My Freelance Paycheck Review

Welcome to My Freelance Paycheck review. If you ever wanted to get into freelance writing and learn how to break into this competitive field, then you would most likely find this as an interesting opportunity that’s worth looking into.

To be completely transparent, My Freelance Paycheck is a legit product however, it’s definitely NOT for everyone. By going through this review, you will find out everything that you need to know including the downside of getting involved with this program.

Congratulations on doing your research. Online success can come in many different forms, that’s why it’s important to find YOUR way before investing time, money, and resources on seemingly good products/services.

My Freelance Paycheck Review Summary

Product Name: My Freelance Paycheck

Product Owner: Laura Pennington

Product Type: Freelance Writing Training

Price: $47 – $99.05 

Recommended: Not Really!

Overall Score: 60/100

Summary: My Freelance Paycheck is a training series of ebooks and videos that have everything you need to know about freelance writing. It’s an in-depth training that covers all the crucial information that an aspiring freelance writer needs to know in order to have a chance in this EXTREMELY competitive field.

There are some hidden fees inside this training, that I will be revealing in this review. My Freelance Paycheck is NOT for everyone, and you will be learning how to try and break into a very competitive market by offering your writing services to big companies, and business owners.

The thing with this way of making money online is that it can take some time until you manage to nail your first few gigs, and you ALWAYS have to be at your top game. In other words, you need to make sure that the content you produce is going to be of the highest quality, otherwise, your competition will outshine you.

Another thing worth considering is this. With freelance writing, in general, you will have to work for your money. This means that whenever you stop writing for other people who need content, your money flow will stop. What if I told you that you could earn passive income, and be rewarded for your content writing over, and over again.

What Is My Freelance Paycheck?

My Freelance Paycheck is a training that can help you break into freelance writing. You can learn where to find the best paying jobs, how to create an irresistible profile in order to attract high paying clients, and more. According to their website, you should ask yourself the following six questions before you decide to become a freelance writer.

1. Do You Actually Like Writing? This is an obvious one, so if you like writing you can learn how to turn that into a career, and start making money from the comforts of your home.

2. Are You Self Motivated and Disciplined? In order to become a successful freelance writer, you need to be able to prioritize your projects and organize your daily tasks so that you can manage to complete all your assignments on time.

3. Can You Adapt Easily? In this industry, you need to be flexible and well prepared to handle “curveballs” because each and every client will be different. This means that you should be able to adapt easily and approach every client with a flexible mindset.

4. Can You Understand What Being a “New” Employee Means? Working as a freelance writer means that you can schedule your own hours, and work whenever you decide. However, once you take on a client, you need to realize that you will be undertaking a certain amount of responsibility.

You should be able to meet deadlines and stick to making sure that you provide the best possible work for your clients. Otherwise, someone else will do that for you, and you will lose out on money. It’s all about being credible and providing exceptionally high-quality content. 

5. Are You Bold Enough To Market Yourself? Due to the vast amount of competition that you will have, you need to be able to pitch yourself to potential clients and have the confidence to look for gigs, instead of waiting for them to find you. You will be the one looking to market yourself to potential clients by letting them know what you can do for them. 

6. Do You Like Learning New Things? If you enjoy stepping into the unknown an expanding your knowledge, then you are on the right track. If you’re excited to learn and develop new skills then you will surely be successful with any kind of online venture.

We live in a digital age where everyone is using the internet for one thing or another. This means that there is a huge demand for content creators, writers, etc.

Not everyone can produce high quality, and helpful content, so many look to outsource this work. Your job as a freelance writer is to produce that content for your clients, and in return, you will be paid for your time. It’s as simple as that.

There are, however, a lot of additional things that you need to be prepared for, and most likely work upon if you want to be successful with being a freelance writer. With My Freelance Paycheck, you will see exactly what it takes to make it in this industry, and how to turn that into a steady income online.

Is My Freelance Paycheck a Scam?

my freelance paycheck review scam
My Freelance Paycheck is not a scam. This is a training for anyone that is considering turning their writing into a profitable online venture.

There are a couple of issues with this training program such as the fact that there is a sneaky recurring upsell, and many people can mistakenly get charged for if they’re not careful.

