Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 Review

Welcome to my Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 review. Can you really get unlimited targeted traffic with Igor Kheifets’ new program, or is it just another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This is is a high ticket expensive system, which means that you have to be fully aware of what you’re getting into before you make the buy or not decision.

Otherwise, you might end up disappointed and frustrated. I get that, which is why I’m not going to sugarcoat Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 or the traffic sources that you will be getting access to.

For the sake of full transparency, I want to let you know that this post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission on the links you click at no extra cost to you.

However, don’t expect a thousand low-quality bonuses for joining through my links. I won’t be praising this program like it’s the best thing that ever happened to the internet. 

Instead, I will break down exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerations. Plain and simple.

Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 Review Summary

Product Name: Elite Traffic Pro 2.0

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Traffic Generation Training

Product Owner: Igor Kheifets

Product Price: $997

Overall Score: 65/100

Recommended: Only For Advanced Affiliate Marketers That Don’t Mind Spending Money on Paid Ads

Summary: This is a training program designed to help affiliates generate more leads and sales by giving them unique traffic sources that Igor has personally used to grow his online business.

According to him, this is better than Facebook ads, PPC, and SEO. More specifically, you will learn how to run solo ads using trusted vendors recommended by Igor.

In addition to that, you will get access to a bunch of resources, like done for you landing pages, email marketing swipe files, training on how to use them, and more.

If that sounds like something you’re interested in, take a look at this free training that gives you an inside look at what to expect.

If you’re more of a beginner in the affiliate marketing world, then Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 may not be for you just yet.

This program is created for advanced marketers that want to up their game and scale their online business by learning how to run paid solo ads and convert that traffic into leads and sales using email marketing.

If you prefer to learn how to drive free traffic to your offers, or if you’re a beginner with no prior experience and sales under your belt, then you should check my top recommended training program. It’s the best alternative for beginners on a budget.

What is Elite Traffic Pro 2.0?

It’s an affiliate marketing training program that focuses on solo ads for traffic generation and email marketing for closing sales.

What you need to understand about paid traffic methods, including solo ads, is that you need money to make it work.

You could turn your investment into profits with the first campaign, or you could struggle and lose money for a long time before you actually see a breakthrough. 

In other words, it’s risky. Some people are incredibly successful with solo ads and have mastered that game so well that they’re almost unmatched in terms of results.

Igor Kheifelts is one of those people, and his training program Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 will definitely help you learn a thing or two about running profitable ads. 

As a member of his program, you can increase your chances of success, but as I said, his methods are not for everyone. 

What Exactly Are Solo Ads?

Solo ads are advertisements that people send out to their email lists in exchange for money. Here’s an example. Let’s say that I have an email list of 100K people interested in learning how to make money online.

You, on the other hand, are just starting out in this business, and you have a handful of people on your list.

However, you have an awesome guide that can help people land their first affiliate sale and you’re willing to give it away for free in exchange for people’s emails.

So you come to me with an offer to pay me a bunch of money if I raise awareness about your free guide and send out a quick email to my massive list of 100K people promoting your offer, which in this case is your free guide.

That’s a solo ad.

Is Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 a Scam?

elite traffic pro review legit or not

No, it’s not a scam. Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 is an advanced affiliate marketing program specializing in massive lead generation with solo ads.

The founder of this program, Igor Kheifets, is a seasoned internet marketer with a ton of sales and experience in what he teaches inside his program.

In other words, he’s already seen success with the methods and techniques that he reveals to you inside his Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 course.

That’s what sets this program apart from the many other low-quality cheap systems that promise you a ton of things but rarely deliver on them, such as Commission Bootcamp.

So, even though some people may consider Igor Kheifets’ course to be somewhat expensive, it can definitely help advanced affiliates looking to scale their online business by introducing solo ads into their marketing strategy.

The minimum recommended ad budget is about $300, but you would probably end up spending more than that.

Personally, I’m not a fan of paid traffic generation. I prefer more sustainable, long-term methods like ranking content on Google and the other search engines. With paid ads, you can get faster results, but you could also lose a lot of money.

Once you stop pouring resources into your campaigns, your traffic flow stops as well. With free traffic methods, you can earn passive income online from the work you’ve done months and years back.

If you want to learn how to create a sustainable long-term affiliate marketing business without spending money on ads, you should click below.

What’s Inside Elite Traffic Pro 2.0?

Igor’s program comes with 8 main components. Each one is focused on things you need in order to make money online as an affiliate marketer.

You need to have all of these components up and ready before you can start generating income.

