What is Affiliate Bots About [Complete In Depth Review]

What is affiliate bots all about?

Their sales page makes an immediate impression that you can make easy $ by automating the process that it takes to make money online with affiliate marketing.

Can it really be that simple?

Can you really make $417/day with the help of 37 fully automated software bots?

Probably not, here is why. Ask yourself, does this sound too good to be true?

Maybe it is.

Overall, MOST automated “make money online” products are either:

– Overpriced and/or end up not being worth the money.


– Cheap scams that just want to take your money.

Is the affiliate auto bots 2.0 within one of these categories?

No, but the product is WAY overhyped.

In other words, if you were left with the impression that once you buy it, you will instantly start making $400+ without doing any sort of effort, odds are that it will NOT turn out to be like that at all.

Let’s start by finding out more about affiliate bots 2.0 and more importantly can it really help you?

Is Affiliate Bots 2.0 a Scam?

what is affiliate bots about
When I want to find out if a product or service is a scam I would look for a bunch of things such as:

– Find people who have already bought it and get feedback from them.

– Is there a refund?

– Do you actually see the product creators face?

Affiliate bots 2.0 is a product sold on Clickbank so getting your money back would be easy enough.

You don’t really get to learn more about the product creator Chris on the official website.

If there is no face to the product, you cannot make your decision based on that person’s reputation and credibility online.

Overall the price is quite low and it’s a product on ClickBank.

This can be a good indicator that the product is not a scam and removes the fear of wasting money as you can always request a refund and let ClickBank take care of everything for you.

On the other hand, that does not guarantee that you will be satisfied with this product.

People are different and depending on what your skills are and what you know about affiliate marking and making money online, in general, will help determine if affiliate bots will benefit you. In order to find that out, let’s dig a bit deeper into this program.

What Is Affiliate Bots 2.0 About?

what is affiliate bots about

Name: Affiliate Bots 2.0

Website: affiliateautobots.com

Creator: Chris X

Product: Affiliate Marketing Automation Software

Price: $17

Overall Score: 40/100

Inside you will get access to 37 bots that will help you automate the process of making money online with affiliate marketing and removing all the manual work from things such as market research, displaying content, driving traffic and more.

It’s all done by automated AI.

You can indeed waste a lot of time doing manual tasks and research.

This product can help you save some time and give you the ability to be more productive and focus your energy more on your online business.

If you are just getting started or have no idea how to build your own online business, you can get access to a premium affiliate marketing training that can help you with that, HERE.

Some of the features included inside this program are:

1.Complete video training and PDF files on how to get FREE traffic.

2. Built-in Search Engine that identifies hot and trending traffic opportunities for affiliate marketing, eCommerce, SEO, PPC and more.

3. 10 Widgets that can help in converting your visitors into customers.

4. One-Click Youtube Videos. A fast way to create youtube videos for any affiliate program.

5. Find out the top affiliate programs that are converting the most with a daily stream of over 7,500 affiliate products that are HOT right now.

6. All the 37 bots that help you automate your daily tasks and get that competitive edge by saving a lot of time on manual labor.

Let’s find out more about all the 37 bots that you get inside.

Tools Inside

what is affiliate bots about
Here are the top 24 software tools that will help you make money online inside affiliate auto bots 2.0 and some bonuses.

1. Pro Club. This tool can help you identify your competition within every niche. It can be extremely useful to do research on the competition before you decide to actually jump inside a specific niche.

You can look up all sorts of relevant keywords and distinguish the competing websites for those keywords.

2. Web Widget Software. This tool gives you the ability to create widgets and implement them within your website.

You can do a lot of specific things such as setting up hot widgets. They allow you to see the users IP connection and find out EXACTLY where they are in the world.

By seeing their GEO location, you can do your ads and promotions based on specific targeted traffic.

Mention the city they live in and say that for a limited time only people from (city name) can get access to an exclusive promotional offer that is valid until 12 PM today. Or something like that.

3. Domain Aveli. With this, you can find high-quality domain names that will target specific niche related keywords. Great for organic traffic and SEO.

