Attraction Marketing Formula Review – Is Ferny Ceballos’ Guide Legit?

Welcome to my Attraction Marketing Formula review. Can you really attract a massive influx of new prospects and potentially grow your team exponentially, or is it another scam to avoid

Here’s what you need to know.

This product is part of the Attraction Marketing brand, formerly known as Elite Marketing Pro. It comes in the form of an eBook or, as they call it, the Leader’s Playbook.

If you’re an aspiring network marketer or someone who is already involved in the industry and you’re looking to grow your team, this product is made for you.

When you become a client, you automatically become their affiliate. You’re given your own special link and the opportunity to earn money for promoting the product to others.

When you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated income claims.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Attraction Marketing Formula Review Summary

Product Name: Attraction Marketing Formula

Product Owner: Ferny Ceballos

Product Type: Multi-Level Marketing Guide

Product Price: $27

Overall Score: 65/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone

Summary: This is an eBook with video training lessons and over a hundred pages of tactics, methods, and ways to increase your downline and grow your team using social media and omnipresence.

More specifically, you will learn how to leverage these channels to drive traffic, leads, and sales. This guide is suited for beginners looking to get into the industry or for people who are already in the trenches but are not where they want to be yet financially.

The sales page can leave people thinking that, once they learn the secrets inside this eBook guide, they will start getting hot leads that will turn into clients effortlessly.

You can see testimonials from other happy customers, but you won’t hear from all the people who invested in this, poured even more money into the business, and had nothing to show for it.

Expect to be presented with numerous upsells and additional products you can purchase to expedite your journey. I think that this is one of the hardest business models to get into.

Especially if you don’t have any prior experience with selling or making money online.

That’s why I think that there is a better alternative for beginners looking to start a profitable online business.

What is Attraction Marketing Formula?

attraction marketing formula

Attraction Marketing Formula is a 188-page guide to automating your lead generation and recruiting efforts.

You will also get access to a 3 module video training program that will show you how to use social media to create an audience, attract the right leads, and potentially convert them into paying customers and part of your team.

As a bonus, you will get access to a single one-on-one coaching call with one of the experts inside Attraction Marketing, a 4 Step Digital Enrollment System, and a few interviews with Ferny Ceballos’ most successful students.

If you’re a fan of podcasts, you will probably like this next part. For all members, Ferny has introduced a series of podcasts where he teaches people essential skills needed to succeed in the MLM industry.

You can also become part of their private Facebook group. Over there, other members share ideas, connect, and help each other grow together.

Is Attraction Marketing Formula a Scam?

attraction marketing formula review legit or not

Attraction Marketing Formula is not a scam. It’s a legit product and a guide that can help beginners explore new strategies for traffic generation on social media.

The sales page may be overhyped and somewhat unrealistic in terms of expectations, but at least you’re not asked to spend thousands of dollars on this.

On the contrary, this is a relatively inexpensive guide that can benefit a lot of beginners who prefer to get their information in a structured way.

This eBook can give you a good understanding of what’s expected from you to create a successful business in the network marketing space.

You will need leadership and communication skills. You have to always keep your team in check and make sure that they keep working.

In other words, you need to know how to sell, attract, inspire, and mentor large groups of people.

This is definitely not for everyone.

If you prefer to avoid this learning cure, see this alternative below and find out why it’s my favorite business model.

Next: The Simple System I’m Using

How Much Does Attraction Marketing Formula Cost?

Attraction Marketing Formula costs a one-time fee of $27. That’s for the guide, video lessons, and everything else mentioned so far.

At the checkout page, you have the option of upgrading your purchase and buying additional products, such as the Social Retail Blueprint for an additional $37 and Reels for Real Networkers Workshop for an extra $37.

Can You Get a Refund?

Yes. You can get a refund if the product you got from Attraction Marketing Formula is less than $97. These are called front-end products. You can get a full refund within 30 days of your purchase with no questions asked.

What Clients Say About Attraction Marketing Formula?

Their sales page is filled with satisfied and happy customers. They’re not necessarily direct customers of this particular guide but clients of the Attraction Marketing brand.

Whit & Cari Higham went from struggling network marketers to becoming the number one enrollers in their group

Thanks to the Attraction Marketing Formula, Jessica Davis and her team went from struggling to $6.8M in sales volume. In 13 months.

Misha Wilson went from being $10K in debt to building an 8 figure direct sales company thanks to the mentorship of Ferny Ceballos and his products.

These are all success stories from the Attraction Marketing Formula landing page. On platforms like the BBB, you can see complaints from REAL members.

BBB Attraction Marketing Formula complaint

This member said that she was told that she could start making money within one month of joining one of the expensive mentorships that are part of the AM product line.

The upsell was $6,500. She was offered the option to apply for credit to cover these expenses. Four months into the program, she is yet to make any sales.

bbb am complaints

Another member said that they were asked to pay an additional $23K to unlock further coaching. That’s after investing $6,500.

As you can see, you can end up spending way more than $27 for their services.

What I Like About Attraction Marketing Formula

attraction marketing formula review pros vs cons

1. The Guide is Comprehensive. It does not use complex terms that can give you a headache. The entire content is presented in an easy-to-digest way.

2. You Get Video and Text-Based Training. This gives you multiple ways of getting the information you need.

3. You Can Get Your Money Back. You can get a full refund for this product.

4. Ferny Ceballos is Very Successful. He knows how to make money online and how to be a great marketer.

What I Don’t Like About Attraction Marketing Formula

1. This is Just a Front End Product. You will get showered with multiple upsells, coaching programs, and products that cost way more than that.

2. You Can End Up Spending a Lot of Money. All the sales funnels, pages, and experts inside will keep encouraging you to invest more and more money. If you’re not careful, you can end up wasting thousands of dollars.

3. It’s Hyped Up. The sales page presents this opportunity if there’s almost no chance to fail. On the contrary, most people who are involved in MLMs end up failing. Regardless of the quality of training courses they’ve bought in the past, or the amount of money, they’ve spent.

4. Not The Best Alternative For Beginners. I think that this is not the best way for a beginner to start a profitable online business.

On the next page, I will show you the simple system I’m using to bank up to $1K per SINGLE sale using other people’s products and services with ZERO direct selling without risking thousands of dollars.

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