Boss Secrets Review

Welcome to my Boss Secrets review.

This is a relatively new product on the WarriorPlus marketplace, that’s created by Cynthia Benitez.

Today you will find out everything about this affiliate marketing training program, including my own intake on things. 

Let me be completely transparent by letting you know up front that I’m not affiliated with Boss Secrets in any way or form.

In this review, I will express my personal opinion of this product in an unbiased way, so that I can focus both on the good and the bad side of this program.

By the time you go through this review, you will know exactly what Boss Secrets is all about so that you can decide if it’s for you or not.

I’ve done the research so you don’t have to.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Boss Secrets Review Summary

Product Name: Boss Secrets

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Program

Product Owner: Cynthia Benitez

Product Price: $11.95 + Upsells

Overall Score: 55/100

Recommended: Not For Everybody!

Summary: Boss Secrets will show you the tactics and techniques that successful affiliate marketers use in their own business. More specifically, this training is focused on what affiliates from WarriorPlus and Jvzoo do to earn money online, Launch Jacking.

The main focus of this method can work really well in some instances, but at the same time, many people consider it unethical.

An affiliate marketer’s job is to recommend products and services to others who might find them helpful and useful.

With Launch Jacking, you basically promote products that are yet to come out for the general public.

Whether or not the actual product is of high or low quality is irrelevant to most Launch Jacking affiliates out there, and they will promote anything for the sake of generating these commissions.

This method has proven to work well for some people, but it’s definitely NOT for everyone, including me, because I don’t believe that this approach really helps people.

This can make Launch Jacking unsustainable, and if you end up promoting too many low-quality products, you risk getting a bad reputation online.

What is Boss Secrets?

Boss Secrets is made up of a bunch of training videos that go straight to the point.

Each of them is about 10 minutes long, and over there, Cynthia shows you the EXACT methods that WarriorPlus and JVzoo affiliates implement to earn their money online.

According to the sales page, Boss Secrets is all high-quality value with no fluff whatsoever, and unlike some of the other training courses out there, this one apparently does not leave out anything in the dark. 

There are many other similar programs, and most of them are of lower quality than this one. Take Big Ticket Commissions as an example of low quality, Done For You affiliate system.

Unlike that one, Boss Secrets is an affiliate marketing training program, focused on a specific method that works right now, called Launch Jacking.

What is Launch Jacking?

This is when you request to become an affiliate of a product or service that is not yet released.

By doing that, you will be one of the first people who will promote it, so there won’t be nearly that much competition.

This can make it really easy to create product videos or blog posts that will rank on Google or Youtube, and get a lot of exposure IF that specific product gets enough people to become interested.

Launch Jacking can work well for both affiliates, and product vendors, but it doesn’t always work out that well for customers.

Why am I saying this?

Let me put it this way. In order to be successful with this method, you would have to promote every upcoming product or service, without being too selective about it.

That’s because, you don’t really know which product is going to become viral, and which one is not going to attract that many people. 

That’s why, you can see a lot of Youtube channels or blog post websites, that do Launch Jacking product reviews, and they are ALWAYS positive.

In many cases, this can be incredibly misleading, and even though it can bring some short term cash, it’s not recommended long term.

Think about it this way. If I recommended a product or service to you that claims to make you wealthy and rich with just a few clicks of a button, would you be interested?

If you are and end up buying it, the first thing that you will realize right away is that you won’t be able to become rich overnight and that you’ve been sold a dream.

The next time that I try to sell you a dream, would you be interested? I don’t think so…

Is Boss Secrets a Scam?

boss secrets review legit or not

No, Boss Secrets is NOT a scam, and people can learn a lot of valuable things inside this training program for such a low price.

There are some upsells involved, but I will focus more on that later on in this review.

Before that, I would like to point out that this training program can be good for people who are already familiar with affiliate marketing, and know how it works. 

You don’t have to be an expert, just being familiar with the concept of this business model is good enough.

With that being said, the sales page can mislead people a bit, because it promises to generate a lot of cash for you fast.

By fast, in this particular case, means anything from a couple of weeks to a month or more.

It’s also NOT some automated done for you system. It will require you to put in some work before you start seeing any profits whatsoever.

Who Created Boss Secrets?

Boss Secrets was created by Cynthia Benitez. She is relatively new to the online world compared to some other more seasoned marketers.

She has been using the very method that’s being taught inside Boss Secrets to earn a full-time income online for a while now.

With this training program, Cynthia is passing on everything that she knows about affiliate marketing with WarriorPlus and JVzoo.

Apart from this, she has created and sold multiple other digital products focused on helping others to make money online such as Commission Seeker and InstaJackpot.

What’s Inside Boss Secrets?

Inside Boss Secrets, you will see 10 training videos. Let’s do a breakdown of each one so that you know what exactly to expect inside this program.

Video #1 – Welcome

This is a short, introductory video that outlines what you will be learning about. Cynthia will do a quick introduction to the method that she is using to generate revenue online, and show you some of her results with it so far.

Video #2 – Walkthrough

In this video, you will be shown everything inside this program, and how to easily navigate inside the member’s dashboard, in order to get the most out of this learning experience.

Video #3 – Trust Building

This is a way to build trust with people so that they can feel safe when buying stuff that you recommend. Building trust with your followers and audience is important.

That’s also part of the reason why I’m not found to Launch Jacking because if you end up promoting low-quality products, you can instantly lose all the trust and credibility that you’ve been building up to this point with your followers. 

Video #4 – List Building

This video outlines the importance of building your email list and will show you how to do that without paying for ads online or spamming your links around social media, which does not work. This is probably the most useful part of the entire training program.

