Checks On Repeat Review – Scam Or Legit?

Welcome to my Checks On Repeat review. Can you really make money online with this automated system, or is it just another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. The price tag for becoming a member is incredibly high, which means that you may find promoters trying to convince you how great it is without providing any REAL VALUE that you can use in the buy or not decision.

I did a thorough research of Checks On Repat and came to the conclusion that this is an incredibly low-quality offer with huge risks attached to it disguised by promises of a lot of money fast and easy.

This review is pretty critical, so brace yourself to find out what you’re really getting into and why I strongly disapprove of the shady things that go on inside this system.

Checks On Repeat Review Summary

Product Name: Checks On Repeat

Product Owner: Wes

Product Type: High Ticket Affiliate Marketing

Product Price: $3,247 – $21,000+

Overall Score: 15/100

Recommended: No!

Summary: This is a website created to capture its visitors’ emails and siphon them through a sales funnel designed to sell them a very expensive, low-quality, high ticket offer and the opportunity to promote this offer.

Every member will be given access to a done for you website with email marketing swipes, a bunch of additional promo tools, and a ton of low-quality, outdated Private Label Rights (PLR) products that exist for the sake of making the entire system look more professional.

In reality, you will be asked to pay anywhere from $3,247 to over $21,000 for the opportunity to sell one of four available membership packages and enroll others into the program in the same way as the owner of Checks On Repeat is trying to recruit you.

You need to understand that Wess and his website are just the storefront of the ACTUAL program that you will be sold on to.

The founders need people like Wess and you to spend thousands (on top of all membership fees) of your hard-earned money on paid ads online promoting their product while they sit back and keep profiting.

The entire risk falls on members of this program because even if people like Wess fail to produce any results, they’ve already spent a bunch of money on getting into the program.

In my opinion, investing thousands of dollars for the opportunity to promote low-quality PLR products that can be bought for $5 or less is an incredibly unethical way of trying to make money online.

That’s why I think that there are better, cost-effective alternatives for people that don’t feel comfortable spending that much money upfront on low-quality products wrapped in a pretty package.

What Is Checks On Repeat?

It’s a one-page website with one simple goal and that is to get your email. Then you will be sent through a sales funnel that will get you familiar with the product that Wes promotes through his website, Checks On Repeat, called Matt’s Marketing Blueprint

There are so many of these websites out there that it’s hard to keep track of them. Simple System Access and The Prosperity Warrior are just a couple of them.

The one thing they all have in common is the fact that they all funnel you through a series of pages without actually revealing the name of the program they’re promoting. The only way of finding out what it’s called is by scheduling a call with one of the sales representatives.

On the upside, the sales page right before you’re asked to book a call is upfront about the hefty price tag.

checks on repeat cost

That’s a good thing in my opinion as it helps people avoid wasting their time. As you can see from the pricing table, you should expect to spend a lot of moolah if you wan’t to be a part of this program.

Each membership costs way more than the previous one, and there are a bunch of additional admin fees as well.

Is Checks On Repeat a Scam?

No, it’s not a scam. You will get access to a real business opportunity, just not a really good one. Checks On Repeat is legit, but I wouldn’t recommend it as a viable way of generating income online.

The risks far outweigh the earnings potential, and most people that get involved with it will end up losing a lot of money.

checks on repeat plr

As a member of this program, you will be given the rights to resell on a bunch of different outdated PLR info products you can claim as your own and start promoting them alongside everything else that comes along with it.

The business model is legit, and you can make a lot of money promoting other people’s stuff.

However, when you’re asked to pay up to $21,847 for a bunch of low-quality PLR’s and some additional resources that most legit companies give out to their affiliates for free, that’s when it gets way too shady for me.

That’s excluding all the money you will end up spending on running paid ads, which is the main reason why the owners of this program need people like you and Wes in the first place.

If you prefer to avoid risking that much money only to get the chance to promote low-quality products in an unethical way, then you should see this cost-effective alternative below.

What’s Inside Checks On Repeat?

Checks On Repeat promotes a program called Matt’s Marketing Blueprint. Inside that program, you will get access to the following done for you services:

– Pre Built Website
. It will look much like the one Wes and all other promoters use to recruit members.

Lead Generation.
You will be required to spend a bunch of money on a regular basis and let the team behind this program handle all of the setup for you.

– Closing
. You don’t have to close any sales yourself. That’s what the sales team is all about.

The program promotes a done for you (DFY) business in a box type of thing, however, you can’t rely only on the DFY features inside.

If you take a closer look at all other one-page websites that promote Matt’s Marketing Blueprint, you will see that each promoter has their own sales video in place, their own lead magnet, and their own unique twists on the main offer.

All of these things will have to be created by you. In other words, it’s not as ”done for you” as you may be led on to think.

What I like About Checks On Repeat

checks on repeat review pros vs cons

1. Transparency About The Price. Most high-ticket products don’t disclose their price tags until you’re on a sales call with a representative.

2. Some Done For You Features
. You will get access to pre-built sales pages, hosting, domain, and email swipes.

What I Don’t Like About Checks On Repeat

1. Promotes a Low-Quality Program. Checks On Repeat is affiliated with a system that offers hyped-up promises of fast wealth and riches with very little substance.

2. Too Expensive
. Members are asked to pay thousands of dollars and then some on paid ads online. The only way of getting them back or earning more than what they spend is by recruiting others into that same system.

3. You Don’t Learn The Name of The Actual Program You’re Being Sold
. That’s a huge red flag. The founders of that program, Matt and Orlando, are known for their shady digital marketing practices, so it makes sense to hide their flagship program.

4. You’re Asked To Pay a Lot Of Money On PLR’s
. These products cost from $5 to $30 max and can even be found for free in certain places. It makes no sense to buy them for over 300x more than what they’re actually worth.

Is There a Better Alternative?

Affiliate marketing is a great way for beginners to get started with making money online. Most successful entrepreneurs start with this business model. Checks On Repeat does offer people an opportunity to become an affiliate of a high ticket program, but in my opinion, that program is NOT worth investing in. 

Not only are you required to pay a ton of cash upfront, take on all the risks that come with spending money on paid ads, but you will be pushing a low-quality offer with the goal of convincing others that they can make a lot of money by paying thousands upfront first.

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you can get started with very little overhead, and you can still make a lot of money, including by selling high ticket products and services that can ACTUALLY help people.

That’s why I strongly believe that there are far better alternatives that can help you make money online with this business model, without using your hard-earned cash to run paid ad campaigns that may or may not work, and without charging you a hefty 4 to 6 figure upfront fee to unlock the opportunity of helping the founders of this program make more money.

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