4. Drop Aveli. Instant access to 100K dropped domain names that are not in use right now.

Expired or dropped domain names are basically abandoned website names. A domains age can greatly help increase its authority, another excellent way to boost a website’s SEO and organic ranking performance.

Consider getting an expired domain name instead of creating a new one.

5. AI search engine. With this bot, you will be able to utilize an artificial intelligence search engine that shows you all the top trending and hot products to promote.

The AI search engine changes consistently and is currently enabling people to find new online traffic opportunities from over 100K high-quality websites.

6. CB250 ClickBank Marketplace. With the CB250 you can easily find and utilize the latest 250 affiliate programs on ClickBank than generate 7 figures on a monthly basis or more.

This can help you in finding profitable products to promote as an affiliate.

7. King Of The Zoo. This is basically the same as the CB250 the only difference being that instead of Clickbank, king of the zoo shows you all the latest affiliate products on JvZoo.

8. Warrior 250. Access to the top 250 affiliate products on warrior plus that generate the most sales.

9. IM Affiliate Bots. This is a unique software that lets you utilize all the most profitable affiliate products in the online marketing niche that the creator of Affiliate Bots has had great success with.

10. Launch Pulse. Keep track of all the upcoming product and services that are in your niche.

With launch pulse, you can see all the upcoming products for JvZoo, ClickBank and Warrior Plus within the next 30+ days.

This can really give you the upper edge in terms of promotion as being first in line, you can get way ahead of your competition in time.

11. Affiliate Ads 2.0. Split test various banner ads and test drive over 200 affiliate programs. This could help you if you want to generate traffic and convert it into sales utilizing paid traffic methods.

12. One Click Affiliate. Get access to pre built sales letters for all the affiliate programs you might choose. Keep in mind that these sales letter will most likely require that you edit them a bit.

13. One Click Video Pages. Implement videos into your landing page with 10 pre built templates to choose from.

14. Hosting Affiliate Bot. This software helps you to identify the top affiliate programs in the web hosting niche.

15. Resell Database Software. This is a good one. It’s packed with thousands of different products and software products that you can license fast.

16. Auto Mail Software. This is an autoresponder that can help you send emails on a massive scale with an unlimited amount of emails that you can send. It can be quite helpful for email marketing.

17. Flip DB. This is a database of all the websites that make more than $200K from domain flipping websites like flippa. If you’re into domain flipping at all, then this bot can help you.

18. Traffic DB 2k traffic opportunities in the make money online niche.

19. Geo Bots.

20. Niche Money.

21. Traffic Bots.

22. Keyword Titan.

23. Website 2 images.

24.Image 2 Video.

Once inside you will also get a FREE website theme and the following bonuses.

– Titan Theme

– $1K and more’s worth of Internet Marketing training on Facebook, Google SEO, Youtube and Affiliate Marketing.

– Quick Start training video.

– 35 Page Quick Start Guide.

– PDF Guide that shows you how to use the software.

– Videos showing you exactly how the process works with an “over the shoulder” type of approach.

– Product creator’s personal details in case you need to contact them with issues.

what is affiliate bots about

Support at AffiliateAutoBot.com

You do not have access to a live chat feature that allows you to instantly get into contact with the support at affiliateautobot.com and that’s why if you contact the team at the correctly designated address they will respond within 48 hours.

Reach support at support@affiliateautobot.com 

We are talking about more than +35 software and tools.what is affiliate bots about

These products are quite new to the market so there aren’t any updates that we should be expecting soon but it’s well worth mentioning that frequently updated products and services lead to better user experience and less technical issues do deal with.

If you want to utilize all 37 bots then odds are that at some point you will need technical help.

Probably because something inside one Autobot or another goes wrong. It’s really important to know where you can reach support in such an event and that is why this bit here was created.

Pro’s and Con’s

what is affiliate bots about
The affiliate bots can be very useful if you utilize them in a way that can benefit you.

With a variety of helpful tools and recourses Affiliate Bots, 2.0 can help many internet marketers with things such as Email marketing, traffic generation (free and paid) hosting, domain flipping and affiliate marketing.