The upside to this is that you can get your money back if you ask for a refund within 60 days of being charged. This training is being sold through ClickBank which means that your purchases have a money-back guarantee backed by one of the world’s largest affiliate networks out there.

Apart from that, you should realize that this is an extremely competitive field so you need to always strive for top performance in terms of quality and delivery time.

Until you manage to build a credible and solid reputation as a freelance writer you should expect to be pitching to potential clients and be actively looking for gigs. It can be really difficult to break into this industry, that’s why if you don’t enjoy writing then you will most likely struggle with My Freelance Paycheck and it’s training.

Who Created My Freelance Paycheck?

My Freelance Paycheck was created by Laura Pennington with the sole purpose of helping people become successful freelancers. Before all of that, she was working as a teacher in Baltimore, Maryland doing 16-hour shifts every day.

She had to wake up at 4:30 each morning because of the long commute to school. That’s when she decided to change things up and get into freelance writing.

After some time of struggle to figure it all out, eventually, Laura learned how to make money online using freelance writing, and she is not teaching others how to do the same in her training course called My Freelance Paycheck.

What’s Inside My Freelance Paycheck?

This is everything that you will get if you decide to buy My Freelance Paycheck.

1. My Freelance Paycheck Main Book. This book will reveal the freelance opportunity and everything that it has to offer. You will learn how to identify clients with money, how to get them interested, and how to market yourself for maximum success rate. This book has four bonus chapters and they are as follows.

Bonus Chapter #1 – The 5 Common Mistakes of Freelance Writers. This bonus is going to identify the most often seen mistakes being made by beginner freelance writers and experienced ones alike.

Bonus Chapter #2 – How To Determine Your Writing Rates. You will gain a clear understanding of how to position your price rates for your services by researching the current market, and evaluating what your competition’s rates are.

Bonus Chapter #3 – Why You Need To Have Amazing Work samples. Being able to showcase your previous work, or even producing small samples for your potential clients to see, can vastly increase the number of gigs that you will land.

Bonus Chapter #4 – 6 Real Stories From Successful Freelance Writers.

2. My Freelance Paycheck Audio Playbook. This is a 1 hour and 40 minutes long MP3 that offers an audio version of the core fundamentals needed to become successful with freelance writing.

3. My Freelance Paycheck On-Demand Video Training. This will give you instant access to 10+ high-quality video training materials that will help in your online journey. It covers everything from landing wealthy clients to establishing the perfect marketing plan, to building out your Upwork profile for freelance writing.

4. A Quick Sart Guide To Making Freelance Profits From Upwork. This easy to read guide will show you how to navigate inside the Upwork website. Over there you will be setting up your profile, and attracting new clients. The purpose of this guide is to make sure that you’re comfortable with setting up everything. You will learn how to bid, set up your work samples in place so that people can see them and more.

5. Success Multipliers. This book will provide you with inspirational success stories from freelance writers that are now doing this full time as their career. Each case study inside this book is going to reveal their personal 5 best freelancing secrets that have helped them to get where they are now.

My Freelance Paycheck Price, Upsells & Refunds

My Freelance Paycheck has 3 different packages that you can choose from and they all cost different amounts. Let’s find out more about each package below.

1. Digital Package. This will give you access to My Freelance Paycheck online only. The price tag is a one-time payment of $47 and it covers the following:

– My Freelance Paycheck Main Ebook.

– My Freelance Paycheck MP3 Edition.

– On-Demand Video Training.

– Upwork Quick Start Guide PDF.

– Success Multipliers PDF.

2. Digital & Physical Package. This is the best-valued offer because you will get everything. This package comes with a one time fee of $99.95 (shipping & handling included). This is what you will get inside:

– My Freelance Paycheck Main Ebook & PDF.

– My Freelance Paycheck CD & Online Access.

– On-Demand Video Training CD & Online Access.

– Upwork Quick Start Guide PDF & Book.

– Success Multipliers PDF & Book.

3. Physical Package. For a one time fee of $99.95 (shipping and handling included), you will get the physical package of My Freelance Paycheck. This will give you access to physical products only. They will get delivered at your doorstep for no extra charge.

There is one recurring upsell that can charge you $37 a month so you should look out for that in case you sign up by accident. It’s called Passive Profit Mastery and it’s all about affiliate marketing, blogging, Kindle, Amazon publishing, and more.

