An Pei’s Digital Agent System Review

Welcome to my Digital Agent System review. Is An Pei a legit marketer that can help you make money online or just another scam artist?

His website, is gaining popularity across the web, but there’s not a lot of real information about his program. 

If you do a Google search on ”Digital Agent System reviews” you can find a bunch of guest posts and websites created with the sole intention to promote this program.

It’s obvious that they are in cahoots with An Pei because they are praising his system like it’s the best thing that ever happened on the internet, without providing any REAL VALUE that you can use in your buy or not decision. 

Here’s what you need to know. This is a very expensive system that can supposedly give you the skills you need to get very well paid jobs in as little as 30 days.

Apparently, you can earn $65K – $120K with a part-time, remote job even if you have no experience or qualifications.

digital agent system review ger rich quick statement

Doesn’t that sound a bit TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? It is, and I will show you why in this review today. By the time you’re done here, you will know EXACTLY what this system is really all about without all the fluff and exaggerations.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Digital Agent System Review Summary

Product Name: Digital Agent System

Product Owner: An Pei

Product Type: Digital Marketing Training

Product Price: $4,997, $997 or 2 Monthly Payments of $597

Overall Score: 30/100

Recommended: No!

Summary: This is an expensive training that can teach you digital marketing skills such as running Google ads, Facebook ads, email marketing, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

The core focus of the Digital Agent System is to help you get an online job, by leveraging the skills that you will learn inside.

It’s also good for those that are interested in starting their own online business.

The general idea behind this system is great, but the problem is that there are no guarantees that anyone will make any money with the Digital Agent System.

Since this is a beginner-focused program, odds are that the majority of those that enroll will end up failing to make a lot of money. 

That’s the case with most info products such as this one. If you aren’t willing to invest a good amount of time in learning, perfecting, and struggling to master your digital marketing skills, then don’t expect to be successful. 

On top of that, you can easily learn a lot of the things being taught inside by watching Youtube videos or looking for FREE resources on Google.

I think that there are other, more suitable, and cost-effective alternatives for beginners that want to learn valuable digital marketing and passive income generation skills, without spending that much money upfront.

What is Digital Agent System?

It’s a training course designed to teach you skills that can land you remote, high paying digital marketing jobs in different sectors.

There is a lot of hype around the Digital Agent System, and it may leave people with the wrong impression that it can be EASY to make money online with An Pei and his program.

All the hype around this course is just marketing at it’s finest. The odds of you being able to land a high paying online job with an annual salary of up to $120K a year, without any prior experience or any valuable skills, within a month of enrolling into the Digital Agent System are slim to none.

If you don’t have any special skills and want to earn some money relatively fast, then take a look at Smart Crowd

Don’t be fooled by the shiny promises of fast and easy money, because you will most likely end up incredibly disappointed. This program is a copycat of another course called Digital Career Blueprint, created by Seth Hymes.

An Pei is an ex-student of this training course, and it seems that he has decided to get into the business of selling online courses, instead of making money online by working high paying online jobs. Which one do you think pays better?

Is Digital Agent System a Scam?

digital agent system review legit or not

I would not classify Digital Agent System as a scam program, but I don’t think that it’s worth the money either.

Here’s the thing. Finding a digital marketing job or starting an online business is definitely worth looking into, however, you can easily learn a ton of VALUABLE skills without having to spend so much money for something that may not even work for you.

It’s important to understand that buying the Digital Agent System, will NOT guarantee you job placement. You will receive training that can teach you digital marketing skills that are in demand right now.

As you can see from the disclaimer on the website, the results of An Pei and those of his most successful students are NOT typical. In other words, you run the risk of losing all your money, without making anything in return.

digital agent system disclaimer

If you are prepared for that, then maybe you can benefit from Digital Agent System. However, there is something else that you need to know. An Pei is good at marketing and by the looks of it, he doesn’t mind paying people to say good things about his program. He has learned everything that he knows about digital marketing from Seth Hymes and his partner, or so he claims.

an pei took seth and matts course on digital marketing called Digital Career Blueprint

The similarity between Seth and An’s course is astounding. They are basically lookalikes of one another, and when I see comments like this on a positive review of Digital Agent System, I can’t help but think that something is not right.

As you can see from the screenshot below, this is a FAKE account that has been created on the 14th of December, for the sole purpose of spreading more positive awareness about An Pei’s program.

The only activity on this account was the positive comment about Career Digitized one day after it was created that included a diss on his competitor and NOTHING else. 

There are many internet marketers that love paying for FAKE reviews and getting people to say how great their training courses are.

An Pei is one of them, which is why I wouldn’t trust anything that I read or watch about him and his training program.

Who Created the Digital Agent System?

An Pei is the founder of the website, and creator of the course that’s promoted inside that website, called Digital Agent System. He is a college dropout that left school and ditched his degree in finance to pursue a path of digital marketing.

Apart from all the paid-for appraisals that An Pei has about his training program, there’s not a lot of REAL info about who he is. 

He is an ex-member of Digital Career Blueprint. That’s where he learned everything about high paying digital marketing jobs, how to acquire the skills to be successful doing them, and how to ensure that he lands those jobs in the first place. This probably makes him somewhat qualified to teach others how to do that.

