How To Make 10k A Month With The Amazon Affiliate Program

How would you like to work as an Amazon affiliate and earn a consistent income each and every month? By the time you go through this article, you will know exactly how to make 10k a month with the Amazon affiliate program.

Today we will be covering the top 5 things that you MUST KNOW in order to quit your job and start working for yourself leveraging Amazon and it’s affiliate program.

Person typing on laptop

For those of you that don’t know what that is, well it’s basically you promoting products on Amazon and earning money from that via commissions.

That’s all there is to it, period.

I have an entire article focused on Affiliate Marketing that you should definitely read if there’s anything unclear with this method. You can find it HERE.

This is the best affiliate program if you are a beginner and I will explain why shortly.

Stick to the end of this article as I will be giving away FREE training that will help you live the life you want and deserve. Before that, let’s start with a few facts about Amazon. Did you know that:

question mark on black board

1. They made about 177 Billion Dollars back in 2017 & are now marked as the company with the largest market value at 797 BILLION dollars.

2. Everyone knows about Amazon & more importantly, In Amazon we trust.

3. We all buy from there, some of us even do it out of boredom. We never really stop to think about it that much. Why? Because it’s convenient.

Think about this for a second. Knowing these things, the opportunities become virtually endless.

Did I mention that if someone goes on Amazon through your link, you will get a commission for everything that they decide to buy within the next 24 hours?

Even if it’s got nothing to do with the initial product that you were advertising to them.

Let’s say that you are promoting fitness and health products and someone goes on amazon looking for a pair of dumbells through your website link.

They buy their pro set for 200$ (yes, people buy these kinds of things online and there are some weights that cost even more than that) and are left with that good feeling of self-reward afterwards.

later that day, they decide that a nice pair of ray bans worth +100$ are going to look really great on them after an intensive workout. When that happens, guess what.

You get a commission for the dumbells and the pair of sunglasses as long as the purchase is made within the 24 hour range.

See where im going with this in terms of possibilities for you, the Amazon Affiliate?

Here’s a PRO Hint for you. Around Christmas or even other holidays, this can double or even triple your sales as people tend to go on a shopping spree during that period which is a BIG win in our book.

The customers are happy, therefore we are happy.

buying something online with a credit card

Why Is It Best for Beginners to Start with The Amazon Affiliate Program?

Without taking into account the 3 facts already mentioned above, here’s a bonus tip that will show you why it’s best for a beginner to start affiliate marketing with Amazon.

Amazon Products sell themselves.

You may or may not know this, but getting traffic (visitors) to your website does not necessarily mean that you will generate money. Here’s the thing…

It’s all amazon logoabout converting your traffic into customers and that’s done using a bunch of different ways and tactics.

The great thing here is that this process is basically eliminated BECAUSE you are using Amazon to promote your products thus saving you a lot of time, trial and error along the way.

Everyone knows how credible and amazing Amazon is. Just take your traffic there, sit back and watch how they convert into sales.

Low Commissions, Does it Matter?

Yes, the commissions of Amazon are quite low compared to some other affiliate programs out there. Especially when you consider the fact that Amazon recently lowered their commission rates, even more. This was felt by many Amazon affiliates as their profit margin has just been dropped by half.

Nevertheless, that shouldn’t really stop youamazon logo because from my experience it’s easier (and faster) to sell 100 products from a trusted source like Amazon, rather than selling just a couple from a non trusted and not so reliable source.

We also shouldn’t neglect the fact that nearly EVERYONE shops on Amazon and that all you need to actually make some sales is to get traffic to your website and let Amazon take over.

Brand authority says a lot, especially in the online world.

How To Beat The Competition?

Because Amazon works so well for Affiliates, the competition is real and if you don’t know what you are doing, you can be blown away by all the professionals that have been in the industry for a long time.

If you are going to take something fromcredit card this article it should be this. No one (well almost) was born successful.

They had to earn it through hard work and dedication. Lucky for you, we live in a digital age where all the information that you need is right at your fingertips.

You just need to know where to look.

I’m here to guide you and show you what you would need in order to make a successful business as an Amazon Affiliate (more on that at the end of this article).

There are a couple of ways that you can make that happen. You could either:

1. Build A Dedicated Affiliate Website where you concentrate on a particular niche (fitness & health for example) and you promote products related to that specific niche


2. Build a general site, where you talk about a bunch of different stuff and then you put links for websiteyour Amazon affiliate products that are related to that.

Do you want to know where I learned everything that I know and get two FREE websites? Check out my Number one recommendation HERE.

Get Exposure

Once you’ve built your website, you need to get some exposure and start generating traffic so that people can click on your links. The two main ways to go about is trough:

person typing on laptop with a cup of coffee

1. Writing product reviews, article’s, posts such as this one, etc and get them ranked on Google and the other search engines.


2. You can dive straight up into advertisement.

I would recommend going with the first method especially if you are new to the game because that’s the best way to get traffic for FREE.

Utilizing Google to rank your content can essentially be better for the long term because if you do everything right, once you get on top you tend to stay there.

This means that you would be getting consistent traffic on a regular basis without any prior expenses.

On the other hand, doing ads can be a faster way of earning some money but it won’t last for long and it can end up costing you a lot of money if you don’t know what you are doing.

How to Get The Upper Hand With Amazon and Affiliate Marketing.

As I promised, I am giving you access to one of the best platforms out there that can teach you everything that you would need to know in order to leverage Amazon as an Affiliate Marketing business and you can start generating a consistent income online.

This is where you can get the upper hand and use the knowledge and information that you will gain there to smash your competitors.

You can go ahead and register, completely FREE of charge, you will NOT be asked for your credit card details.

===> Register For This Training Now For FREE & Learn How To Crush Your Amazon Competitors 

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