Real Money Streams Review

Welcome to my Real Money Streams review. According to its sales page, you can make $100 today, if you get the program.

By completing both online and offline jobs, you can earn $500 or more a week. Let me start off by saying that the sales page is way too hyped up, and you won’t be able to make anywhere near that amount, and here’s why.

Real Money Streams claims that you can earn up to $35 just for buying groceries for people. Why would anyone pay so much for grocery delivery, when they can order directly from their favorite chains like Walmart (USA) or ASDA (UK) for less than $20?

By the way, you should also know that these offline services are only available in the USA & UK, but you don’t really get to learn that until after you buy this product. The owner of Real Money Streams could have been more straightforward in his sales video, that’s for sure.

It’s important to note that this program has an affiliate system in place that rewards anyone who is promoting this product.

If you stumble upon a page where you see Real Money Streams being praised like it’s the best thing that’s ever happened on the internet, without providing you with any REAL value that might help you in making an educated decision, know that they’re just trying to push this product for the sake of landing commissions.

Affiliate Marketing is a legit way of earning passive income, but it should be done in an ethical, and helpful way with good user experience in mind. Nevertheless let’s give this program a full breakdown, to see everything that you will be getting inside.

Real Money Streams Review Summary

Product Name: Real Money Streams

Product Type: Make Money Online & Offline

Product Creator: Chris Johnson

Price: $37

Recommended: No!

Overall Score: 25/100

Summary: With Real Money Streams, you will be introduced to ways of making money online & offline. The thing about this program is that the offline opportunities are limited to the USA & UK only, and the online tasks that you will be doing don’t pay nearly enough for you to be making $100 a day. Here’s what I mean.

An average task that takes anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour+ will pay you between $0.01 & $0.30, so Imagine how many hours do you need to invest to be making $100 daily.

Even if you were some superhuman being that doesn’t need sleep like the rest of us, and went at it for more than 24+ hours, you wouldn’t hit that $100 a day mark. It just doesn’t make any sense to waste your time with so many low paying tasks, it’s not worth it in the end.

Quick Navigation

Real Money Streams Review SummaryWhat’s Inside Real Money Streams
What Is Real Money Streams?Real Money Streams Price, Upsells & Refunds
Is Real Money Streams a Scam?Real Money Streams Pros & Cons
Who Created Real Money Streams?My Recommendation

What Is Real Money Streams?

Real Money Streams is a hyped-up program that promises to make you a lot of money, but the earning potential is very limited, which means that there is no transparency in the sales video. They want you to be convinced of the insane amount of money that you can be earning and buy into the program.

Obviously, this product is not looking out for your best interest, and all they want to do is make some money off of you. Apparently by completing simple tasks such as doing searches on Google, can land you over $100 EACH DAY! I don’t know about you but that smells fishy to me.

Here’s a PRO TIP: If something sounds too good to be true, then it most certainly is. Especially in the online world of business, and you would be wise to remember that.

Real Money Streams is targeted towards people that have no experience making money online, hence the hyped up sales video. If you’re a beginner that has no experience dealing with similar online training courses and has never seen their “true nature” then it can be pretty easy to fall for similar sales videos and pages. People like them know that, and they try to take full advantage of it. 

Is Real Money Streams a Scam?

real money streams review is it just a big scam

Real Money Streams is not a scam, and they will deliver on their promises of presenting you with ways to earn money online & offline, however, you could end up being very disappointed with the end result, when you find out that making so much money by completing simple tasks such as the ones provided inside Real Money Streams is NOT going to be possible.

Then, even if you end up complaining that you were scammed or whatever, it doesn’t really matter, because they can prove that you have paid for, and received a digital product, that’s now in your possession. Many people become victims of the “shinning object syndrome”.

Don’t become another statistic, and save yourself the time, energy, and money by not dealing with similar products/services. If you really want to get paid for searching on Google, you can register at Qmee.

At least over there, you won’t be paying any joining fees and they are more than transparent with their low earning opportunities.

Who Created Real Money Streams

Real Money Streams was created by Chris Johnson. There is not much info about the guy online, so I can’t be sure of the legitimacy of this person. Like many scam or low-quality products, it’s entirely possible that Chris Johnson is an alias or in other words, this is not a real person.

Having an online reputation, only to get ruined by your poor product delivery system or just by selling scam products can be the end of someone’s digital career. That’s why many people use other people to “represent” their company and act as the owner or founders. In many cases, people just use made-up names, and that’s enough.

What’s Inside Real Money Streams

real money streams review inside getting started online & offline

Inside Real Money Streams, you can choose to complete Offline tasks and Online ones. Here’s a breakdown of both of these below.

