How to Get Organic Traffic for Your Website
This article will show you how to get organic traffic for your website with these 4 PROVEN methods that will work for anybody.
So, you want to get some traffic coming your way but you’re not sure what the correct approach would be for achieving maximum success with that.
The techniques that I’m about to share with you today are extremely easy to implement & are guaranteed to rank your website within the first page of Google and all the other search engines for FREE (because that’s what organic traffic means after all).
Let’s dive straight into it.
It All Starts Here

The best way of getting traffic to your website would be by writing articles such as this one.
Keep in mind that a certain set of rules must be followed in order to get your content acknowledged by Google.
The word count should be at least 800+ because the search engines love posts filled with a lot of information.
They must be written in a fun and engaging way so that your target audience does not get bored when reading it.
Here’s a PRO tip for you.
Try to make an impressive headline with the first few paragraphs being something catchy.
When someone lands on your website, you have about 7 seconds to grab their attention and keep them interested.
The most important thing would be knowing what your target audience wants and actually delivering them exactly that.
If you want to get the attention of fitness maniacs and gym goers, then you should write something that would benefit them.
You could write about the best muscle gaining program that you KNOW it works and the headline can be something like “10 Week Superhuman Muscle Gaining Program”.
That’s just an example here, but hopefully, you get the point. In essence, these gym fanatics would be your target audience thus making the niche
(a segmented market for a specific product or service) that you’ve chosen for your article be within the fitness industry.
This means that you should stick to it and be on point.
The last thing that you want to do is talk about something completely unrelated to the niche you’ve chosen.
Going Social
Social Media plays a big role when it comes to getting ranked on the first page of Google and generating organic traffic.
But which social media websites should you target?
I would say, ALL of them.
If that sounds like too much work, to begin with, you can go ahead and start with Instagram, Pinterest & Twitter.
Keep in mind that building a following definitely does
not happen overnight.
Although there are some tools (most of them are paid) out there that help you generate a lot of followers on platforms such as Instagram, I would recommend that you stick to building a natural audience.
This may take more time, but the people who follow you will be dedicated and loyal fans of your work and most of them will be eager to see your every new post.
That WILL lead to a lot more engagement in the long run and after all that SHOULD be your main priority.
Each time someone shares your content within any social media, Google will reward that with better rankings.
Here’s another PRO tip for you.
The follow for follow approach does not work for Instagram anymore.
You can still use it with Pinterest though.
Building Authority Within Your Niche

As you build a following you are turning yourself into a respected authority within your chosen niche.
The more you post, the more followers you will gain and as your authority grows, so will your google rank.
Be active within social media.
Comment on other posts, engage with comments on your own page.
This is the way to get on the first page of every search engine. Getting comments to your blog posts will also get you up that google ladder.
Implementing Keywords Within Your Content
Keywords are one of the most important factors that will determine whether or not your content will reach first place in Google.
When you implement your keywords within your posts, you are essentially letting Google know what you are going to be talking about.
I have an entire article dedicated to keywords, plus a research tool that you can try for FREE.
You can go ahead and take a look HERE
Be Patient
We currently live in an age where instant gratification is part of our everyday life.
Personally, I like to be rewarded instantly for everything that I do.
Let me make this quite clear for everyone who is like ME.
You will work on your website & odds are that you will not see any immediate rewards.
This is a long term model.
You NEED to be patient because getting organic traffic WILL take time and effort.
Do the work now, get the reward later.
That’s it, simple as that.
I know that many of you may be skeptical (I know that I was), but trust me, the reward is there as long as you KEEP going.
Consistency is key, just like anything else in life.
I will rather be truthful with you from the get-go, rather than leading you on. It’s better to know what to expect in advance.
Maybe you even don’t think that you have what it takes to write articles and posts.
That thought had passed my mind too when I first started doing this.
Keep in mind that it’s easier than you think and with practice, you will get better and better with each post you write.
So, now you have a general idea of what to expect and how to get organic traffic to your website.
We have barely scratched the surface here.
IF you want to know more about Search Engine Optimization, Keywords, Engagement, Content Writing & Where I have learned all that I know, then I encourage you to check out my article ”What Is SEO in Content Writing” below.
Organic traffic means handwork and time consuming. But when you suggesting all platform of social media, then its might helps you to get traffic from there. But I cant imagine how many social media are nowadays. If we focus and put efforts in all social media, do you think we have time to manage our blog?
Maybe you can suggest few platform that are MUST DO, and which platform that we can just ignore?
Social media can be quite time-consuming. It’s true that it can be difficult to focus on a bunch of them at the same time AND keep producing high-quality content on a regular basis. So, I would suggest that you focus on only ONE social media platform to grow and develop. It does not matter which one. The choice is yours. They will all be helpful for your reach and traffic growth.
Your last piece is the most important part: staying patient is paramount when it comes to building organic traffic! This is something that boy oh boy did I learn the hard way, Time creates authority, and if you can combine hard, targeted work with keyword focus and quality-written articles with patience and persistence to succeed, that is the true secret formula.
Everything else helps and can supplement this process. Awesome article!
Building authority is indeed the most important factor for generating organic traffic. As long as you are patient, consistent and provide quality content you are bound to see success.