Given the fact that he did not last long in that industry before he transitioned into the business of selling info products, and courses online, it’s questionable how much you can learn from him, or how successful he really was in the first place before he started to sell online courses.

What’s Inside Digital Agent System?

Inside Digital Agent System you can expect to learn things like WordPress website building, optimization, and more. The training course is divided into 10 modules, labeled as ”weeks”. Here’s a breakdown of everything that you can find inside:

Search Engine Optimization

Build websites using the famous WordPress platform, learn how to optimize them to get organic search rankings on Google, Bing, Yahoo, also known as search engine optimization, and more.

Paid Ads Training

Learn all about Facebook ads, Google ads, and how to build campaigns to attract traffic (web users) to different websites, and pages across the web.

Email Marketing

Learn what email marketing is, how to build a list of subscribers, and how to promote relevant offers that your new audience will love.

Write a Resume & Cover Letter

Get access to a template that you can fill out, adding your own personal details. It can help you with expressing the skills that you have acquired and landing your new digital marketing job.

Your resume needs to be attractive so that it can stand out from all the other applicants, and it should come with a well-crafted cover letter.

Access To Interview Recordings

This can help you get a good understanding of what an interview might look like for you, and allow you to prepare for all the questions that you may get asked.

You will get access to a script of questions and answers so that you can go through them at your own pace. The script includes negotiation techniques to ensure that you get paid exactly what you are worth.

Tips & Tricks on Job Hunting

Learn how to find relevant jobs, in the fastest way possible, and how to effectively apply for the right type of jobs without wasting your time.


The training includes outsourcing techniques that can show you how to get other people to do your jobs so that you can focus on expanding and making more money.

Private Facebook Group

Get access to a group filled with over a thousand members. You can read success stories, share ideas with others, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Regular Zoom Calls

You will get to come together with everyone else inside this program, and interact with the coaches and mentors inside, where they show you valuable things that you can implement for your success.

How Much Does Digital Agent System Cost?

At first glance, the price of Digital Agent is almost $5,000 however that’s just a mere marketing tactic to increase the likelihood of people buying it, once they realize that there is a ”limited 80% discount” reducing the price to $997 or 2 monthly payments of $597.

digital agent system price

The discount is in place to get people to act fast, by implementing FOMO (fear of missing out), but the truth is that the price for this program has never been $5,000. It’s made to look that way.

This practice is known as scarcity marketing. I’ve been exposed to this kind of thing too many times to fall for it and you shouldn’t either. 

Can You Get a Refund on Digital Agent System?

Yes, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee on Digital Agency System, but according to the terms of service, that refund becomes ineligible as soon as you go past 50% of the course’s content.

This is an action-based money-back guarantee, which means that you have to adhere to the following to get your money back:

1. You Have to Watch The Entire Video Content of Week 1 to 3. Furthermore, you need to implement everything that’s being taught inside.

2. You Have to Setup Your Website

3. You Have to Run at Least 1 Facebook Ad Campaign
. Don’t forget to record everything, to provide proof that you have traffic going to your website. Capture all of that using the Facebook pixel.

4. Participate in The Group
. You have to add at least one post, one comment, or one question to another member’s post.

5. You Have to Participate in at Least Two Live Calls & Ask Questions
. Don’t download anything inside the training or you won’t be able to ask for a refund.

Here’s the CATCH. If you end up making even a small amount of money from your efforts, they make decline your refund.

Since you will be running paid ads, you will probably end up making at least some of your money back, which means that in most cases, your refund won’t be granted whatever you do.

Don’t buy this program, unless you are absolutely sure that this is the right decision for you.

What I Like About Digital Agent System

digital agent system review pros vs cons

1.You Get Access to a Private Group. This can be a good chance to connect with people that share the same interests as you and build a network of friends that you can possibly work with in the future.

2. You Can Learn Real Skills
. This can help you with a lot of things moving forward.

What I Don’t Like About Digital Agent System

1. Tricky Refund Policy. The money-back-guarantee is designed in a way that it’s next to impossible to get your money back.

2. Fake Positive Mentions.
They are all over the internet. From blog posts that praise Digital Agent System all the way to FAKE positive comments on Youtube videos related to this system.

3. Too Much Hype
. The sales page of claims that you can easily land a high paying online job in as little as 30 days from joining, and that’s a big overstatement.

4. Too Expensive
. You HAVE to spend money on paid ads, which means that on top of buying the expensive course, there are additional costs that will add up over time, as you progress inside the training.

My Recommendation

If you are a beginner that is just getting started, then you can easily avoid paying a ton of cash and still acquire most of the skills that you can learn inside, for the fraction of the price.

If you are more interested in getting everything that you need to land the perfect digital job that’s high paying, in one place, then paying for that convenience may be worthwhile for you.

Remember that to be successful with this or any other informational course that promises to teach you how to make money online, you WILL HAVE to put in a lot of hard work. Don’t expect to make easy money, because it won’t happen.

If spending $997 upfront for online training is not what you are looking for, then you can check out this cost-effective alternative that can teach you passive income generation online.

Find out how people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that most people neglect and lose out on that opportunity forever. Don’t be most people.

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