Super Funnels Review – Scam or Legit?

Welcome to my Super Funnels review. Let me start off by saying that this product is not a scam, and it can save you a lot of time with building landing pages, squeeze pages, setting up push notification, and implementing a chatbot into your marketing campaigns.

The downside is that you shouldn’t expect to be earning a lot of money fast with their free traffic training, even though there’s a big emphasis on that, and I will show you why right now.

Inside their sales page, you can see a lot of bold claims that you can automate the whole process that it takes to generate affiliate commissions, from generating free traffic to converting that traffic into buying customers in just 60 seconds. 

Before we get started, it’s important to understand that this program has an affiliate structure in place, that rewards those who promote it. This means that you can easily come across promotional articles and social media posts that praise Super Funnels like it’s the best thing that’s ever happened on the internet. 

Don’t get me wrong, I think that Affiliate Marketing is a legit, and straightforward way to earn passive income online, but it should be done in an ethical way with great user experience in mind. 

That’s why in this review, I will be completely transparent, and show you all the ups, and downs of this product so that you can make an educated decision, and decide if Super Funnels is for you or not. 

Ready? Let’s get started.

Super Funnels Review Summary

Product Name: Super Funnels

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing, Sales Funnel Software

Creator: Brendan Mace

Price: $22.97

Recommended: Not Really!

Overall Score: 65/100

Summary: According to Super Funnels you can significantly increase your traffic, conversions, sales, and automate the whole process by implementing this software. The truth is that the only real use that you can find inside this program is the DFY funnel, which in all fairness can be done on your own easily.

Don’t expect to be getting any free traffic from this software. There are some pretty decent training videos on running paid ad campaigns, that you might find useful if you don’t know anything about the topic.

Even though they preach all about getting free traffic fast, and easy, once inside the platform you can see that it’s not exactly as it was described on the Super Funnels sales page.

On top of that, if you want to take full advantage of this product, you would have to buy into all the upsells that come along with it, which can quickly result in an investment of hundreds of dollars.

Quick Navigation

Super Funnels Review SummaryWhat’s Inside Super Funnels
What is Super Funnels?Super Funnels Price, Upsells & Refunds
Is Super Funnels a Scam?Super Funnels Pros & Cons
Who Created Super Funnels?My Recommendation

What Is Super Funnels?

Super Funnels is a done for you sales funnel that creates all the pages that you need to create a sales funnel, and even hosts them on their own servers, which means that you don’t need to pay any hosting fees. This is a software created by Brendan Mace.

According to his words, Super Funnels was created because it was exactly what Brendan needed. Apparently, email marketing is becoming an unreliable source of income by itself because the open rates of emails keep declining drastically over the years.

That’s why you will get to learn how to collect email leads, build a list of Facebook users, and push subscribers list. In theory, this can 3x your revenue potential because you will be diversifying your income sources, which means that you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket.

After setting up all of the above-mentioned lead generation methods, you can now turn your attention towards getting that traffic. You will be presented with both free and paid traffic opportunities, it’s up to you to decide what methods you want to use.

Is Super Funnels a Scam?

super funnel review scam

Super Funnels is not a scam, but the sales page can mislead a lot of people into thinking that they can start making money almost instantly after getting the software leveraging free traffic sources.

The fact to the matter is that these free methods can’t work for beginners, and those with no social media following or it will take a lot longer to bank profits than what’s advertised on the sales page.

If you take that out of the equation, you could potentially get something useful from this software, and that’s with all the done for you pages that are generated automatically in a systematic order so that they can form a sales funnel. This can save you some time because you don’t have to manually create your own sales funnels.

To be completely transparent, after ClickFunnels revolutionized the accessibility of sales funnels, now everyone has one. In other words, having a sales funnel USED to be enough to generate a decent amount of sales online, but nowadays every business on the internet has some sort of a sales funnel implemented in their marketing strategies.

This means that it’s not enough to simply have a funnel in place and wait for the money to roll in, and Brendan Mace knows that. This is exactly why Super Funnels’ sales page has such a strong emphasis on free, instant traffic. That’s what most online business owners want and need these days.

Who Created Super Funnels?

Super Funnels was created by Brendan Mace with the help of Jono Armstrong. Both of these guys are serial digital product creators. You can see their products on affiliate network websites like WarriorPlus, or ClickBank.

Each of them has built up its online businesses to generate up to $100K per month. They’ve been creating digital products for a long time now, and it doesn’t look like any of them have the intention of stopping anytime soon.

With a lot of experience in Affiliate Marketing and product creation, they have managed to sell their products to tens of thousands of customers. It’s safe to say that these people know a thing or two about internet marketing and making money online.

What’s Inside Super Funnels

super funnels review whats inside

Inside the Super Funnels dashboard, you will get access to all the done for you funnels and pages.

All you need to do is choose a template that you like, implement your affiliate links inside, customize your funnel to your liking so that it can send the right message across all the people that will stumble on it, and connect your autoresponder. Everything else is covered for you.

Alongside all the done for you funnels, you will get access to 5 videos that show you how to navigate inside the software. After going through the first 4 videos, you should know how to successfully set up a sales funnel with all your affiliate links inside.

The 5th video is all about traffic generation. This is how you will be driving free traffic to your funnels using Facebook, with the help of the following video training series.