Pro: The price is low and the number of tools and resources add up to a lot of value that can help grow and maintain an online business.

Pro: With ClickBank as the vendor for this product, you can always get your money back hassle-free.

Con: Way overhyped. The sales page creates an immediate impression that you can start making a lot of money fast and easy even if you’re not familiar with digital marketing at all.

This is not true and it will most likely require more effort as these tools and platforms can only help with giving you the upper hand of an already built business.

If your goal is to make $5K a month and you haven’t reached that goal yet, then maybe the affiliate bots will help you get there more efficiently.

Con: You will NOT automate the process that is required to make money online by relying solely on the affiliate bots 2.0. They can help, sure but it’s extremely important that you remember one essential thing.

These tools and bots will help you with affiliate marketing and all sorts of different modules in the make money online department.

You cannot start with this system, you need to have a foundation and some knowledge or expertise with making money online before you approach this product. It can be quite confusing for beginners.

Con: The affiliate bots 2.0 is not beginner-friendly. If you already have some online experience and a foundation, then these tools can help you move forward with your business.

Con: There are some upsells along the way but they are not in relation to the 37 affiliate bots. In other words, you don’t have to buy into the upsells if you don’t want to.

Upsells & Downsells Inside Affiliate Bots 2.0

what is affiliate bots about
Once you buy affiliate bots 2.0 you will jump straight into the upsells page when you will be asked if you would like to purchase the following additional products:

Upsell One: Pro Club – $97 (one time payment). This gives you additional features and tools that will further enchance your affiliate marketing journey, website builders and an option to get one on one support if for any reason you get stuck with something and need help.

Upsell Two
: AI Video Creator Software – $17 (one time payment). An additional video software that lets you instantly create ready to go promotional videos with over 1500 templates to chose from.

Upsell Three:  A Done for You Website that is conversion focused and pre built to make sure to turn a visitor into customer – $27/Month.

Upsell Four
: 10 Extra Affiliate Bots – $17 (one time payment).

Downsell One: If you stay on the sales page for more than 5 minutes you will get a $5 discount code that you can use.

If Not Affiliate Bots Then What?

If you are a beginner, then the affiliate auto bots software is not for you.

There is a platform that can teach you how to create an online business the right way starting from nothing and completely FREE.

On top of that, you will get access to an excellent website hosting and a community of like-minded affiliate marketers.

They all share opinions and exchange ideas. See the first 10 Lessons by joining Here.

Who Is It For Really?

The 37 bots that are presented to you here were created for a specific set of people.

Those that already have a foundation and know all about affiliate marketing and online marketing in general.

If you are someone who is just learning about or has never been serious with affiliate marketing and making money online then this program is NOT for you.

Instead, you can check out an alternative that can help you learn everything that you need to know about affiliate marketing. Get started HERE.


what is affiliate bots about
With Affiliate Autobots 2.0 you can make money if you already have a foundation or at the VERY LEAST know the basics of affiliate marketing.

It’s important to mention that this product is way overhyped on their sales page and if you have no clue about this industry then you will probably struggle to make money online with affiliate Autobots 2.0.

You will NOT get an automated system that will generate money for you. Get started with affiliate marketing HERE.

These bots can help you if you want to scale your online business. Let’s just say for the sake of this example that you are already making a few hundred dollars online by generating organic free traffic.

You get a certain amount of visitors to your website from Google and social media and some of them are converting into sales.

You want to scale and earn more but don’t know what to do next. Here is where affiliate auto bots come into place.

One of the affiliate bots is an email autoresponder, right?

With the auto-mail software, you can start collecting your visitor’s emails in exchange for something that might interest them AKA your lead magnet.

Once you get that email, you can start building up a list of emails. With the auto-mail software, you can send promotional emails with your affiliate links to thousands of people and SCALE your business.

Email marketing is only one of the things that this product may help you with.
what is affiliate bots about


2 thoughts on “What is Affiliate Bots About [Complete In Depth Review]”

  1. Gee, I love your style! You give in-depth information, but you’re honest enough to say it’s not for beginners.

    And your writing is to the point, but subtle enough to arouse my curiosity – yes, I want to click your links!


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