Every month you will receive updates in the industry and you will find out all the secrets that people are implementing to make money online. It’s specially designed for beginners.

You can ask for a refund on My Freelance Paycher & the recurring monthly payments for up to 60 days of your initial purchase. This gives you plenty of time to see if everything is as it should be, and in the event that you end up disliking the training, you can ask for a full refund, and ClickBank will take care of that for you.

What I Like About My Freelance Paycheck

my freelance paycheck pros and cons
1. There is No Hype
. Unlike many other similar online training programs, you won’t see any exaggerated claims of fast wealth and riches. On their sales page, you will see exactly what you will get. You even have a set of questions that you should ask yourself before investing in this program to make sure that it’s the right thing for you.

2. The Owner is a Real Person. The product owner, Laura Pennington is a real person that has experience with making money online, and can surely teach people how to do that as well using the freelance writing model. This gives My Freelance Paycheck a lot of credibility and ensures that the product quality is high.

3. There is a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. You can get your money back for up to two months after you make a purchase, and apparently, you can get a refund even for the recurring upsell which is definitely a good thing. This removes the risk of losing your money because you can always get them back if you end up not being satisfied by this product and its services.

4. Real Testimonials. There are many products that use FAKE testimonials to gain people’s trust. The truth is that you can easily see if these people are real or not if they have an image online. You can do a Google Image search if you have any suspicions if an image is real or not. That’s the easiest way to find out if a testimonial is real or fake. Upon digging further I managed to find that these are all real people with real testimonials.

5. It’s a Legit Business Model. Freelance writing is a real way of generating income online and many people are very successful with it right now. This is a relatively new way of generating money online, and the demand for quality freelance writers is exceptionally high right now, and will most likely keep on growing for the upcoming years.

There are many business owners who just can’t do all the work by themselves so they need to outsource it to qualified people. That’s why websites such as Fiverr and Upwork have gained such popularity lately. Everyone that want’s to outsource some kind of work goes on to these websites. 

What I Don’t Like About My Freelance Paycheck

1. It’s Not Going To Be Easy. If you were left with the impression that it’s going to be easy for you to start making money online with My Freelance Paycheck then you should think again.

You will be presented with an opportunity to make money online using your writing skills, but you also need to consider all the competition that you will be facing. You will have to prove yourself as being a great freelance writer before people start asking for your services. 

2. Recurring Upsell. If you decide to opt-in for Passive Profit Mastery you will be charged $37 on a monthly basis. You are automatically enrolled in the recurring payment plan when you purchase My Freelance Paycheck.

This means that you will get to try it for a free period of time until your card get’s billed. If you don’t want to get billed monthly then you should manually tick off Passive Profit Mastery which means that you don’t want this upsell and you don’t want to get charged for it either.

3. You Will Be Earning a Bit On The Side. Freelance writing can be really good if your goal is to earn a bit of side income in your spare time.

Don’t expect to become extremely wealthy if you rely on freelance writing only. Nowadays the competition is so big that you need to stand out if you want to make a full-time income online, and this can be really difficult because you will be competing with people who have been doing this for years.

4. It’s Not Passive Income. The method that you will be learning is closely correlated with the demand for similar services. If that goes down, you will suffer, and if you don’t land clients and ensure that you meet their needs, you won’t get paid.

This means that you will still be trading your time for money, when you can utilize these similar skills into something more passive seems to me like a better idea. The competition is not that big that way either. Let me show you how to become financially free by utilizing a simple method.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is that if you can see yourself earning money online by writing you should do that for yourself instead of others.

In other words, why should you trade your time writing for other people’s projects and business plans when you can be writing and producing content for yourself and making a considerable amount of money online while you’re at it?

If you take affiliate marketing as an example, you can turn that into a passive income business online by writing. When you produce blog posts that rank on the search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo, you can generate a lot of eyeballs to your blogs.

When you put affiliate links on your blogs people will end up clicking on them. When they do that they will be redirected to a product or service page (you don’t need to have a product of your own), and when they end up buying, you will get paid via commissions.

Depending on the type of affiliate offer that you will be promoting with your writing, you can get up to 100% of the initial product’s price when someone buys using your links.

If that sounds interesting then you should check out how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many tend to neglect and lose out because of that. 

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