1. Old Facebook Method.

2. Get Unlimited Buyers Traffic.

3. Increase Engagement With Your Potential Buyers.

4. Manage Your Friends Lists.

5. Curiosity Posts.

All of these tactics and methods are great, but you won’t be able to generate a lot of money fast unless you already have an established target audience with lots of followers.  If you’re just getting started, and don’t have any lists, subscribers, or followers, then the methods above can take a lot of your time before you become profitable. 

If you don’t want to wait around and prefer instant results, then you can dive into paid ads. There’s a training series about that inside Super Funnels, and it consists of the following.

1. Bing Ads. These can be much cheaper than Facebook ads, and you have the potential of reaching more people with less money. 

2. Google Ads.

3. Facebook Ads.

4. Solo Ads. This is where you should run your ads according to Brendan. In fact, you will be strongly encouraged to invest in solo ads. You will be referred to a program called where you can adjust, setup, and run your solo ad campaigns.

You can leverage big email lists, to put your ads in front of a targeted email audience that belongs to someone else in exchange for money.

Super Funnels Price, Upsells & Refunds

Super Funnels comes with a price tag of $22.97. Once inside, you will come across numerous upsells that will help you in your efforts to make money online. Here’s a breakdown of all of the upsells inside this software.

Upsell #1 – Max Commissions ($67)

This one automates your campaigns even more by setting them up and launching them for you. All you have to do is set up the initial settings, and establish a criterion that needs to be covered with each campaign, and let the automation do everything else for you.

Upsell #2 – Done For You ($197)

With this upsell, you will get even more pre-made funnels, templates, and email swipes to send to your email lists, saving you even more time along the way.

Upsell #3 – Limitless Traffic ($197)

This upsell allows you to put your Pixel into their sales page. This means that you will be siphoning through all the traffic that comes to the Super Funnel’s sales page, and use that towards your ad campaigns.

Upsell #4 – $1K System ($197)

This is an additional training program that shows you how to leverage high ticket offers so that you can land bigger commissions while selling to fewer people overall.

Upsell #5 Licence Rights ($97)

This upsell gives you full rights to resell this program as your own, and earn commissions for that. All of the upsells above complement the main product really well.

This means that if you want to take full advantage of all the features inside Super Funnel, you will have to invest a lot more money than just $30. The thing is that you learn about these additional charges after you’ve bought the front end product.

Luckily, there is a 30-day full money-back guarantee, that’s covered by WarriorPlus. This means that you can ask for a refund and as long as it’s within the given time frame, you will get your money back.

Having said that, I don’t think that the refund applies to any of the upsells mentioned above, so be careful when buying any of them as you may not be able to get your money back.

What I Like About Super Funnels

super funnels review pros vs cons

1. It Saves You Time. You can save yourself some time on building funnels on your own by taking advantage of all the premade ones that are waiting for you to be customized as you wish, and launched into the vast internet world.

2. The Owner is Legit. The founder of Super Funnels Brendan Mace and his associate Jono Armstrong are both legit, and very real internet marketers that are making a substantial amount of income online, and have experience with helping others achieve their financial goals.

3. You Can Get a Refund. This allows you to safely test drive the product to see if it’s a good fit or not. If you end up not liking it, just ask for a refund, and as long as it’s within the 30-day time frame you will get your money back.

What I Don’t Like About Super Funnels

1. Too Hyped Up. This is a common marketing tactic that I keep seeing in so many of these training courses, and software tools that help people make money online.

You’re basically led on to the idea that you will be banking profits on autopilot using free traffic sources, fast and easy. Let me tell you right now that anyone who buys this product with that impression will end up being disappointed, and in many cases will just ask for a refund.

2. Expensive Upsells. These upsells come in the form of hidden, expensive add ons to the main product which is Super Funnels.

All of them are with a much higher price tag than the initial product, which leaves me with the impression that if you want to get full access to everything that this product has to offer you have to invest a lot of money upfront.

3. Misleading Tactics. On their sales page, they use misleading tactics, claims and try their hardest to make this seem like an irresistible offer, which is close to lying but let’s just say it’s misleading for now.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is that if you’ve gone through the sales page of Super Funnels or have an idea of what it’s about, then you should lower your expectations right now, or you will end up being disappointed.

Let me point out the biggest issue that I have with this product which is the fact that they claim to give you a way of generating free traffic, that even a beginner can start profiting incredibly fast. That’s just not true, and if you try to take advantage of all the free traffic generation tactics inside, you will realize that it will take you way longer than you think to become profitable. 

Not to mention that a lot of the paid ads training videos can be found for free on the internet. The only way for you to benefit from Super Funnels is by taking advantage of the premade funnels, and lead generation tactics.

In all fairness, nowadays it’s way easier to build funnels than it used to be. It’s all about getting traffic these days and they know it. That’s why they try to exploit some very basic traffic generation methods and make them look like something they’re not just for the sake of getting more people to buy.

I make money online using Google, and leveraging the free traffic that can be acquired from that search engine. By creating content that get’s ranked on the search engines, I am able to bring exposure to my website, and monetize from the traffic I’m getting using Affiliate Marketing. 

If that sounds interesting then you should check out how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many neglect and lose out because of that.

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