Auto Traffix Pro Review

Welcome to my Auto Traffix Pro Review. Can you really start generating commissions on autopilot with this software and put all your struggles at ease?

According to its sales page, this program can benefit Affiliate Marketers of all levels, and help them automate the process of making money online by generating instant product reviews in 60 seconds.

If you’ve ever done any product reviews, you know that it can be time-consuming, and making sure that you do all the necessary steps to have a great review that will help people takes effort. 

Within the next few minutes, you will know everything about this software, including some things that may get you to reconsider getting involved with it in the first place.

Let me be completely transparent.

It’s important to note that Auto Traffix Pro has an Affiliate Program in place, that pays people when they promote this product. That’s why you can see all these reviews out there saying how great, and game-changing this product is.

Unlike them, this one is not trying to push a product for the sake of generating commissions. After you’re done here, you will be equipped with the knowledge that will help you make an educated decision, and decide if this is the right software for you or not.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Auto Traffix Pro Review Summary

Product Name: Auto Traffix Pro

Product Creators: Jason Fulton & Mosh Bari

Price: $19.95 – $22 + Upsells

Recommended: No!

Overall Score:16/100

Summary: Auto Traffix Pro is an all in one software for list building, generating viral traffic, and automating your commissions. Softwares and tools such as this one are not new.

They’ve been around for some time now, and all they do is rewrite content that’s been pulled out of Google, and the other search engines, and makes it unique by adding words and phrases from various different sources.

This kind of content creation does not lead to good user experience, and anyone that stumbles upon a poorly written product review will not take any form of action towards landing your commissions. Google knows when you’re trying to game the system, and does not respond well to that.

This leaves out any form of SEO, which is probably the BIGGEST source of organic, laser targeted traffic (visitors). What’s left then?

Well, according to Auto Traffix Pro, you will get access to 32+ social media channels that you can tap into for massive free traffic on complete automation. The truth is that it’s not going to be as easy to start making money online as they make it look.

Even with all the automation tools, and resources out there, there will be moments where you will have to put in some real effort towards achieving your goals. Any experienced Affiliate Marketers knows this, only those getting started can be misled by exaggerated claims such as the ones we see at Auto Traffic Pro. 

Quick Navigation

Auto Traffix Pro Review SummaryWhat’s Inside Auto Traffix Pro?
What Is Auto Traffix Pro?Auto Traffix Pro Price, Upsells & Refunds
Is Auto Traffix Pro a Scam?Auto Traffix Pro Pros & Cons
Who Created Auto Traffix Pro?My Recommendation

What is Auto Traffix Pro?

Auto Traffix Pro is a software created by Jason Fulton & Mosh Bari. It automates the process of creating review pages filled with affiliate offers.

Apparently, it’s extremely newbie-friendly, and you won’t be needing a website, hosting, or any tech skills. All you have to do is plug and play. I’ve personally reviewed many similar automated software products, and none of them live up to their hype.

Take a look at my CB Profit Sites review, where you will see that there are many similarities between this product and Auto Traffix Pro. If you’re a beginner it can be extremely easy to get lured into buying the software after going through their sales page.

They obviously know this, that’s why on numerous occasions they mention how EASY, and newbie-friendly this software is. Something important that’s worth mentioning is that after you buy into the software, you will be thrown a bunch of expensive upsells that compliment the main product really well, which will make you compelled to buy them as well.

You need to be really careful with that, which is way further along in this review, we will discussing each of the upsells in detail.

Is Auto Traffix Pro a Scam?

auto traffix pro review is this just a big scam?
Auto Traffix Pro is NOT a scam, and here’s why. Even though they exaggerate a lot on their sales page, they will deliver on their promises, and you will get software that can “simplify” the process of making money online with affiliate marketing.

The tactics that they’re using to generate more sales, and get people to buy the software are a bit shady and make the whole process seem way easier than it actually is. Think about it, if it was THAT easy, everyone would be doing it, and this product would have had millions of sales already. It doesn’t.

Who Created Auto Traffix Pro?

Jason Fulton and Mosh Bari are serial digital product creators with numerous products that are out there right now such as TraffixZ and Digital Online Academy. All of their products have something similar in common, which is that they offer one form of automation or another. 

What’s Inside Auto Traffix Pro?

This is everything that you will get inside Auto Traffix Pro:

1. Converts Reviews Into Promotions. The software can find reviews that are already out there, and turn them into affiliate reviews with your links inside. It’s all done in about 60 seconds.

2. Unlimited Campaigns & Offers. You can create an unlimited amount of campaigns and affiliate offers with Auto Traffix Pro. 

3. No Website or Hosting Needed. They got you covered on that part. All of the reviews and campaigns will be running on their own servers, which means that you won’t have to pay for hosting or a domain name. 

4. Cloud-Based App. Their software app is cloud-based, and it generates reviews on autopilot.

5. Build In Search Tool. There’s a search bar within Auto Traffix Pro, that’s integrated with ClickBank and other affiliate networks. You can leverage these networks to generate product reviews using automated software.

