Sarah Mae Ives Reviews – Is The No Fluff Business Mentorship Legit?

Welcome to my Sarah Mae Ives review. She has a program called No Fluff Business Mentorship that claims it can help you start making anywhere from $10K to $30K per month as a complete beginner with no experience in making money online.

Sarah did this in a very saturated market, and her profit margins can go up to 50%. Now she can teach you how to do it too.

What’s the business model? It’s running Facebook and Instagram ads for clients. Her target audience is women looking to start an online business.

She has a YouTube channel where she uploads videos regularly and a few free training videos that are anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes, where she pitches her flagship training course to aspiring women entrepreneurs.

Sarah Mae Ives Review Summary

Product Name: No Fluff Business

Product Owner: Sarah Mae Ives

Product Type: Advertising Agency

Product Price: $6,400

Overall Score: 60/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone

Summary: This is a comprehensive training program with video lessons, a group of people you can network with, coaching, and accountability. You will learn how to run Facebook and Instagram ads for clients, where to find them, and how to implement paid and free traffic generation strategies for client acquisition.

The course comes with a steep price tag and you will have to spend even more on getting clients. Otherwise, you can waste a lot of hours trying to get free exposure online.

You should not dive into this unless you’re willing to risk losing thousands of dollars. Despite all the positive reviews of Sarah Mae Ives and her No Fluff Business, most people who get involved with this or any other online business end up failing.

If you prefer to avoid risking that much money upfront, see this cost-effective alternative below and find out why it’s my favorite training program for beginners.

Who is Sarah Mae Ives?

Sarah Mae Ives

Sarah Mae Ives is a successful business owner, coach, mentor, and course owner. She ditched her 9-5 in 2017 after FINALLY uncovering what it takes to create a profitable online business. She spent years trying and failing to create success in her ventures.

That’s until she switched from selling coaching services in the health industry to creating an ads agency and running paid ads for clients.

Now, she sells her coaching services and training programs to women entrepreneurs looking to start an online business.

What Does Sarah Mae Ives Teach?

Sarah Mae Ives can teach you how to run paid ads on Facebook and Instagram, where to find leads for your new business, how to attract them, how to create an irresistible offer, how to approach potential clients, etc.

Your main goal will be to convince business owners that they will get a good return on investment (ROI) when working with you. This will require developing sales, negotiation, and objection-handling skills.

This is a very high-pressure business. Most of the time, you will have to think quickly and on the spot.

Dealing with rejection is going to be in your day-to-day activities. Expect a lot of it. Some people can book dozens of calls and not get a single client.

Waste of time or experience gained? It’s up to you to decide.

Is Sarah Mae Ives Legit?

Sarah Mae Ives review legit or not

Sarah Mae Ives is a legit business owner with a lot of experience in internet marketing. She knows how to create a good online image and how to brand herself and her products.

That’s exactly what you will learn with Sarah.

However, she may present the agency business model as something way easier than it is. As a marketer, Sarah can make this opportunity look like a sure deal.

In reality, most people who try to make it work will end up losing a lot of money and ultimately giving up.

That’s why there are a lot of risks associated with her program and business model. If you prefer to avoid risking thousands of dollars upfront, see this alternative below.

See This: The Simple System I’m Using to Make Money Online

How Much Does Sarah Mae Ive’s Mentorship Cost?

Sarah Mae Ives has a coaching program called No Fluff Business. It’s a mentorship program that sells for $6,400.

You can’t see the price tag anywhere on her websites or sales videos. The only way to learn about the costs is by scheduling a call with one of their representatives.

Oftentimes, they will offer a discount of $1,000 if you make the buying decision on the spot.

That’s an incentive to get you to act quickly.

What I Like About Sarah Mae Ive

Sarah Mae Ives review pros vs cons

1. She is The Real Deal. Sarah knows how to make money online and she can help others do the same.

2. A Lot of Positive Customer Reviews. However, some users suggest that these reviews were fabricated.

3. You Can Pay in Multiple Installments. If you can’t invest the full sum of money, you can opt in for a split payment option.

What I Don’t Like About Sarah Mae Ive

1. They Deny Refunds. Sarah and her team deny most of the refund requests. Assume that you won’t be able to get your money back either.

2. It’s Expensive. You can spend over $5K just to get started. Then, you have to think about your ad budget and all the additional costs for tools and software that you will need.

3. Not The Best Alternative For Beginners. The risks are too big for beginners looking to start a profitable online business. If your venture fails, you will be left with a gaping hole in your pocket.

That’s why I think that there is a better and more cost-effective way to get started as a beginner.

On the next page, I will show you the simple system I’m using to bank up to $1K per SINGLE sale using other people’s products and services.

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