That’s why it’s essential to take your time and go through everything as it is displayed.

If you deviate too much, you run the risk of missing out on key things that you should have, which might decrease your overall chances of success. Here’s exactly what you will be getting inside Elite Traffic Pro 2.0:

60 Second Lead Pages

This part of the program is focused on helping you create high-converting landing pages. 60-second Lead Pages is catered towards individuals that run paid ads online but don’t have the ROI (return on investment) to earn enough and make it worth their while.

Apparently, with a few simple tweaks, you can increase your revenue with no additional traffic flow.

Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 System

This is the main part of Igor’s program. Here, you will learn exactly how to generate more traffic to your offers by following the step-by-step training outlined for you. It’s comprehensive and simple enough to follow.

You will get access to Igor’s private Rolodex of lead banks that you can leverage. These are solo ad vendors that he’s personally worked with.

That way, you will know that you won’t get scammed out of your hard-earned money, and you will tap into high-quality vendors.

Ultimate Lead Page Swipe File

Get approximately 78 landing pages in various niche markets, from hearing aids to supplements, consulting coaching, software, and all sorts of additional physical products. There is a product for every type of marketer inside the Ultimate Lead Page Swipe File.

Pre Flight Lead Page Checklist

Your landing page should be compliant with all regulations so that you don’t get into legal trouble. There is a way to do that without sacrificing your page quality and without reducing your conversion rates.

That’s what the Pre Flight Lead Page Checklist is all about. Make sure to tick all the boxes inside, and you will be 100% compliant without sacrificing your sales rate.

Value Bribe Checklist

There is a fine line between giving away enough to pique your visitors’ interest and giving too much away. Obviously, the latter can be bad for business.

This checklist will ensure that you avoid this scenario from ever happening while increasing your lead conversion rates.

Bootstrap Production Toolkit

Here you will get access to a bunch of free or low-cost tools that can help you create your lead magnet and lead capture page in the most efficient way possible.

These tools are tried and tested, which means that you will be accessing top-notch tools and resources.

Scaling Checklist

This checklist can be your ultimate money savings guide. It can help you decide if an ad campaign is worth keeping, doubling down on, or if you should remove it from the equation immediately.

This can be especially helpful for those with little experience with running paid ad campaigns online.

Does Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 Come With a Refund?

Yes, it does. Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 is sold through the ClickBank marketplace, which means that it automatically comes with a 60-day refund policy.

All products that are sold via that marketplace have the same refund policy that’s guaranteed by ClickBank, not the vendor, which means that if you end up disliking the program, you can get your money back hassle-free, without having to wait around praying that you will be approved for a refund.

What I Like About Elite Traffic Pro 2.0

elite traffic pro review pros vs cons

1. It’s Created By Top Internet Marketer. Igor Kheifets has been around for a long time. He’s mostly known for his solo ads achievements, which is exactly what is being taught inside his program. In other words, you’re in good hands.

2. High-Quality Training.
You will learn the ways of the solo ad and how to run them profitably. At the very least, your chances of success will increase.

3. Decent Refund Policy.
The vendor offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, but you can get a refund within 60 days because Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 is sold through ClickBank.

4. You Can Get Results Fast
. Running solo ads can yield good results fairly quickly compared to other traffic generation methods.

What I Don’t Like About Elite Traffic Pro 2.0

1. It’s Not For Beginner Affiliate Marketers. You will learn some advanced stuff inside, and if you’re a beginner, you could quickly burn through a lot of money spent on ads due to your lack of experience.

2. You Could Lose Money.
As with all paid traffic methods, you run the risk of burning through your budget without making as much as you would have expected.

3. You Need At Least $300 For Solo Ads.
That’s on the low end. In other words, if you spend only the minimum amount on paid ads, your chances of succeeding are significantly reduced.

Is There a Better Alternative?

If you’re interested in learning how to run solo ads as an affiliate marketer, how to increase your revenue with email marketing, and you have a solid budget to do some testing to find out what works best for you, then you can benefit from Elite Traffic Pro 2.0.

However, if you’re just getting started as an affiliate, it’s probably best to explore other alternatives that aren’t as risky or costly.

The great thing about this business model is that you can earn passive income without having to spend thousands of dollars upfront to get things going.

You can turn your hobbies, passions, and interests into a full-time affiliate marketing business online with completely free traffic methods by implementing a proven system that successful internet marketers have been using for a long time now, and they will keep using it for years to come. 

Recently I had my first $1K day, thanks to the work I did over two years ago. That’s the power of passive income online. Learn more below.

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