The Art of Fulfillment PLR Review – Scam or Legit?

Welcome to The Art of Fulfillment PLR review. Can you really start a profitable online business with this product, or is it a scam to avoid? Here’s what you need to know.

The Art of Fulfillment PLR is an offer that allows you to tap into a very niche market and gives you everything you need to start making money online by helping others.

Hundreds of thousands of people search on Google for things like “fulfillment”, “personal happiness and fulfillment”, etc. The demand for information and guidance on the topic is huge.

The Art of Fulfillment PLR can help you create an online business targeting that particular audience and offering solutions to their problems.

By the time you’re done here, you will know if you can ACTUALLY start making money online in the self help industry by purchasing this product, or not.

Ready? Let’s get started…

The Art of Fulfillment PLR Review Summary

Product Name: The Art of Fulfillment PLR

Product Type: Make Money Online

Product Owners: Sajan Elanthoor & Justin Opay

Product Price: $9.95

Overall Score: 65/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone!

Summary: The Art of Fulfillment PLR is a done for you product that you can sell as your own to a niche audience.

Instead of wasting a lot of time creating a lower quality product and going through all the rookie mistakes that most people deal with when they first get started, you can bypass all of that and claim this product as your own.

PLR stands for Private Laber Rights. In other words, you can do whatever you want with this program once you buy it.

You can adjust, modify, and sell The Art of Fulfillment as if it was your own product to a select group of people that will benefit from it.

With that said, you still need to think about traffic generation and HOW you will find people that will be interested in your offer.

This is a very big part of making money online and it looks like it’s not covered inside this program. I don’t think that getting this product alone is going to be enough for you to start earning income from the internet.

That’s why, I think that there are better, much more effective alternatives that cover how to create an online business without having a product of your own and how to generate massive free traffic without paying a penny for it.

What is The Art of Fulfillment PLR?

The Art of Fulfillment PLR is a 14 module training program that’s all about helping people in one particular industry. Self help. Nowadays, more people are looking to get more from their lives than ever before.

They want fulfillment in their lives and are actively looking for a way to get that. With this PLR package, you can help them and make money at the same time.

The content inside is mainly in PDF and text format, but if you buy one of the upsells, you can get video content as well as some more modules that you can leverage.

Is The Art of Fulfillment PLR a Scam?

The Art of Fulfillment PLR review legit or not

The Art of Fulfillment PLR is not a scam. It’s a legit and REAL product that’s sold on the WarriorPlus marketplace. By getting this offer, you will have your very own product in the self help industry.

You can put your name on it, change and modify the content inside, and sell it as if it was your own. The only thing you’re not allowed to do is give PLR rights to your buyers.

As for the way you will be getting more eyeballs to your product, you can use banners, all the social media images, and additional resources that will help you get more clicks and traffic.

However, if you don’t have a stable traffic source, or if you don’t know how to generate high quality buyer traffic, then you will probably struggle to make money with this product. Traffic generation does NOT seem to be covered inside this program.

That’s why I think that there are better ways for beginners to get started and learn the exact ways of getting web traffic and making money without owning a product or service.

Beginner’s Alternative: This is How To Get Started The RIGHT Way!

What’s Inside The Art of Fulfillment PLR?

Inside The Art of Fulfillment PLR, you will get access to exactly fourteen modules. Each one has its own training content and resources that you can use to convert your traffic into leads, opt-ins, and sales.

Here’s a more in depth look at each module. This is EXACTLY what you will get when you buy this product.

Module 1 – High Quality Guide

The first module consists of a 10K+ page eBook and training guide. The content inside is up to date and created by a native US writer with much experience in the field. The DFY book can be edited and modified as you wish.

Module 2 – Cheat Sheet

The cheat sheet breaks the entire guide into actionable steps that anyone can follow. It’s an essential piece of content for your customers.

It comes as a free bonus, which will entice your customer to buy your brand new program.

Module 3 – Mind Map

The mind map outlines everything that your customers will be learning and helps them visualize the entire process, making it even easier to go through all the necessary steps to achieve fulfillment.

