Money Leverage System Review

Trevor Berke is the founder of the Money Leverage System. It’s what he calls the process that’s taught inside his course, Automation Edition 2.0. 

It’s all about repairing people’s credit. This is a very old business model that’s been around for a while.

However, Trevor presents it as a brand new way to make money online, and the hype around his product is too much.

Apparently, you can surround yourself with people that need your services and you can start enjoying life while the product sells itself. Here’s why that’s too oversimplified. 

First, you will be offering an expensive service that will cost up to four figures to people that already have financial problems. Why else would they want to repair their credit score?

Then, you have to convince them that you are a legit business owner. In other words, you need to build that trust.

Especially when it comes to selling high ticket products and services. It won’t be as easy as Trevor Berke makes it look.

Finally, your sales will likely be inconsistent. If you are a great marketer and you know how to sell stuff to people, then it may not be like that for you.

For the majority of people that do enroll in this course, however, it’s going to be very difficult to start getting regular clients.

Beginner’s Alternative: Compare This With Fixing People’s Credit Score

What is The Money Leverage System?

Trevor Berke

The Money Leverage System is a method taught in Trevor Berke’s training program that will show you how to get into the credit repair industry from scratch. The course is created for beginners that don’t know the first thing about this business.

By the time you’re done, you will know exactly what it takes to succeed in this industry, how to attract leads, what to say to them, how to close deals, etc.

The business model in itself is very legit and competitive. Many MLM companies focus on offering this type of service to their clients, and tons of Gurus teach it too.

This can serve as proof that the potential to make money is there. However, you will need to be a top performer and an overachiever to start getting regular clients and enough income to quit your day job.

Is The Money Leverage System a Scam?

Money Leverage System review legit or not

No. Money Leverage System is a legit process that can help you break into the credit repair industry and start your own business.

You will have to think about creating an LLC, and all other legal matters, depending on where you reside.

More importantly, you have to figure out a way to generate high quality but inexpensive leads. The margins from this business can be great, but if you’re spending all your money on paid ads, then you won’t be able to truly appreciate that.

You can scale and grow within the industry, but you will have to hire staff, train, manage, and observe them, especially in the early days.

This is a very hands on approach to making money online. It can be extremely demanding and it’s definitely not for everyone.

I know that there are better ways to get started, especially if you’re on a tight budget, or simply prefer a more laid back approach to creating a wildly profitable online business.

How Does Money Leverage System Work?

Trevor Berke Money Leverage System

The system works in four simple steps. You find leads, send them a free report in exchange for an email, start messaging your prospects with automated systems, close deals, and get paid.

Think about the learning curve for a second here. How long will it take until you finally learn how to remove false information from people’s credit scores?

How long until you learn how to implement what you’ve learned in a way that leaves your clients satisfied? What about the pressure. If you take people’s hard earned money and fail at delivering the service you’ve promised, you can get labeled as a scammer.

This can quickly end your business, especially if you use your face as a brand. Everything in the online world sticks like glue, which can make your next venture even more difficult.

Who is The Money Leverage System For?

This system is for people who know getting rich quickly online is something that does not exist.

It’s for those that are fully aware of the fact that they need to put in a lot of effort and work into this venture, despite what Trevor Berke says in his sales videos and webinars.

It’s for people that can afford to risk thousands of dollars into a business venture with zero guarantees that it will work.

If you can disregard all the hype around Money Leverage System, you can realize that this is a REAL business model that requires a lot of sacrifices, grind, and a good work ethic to succeed. 

Is There a Better Alternative?

Unless you find the concept of helping people fix their bad credit score like something you would absolutely enjoy doing, there are better alternatives for beginners. 

For example, my favorite business model is much less expensive than what the Money Leverage System charges, it’s much less stressful and not as demanding. 

You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get started. You don’t have to take on that much responsibility if you don’t want to. With this business model, people will rely heavily on you doing a good job at fixing their credit scores. 

On the next page, you will see the exact system that I’m using to generate as much as $1K per SINGLE sale WITHOUT doing any actual selling, owning a product or service, and spending money to generate leads. Take a look below and compare this with Automation Edition 2.0.

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