Billionaire Creator Academy Review

Welcome to my Billionaire Creator Academy review. Can you really have 100% success with this real estate program, or is this another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This is a high-ticket collection of different courses that focus on helping beginners get started in the industry.

The sales video talks about making money fast. You’re guaranteed results or you will be paid $2,500. “So what do you have to lose?” Mercedes Kelly asks.

Considering that, the cheapest course inside Billionaire Creator Academy costs $4,999, you stand to lose at least $2,499. Not so risk-free, is it?

Read on.

Billionaire Creator Academy Review

Product Name: Billionaire Creator Academy 

Product Name: Mercedes Kelly

Product Type: Real Estate Investing

Product Price: $4,999 – $9,999

Overall Score: 45/100

Recommended: Not Really

Summary: This is a beginner’s real estate investing program by a supposed expert in the industry. The short video presentation by Mercedes Kelly could make you think you can make a lot of money fast.

She talks about outdated methods that don’t work anymore and flashes a couple of $50K checks to prove her methods work. You’re even guaranteed success.

And if you try and fail, you will get paid $2,5K. Don’t be greedy guys. Think about it. If you spend $5K – $10K on a training program, invest a few thousand on promotions to get people noticing you, and still fail, you will lose a lot of money.

My advice is to invest ONLY if you’re willing to risk losing that much cash. If not, you should see this cost-effective alternative below and find out why it’s my favorite business model.

What is Billionaire Creator Academy?

It’s an informational program with two courses and one done-for-you service. Fast Track Investing will get you up and running with assistants that will help you with some of the work.

Fast Track Airbnb will teach you how to leverage Airbnb and rent out properties you do not own for a profit. The done-for-you service is the most expensive package you can buy from Billionaire Creator Academy. It supposedly takes care of all the hard work for you.

There’s not a lot of detail as to what exactly are you going to be learning in this program. How are you going to be generating leads? By running paid ads? Using free listing platforms? 

Do you get any scripts to secure more sales? 

Is Billionaire Creator Academy a Scam?

Billionaire Creator Academy is NOT a scam. It looks like the founder of this coaching program, Mercedes Kelly, has experience with real estate and house flipping.

According to her Instagram, she flipped over a thousand houses and helped over 20 people to become successful in this industry.

This is a business venture, and NOTHING is guaranteed. Apart from the hefty price tag to access the training content, you will have to spend even more money on promotions to get people’s attention.

The potential is real, but the risks are huge as well. That’s why I think that there are better, cost-effective alternatives for beginners that want to make a ton of money online.

Compare Real Estate With This Crazy Business Model

How Much Does Billionaire Creator Academy Cost?

Billionaire Creator Academy costs $4,999 for Fast Track Investing, $9,999 for DFY Business Build, and $4,999 for Fast Track Airbnb. With the DFY program, you get one on one coaching with Mercedes Kelly.

Can You Get a Refund?

It looks like there are no refunds.

What I Like About Billionaire Creator Academy

1. Legit Business Model. There are people making a lot of money with real estate and flipping houses. It will take a lot of time and effort to make this work, but it’s entirely possible and achievable.

2. Mercedes Kelly is Successful. It seems like she knows what she’s talking about when it comes to this industry. Then again, why invest time and energy in creating a very expensive educational course?

What I Don’t Like About Billionaire Creator Academy

1. It’s Very Expensive. The high ticket course price can make this venture very risky. You should be prepared to spend a lot on promotions and getting people to notice you.

2. You Need Great Sales Skills. Being able to present yourself and your offer in an effective way is essential for your success.

3. Not For Beginners.
You can easily end up wasting a lot of money without getting any of them back. The sales video makes this opportunity seem way easier than it actually is. That’s why I think that there are better ways to start a highly profitable online business.

On the next page, you will see the four-step system I’m using to bank up to $1K per SINGLE sale. On automation. Using other people’s products and services. They handle all the selling. On top of recurring monthly revenue.

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