Video #5 – Scarcity Marketing

You will learn how to implement scarcity marketing in your product promotions so that you can increase your conversion and sales rate.

Scarcity marketing is a proven to work strategy that scares people into taking action by letting them think that there is a limit to the product offer.

This kind of marketing tactic can be considered unethical by a lot of people, but at the same time, there are many product owners who take advantage of it.

Video #6 – Pre Launch

This video will show you how to build up hype, around a product that is about to launch, so that you can maximize your affiliate commission earnings.

Video #7 – Landing Pages

In this part of the training series, you will learn all about landing pages, and their importance on how they are directly correlated with the success of affiliate marketers.

Video #8 – Bonus Products

You will learn why you need to offer bonus products for each product that you promote as an affiliate.

That is done so that you can “bribe” potential customers to buy through your affiliate links because that’s the only way that they can get these unique bonuses that you will be offering.

You will learn how to find these bonus products, and how to choose the right ones to add to your offers.

Video #9 – Results

Here you will see the results of what following these steps above can lead to. You will see Cynthia’s success story and more.

Video #10 – Conclusion

This is the final video of the training series and it basically covers everything that was talked about so far and summarizes it in order to give you a more clear view of what actions you need to take in order to successfully implement the strategies being taught inside Boss Secrets.

Other than that, you can expect to get the following bonuses that Cynthia offers each and everyone that joins her training program.

Bonus #1 – Affiliate Marketing Course

These are more training videos on affiliate marketing with Launch Jacking. They come together with Boss Secrets at no extra costs, but you will have to sign up for them in a separate place.

As a reward for signing up, you will get 25 free PLR products that you can use to “bribe” people into signing up for your email list.

If you want free access to thousands of PLR products that you can use as your own, see this here.

Bonus #2 – Build Your List Fast & Free

This is a video guide showing you how to build an email list as fast as possible without paying for exposure or sign-ups.

Bonus #3 – Video Software

This bonus consists of software that can help you create video websites, that are ready to make profits. This software can be useful for a number of reasons, such as making up for lack of content if your website is still new, and fresh.

Bonus #4 – Freebie Page

This bonus will give you access to a page where you can get a hold of over 30 PLR products, software, and other tools for free. Here, Cynthia will reveal to you a lot of useful resources that can help you along in your affiliate marketing journey.

Boss Secrets Price, Upsells & Refunds

Boss Secrets comes with a small price tag of $11.95 (one-time fee). There is a bunch of upsells along the way. They’re not mandatory but can be helpful. Let’s do a breakdown of all the upsells inside this affiliate marketing program now.

Upsell #1 – Boss Secrets Advance ($27)

This upsell will show you even more advanced strategies that you can implement, to increase your overall potential earnings.

Upsell #2 – Boss Secrets DFY ($47)

With this upsell, you will get access to done for you landing pages on a weekly basis. This can give you the chance to save some time in building them yourself.

However, the downside of this is that you can end up using the same landing pages as many other members of Boss Secrets. 

Upsell #3 – Boss Secrets Reseller Rights ($67)

This one will give you full access to the reseller rights of Boss Secrets. In other words, you can take this product and sell it online as your own, keeping 100% of the commission on this product and all the upsells as well.

Upsell #4 – Coaching ($197)

This is where Cynthia offers to be your personal coach for a month. You will be able to have direct access to her and get help along the way with anything related to making money online.

As for a refund, you are entitled to one as long as it’s within 30 days of making the initial purchase.

There’s nothing mentioned about getting a refund on any of the upsells. Unless it specifically says that you can ask for one, it’s safe to assume that there’s no refund on the upsells.

What I Like About Boss Secrets

boss secrets review pros vs cons

1. It’s Not Expensive. The price tag of Boss Secrets is not that big, and it can be well worth the investment if you’re into launch jacking, and promoting all kinds of products and services.

2. It’s High Quality
. The training inside can definitely teach beginners a lot of things that they didn’t know before.

Even if you can find some of the info online for free, it’s still very convenient to have everything that you need to start in one place, without any fluff.

3. The training is Straight To The Point. There is no beating around the bush when it comes to Boss Secrets. Cynthia dives straight into things, from lesson one.

Altogether, there’s about an hour’s worth of watch time, but it’s enough. As I said, there is no fluff, so you won’t waste a lot of time in nonsense talk, and getting pitched to buy something else.

What I Don’t Like About Boss Secrets

1. Upsells. You don’t really get to learn about these upsells until you become a paying member of Boss Secrets.

Even if they aren’t really mandatory for your success with this training program, I simply don’t like upsells. Hey, maybe it’s just me…

2. This Method is Not For Everyone. The training is focused on one specific part of affiliate marketing that gets you to promote products and services that are yet to come out, without really considering if they are of any real use to people or not.

In my opinion, that’s not ethical affiliate marketing. If the product or service you’re promoting is trash, then don’t expect to get any recurring commission payments, and don’t expect to maintain a loyal following.

If you don’t do it right, you run the risk of ruining your online reputation from the start. Once ruined, it can be really difficult to get it back.

Do I Recommend Boss Secrets?

Not really and here’s why. The training itself is of high quality, and the price tag is really cheap.

My problem is with the methods being taught inside, and even though there are people who have managed to earn a decent amount of money online with Launch Jacking, if not done right, it can do more harm than good.

With that being said, I do believe that an affiliate marketer should only promote products and services that they believe in, and know that can help other’s achieve their goals. 

There is a way do ACTUALLY help people online, build a solid following, and create a sustainable passive income stream.

If that sounds interesting then you should check out how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many neglect and lose out on that opportunity forever.

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