Module 4 – Resource Report

In this module, you will access all the resources, tools, forums, blogs, and infographics that you need to convert traffic into loyal and happy customers.

All you have to do is start sending web users to this report and observe as the sales start rolling in.

Module 5 – Done For You Sales Letters & Thank You Page

Here, you will get access to a fully written sales page designed to convert its visitors into buyers. You don’t have to worry about copywriting or hiring experts to create the content for you.

Module 6 – Hypnotic Sales Video

In this module, you can choose from two sales videos created to engage your audience and increase the conversions from visitors to buyers.

This may be a boring module, but it’s essential if you want to avoid getting into legal trouble. If you want your customers to take you seriously, you will also need a great looking website.

That’s why you will get access to a done for you website designed to make your product look professional and of high quality.

Module 8 – Professionally Designed Graphics

Your product should LOOK good on the outside if you want to attract more customers.

That’s why you will get all the professionally designed graphics that you need to make it work. You will get image files in PSD formats. You can modify or leave them as is.

Module 9 – 10 High Quality & Unique Articles

You probably WON’T be able to rank for any search terms on Google with these articles, but you can use them to create your email marketing copy, scripts for videos, and your autoresponder series.

These articles are unique and written by ghostwriters that would otherwise charge $25 for each one.

Module 10 – Stunning Banners

These banners are professionally designed with the intention of grabbing people’s attention and getting them to click on them.

Module 11 – 5 Promotional Email Swipes

This is an excellent resource to use for your potential customers that do NOT buy when they first come across your offers.

You can send them up to 5 promotional email swipes that will remind them of your product and encourage people to purchase it.

Module 12 – 10 High Quality eCovers

Using eCovers can make or break your business. If your covers do not look good, odds are that people will not buy your products.

That’s why it’s essential to have high quality eCovers. With The Art of Fulfillment PLR, you don’t have to worry about creating them yourself and free up a lot of time and effort.

Module 13 – Social Media Images Pack

Getting traffic from social media can be a viable way to get more sales. With all the images available at your disposal, you have NO excuses to not try this out.

Module 14 – License Pack

You will get private label licenses for all of the above modules. You can now sell them individually, together, or even modify them.

How Much Does The Art of Fulfillment PLR Cost?

The front end price is $9.95. However, there are multiple upsells and additional offers that you need to know about:

Upsell #1
– Deluxe Package ($37)

Upsell #2
– DFY Set Up ($147)

Upsell #3
– Self Help PLR Firesale ($297)

Upsell #4
– Self Help PLR Videos ($147)

Upsell #5
– Self Help PLR Lead Magnet ($67)

Upsell #6
– Empire in a Box ($297)

Upsell #7
– Self Help Video Infographics ($22)

You will probably need to buy AT LEAST the first upsell as it unlocks more features for your offer and can increase the likelihood of creating a profitable online business with this product.

Can You Get a Refund?

Yes, you can get a refund. The Art of Fulfillment PLR is sold on the WarriorPlus marketplace. All products over there come with a mandatory 30 day money back guarantee as part of the customer satisfaction guarantee.

What I Like About The Art of Fulfillment PLR

The Art of Fulfillment PLR review pros vs cons

1. You Will Get A Good Product. You won’t have to worry about anything related to product creation and marketing. It’s all taken care of for you.

2. It’s Cost Effective.
You really don’t have to pay a lot of money to get full advantage of this product.

3. The Vendor Has a Good Rating.
To be more precise, the vendor has 3.5 out of 5 stars. It can be better, but it’s definitely not low.


What I Don’t Like About The Art of Fulfillment PLR

1. You Don’t Get Any Traffic Training. Traffic generation is one of the hardest things that anyone can do online. More specifically, acquiring laser targeted traffic can be very difficult. Without traffic, it does not matter how good your offer is, as there is no one to see it.

2. Not The Best Alternative For Beginners.
 Unless you already have a great traffic source and you know how to generate targeted visits for your offers, this product will not be enough for you to start making money online. That’s why I think that there are better ways for complete beginners to get started.

On the next page, you will see the exact four step system that I’m using to earn monthly passive income and land up to $1K per SINGLE sale of a product I don’t even own.

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