BNB Success Academy Review

Welcome to my BNB Success Academy review. Can you really have a brand-new income stream in no more than 14 days with the help of Fraser Mackie & Arthur Diulgerian, or is this another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This is presented as a beginner-friendly opportunity to capitalize on the Airbnb market WITHOUT having to own or lease a property.

If you need more semi-passive income in your life, you can start by imagining a dozen properties feeding you income every single month like clockwork.

BNB Success Academy optin page

You don’t need to spend a ton of money to get started. The sales video presents BNB Success Academy as this simple “brain-dead” way to automate your income in 48 hours.

In other words, it sounds and looks WAY easier than it actually is, which can mislead people into thinking this is a sure deal.

It’s not.

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into, without any hype or exaggerated income claims.

Ready? Let’s get started…

BNB Success Academy Review Summary

Product Name: BNB Success Academy

Product Owners: Fraser Mackie & Arthur Diulgerian

Product Type: AirBNB Short-Term Rentals Course

Product Price: $3K+ (Presumably)

Overall Score: 60/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone

Summary: BNB Success Academy was created for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to earn income, regardless of their location, experience, and knowledge.

It’s marketed as this very easy business model that does not take a lot of time and could potentially help you generate a lot of money.

Fraser & Arthur have a portfolio of over 87 properties, and they share exactly how they did it. While it may be easy for them to make money with this business model now, that does not mean that you can simply enroll and start banking.

On the contrary, you will have to put in a lot of hard work and dedication to learning the business model, mastering the ins and outs of negotiating deals, finding good properties, getting clients, etc.

Even then, there’s a REAL chance that you will NOT make good money. In other words, do not invest in this unless you’re willing to risk losing what you put into this business.

If you prefer a cost-effective alternative, see my top recommended training program below.

What is BNB Success Academy?

Fraser Mackie

BNB Success Academy is a training program that will supposedly teach you how to get your first property listed and rented in 14 days or less. 

The training content is aimed at beginners with no business experience, which means that you will start learning from the very basics.

This includes getting started on Airbnb, setting up an account, listing properties, and understanding the platform to its fullest.

You will learn strategies to acquire properties without owning them via rental arbitrage and other deals with property owners. 

Due to the increasingly large competition, you will need a way to stand out from all the rest. This can be done by optimizing your listings, using high-quality pictures, writing captivating descriptions, and listing competitive prices.

Providing a good guest experience is at the core of this business model. It’s what will lead to more clients and more money.

You would also have to think about the legal aspects of running an Airbnb business, including local laws, taxes, and insurance. 

Finally, Fraser and Arthur can teach you how to scale your business and rent even more properties.

Is BNB Success Academy a Scam?

BNB Success Academy review legit or not

BNB Success Academy is NOT a scam. It’s a legit training program with a hyped-up video sales letter that oversimplifies the entire business model.

This can lead to disappointment from a lot of people when they find out that things are not as easy as they seem. 

As with any legitimate business model, online or offline, hard work, dedication, time, and money will be needed to even get the chance of succeeding.

Nothing is guaranteed, which is why you should approach this opportunity with the correct mindset.

If you’re willing to invest potentially thousands of dollars to get started, and you’re fine with the risk of losing them to get the chance of achieving financial freedom, then this program may be for you.

If you prefer to avoid high-risk investments, see this alternative below.

The Simple System I’m Using to Make Money Online

How Much Does BNB Success Academy Cost?

BNB Success Academy does NOT disclose its price tag. You have to schedule a call with one of the representatives of the program.

With a similar pricing structure, the cost usually fluctuates and is personalized for each individual who decides to enroll. A safe guess of the cost of the product would be $3K or more.

Can You Get a Refund?

There are NO refunds available. However, you are encouraged to contact the support team if you feel dissatisfied with the program.

Maybe they will try to work things out with you and give you the extra boost you need. Or you might not get a response at all.

What I Like About BNB Success Academy

BNB Success Academy

1. They Utilize Remote Hosting. You don’t have to visit the properties yourself. You can do this 100% remotely from anywhere in the world. Even if your clients get locked out accidentally. Co-hosting allows you to appoint someone who will do all of that for you.

2. Private Facebook Group.
This allows you to network with other members, help each other out, and get to know your competition.

3. Comprehensive Training.
It covers various aspects of deals, negotiation, and overcoming lender objections.

What I Don’t Like About BNB Success Academy

1. It’s a Highly Competitive Industry. You will be competing with veterans that have been doing this for years.

2. Negative Reviews Can Ruin Your Business.
People read reviews from other people, which is why it’s essential to make sure your guests are satisfied with their housing.

3. Not The Best Alternative For Beginners. To learn this business and become good at it, you will need to develop a set of skills such as strategic planning, financial management, property acquisition, legal compliance, communication, problem-solving, marketing and sales, networking, building relationships, community engagement, analytical skills, and adaptability to name a few.

These are all learnable skills that can be obtained through practice and implementation, but it will take a lot of time.

Not everyone is cut out for this, which is why you should determine for yourself if this venture is worth pursuing, or not.

As an alternative, you can see my favorite business model on the next page. It will show you the exact system I’m using to bank up to $1K per SINGLE sale using other people’s products and services. On automation. No direct selling is needed.

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