Rebel Builders Review

Welcome to my Rebel Builders review. Can this blueprint really help you make money online with network marketing, or is it another scam to avoid? 

Here’s what you need to know. While there’s no price tag on their sales page, I do think that MLM Rebels will cost you at least 4 figures to get in.

There’s also the likelihood of coming across promoters of this program. That’s why I want to point out that I’m not affiliated with Rebel Builders in any way or form so don’t expect a thousand low quality bonuses for joining through my links because you won’t find any. 

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated claims of income. No loopholes either. 

Ready? Let’s get started…

Rebel Builders Review

Product Name: Rebel Builders

Product Owner: Zach Spear

Product Type: Network Marketing Course

Overall Score: 55/100

Recommended: Not Really!

Summary: This is an MLM (multi level marketing) focused training program that covers things like running Facebook ads, copywriting, creating webinars, automation, etc.

It’s created by a legit network marketer, and if you’re interested in this business model, you will definitely learn a lot of things from MLM Rebels and Zach Spear.

I also think that if you’re not careful, you can easily end up spending more money than you’re making.

Multi level marketing has a very low success rate in general and some people end up losing a lot of money.

That’s why, I think that there are better, cost effective, and less risky ways of making money online that are suitable for complete beginners.

What is Rebel Builders?

Rebel Builders is an educational program that offers to teach you everything you need to know about generating leads and converting them to buyers. There are other MLM coaches that you can learn from, such as Tyson Zahner.

Since Zach Spear created this specifically to help people in the MLM industry, you will learn how to create a high converting funnel and pay ads to generate traffic (web users). 

If you do everything right and have the entire system set up in a way that’s appealing to your target audience, you have a real chance of getting decent ROI (return on investment) with each paid ad campaign that you run.

You will also learn how to create attention grabbing text for your ads and use copywriting the right way. On the downside of things, there is a real chance that you can lose a lot of money while running paid ads if you’re not careful.

Is Rebel Builders a Scam?

Rebel Builders review legit or not

Rebel Builders is not a scam. It’s a legit program that has a bunch of different names, such as MLM Rebels.

Even though I think that this product created by Zach Spear can be useful for the right people, I don’t think that most who enroll in this or any of his other high ticket programs will end up successful. 

That’s simply because most recent statistics of the MLM business model suggest that only about 1 in 100 people that get involved with turn a profit. 

It’s quite low compared to other business model, like my favorite, where you can promote other people’s products or services without having to spend money on paid ads and generate free leads in a niche market of your choice.

Who Created Rebel Builders?

Zach Spear. He is the founder and owner of this program. According to his LinkedIn bio, Zach Spear has been involved in MLM for over 10 years, and for the past 3, he has been involved in helping others grow their downline and increase their sales.

It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new or a Top Earner in your company. He will teach old and new. It’s safe to say that this guy has not only a lot of experience in MLM, he can also teach others how to get success.

In this industry, your main goal is to help your downline make more sales, create a group of Top Earners where you are at the top.

That’s one of the reasons why I believe that Zach Spear knows what he is talking about and how to teach others to follow in his footsteps as well.

What’s Inside Rebel Builders?

Inside Rebel Builders, you will get access to the 30 Recruits Per Month Masterclass alongside their funnels. All you have to do is modify and change the copy to suit your target audience.

You will also get the Immediate Income Webinar which will show you how to set up a webinar funnel, alongside all the templates you need, the Facebook Ads & Swipe File Masterclass, and a bunch of bonuses. 

Let’s dive into each individual course that you will get access to, it’s structure and content now.

30 Recruits Per Month

This part of the program is all about helping you create a system that is designed to recruit more people in your company and help you become a Top Earner. It consists of five modules that cover the following:

1. Preparing & Customizing Your Funnel.
You will learn how to set up your sales funnel in a way that drives more conversions.

2. Influencer Ad Creation & Design.
Here’s how to create top converting ads and designs with attention grabbing traits.

3. Automating Tuning. 

4. Finding & Finalizing Influencer Deals.

5. Handling The Influx & Sponsoring Your Leads.

Immediate Income Webinar Funnel

This system will show you how to create an evergreen webinar that can run like clockwork, regardless of the time and year of its creation.

You will learn how to set up and present your story in a compelling way, write a webinar script, deliver your presentation, leverage automation, and launch your webinar funnel.

It’s all packed in 6 different modules.

Facebook Ads Masterclass & Swipe Files

This is where you will learn a lot of useful stuff about running profitable Facebook ad campaigns. If you can’t gather the attention of prospects that are highly interested in your offer, you won’t be able to make money online.

That’s why relevancy is very important when it comes to this type of stuff. You will learn the exact copywriting strategy that Zach and his team use on their prospects in the industry, how to manage your campaigns, scale, and reduce your overall costs.

You will also get a copy of their exact swipe files that you can change a bit yourself and make them unique.

What I Like About Rebel Builders

Rebel Builders review pros vs cons

1. There’s Done For You Funnels. This can reduce your workload significantly and you can be sure that the funnels included are of high quality. You are encouraged to modify them in your own way to make them unique, which is a good thing in my opinion. 

2. Zach Spear is Experienced.
He can teach others and show them the path to success with MLM.

What I Don’t Like About Rebel Builders

1. You Will Probably Get Upsold. This is not the only program that Zach Spear has. However, his other ones cost a lot of money, which is why I think that you will get pitched these products at some point when you become a paying client.

2. It’s Risky & Expensive.
You can end up losing a lot of money, even if you follow everything taught inside. 

3. You Will Likely Have to Pay for a Funnel Builder.
The most commonly promoted one by course owners costs anywhere from $97/Month to $297/Month.

4. It’s Not The Best Business Model. In my opinion, MLM can be very difficult to break into. You need to have proper skills and knowledge, and even then, there’s no solid guarantee, and your chances are still relatively low.

Is There a Better Alternative?

I think that to be successful with MLM, you need to know how to influence others and help them grow their downline. That’s the only way to expand your network and reach a level where you are profitable with network marketing. 

Some people assume that all MLM’s are pyramid schemes, which is not really the case, but it can give you a bad rep. I also think that everything included in this offer and the investment needed to succeed will cost you a lot of money.

Unless you’re willing to risk losing them, I think that there is a better way to start a profitable online business, even as a complete beginner. 

Using the business model and the 4 step blueprint that you will see on the next page, I am able to earn consistent recurring income every month and generate up to $1K from a single sale multiple times over.

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