6. Automatically Adds Everything. From images, videos, graphics, call to actions, and all sorts of visuals that you will need to help your traffic convert into sales. The software does all of that for you.

7. Set it & Forget It. You can control when your reviews go live, using a 1 click to share built-in system.

8. Automatic Updates. You will get automatic content and software updates that will be implemented instantly every time when a new update goes live.

Alongside all of that, you will get a bunch of bonuses. They come along for free with Auto Traffix Pro, and they are as follows:

Bonus #1 – VIP Facebook Community & Coaching. This is a private Facebook group that lets you network with other members of this software. Over there you will get access to top-notch Affiliates with some experience under their belt. This can give you a good opportunity to learn from them, and get some pointers on how to do everything right.

Bonus #2 – Case Study From $0 to $1469.95. This is an over the shoulder case of how Mosh uses the software and walks you through one of the successful campaigns that generated him that much amount. With this, you can see how it all works behind the scenes.

Auto Traffix Pro Price, Upsells & Refunds

The software comes with a price tag of $19.95 for the LITE version and $22 for the PREMIUM one. As I mentioned earlier, there are lot’s of upsells that come along with Auto Traffix Pro, and they are all listed below:

Upsell #1– Auto Traffix Pro Ultimate DFY ($97). This upsell will come along when you buy the main product, and it compliments it really well. You can get 20 upcoming live campaigns to promote, and +10 of their HOT promotional offers.

In other words, the only way for you to stand out (a bit) from everyone else that is going to be using the same campaigns as you, is to get this upsell, which will give you access to 20 campaigns that are not yet released, and those who have this upsell can use them.

Upsell #2 – Auto Traffix Pro Commission Jacker ($67). This upsell can allow you to turn the software into an all in one website + video system. It’s going to be turning other people’s websites into a revenue-generating machine for you. It’s all legal.

Upsell #3 – Auto Traffix Pro $1K Paydays ($197). This upsell is going to show your customers how to use the software to make money, and when they end up buying it, you will get rewarded via commissions. 

Upsell #4 – Auto Traffix Pro Non-Stop Traffic ($77). This one is going to reveal an overlooked strategy that most people ignore and show you how to tap into that to increase your traffic and sales rate.

 It’s a lead generation system that is made to capture people’s emails, and add them onto a list, to which you can then promote your affiliate offers. You will learn how to get people to promote your affiliate links, and earn commissions from that. 

Upsell #5 – License Rights ($197). Here, you can promote Auto Traffix Pro and earn all of the profits. You will be selling this product as your own, and the guys behind it will be taking care of all the support that people are going to need along the way. All you have to do is distribute the product around.

There is a 30-day money-back refund policy, however, it’s important to note that this guarantee is for the main product ONLY. It does not apply to any of the upsells listed above. In other words, if you buy any of them, there is no going back on your decision, so you should definitely keep that in mind.

What I Like About Auto Traffix Pro

auto traffix pro review pros vs cons
1. There are No Hosting Fees.
 Having your own domain, and hosting providers are taken of the equation of a successful affiliate marketing business with Auto Traffix Pro.

2. It Can Take Some of The Load. This software can save you some work such as creating your own campaigns, and it automates a bunch of things.

3. Refund Policy. They have a solid 30-day money back policy that you can take advantage of if you want.

What I Don’t Like About Auto Traffix Pro

1. Too Hyped Up. The sales pages can leave people with the wrong impression, that it’s going to be extremely easy to start making commissions with Auto Traffix Pro when the reality is a bit different. Many people can end up disappointed when they realize that they’ve been pitched a dream more than anything else.

2. It’s Expensive.
The main product is not expensive, yes and there’s a good reason for that. All of the additional products, tools, and services that will pop up as you dive deeper into the platform are not mandatory, but basically extremely useful. If you want to take full advantage of Auto Traffix Pro and it’s features, you will end up spending more than $655 in total for everything that this product has to offer.

3. You Will Have Zero Search Engine Traffic.
Organic traffic from search engines is the purest, and most powerful form of free traffic out there. With this automated review content creation software, you have absolutely no chance of getting any traffic from the search engines. This leaves out a lot of potential for revenue. By sacrificing the work it takes to make a decent, and helpful review, you will be leaving out all of that potential traffic, that you can generate for your affiliate promotions.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is that you do not waste your time, on automated software such as Auto Traffix Pro. In the best-case scenario, this software can land you some short term revenue, but you will be missing out on a lot of monetization opportunities if you decide to rely on automation software.

The sales page can seem very lucrative to newbies, and in some cases, too good to miss out on. This leads to a lot of frustration with some people when they realize that they will still have to put in some decent amount of work if they want to be successful with affiliate marketing.

You can learn all about generating free organic traffic by leveraging search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

By tapping into that source of high-quality organic traffic, you can expect to have much bigger attention from people who are interested in what you have to offer in terms of affiliate products.

If that sounds interesting, then you can check out how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective 4 step blueprint that so many tend to neglect and lose out because of that.

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