Reviewing The Mikkelsen Twins – Are They Scamming You?

Christian and Rasmus are the Mikkelsen Twins, also known as the founders of Audiobook Income Academy (AIA 2.0). Some people claim that they are scammers selling scam products.

On the other hand, some happy students state the opposite. Are they paid to leave positive reviews? Is it all a big sham to take your hard earned money?

It’s obvious that the Mikkelsen Twins are making most of their profits from selling their flagship program.

Does that mean that you can benefit from the course as well? After all, they have been banned from the same platform that they are now teaching others how to make money with.

Who Are The Mikkelsen Twins?

Rasmus and Christian were not the most popular guys in school. Most of the time, they went unnoticed. After graduation, they moved to Denmark for a while and worked different minimum wage jobs.

They were always moving from one place to the next. Until 2015, when something happened, they moved back to New Jersey to stay with their parents.

After taking a seriously good look at themselves, they decided to do whatever it takes to become better versions of what they currently were.

So, the Mikkelsen Twins enrolled in college. At first, it was going well. They had great marks all the time and even worked a few nights per week as delivery guys. 

At some point, they decided to look into making money online. That’s when they left college and began focusing on different business models online. Rasmus was into dropshipping while Christian was doing book publishing.

After about a year, the twins compared their success, decided to join forces, leave dropshipping behind, and focus all their efforts on book publishing.

When Did The Mikkelsen Twins Start Making Money Online?

mikkelsen twins

In the beginning, the pair would sell eBooks on Amazon as their main source of income online. They would pay a bunch of ghostwriters to create them, while the Mikkelsen Twins took care of the selling part. That’s when they started making money online.

At some point, they found a way to narrate these eBooks and turn them into audiobooks with the idea of selling them on Audible. And it worked. By the end of 2017, the pair were making over $10K per month. 

Soon after that, they began exploring the world and going to cheaper countries to enjoy the good life.

However, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. After doing a bunch of greedy moves, the twins got banned from Amazon.

Alternative: Here’s How To Make Money on Amazon Without Getting Your Account Removed

Why Did The Mikkelsen Twins Get Banned From Amazon?

Christian began publishing in different languages and making more money. At some point, he got too many poor quality strikes.

He wasn’t doing a good job translating his books and people noticed. That’s what got the Mikkelsen Twins banned from Amazon.

Mikkelsen Twins Youtube

Their next step was to start uploading Youtube videos, sharing their publishing experience, and eventually creating the Audiobook Income Academy (A.I.A.) course.

Are The Mikkelsen Twins Scammers?

No, they are not. Their course is overpriced, the marketing is too hyped up, but the business model is legit, and people are making a solid profit with self publishing.

If you search well enough, you may be able to find most of the information within their paid course for free on Google and Youtube. That’s what some users on Reddit claim.

Apparently, one of the reasons they got banned from ACX was because the Mikkelsen Twins were teaching others how to game Amazon’s algorithm.

Their main target audience is beginners with little to no experience in making money online. That’s why flashing their money and expensive cars on the video ads all over the internet can work so well. 

Furthermore, I think that the price of their course is way too much from a beginner’s perspective. Especially, when I know that there are better and much more cost effective alternatives out there.

Beginner’s Alternative: Compare This With Self Publishing

What I Like About The Mikkelsen Twins

Mikkelsen Twins from go Publishing life

1. They’ve Seen Success With Amazon. Keep in mind that this was way back in the days when the competition was not that stiff. The Mikkelsen Twins went from earning a thousand bucks per month to generating more than ten thousand dollars each month. This was in the span of a year.

2. You Can Interact With Like Minded People.
If you end up buying their course, you can join a group on Facebook where all the other members hang out

What I Don’t Like About The Mikkelsen Twins

1. A Lot of Negative Press. There are people all over the internet that complain about the Mikkelsen Twins and their program. 

2. It’s Expensive to Get Started.
Apart from shedding out almost $2K for access to their course, you will need to invest in additional software tools and paid ads to get things going. In other words, your investment in this venture will be more than $2K.

3. Not The Best Alternative For Beginners.
There are better ways to start a profitable online business as a complete beginner, without risking that much upfront. 

My top recommended business model helps me make up to $1K per SINGLE sale of a product I don’t even own. No high ticket investments, no ad spend, and no extra software tools are needed.

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