a bunch of pre-made turnkey businesses that can generate you money on autopilot.

Again, this only confirms my suspicion that the platform is targeting inexperienced online marketers.

3. The training inside is very outdated and basic. You can learn most of this stuff online for free. The traffic generation methods are all about generating low-quality traffic to your offer that will simply not convert making it completely pointless to even bother with that part of the program.

4. It’s way too expensive. When you add up all the thing’s that you get they are definitely NOT worth that monthly payment plan. 

5. You will not get 135 automated and ready for your businesses. That part is a straight-up lie. Don’t expect to get 5 weekly business to be added too. This program is so outdated and the simple fact that the product creator has not even bothered to maintain Millionaire Society and keep it up to date shows you that this is an abandoned online service with very little value to whoever decides to purchase it.

As you can see, the only millionaire that this platform can make is the creator of it and no one else. There is just no point for anyone to invest that much or any money in similar products. There are way better alternatives out there, that truly help you create an online business and cost a lot less than this.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is to NOT waste your money on something with such poor quality. With the amount of free knowledge and recourses that we have available online, there is simply no point to buy into something that you can find for free online. Not only that, but half of the training materials inside Millionaire Society are outdated and useless at this point.

If you want to learn about the real way of creating a business online then I can suggest an alternative that you can join for free today. Find out how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective 4 step blueprint that so many people neglect and tend to lose money because of that.

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