Offline Money Streams

You will be introduced to 3 different websites, where you can find offline work that you can do.

– Gigwalk.

– Field Agent.

– EasyShift.

You sing up on these apps and start searching for local work. It can be anything from mystery shopping to cleaning and walking people’s dogs.

It’s important to understand that these websites are available only for people from the USA and UK. In other words, offline money streams can be used only from people that reside in one of the two countries.

Each job and the rate you get gigs is entirely dependent on how many people use these apps to fulfill some sort of service. If there’s no one posting jobs, there won’t be any opportunities to make money as well.

Online Money Streams

You will be introduced to Amazon Mechanical Turk. This is a crowdsourcing platform where people can outsource different jobs, and tasks, to qualified professionals who will complete them online.

That’s where you come in. You will be able to choose from different kinds of tasks that need to be completed online.

The thing with Amazon Mechanical Turk that bothers me is that the jobs that are being posted there, pay very little in return for your time. This means that no matter how many hours you put in, you won’t get anywhere near that $100-day mark like you’re supposed to according to Easy Money Streams sales video.

This program comes with a bunch of PLR eBooks that you can get access to for free, with the following names.

  • Get Paid To Surf The Web
  • Beginners Guide To Working Online
  • Quit Your Job & Work Online
  • Secret, High Paying Online Jobs

These eBooks are outdated, and will not bring much value if you read them. Honestly, you’re better off Googling some of this stuff. Odds are that you will find more up to date information on what you need to know.

Real Money Streams Price, Upsells & Refunds

Real Money Streams comes with a price tag of $37. There are some upsells and downsells that we will be discussing below.

Upsell #1 – VIP Mogul Membership

With this membership, you’re promised to start making $1000 weekly, but if you haven’t realized by now, you shouldn’t really trust the numbers that come out of each and every offer that Real Money Streams throws at you. The price tag of the VIP Mogul Membership is $47. If you reject that offer, then you will receive the same one but with a $30 discount.

Upsell #2 – Membership Club

For a $17 fee billed monthly, you can get access to even more making money online opportunities such as blogging, eBay, Amazon, social media strategies, and more.

Real Money Streams is being sold on the ClickBank marketplace, which means that it automatically comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. 

What I Like About Real Money Streams 

real money streams review pros vs cons

1. You Can Ask For A Refund. The only thing that I like about this program is that you can get your money back once you realize that this product is nothing similar to what the sales page presented to us. That’s it, there is nothing else that I like about this program.

What I Don’t Like About Real Money Streams

1. Way Too Hyped Up. Their sales video is extremely exaggerated and many people can be misled into thinking that they can make hundreds of $$$ daily, by completing simple basic tasks online (or offline).

This can’t be further from the truth because the only online making opportunities are from Amazon Mechanical Tusk. Don’t get me wrong, you can find legit job postings there, but they will pay you way lower than you’d expect due to Real Money Streams’ promotional methods.

Having said that, I do believe that people who get excited about this product are going to end up incredibly disappointed when they find out how outdated and worthless everything inside Real Money Streams is.

2. Not Much Info About The Owner. Chris Johnson is supposedly behind this product, and let me tell you right now, the fact that you can’t learn much about him inside the Real Money Streams website is a bit worrying.

Many people that sell poor quality or scam products hide their true identities leaving them unknown or using fake personas to make the product seem more legitimate than it actually is. Be careful with that one.

3. Shady Upsells. You need to be very careful with the shady upsell tactics that you can stumble upon. If you’re not careful, you can optin for a one-time payment fee, only to realize that you’re being billed every month.

This has happened to other people before. Luckily, with ClickBank, you can ask for a refund, and you will get one if it’s within the 30-day money-back guarantee time frame.

4. There’s No Value. You won’t be getting anything useful out of Real Money Streams. Instead, you will just waste your time looking for ways to earn pennies for your time.

That’s not really ideal, and spending up to an hour for something that will land you $0.30 does not seem to make any sense to me. What do you think? Let me know in the comments box.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is that you don’t waste your time with Real Money Streams. You have a way better chance of earning money online by filling out surveys on different websites like Swagbucks.

There’s no point in spending $37 just so that you can get the chance of earning up to $0.30 per hour. If you were misled into thinking that you can make hundreds of dollars a week by their shady and hyped sales page, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Many people tend to fall for similar marketing tactics when the reality is that this is a low-quality product that’s only interested in taking your money. You don’t need to pay for outdated information and stuff that you can find for free on the internet, trust me on this one.

If you want to learn a way of making REAL money online then you should check out how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many neglect and lose out because of that.

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